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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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This games community is terrible. Why do people have to be so fucking awful to each other over a fucking video game?

I'm starting to think I should just stop playing them all together.

MOBA (and online gaming in general) lyfe. No real avoiding it happening on the web. Definitely far worse in Dota 2 or League from my experience though.

If you've just started or are in a lower bracket you're far more likely to see it because everyone thinks they are an expert and have figured it out and it's everyone else's fault they can't win/advance in rank. Like someone else said, not a bad idea to turn allied chat off if it really gets to you.
Blackscorp is still going by Liquid'Blackscorp on Twitch and Team Liquid just forfeited for ESL so it looks like it might just have been a whole lot of nothing after all.

Didn't check if anything changed for Roccat when they played today.

Ethernal: I think Breez leaving was a wakeup call. We started tryharding more, everyone started contributing more. We just started dedicating more energy and more time to the game. AlexTheProG is really good so we are really happy with him.
JayPL: We are lucky Breez left for Fnatic, we started playing better with Alex. I want to say thank you Breez.

poor Breez


This games community is terrible. Why do people have to be so fucking awful to each other over a fucking video game?

I'm starting to think I should just stop playing them all together.

They should show allied chat in the corner where it can be easily ignored (like they do in League). Instead they display it dead center of the screen. Sometimes I just play with allied chat off so I can relax and just have fun. I really don't want to read text while playing a game from random strangers :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well, that was a shit weekend :) at least got Murky to 10 - then ended up being soaked in my bubble of sadness. I hate myself, but wouldn't want in any other way..

Well, tomorrow is a new day, hopefully...


Well, that was a shit weekend :) at least got Murky to 10 - then ended up being soaked in my bubble of sadness. I hate myself, but wouldn't want in any other way..

Well, tomorrow is a new day, hopefully...



yeah as the #1 gaf sonya fan i like seeing her at the top of the list
i dont think a 5 sec shield should stick around but it's nice

surprised to see zera @ 2 but the meta has been hard for him for a while


You're not the #1 GAF Sonya fan breh. Dats Ketch.

You da #1 GAF Tassadar stan. Don't you forget it either. huehue

EDIT: Speaking of which, how are people running Tassadar now? Still with a real support? With Tyrande? What's this comp look like.


dam put in my place

havent played tass since ptr but:
tass works in any current comp, more leeching plasma value w/ autoattackers, very likely to have a good shrink ray target in this meta if u need that

run w/ healer is always best since healing is strong and a lot of ppl dont know what to do without one, I kind of expect his winrate in reg. matches to go up just from ppl trying to learn him after this tier list but I'm not holding my breath

but yeah strong 5 sec shield in meta where ppl just run into each other over and over again is prtty valuable, and he was already good to begin with

force wall is also amazing in this meta, ppl trying to learn tass should check dis shit out


He was my bae along with Lili in early Alpha (ie: the months after Lili was first introduced up til the artifacts debacle).

Never really had any success with him since whenever it was he had Archon and his damage initially nerfed when he just wrecked everything.

Might check him out for sure, though kinda nervous to solo queue as him still.


I like tass too! even the new tass is alright I guess... pretty bummed they gutted his damage... really sucks.

I want to try the full shield build, leeching shields and the one where the shield stays on at 50% after it expires. Just cast shields on everybody.... should be good right?

but fuck force wall.

but the thing is you still really need to play him as secondary support, and now that he does no damage it's even worse then it was before.


his damage is fine, ult change mainly made you able to choose between the two instead of defaulting to archon every time (which is mainly still what happens), which also usually involved taking e upgrades at 13/16 since archon draws aggro.

I don't like any of the shield upgrades besides the lifesteal one, both that and the d nerf makes choosing between the two pretty difficult too, but it's nice to have a weighty decision at that tier


I hopped into Hero League and ran 3 matches. I must say the quality of teammates has been very high. Everyone participates with objectives and at least gives it a good go. Felt very satisfying to win :)

Still trying to figure out good team comps. I guess as long as you have 1 support, 1 tank/warrior, and dps you're good to go? Seems like my most smooth matches went that way. Feels like such a relief playing this game. Was playing LoL previously. Was so stressful having to play the roles in the meta, etc, etc


Butcher should at least be t2 imo

yeah rehgar above bw is weird to me, probably just cause rehgar will always output higher numbers tho and that's still kind of important


it's so if you stomp the other team you can rate it 5 and if you got stomped or had an even game you can give it a low rating


I'll just leave this here...

Thrall, the Earth Fucker.

Context and all, but still. I laughed.

Every game where my teammates suck I vote 1 star.

I vote every game 1 star.

