Tried to wrap up a quest quickly this morning in an AI game. Actually met an AFK Abathur. Like for real. Someone on my team said he was AFKing the previous game too. We all agreed to report the shit out of him afterwards. What a douche.

Tried to wrap up a quest quickly this morning in an AI game. Actually met an AFK Abathur. Like for real. Someone on my team said he was AFKing the previous game too. We all agreed to report the shit out of him afterwards. What a douche.
Tried to wrap up a quest quickly this morning in an AI game. Actually met an AFK Abathur. Like for real. Someone on my team said he was AFKing the previous game too. We all agreed to report the shit out of him afterwards. What a douche.
Brand new player here, played a couple of vs AI matches (in my first ever MOBA) i see on the store the 'starter pack; is like 79% off and works out at like £3.99, is this worth it? required?
Wait, where's my SotC CE mount? Is it not enabled in EU yet?
I was in an AI game yesterday with what I like to affectionately call a Slapathur, or a melee Abathur. He was running around getting into team fights, actively capturing objectives (it was Cursed Hollow), and just generally having a hell of a good time. It was hilarious, of course we still won because it was an AI game, lol.
God I want to do this so badly.
Hey guys, I'm kinda ish new (Lies i have about three weeks playing) but neve rhave posted here. Damn I love this game, I mean coming from Dota 2, Smite, Strife and Gigantic , I'm not new to Moba's but this one really hits home. Love how its way more accessible yet still has a nice competitive side. And the multiple maps is what I always wanted in Moba's.
If anybody wants to add me as a friend so we can party my username is : Lightjolly
We will be adding a new bundle to the shop that includes the Heroes and skins chosen by the winning team during the final match of the championship.
Welcome, welcome. What region are you playing in? Have you taken a liking to any heroes? I'm still hoping for an ARAM map.
It was a fun one for me and Ketch. Bad news bears for everyone else, though. The Sonya didn't even really know to come to objectives, just kind of started following the herd.
It'd be like the equivalent of me and Ketch playing with actual pros...except at least we are at the point where we could understand what's going on, even if the skill gap is huge. These dudes didn't even all understand what was happening even before the skill gap.
Bah Butcher. It's like suicide in team battles.
first time i've seen it.
rexxar is legit. he fucks up a lot of heroes. just makes life difficult.
Reddit guide just got posted yesterday that said exactly this. Also: pick lamb. Korea does it all the time.Don't run in the middle of them! Play more like Zeratul and pick off stragglers. And if they're super clumpy, save your charge and just poke with hamstring until you have an opening. Commit too early and you're dead meat. I think he's super fun!
Reddit guide just got posted yesterday that said exactly this. Also: pick lamb. Korea does it all the time.
Easily worst team comp I have ever seen yesterday on the other team with Gaz, Nova, Zera, Abathur, and Sylvanas on Dragon Shrine.
as a very new player should I ideally be picking one hero and playing constantly with them to learn the hero rather than mixing it up and learning the "game"? Or does it not matter too much?
as a very new player should I ideally be picking one hero and playing constantly with them to learn the hero rather than mixing it up and learning the "game"? Or does it not matter too much?
as a very new player should I ideally be picking one hero and playing constantly with them to learn the hero rather than mixing it up and learning the "game"? Or does it not matter too much?
but my first game of the night had me booted from the pick screen and I got a leaver penalty for it. My internet didn't go down, so I'm not sure why it said I DCed...
It's cinnamon bun from adventure time + famous neogaffer ferga's yes face
So you want Murky but with Little Caesar's head
Always thought it was a potato
So when is Sonya going to get nerfed back to a state of being worthless? It'll make me so happy.
Were you being abusive
Oh have you been pmed by someone u dont know, ppl out there fukking with accounts