Omega Kirby
Anybody getting high latency and lag spikes? I didn't get them before but now I get a lot of it .
All that being said I still love HOTS. But I think Overwatch is on to a good thing and has a big edge over traditional MOBA
It's a mix kinda
<edit> ok not really, just some light elements I'm sure you get me
Finally uninstalled the game. See you guys when/if I get back some day.
Game seems plenty active too me. I never go to reddit. I just go read the hots official forum.
Hope you guys get into Overwatch beta though![]()
You guys being all doom and gloom aren't making new players really welcome.
You want to see a dead game?
So I got the code for the Heroes of the Storm: Kaijo Diablo Bundle with my new GPU. I don't play the game and have no interest to do so. Is it worth anything? Should I just give it away or what?
Made a push to rank 5, and then instantly got hit with trolls in every single game. Man its frustrating trying to rank up when your teammate last picks zeratul against a bruiser/ high health team, or a sgt hammer when there is no front line or reveal to protect her.
I have to sit it to the side for now. Doesn't help that I far outpaced my friends, they are stuck in the rank 25-30 range.
Oh boy Jake and Cooby are casting the first game at Blizzcon
Oh yeah and a while ago there was a thread that Khaldor should have been casting at Blizzcon on reddit and apparently he's a diva to work with. According to the comments at least.
Is OW even going to be a competitive game/e-sport? If it's drawing all these comparisons to TF2, I don't understand it. I haven't see any pro scene for TF2. Then again, I've hardly watched any OW (barely paid attention when mewn was streaming).
Definitely appears to not be F2P w/ XB1/PS4 versions on the way.I dont think he's trying to call it a moba. just that it's more interesting then a straight up FPS.
I agree with that. If it's F2P I'll definetly check it out.
But it doesn't have levels, talents, lanes, minions nor structures
They could do a cheap boxed version, like $30. and then charge for cosmetics like skins/taunts/HUDs
There's just no way it's f2p if they're doing boxed copies for console because the cost of manufacturing and getting it out to retail is enormous.
They could do a cheap boxed version, like $30. and then charge for cosmetics like skins/taunts/HUDs
They certainly could, but the game is now in Beta and we haven't seen a single cosmetic/skin yet. That's not to say they won't exist, but HotS had them by the Alpha, and we're already in Beta with Overwatch and no sign of them.
Either way, I'm sure we'll know a lot more after Blizzcon.
An internal currency by the name of Brill Bucks is present in the client.
It looks like Overwatch has several unlockable items.
Unlock Spray
Unlock Skin Theme
Unlock Play of the Game
Unlock Portrait Frame
Unlock Master Weapon.
Unlock Нero Trophy
Unlock Avatar Portrait
Unlock List.
Unlocked by default
Hero Customization
Customize Locked Item
Customize Play of the Game Animation
Customize Skin Theme
Customize Skin
Customize Spray Item
Customize Preview Item
You mean "Overwatch: Origins Edition", not Overwatch.
They let you download it for free or sell you a bundle of f2p goods for $60 at retail.well yea... but that's just $15 instead of 30. And there's no disks. and the console market at retail dwarfs pc.
I'll revise my statement though:
They could do a cheap boxed version for like $15 if they don't manufacture disks. and then charge for heroes and cosmetics like skins/taunts/HUDs
I don't see how a disk based f2p game can work for console because the cost of manufacturing and getting it out to retail is enormous.