We cut now to live footage of Ketch interacting with his teammates post game:


EDIT: Rexxar may be the most fun hero to play in the game. If only I was more consistent with him. he's 2 spooky 4 me


Li Li gets worse the more organized the comp is.

She's an absolute monster if your opponent doesn't have burst and long range stuns tho.


Raynor tier 3???

Also Lili Tier 4, she's funnily overall 2nd highest winrate, highest winrate support and highest winrate hero overall gold and up. While being the most played support.
You'd think that'd be lower since she's the cheapest and supposedly easiest support.

Murky Tier 4 makes this a no fun allowed list.

It's not a solo q list, youll notice that all ranged dmg is tier 3 and under (while still getting picked up in basically every game) and that lili is very low on draft priority in all na games.


I guess this is obvious, but I'm surprised they do not have bans in Hero League. Got rather use being able to ban heroes in LoL. It's an interesting difference though. Havent played enough matches to complain yet ;)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Passion is dead

Everything is dead


It's pretty necessary, but i think they stated that they are having issues figuring out the ui

I'm pretty sure that was earlier in the process. Recently every time it's discussed it's simply been a numbers game, ie: they don't feel there are enough heroes for it to be viable for the non-competitive side of things.

Maybe there are still UI issues, I dunno, but I think the recent hesitation at this point stemmed mainly from the situation with supports (which they've addressed of late) so hopefully at Blizzcon they surprise us with "BANS ARE COMING TO HL GET HYPE GUISE".


Im getting it from a tweet from a week ago, dont have it on hand tho

Oh wait no that was about swapping, my bad

Obv hero league system should reflect comp. play system tho
It's not a solo q list, youll notice that all ranged dmg is tier 3 and under (while still getting picked up in basically every game) and that lili is very low on draft priority in all na games.

That makes more sense but whatfore is this list if not Hero League, next to no one plays Team League in NA judging by Hotslogs and I doubt many competitive teams need the guideline.


It's zunas opinion of top picks, ppl shouldnt use it as a guideline, same with the builds he chooses which are fine as a base but subject to change


Yeah his tier list and/or it's function has changed a bit over time. It used to be a lot more "what's the best, period" but now it seems it's something different. Then again, it's not like he's updating it near as frequently either.

I think the McIntyre tier list for solo play is a pretty good place to go if you're just looking for power level and game impact for us plebs.


Well theoretically comp tier lists should be whats best period, like that context is there, but in practice for most of the population the easier/strong the hero the better. Things like waveclear and raw numbers are important in 1v9 style play

Like mcintire's solo q list explicitly talks about how those picks are influential in a vacuum (lili still tier 3 iirc)


You could always group with gaffers

EU GAF not that often online.

And it's not just that I think, the game is pure MP and I have everything unlocked. I have little time to play it so I can't learn new heroes fast enough and don't want to play old heroes ad nauseam. I should just quit since this time could be used in games that actually end...

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
the game continues to click with me, and i finally have a real appreciation for the MOBA genre. there certainly is a learning curve but once you understand your role on the team and the general flow of a match it becomes easy to see why so many people enjoy the genre.

thanks to those suggesting the starter pack, i've found a lot of satisfying gameplay with Jaina, Sonya and Zagara. interested to give Zeratul a shot soon.

this does leave a support-sized hole in my roster, though. while i originally had fun playing as Li Li, i've become a little bored with her. i've got a decent amount of gold stacking up, so i may give Kharazim a shot.

You could always group with gaffers

is there a neogaf chat channel / battle net group or something?
EU GAF not that often online.

And it's not just that I think, the game is pure MP and I have everything unlocked. I have little time to play it so I can't learn new heroes fast enough and don't want to play old heroes ad nauseam. I should just quit since this time could be used in games that actually end...

I'm EU gaf too and not playing a lot recently, took a break for a couple weeks, but I'm still having fun. If you're not it's probably better to take a break if you ever decide to come back there should be a couple new heroes to unlock.

is there a neogaf chat channel / battle net group or something?

Type "/join NeoGaf" in the chat


Yeah, I don't really play much these days. Also a EU gaffer.

I think I just got really burned out. The fact solo queuing can be tedious doesn't really help either.


You guys should try smite, i like heroes better but smite is pretty fun and prtty refreshing, and there are 5 modes, w/ 1 being different every day. I like learning mobas tho


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
To EU GAF: Prepare for a huge change come Nov/Dec month

To the rest: if this game was a bit more optimized and I could take advantage of my new monitor, the passion might've been there. I still can't fathom how shit this game looks like on low and how I'm despite graphics quality not getting at least 150fps during 5v5s.
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