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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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gonna assume dread is a big part of this
off of limited info ofc since he's the only one who really streams, and streams dont show a lot at all

first time I watched him was him being passive aggressive to glaurung, where glaurung began shotcalling over him and dread clams up and does the silent treatment, eventually saying something like "if no one listens to me just let glau do it"

he's pretty passive aggressive on stream, in SEL he would mute his mic and talk about things his team was doing wrong (including TS teammates), say stuff like "arth will go ham here that's how he is" when arth didnt do anything like that, I remember him "teaching" his viewers that it was good to notice weaknesses in your teammates but not to bring it up to them and how it's just better that way (here he was explicitly referring to TS)

it sucks that they are all trapped in a house together, they would have been more successful if they didnt have to deal with each other 24/7

whoa this ts fan goes super in: https://twitter.com/TempoDread/status/657032403102253056


first time I watched him was him being passive aggressive to glaurung

I would say maybe he is a little passive aggressive. Seems that way anyway. And I'm sure he and Glaurung aren't BFF as Glaurung came into his team, took his job that he was doing while they were winning and then they started losing...and then after the strife, he took the job back and they went back to winning.

I dunno how he manages people since he's kind of the boss in being captain/shotcaller, maybe that's part of it. As a shotcaller he seems to be the best one that we have in NA, but that doesn't mean he's a good dude to hang with. Doesn't mean he's a bad dude either though.

it sucks that they are all trapped in a house together, they would have been more successful if they didnt have to deal with each other 24/7

I have no clue on this. A lot of those pros and shit swear by the gaming houses and the like. Seems like they really don't get out much and do anything else, though, which would definitely be a problem.

This guy. Props to him for wearing it on his sleeve.


I said gat damn.

Zoia's reddit post:

I mean...don't get me wrong, I get it...but really? C9 gets bodied - straight fucking destroyed - for ~4 months and pulls through, works through it. TS loses two or three tournaments and goes to shit? They didn't even lose that badly (Americas/WCA/THH Invitational). There was no talk about personality conflicts when they were winning, but then there never is. And 4 of them have been together for ages, so how does half the roster suddenly hate each other? I don't get it.

Pretty fucking pitiful if you ask me.

Ah well, long as Dread keeps playing IDGAF.

EDIT: Really, if it's so bad between them...why go through the sham of competing at Blizzcon? Let someone who deserves and wants to be there go. Retool your roster with the downtime before January.

MOBAs ruining friendships since 1998.

I think "fucking pitiful" is kind of harsh. I'd say it's pretty normal for a bunch of dudes of that age/disposition to get sick of each other after living together like that. If friends get pissed at each other over skype, you'd be crazy to think it wouldn't happen living in close quarters like that. However, it's not impossible for them to fix it before blizzcon... if they don't even try to do some team building/cohesion and actually forfeit from blizzcon then I'd say that's pretty fucking terrible and unprofessional. They still have a chance to get their shit right.

You gotta remember C9 doesn't live together... maybe it's because this exact reason.

I don't know if big teams in DOTA have team houses, I don't think they do, or at least I don't remember ever hearing about a team house in DOTA.

Honestly, I blame the team manager. He's got one fucking job. and you can argue that there's nothing you can do to force people to get along and perform, but that's total bullshit. Sports psychology is a real thing that's been used by professional organizations for a long ass time to predict, analyze and prevent this exact type of thing from happening.

and I honestly do think they can turn it around before blizzcon. As fast as their team dynamic changed to put them in this position, it can change back just as fast. It just takes the right kind of motivation.

You'll want to back out to Dread's timeline to get the full context on that DN tweet btw, its the last in a series of 4.

those tweets are corny as hell, but he's not wrong. It's obviously going to be super transparent and not actually useful coming from twitter, but for real Zoia needs to trick them into having a come to jesus moment like ASAP if they want to stand a chance. Maybe that's why he said what he said on THH (I haven't watched the whole thing).

@kirblar: I honestly have no idea how twitter works. can you explain what you mean? does it change the conversation they're having on twitter? I dont get it.
I would say maybe he is a little passive aggressive. Seems that way anyway. And I'm sure he and Glaurung aren't BFF as Glaurung came into his team, took his job that he was doing while they were winning and then they started losing...and then after the strife, he took the job back and they went back to winning.

