Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
all hail da sea godMurky is the best character in the game
holy fucking shit
all hail da sea godMurky is the best character in the game
holy fucking shit
Murky is the best character in the game
holy fucking shit
With Murky, comes lots of stupid teammate comments.
Probably not, the spawn point being so far up your own ass and having to waste 20-40 seconds walking it out is super obnoxious.kirblar is the Garden of Terror change going to bring it up from your least favorite map?
I'm not gonna say anything quite yet, but when I wake up every morning, I feel like going straight to the game to rek and shrek with Murky. Haven't felt this way in a while! Lvl 8 right now but gonna take a 2 day "break" because I'm heading to a 3 day gaming session with Souls-related games so I'll talk to all of you another day!
Murky is the best character in the game
holy fucking shit
I was recording and commentating at the time so I'll have it up on YouTube this week. Was fun to play against a well-known player.
Why aren't you streaming Soka? Or maybe you are and I missed it. You got dem skills and good knowledge and you (based on your posts) play heroes people like to see. /shrug
I usually play between 5 AM and 10 AM Central time which is so oddball that I just record and throw it onto YouTube. Also, I think I need more practice commentating while playing before I get into streaming. If you're bored as shit you can catch some of my games on my channel (YouTube.com/C/soupasokagaming).
P.S. I'll actually be available to play at normal hours this weekend if anyone wants to get a group going.
Very long term? It's likely inevitable.God the replay system is so atrocious. Any hope for a Dota 2 Reborn style engine recreation in the future or are we forever slaved to the limitations of SC2?
I feel like I'm pretty damn good at most of the heroes at this point, but I cannot figure out how to be an effective Sonya for the life of me. I die instantly to anything and everything so I can't actually do damage. Whats the trick here?
I was mistaken, I was wrongDid you think we were all trying to troll about how awesome he is earlier?
They're actually not going fast enough. They're on a 7 week cycle when they really want to be on a 6 week one w/ their current gold gain rates.i feel like they've been going pretty fast on the hero releases... like maybe too fast in some cases (rexxar).
Murky is the best character in the game
holy fucking shit
Boys, I said gat damn:
Gettin' dat Faker action in.
I can't imagine the money the Blizzard marketing machine could print with 1/10th of those viewers, let alone half.
So Blizz has a list of over 200 heroes for HotS lol. Not really surprising considering how much history they have to draw from but dang.
And it'll only take like 11 years to get them all out at the current pace.![]()
more like murky redefining god-tier. others getting downgraded to demigod.Yoshi finally played murky after a month or so?
Also anticipating yoshi putting murky in god tier
I think the America's Championship tourney showed that there's a lot of truth to that statement, actually. They were better apart than together.If the THH next week has a reddit question thread someone should ask what Cooby and Jake think of all the comments suggesting they are basically the same person.
Cause there's a lot of them and that has to hurt on some level.
I think the America's Championship tourney showed that there's a lot of truth to that statement, actually. They were better apart than together.
Kinda? It actually reduces the impact of a feeder since they'll be killed less often, thus giving less EXP.Wouldnt more impactful early kills be more snowbally
I like it tho, it'll make drafting a little more nuanced
PTR, would not be hitting until post-Blizzcon.wait so are these changes going to be implemented on monday? or is it just staying on the PTR?
could quite grasp the wording of it
wait so are these changes going to be implemented on monday? or is it just staying on the PTR?
could quite grasp the wording of it
They're pretty massive. Starting stats are way higher, with much smaller gaps between levels.I definitely like the changes I'm reading.
Nothing about this affects endgame.I fear this will drag out games even though reducing the snowball effect was needed. I hope someone keeps track of the length of matches on the PTR with these changes in effect.