After talking to a bunch of people and watching some streams with some pros and the like, it seems like a lot of people feel he slots into a "protect the x" kind of role but he can't actually deal enough damage to be the thing needing protection.
I saw McIntyre reference a comp of Artanis/Tassadar/Kharazim/Muradin/Jaina or Valla a time or three.
How would you build around Artanis ideally comp wise? I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around what he does that's better than someone else.
His Q feels like a worse version of Illidan's Sweeping Strike due to being unable to cancel it when you would like. His W ain't terrible, but it's kind of a meh ability - not really trying to compare it to something else. It serves it's function to reset his passive. His E often functions as a poor man's Stitches Hook. The 4 second Blind definitely has a place, but the Purifier ult feels pretty damn lackluster. Even with all of that bitching, his abliities still feel satisfying and fun to play with. It's pretty weird.
Why cant i buy artanis? EU
After talking to a bunch of people and watching some streams with some pros and the like, it seems like a lot of people feel he slots into a "protect the x" kind of role but he can't actually deal enough damage to be the thing needing protection.
I saw McIntyre reference a comp of Artanis/Tassadar/Kharazim/Muradin/Jaina or Valla a time or three.
How would you build around Artanis ideally comp wise? I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around what he does that's better than someone else.
His Q feels like a worse version of Illidan's Sweeping Strike due to being unable to cancel it when you would like. His W ain't terrible, but it's kind of a meh ability - not really trying to compare it to something else. It serves it's function to reset his passive. His E often functions as a poor man's Stitches Hook. The 4 second Blind definitely has a place, but the Purifier ult feels pretty damn lackluster. Even with all of that bitching, his abliities still feel satisfying and fun to play with. It's pretty weird.
I uploaded a video of Artanis clutch win with Purifier (the quad kill I talked about above)
Both got buffs in the last patch. Stitches as well, tho he's almost certainly going to be getting more due to his still-bad winrate in HL.I haven't really played much since the end of the butcher patch, but what the heck changed to bring Chen (and to a lesser extent Diablo) back into play? I remember feeling like Chen just wasn't worth picking.
I uploaded a video of Artanis clutch win with Purifier (the quad kill I talked about above)
Good fucking newsPotential mmr resets every 3 months
Good. That must be the decay method they were considering.Potential mmr resets every 3 months
Good. That must be the decay method they were considering.
This not being a 1v1 game puts a lot of very different demands on the matchmaker that make a straight up and down ladder system not very effective.Why couldn't they just set it up like it works in Starcraft 2 and Hearthstone? Where you have seasons and at the start of each season your rank resets and you do a couple of placement matches to figure out where you should go rank wise, and then you play from there trying to get the best rank you can. Why wouldn't that be a good solution for HotS?
B:Cloud 9
Team YL
Team DK
Natus Vincere
Brave Heart
Tempo Storm
Here's game 2:
I hope you didn't buy it yet, those streams are free.Can't wait to watch the Blizzcon tournament. This is the main reason why I'm buying the virtual ticket.
Just watched them both - what the hell was going on in the draft? Why was TS forcing abathur / Illidan comps? And Malf as your support for Illidan? Chen, whom they have never played before in a tournament?
Also, their play in game looked rope as hell.
Beginning to think they were deliberately throwing the game tbh.
I hope you didn't buy it yet, those streams are free.![]()
I uploaded a video of Artanis clutch win with Purifier (the quad kill I talked about above)
This not being a 1v1 game puts a lot of very different demands on the matchmaker that make a straight up and down ladder system not very effective.
Blizzcon Groups:
One serious issue they have is people with disparate MMRs queuing together. They need to implement something to address that- like LoL's +/- 1 league rule.I think it would be fine, but what they should really do is just show the actually damn MMR. The rank system is just arbitrary bullshit that people whip out as an excuse to be toxic when it's really a complete indicator of skill (it's just all we have). Just show the MMR, it'll please the people who actually care and probably do a lot to silence the scrubs who just wanna have big epeens.
It seems like some might be off the main stage cause of how small a window they have relative to the number of games they need. Dunno if there's two heroes streams tho. The big stuff def should be on cam either way.
One serious issue they have is people with disparate MMRs queuing together. They need to implement something to address that- like LoL's +/- 1 league rule.
Gold can only queue with Plat, Gold, or Silver. Bronze only with Bronze/Silver. Keeps ranges from getting too big.what's the +/- 1 rule?
I think +/- 500mmr is fine, and I think by not actually showing the internal blizzard MMR they exacerbate the issue from people thinking they're getting matched with unfair MMR ranges more often then they actually are.
I've definitely noticed that I get much more evenly matched games rank wise when I solo queue. In a solo queue game everyone tends to be within a few ranks of each other, but when I duo queue you get a much wider range of players.
She got a pretty decent HP buff yesterday.Just saw Bakery play Medic in Hero League on Grubby's stream, wasn't he pretty down on her?
The match was packed schwimpi + bakery vs AlexTheProG + Mene + Nurok
Awesome win! I am really liking Artanis a lot, got to level 6 last night, had 3 crazy comeback games in a row. One was on tomb of the spider queen, we were down level 11 to 15, they were pushing our keeps at 12 min... managed to destroy all 3 of our keeps before we even got their forts down. We somehow managed to comeback and win with some big pick offs. The level 20 talent allowing purifier beam to recast if its target dies is super good. I wish it kept up with its target a little better but alas. I enjoy his playstyle a lot and having global ults is really useful. Definitely helped my team a few times with that.
I do wish you could choose to not go backwards with your q (maybe be able to press q whenever you want mid charge in order to stop). Not sure how balanced it would be but he does feel like he lacks mobility. I also wish his e had slightly more range (and moved a little faster, it travels so slow), and that you could swap an enemy when you are behind the gate. Its weird since the game allows you do to the opposite (I can swap through an enemy gate) lol, learned that one the hard way.
Definitely a hero that needs some coordination with your team to set stuff up.
Lol they deserved that loss. Only Nova tried to actually move out of it but it was too late.
god damnit that abathur. the entire time watching that i'm just yelling at the video: "Shield the core!" seriously... no shield on the core. wtf
Holy shit THH.
Zoia said:The point of the conversation was that this could potentially be prevented. This situation doesnt happen often because when there are issues no matter the reason rosters can get changed. If you take any team in NA that went through roster changes whether it was play or personality conflicts and suddenly tell them they cant for 6 months well we would have a lot less of the current teams in NA. We dont see this situation ever happen because every team went through changes. Our situation was very unique and I feel like it needed to be brought up. There is no individual who is at fault, there is no single toxic child that is ruining everything, its just a standard situation of people not getting along. But when a player knows and admits himself this is not the right place for me but cant do anything about it....its just shit. That is why I brought it up so hopefully we can prevent this in the future, whether it is orgs changing format or team managers/players being more aware of what can happen. I think this info will help everyone.
Ah, I was just going off the written statement.Zoia said "half the team hates each other".
That sounds like more than just one dude wanting to quit gaming full time.