I dunno how he manages people since he's kind of the boss in being captain/shotcaller, maybe that's part of it. As a shotcaller he seems to be the best one that we have in NA, but that doesn't mean he's a good dude to hang with.

I have no clue on this. A lot of those pros and shit swear by the gaming houses and the like. Seems like they really don't get out much and do anything else, though, which would definitely be a problem.

This guy. Props to him for wearing it on his sleeve.

Idk Wade seemed like a nice guy even if he gets passive aggressive he keeps it to himself in his streams, he doesn't flame and he's always helpful to the team even if they suck.
In SEL he took a laid back approach letting the other people handle most of it but I couldn't watch it much at the time so can't really talk about that.
The team used to work out together IIRC Dread would often stop streaming to go to the gym.

That fan feels a bit much.

Props to Zoia though for coming out like this, he hopefully vetted it with his superiors since if this catches on it could be seen as hurting the brand.


Team houses are totally fine (league has updated to having offices as well, separating work/home life), but one of the worst things is being trapped in a house with ppl you dont want to be around, i think its great that they identified the inherent problems they have, and noble that they dont just bounce and fuck over 4 other ppl, and im glad that they will probably gtfo of the situation after the tournament

Im not saying dread or anyone is a bad dood, just that from the little ive seen of ts/ts house ive seen dread be prtty passive aggressive, which will deteriorate things for sure

The context of dreads tweet is superfan going in and dread saying that fan support is really important and he appreciates it but he cant fix everything himself. Superfan is then like nah dawg check out these simple steps ive constructed just follow the plan dawg


Superfan is then like nah dawg check out these simple steps ive constructed just follow the plan dawg

psychology works bro.

not over twitter, or from a stranger.... but super fan's not wrong on how to fix the problem. TS just needs to actually want to fix it.

edit: Also, it just hit me how hilarious it is to have artosis on THH after having kicked shamtoo because they "have too many hosts".



Here's the full context, in chrono order-
They mean a lot. More than you know. I am doing everything I can to make us the best team possible. But, I don't control.. Everything or everyone. If we all felt the way you do, we would be the best team in the world. I don't have the power to...Makes us all feel that same way. I appreciate your words, no matter what know I am doing my very best.

My fans are the only reason I am still here.
Isolated that tweet makes him sound more burned-out than he is.


They seem like pretty impossible things in practice, especially for a group that doesnt want to interact with each other. Dude is definitely awesome though
Zoia added a couple lines to his reddit post

TempoZoia said:
Edit: The title makes it seem like players are trying to kill each other, there are constant screaming matches, or some other extreme nonsense and that isnt the case. Our situation is everyone realizes that this roster isn't what everyone wants. People know they would fit in better on other teams potentially or their personality doesn't really fit in with the rest. It has just led to a point of depression when you know you dont want to be here or whatever. We are not on the verge of collapsing or imploding its just everyone knows this isnt right.

and a follow up comment

TempoZoia said:
Let me try and explain my thought process on this. I'm not a psychiatrist but I think I can say that a few of my players are honestly depressed. They just are very very unhappy. In a situation like this I can empathize with them on how they feel, what they are going through, and how they are acting. Its just a really unhappy thing for some of them. If you take the statement "This player refuses to do x" alone it looks really bad. However if you add in knowing how they feel, the atmosphere of the house, how everyone else feels, you can understand and honestly I dont blame them for how they feel/act. If they were older/more mature and knew how to handle things like this it would be less acceptable. We however live in the middle of nowhere, half the team doesnt drive, and all we have is eachother as friends/companions. When two people just dont get a long and they really have nothing else can you honestly blame them for what they are doing/going through?

and another one

TempoZoia said:
It is too late for that in 2015 but thats why this was brought up was to change it for 2016 hopefully so no one else has this issue. We are playing at blizzcon and I can promise you that all 5 of my players are going to give it their all. Its just a really tough situation for them to be in they all agree.


Sucks for the game as this is the most recognizable team and brand we have for HOTS. Hopefully reydaddy keeps the team after whatever transformation it takes.

Also lol @ the reddit thread saying pick up Glaurung and Blackscorp. Talk about redundancy among two players, and then they cover a bit of Zuna's preferences as well. Plus you can't have Glaurung with Dread, and I'd rather have Dread if I'm building a team to win.



