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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Whoever's announced as coming next for Heroes is likely going up on the PTR immediately following Blizzcon. (This should be a 6 week patch cycle due to Artanis coming early and the apparent delay to dodge EU finals interference.) Good timing.


KT's starting HP is 740 + 130 per level. So it's higher than his.

but only by 100 right?

can i just not math?

yea it's a big increase, I just don't know if it'll change much in the grand scheme of things. it's all relative you know.

if all that extra health is just one extra raynor right click well then


Wow a lot of people love the Coop AI mode. That queue is instant. Hero League is also quick. Quickmatch has the longest queues by far

And oh snap that guy with all his heroes at L10!! I cant get anyone to 9 :(

Wonder how many games it takes on a character to hit Level 10??? 50 at least? It seems awfully long too me.


qm has the most beautiful mind style algorithms floating around, but also includes the bonus scene where russel crowe says fuk it and gets drunk and passes out on the steps of the lecture hall


Wow a lot of people love the Coop AI mode. That queue is instant. Hero League is also quick. Quickmatch has the longest queues by far

Quick match has to deal with a lot of people playing the same roles (assassins) or same heroes (everyone on Medic when she released/everyone trying out the newly buffed tanks after the patch/etc), plus matchmaking via MMR. AI has no matchmaking or comp rules to worry about, and HL only deals with MMR and doesn't have to find 'x' class to fill a spot so it makes it a little easier.

Once you reach a certain threshold all of the PVP queues get pretty long though.

Venus Van Dam

Neo Member
Guys, a noob question: I want to spend my hard earned gold with viable heroes so I can enjoy HL soon, but I also would like to buy the ones I enjoy the most. As explained here, it's kind of a good practice to have at least 3 tanks and 3 support so one can make a reasonable draft. I'd like to know if a tanky hero means only a high HP hero, or if he has to have high HP and also to be a warrior. Anub'arak is an uncontested tank, but butcher could be considered one too, since he has 920 health but is an assassin?


dont worry about the classifications too much, azmodan has the most health in the game but is scared of everything
a tanky hero will usually have some sort of mitigation, mobility, or cc, and straddle the line between being ignorable and unignorable

top 3
muradin, leoric, johanna
uther, monk, tass
Who do you guys think is next?

They have three heroes that were confirmed to have been in development since forever ago: Gelbin, Zuljin, and Cho'Gall, and all three were shown in a past in-game dev screen shot that also showed Butcher/Leo/Joh prior to their release.

Those three probably got bumped back because of the LOTV co-marketing stuff and they quickly developed Medic and Artanis.

I would expect those 3 heroes to be revealed at Blizzcon, and perhaps a few other surprises such as Kelthuzad or Gul'dan.

But I definitely expect them to go back to Warcraft now haha


hopefully they rep at least 1 from each franchise plus the guy from blackthorne, I believe really heavily that some overwatch will be included too (not really an unsafe bet)

im kind of blizzarded out though, I feel like they could dig and find the perfect hero/gimmick to put into the game but I can't think of anything

would go nuts for tony hawk

maybe jaina's racist dad

Venus Van Dam

Neo Member
dont worry about the classifications too much, azmodan has the most health in the game but is scared of everything
a tanky hero will usually have some sort of mitigation, mobility, or cc, and straddle the line between being ignorable and unignorable

top 3
muradin, leoric, johanna
uther, monk, tass

Thanks man. Which means I'll have to play a lot more to get the feel of these archetypes. Well, I'll just chill out at the free rotation for a while


I can't wait for the addition of Overwatch characters honestly. They'll add much more diversity to the roster, the thought of a gorilla joining wizards, viking, aliens, space marines, and demons--that's crazy.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What's more surprising, someone did it...or that it wasn't Yoshichan first? C'mon Yoshi you slacker. You are letting GAF down! /s
Sorry :( I... stopped trying. I played like 10 hours a day for 2 months straight during the summer vacation. Now I only play when I'm in the mood and when I've got time. It's tough, but I'll make it (all 10's) soon enough!

Morales buffs looks great!


A hotfixed buff to medic was not what I was expecting - is my memory failing emor did they buff / nerf a character last time around in the mid cycle patch as well?

Do we know if anything is hitting Sonya as well?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Just give me a rogue, arcane Mage and Malthael.

