And Wednesday you'll be even happier as its Cho'gall day!
They are in EU. They almost always get shafted and get new heroes/patches a day later.
Presumably Towers of Doom next week, and Greymane one or two weeks after.
the dream is to get a green card and become first class soldierYep, me and Yoshi are second class citizens for Blizzard.
Yep, me and Yoshi are second class citizens for Blizzard.
the dream is to get a green card and become first class soldier
edit: i mean citizen
Double post - is there currently a bot for Hammer going around or something? I've been grinding AI matches quickly just to finish the hallows end quest (haven't had much time this week), and I've noticed a couple of Hammer players who are clearly botting. Not only do they not respond to messages, solo lane the entire game, but even when the entire team is on the core they prioritise earlier structures on the map instead.
I loathe free Hammer weeks in general to be honest - so many people think that just because she *can* kill a tower solo, that's what she is for. Not only is it a tactic that very rarely works, it also makes the game unfun for everyone else as you're always outnumbered.
Blizzard should just give me Cho'gall for free since they'll release it on my birthday in EU.
Presumably Towers of Doom next week, and Greymane one or two weeks after.
Double post and all but..
Gold Series Hero League is live. No C9 today, but you can watch it with Chinese casters via this link I grabbed from Solidjake.
It appears it will be streamed (possibly in English) again tomorrow on Twitch via this Netease Blizzard Twitch account.
I'd give you the Cho'Gall virus but you're an EU pleb and I'm just a flag wavin' 'murican.![]()
Well I certainly wouldn't say no to my HL mmr being boosted to my QM's level.I'd rather they moved me up 200 points in MMR for my birthday because there's no climbing out of this hole with their current system
Maybe if I play nothing but Muradin or Uther for a month
The entire sponsor blew up, right?Team DK got dropped by their sponsor.
The entire sponsor blew up, right?
Korea is so into LoL it's hard for any other MOBA to gain traction there. Even Dota 2 can't really attract a major sponsor; I think MVP is still the only KeSPA team.Those Korean sponsors are just GTFOing the HOTS scene looks like. At this rate NA and EU won't have to worry about Korea next year. A bit hyperbolic, sure, but it definitely seems like they aren't very interested.
I think even with the party feature the experience will likely be so bad for others due to bad laning combinations and being outnumbered in bodies that we'll still refer to him as Troll'Gall. Sort of like what we see with Abathur. The few good Abby's suffer due to the plethora of bad Abby's or decent Abby's paired with terrible comps in QM.
Thankfully they changed the early snowball experience before he came in (and partially because of him from what kirblar said).
Cho for the innovative idea > restI gotta admit I'm pretty damn hype for the next 3 heroes coming out. Sure, it was my first Blizzcon announcement, but they absolutely killed it.
Lunara > Cho'gall > Greymane
So yesterday I introduced a LOL player (13/F) to the game. At the end of the session, I was asked the following question:
Does the game announce your kills?
She was very disappointed that they were grouped together when the message popped up.
I believe the survey guys now.
cant wait to copy abathur in arena
Is it possible to stay competitive in this game without buying packs with real cash now?
I remember getting absolutely destroyed against players with massively diverse decks of high-end cards.