Here's the full context, in chrono order-

Isolated that tweet makes him sound more burned-out than he is.

thanks dude. I feel like twitter is unnecessarily convoluted somtimes. guess I'm just getting old.

They seem like pretty impossible things in practice, especially for a group that doesnt want to interact with each other. Dude is definitely awesome though

yea, it's not easy. but it's not impossible. there are tried and true methods that actually work tho... it's the difference between good coaches and great coaches.

but they do have a full time team manager tho... just sayin.


Wonder if all 5 will split apart like dragonballs or if ts will retain aspects of its roster/build around dread or something

Would love sports movie style story of reconciliation and victory

C9 is great as a face of the game, my fav team was c9 w/zuna for their drafting but their scrims and stuff were also really fun to watch (mg all the way now tho). TS was always kind of faceless to me, i started playing/watching right when ragtag c9 won blizzcon last year -> c9 dominance over supposed number 1 smg.


This is all just a ploy to squash Milly79's hopes of a C9 victory.

EDIT: So1dier streaming, answered someone and said that he's always told himself that if something happened with the team like he got kicked or it broke up or whatever that he'd attempt to find another team and keep going...so I guess we know it's not him wanting to quit. Dread's Twitter implies it's not him. Who is?
I haven't been able to find out anything specific about the TS situation, but it's pretty clear that their current lineup has phoned it in. Additionally, there's no way Reynad is going to do another team house after this experiment imploded on them. It helped them a lot in the beginning but it's clear that people's personal issues are difficult to navigate under a single roof in the middle of no where. Dreadnaught and So1dier have girlfriends that they probably rarely see, Zuna is a slob, Arthelon is KappaPride, and Zoia basically has to be their dad. It's like being in college all over again and fighting over the washer and dryer, fridge space, etc. except with people whom didn't get to evaluate each other's living habits ahead of time. Looking at it objectively I'm surprised it didn't implode sooner.

I would expect Dreadnaught and Kaeyoh to continue playing together. Zuna will probably go do something with his brother or just quit. The other two no idea.

Honestly with HotS and just team games in general (outside of League perhaps), you don't really need a team house for the sake of living in but instead you need to ability to bootcamp at the right times and make prime usage out of those bootcamps. That's why teams generally make team house investments. When the team for Game X needs to bootcamp for big tournament Y they go to the house. They don't live in the house for extended periods of time.

I'm certain that Reynad and Zoia have figured this out now and will either RIP the team house completely or keep it but only use it for bootcamps for all of their competitive teams.

Props to Zoia though for coming out like this, he hopefully vetted it with his superiors since if this catches on it could be seen as hurting the brand.

Reynad posted in that reddit thread; he and Zoia talk daily so I can't imagine this wasn't planned ahead of time


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I don't even know what you guys are talking about half of the time in this thread, LOL! Is this all about professional competitive HotS teams? I honestly just play the game in my spare time to have fun, so that's probably why the conversation loses me here a lot.

WRT to Artanis, I'm really liking him more than I expected to. He feels like an odd balance between tank and assassin. Some of his abilities are odd, but yet when used in certain ways they work very well. Gonna have to play him in more QM's to get more of a complete feel for him against humans, but in AI games he wrecks shit up!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
i am such a weak person


2 of the guys not having licenses made that a nightmare situation from the get go. You can't be having that in a suburban house.


Honestly if your an adult you should have a license. Car or not. Don't mean to cast judgement but the ability to drive if needed is too important.


How could you not have a license at that age?
My sister took forever to get hers cause the age in MD got pushed back and they don't do drivers ed in school there. In VA it was way easier for me and my bro since neither of those thihs were true there. She wasn't an outlier either, the whole system just fucked kids/parents over.
Honestly if your an adult you should have a license. Car or not. Don't mean to cast judgement but the ability to drive if needed is too important.