Personally I'd like to see a Diablo II character. Maybe the Necromancer where you can call up all sorts of undead minions to attack and use poison and bone skills, or a Druid who can switch between being a tank (bear) or an assassin (werewolf) on the fly. A warlock from WoW would be cool too, where you place slow burning dots and drains on everything you can while your demon does all of the melee attacks.

They have so many possibilities for heroes in this game that it's going to be nigh impossible (or just very expensive) to ever own all of them.
Give me a Peasant / Worker specialist! Build temporary structures (mini-towers? temporary spawn-point "bases"? one-shot healing fountains?), "upgrade" my side's current forts and towers, etc.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i'm like 1-7 in my first outings in QM :/

oftentimes the players i'm with won't go to objectives, which sucks but i'm also not sure Li Li is the right move - i get stunned out of her ult way too easily for example. going to go back to the drawing board, get some more time with Jaina in co-op and try her out in QM.

I can't wait for the addition of Overwatch characters honestly. They'll add much more diversity to the roster, the thought of a gorilla joining wizards, viking, aliens, space marines, and demons--that's crazy.

winston and symettra will be dope af

Give me a Peasant / Worker specialist! Build temporary structures (mini-towers? temporary spawn-point "bases"? one-shot healing fountains?), "upgrade" my side's current forts and towers, etc.

zug zug


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Artanis out yet? On my way home

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
pumped to try out Malfurion as well as Artanis

need a warrior more fun than Sonya and a healer other than Li Li

i've heard Malf is a good cheap heal option - hope its true, as i want to spend the bulk on my gold on Johanna


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
inb4 Yoshi realizes no Artanis in EU til tomorrow and goes hulk



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
i've heard Malf is a good cheap heal option - hope its true, as i want to spend the bulk on my gold on Johanna

Malfurion is honestly my favorite support hero, with Rehgar a very close second. Although the monk is really good too, I haven't bought him yet but I probably will soon (already have him to 5). I've not played the Medic yet in a real match though, and she does seem interesting to play at least.

I generally like playing supports and specialists, more so than warriors and assassins for some reason.


Malfurion is very fun if played right. I personally use more of a damage build for him with healing ult. Strategically rooting people is key to taking my opponents apart.


i'm like 1-7 in my first outings in QM :/

oftentimes the players i'm with won't go to objectives, which sucks but i'm also not sure Li Li is the right move - i get stunned out of her ult way too easily for example. going to go back to the drawing board, get some more time with Jaina in co-op and try her out in QM.

Yes it can be rough. AI teaches new players very little about how the game is actually played when the enemy is 5 real people because the bots themselves often stop going to objectives or don't go as a team after the first one or two spawn. Not having that constant pressure often creates bad habits in my experience and a good bunch of players come into the actual PVP modes unprepared.



I'm sure there will be quite a few. Milly79 is
gonna stream him later too. Think McIntyre is doing a 24 hour stream for Artanis release.


I like tychus a lot, i hope they make his e more interesting

Actually i like his whole kit together and its pretty intuitive and synergistic already, im pretty interested in what changes would look like.


I like tychus a lot, i hope they make his e more interesting

Actually i like his whole kit together and its pretty intuitive and synergistic already, im pretty interested in what changes would look like.

He needs to be able to stutter step. His best build relies on him standing still. Impossible.

Until you get Nexus Frenzy and no one can out run you.


I havent played him in a while, still running q/tanky focused but maybe that's outdated, feel like the q slow is probably really valuable currently


Do any of you gaffers stream, if so could I get some links, would rather watch people we can interact with on gaf forums.

The only GAF person I know who streams is ZPs, but he was a streamer before he was a GAF AFAIK.

He's streaming right now. Doubt you'll be able to interact with him here though as he doesn't visit regularly.

He needs to be able to stutter step. His best build relies on him standing still. Impossible.

Until you get Nexus Frenzy and no one can out run you.

Yep. All the other AA built heroes can stutter and move. Tychus just has to stand in his spot and hope the enemy gets no closer and no further away.

Also where'd you see the buff talk?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
edit: nevermind. Troll on reddit... I think.


Escaping jail streams team league. And plays in amateur tournies.

They could increase his aa damage, they could reduce the damage and cool down on his Q, make it a 4 second CD like whirlwind. Or just bring the second life bar back on Odin.
Artanis looks incredibly fun. His heroics are basically: 1. 1v1 me? GG you lose. 2. Teamfight? Lol enjoy the silence.

Is it too late to get Artanis early if I preorder LotV today?
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