Loving Artanis so far, he needs team support and have to move a lot fo do his job. Kinda silly his heroic ray ability upgrade at 20 fix the main issue of the ray itselft to just stay there doing nothing when it kills a Hero.
His Q kinda push him to be offensive yet you can be killed since it doesnt give you extra armor or actives your overshield to survive a failed Q. You can active W while you are traveling which is kinda neat but bad since when you land Artanis just stay there and dont follow your previous target before Q
His W is pretty fun, extra armor, charge ability and reset his trait reminds me of the old zealots from SC, so far so good yet I would be better if Q resets his coldown to give him more sinergy on his kit
His E is kinda hard or maybe why, used wisely it can separate a key enemy from his team but putting Artanis to a pretty tight position since Artanis have no way to escape. I guess his E is where the advanced combos and baits will come from but I dont like it personally.
His Heroics abilities being global makes sense since he is kinda slow to follow his own heroic skills and Zeratul already have the charge heroic ability, you can soak lanes or merc camps and help your team in TF at the same time.
His dance is pretty awesome anyway
Being able to use a warrior without self heal, easy minion clear, solo lane mechanic and ignoring your team because you are able to take down anything by yourself is a relief for me, Artanis feels like a mixture of an Assasin with burst of damage if you left him move and a Warrior extra shields that can turn around the battle if you dont focus your damage on him.