There are reasonable exceptions, namely people that never leave NYC. That's about the only exception though. Otherwise, yeah, it's weird for an adult in the US to not have a driver's license.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
my license has been expired for like 3 months and i only just found out because a bar wouldn't let me in



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yoshi you're a swell dude
yes, that's the impression i give people... friends, teachers and students always tell me these things like "your happiness is so contagious" and "how are you so happy all the time"...

but in reality, i'm sad... and weirdly enough, i feel lonely sometimes despite having 'friends' around me...
There are reasonable exceptions, namely people that never leave NYC. That's about the only exception though. Otherwise, yeah, it's weird for an adult in the US to not have a driver's license.

What if you travel to a region without a useable public transport system?

My sister took forever to get hers cause the age in MD got pushed back and they don't do drivers ed in school there. In VA it was way easier for me and my bro since neither of those thihs were true there. She wasn't an outlier either, the whole system just fucked kids/parents over.

I always heard it's ridiculously easy in the US to get a license. Afaik you don't even need to learn manual, not that manual is difficult.


yes, that's the impression i give people... friends, teachers and students always tell me these things like "your happiness is so contagious" and "how are you so happy all the time"...

but in reality, i'm sad... and weirdly enough, i feel lonely sometimes despite having 'friends' around me...

Nah that's not so weird

Whats weird is my top tier pun not getting acknowledged :mad:
LTTP been a LoL player who also played some DOTA 1/2.

Finally gonna give this a shot this weekend.
Try out a variety of heroes and give yourself ~25 games to really get a feel of the game and the flow. This is a very fast paced game with some matches ending in under 12 minutes.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
LTTP been a LoL player who also played some DOTA 1/2.

Finally gonna give this a shot this weekend.

dope - add me on bnet jonbones#1233 and we can noob it up

it's a great game

What if you travel to a region without a useable public transport system?

I always heard it's ridiculously easy in the US to get a license. Afaik you don't even need to learn manual, not that manual is difficult.

just get ubers everywhere, though last time i went to coachella i had to drive

i used to be an amazing driver, was a real gearhead... then i lived in nyc for 12 years and i'm terrible now


Really though that article says the esports division is going to sit alongside Activision and Blizzard as the third separate division under Activision Blizzard. That's huge and exciting for what 2016 may look like. I hope we hear more about those plans at BlizzCon.
Hallow's End event details



New Mount and Skin
Headless Horseman’s Charger Mount
Buccaneer Falstad Skin
Week-long Bonus XP Event
Starting at 10:00 a.m. PDT on October 27 and ending at 10:00 a.m. PST on November 3, games played that award XP will grant an additional 50% in all regions.
Jack-O'-Lantern Portrait
Play 25 games during the Hallow’s End event to earn the new “Jack-O’-Lantern” portrait.
This event will persist until November 17.
Event progress can be tracked through an Event Quest in your quest log.


Hallow's End Ultimate Bundle - $53.04 USD
Countess Kerrigan Skin
Skelethur Abathur Skin
Buccaneer Falstad Skin
Headless Horseman’s Charger Mount
Hallow's End Bundle - $21.35 USD
Buccaneer Falstad Skin
Headless Horseman’s Charger Mount

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
shame there's no sale on just Countess Kerrigan Skin, that shit is dope

although i thought she turns into a bat for her mount? didn't realize she could ride a horse


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Ok HotS peeps

How viable or not viable is playing a support?

If I like Sona and Soraka from LoL what should I go for here?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Ok HotS peeps

How viable or not viable is playing a support?

If I like Sona and Soraka from LoL what should I go for here?

i'm new, but a support is required for every team comp

it's a ton of fun, and i'm really enjoying being a healer in most games i play

not sure what sona or soraka are like - what's their general playstyle?


Ok HotS peeps

How viable or not viable is playing a support?

If I like Sona and Soraka from LoL what should I go for here?

You'll probably like Li Li. She's similar to Sona. Malfurion is similar to Soraka. Those are probably good places to start.

Brightwing is the free support this week. I personally like her but her support style is a bit different from those more traditional healers.

Both Li Li and Malfurion are only 2k gold, so it's pretty cheap and easy to get and try both.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Who do you play as?

coincidentally, Li Li & Malfurion:

You'll probably like Li Li. She's similar to Sona. Malfurion is similar to Soraka. Those are probably good places to start.

Brightwing is the free support this week. I personally like her but her support style is a bit different from those more traditional healers.

Both Li Li and Malfurion are only 2k gold, so it's pretty cheap and easy to get and try both.
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