So what changes did rehgar get? He was amazing before I took a break but I haven't played him yet since.
He was my favorite support back then![]()
At least we have monk now
i didnt expect so much dmg monk and medic, i hope other regions use it too
It does feel like the competitive is quickly narrowing down the effective heroes and strategies. Falstad, Muradin and ETC have been in like every game. While quite a large amount of heroes have been neglected almost entirely.
While we're on it, Rehgar needs a makeover, he hasn't been picked once. He's really just a healbot w/ zero utility.
Blizzcon had a ton of diversity. That was on the previous patch before all the changes.I disagree. I think a lot of heroes have seen use betwen this series and the Blizzcon. If you look at blizzcon list only a few heroes saw no play (like Nazebo)
someone posted the link a few pages back
I disagree. I think a lot of heroes have seen use betwen this series and the Blizzcon. If you look at blizzcon list only a few heroes saw no play (like Nazebo)
someone posted the link a few pages back
Blizzcon had a ton of diversity. That was on the previous patch before all the changes.
This patch has not, at least not in EU.
It does feel like the competitive is quickly narrowing down the effective heroes and strategies. Falstad, Muradin and ETC have been in like every game. While quite a large amount of heroes have been neglected almost entirely.
While we're on it, Rehgar needs a makeover, he hasn't been picked once. He's really just a healbot w/ zero utility.
that's sort of a running joke from the terrible IGN review. comebacks can and do happen oftenI've noticed some posts about a lack of "Comeback Mechanic" but isn't that getting more xp for killing a higher level hero? or does that not happen. Cuz in my experiences comeback mechanics is kind of what ruined dota for me so I don't really understand the need for a comeback crutch
I've noticed some posts about a lack of "Comeback Mechanic" but isn't that getting more xp for killing a higher level hero? or does that not happen. Cuz in my experiences comeback mechanics is kind of what ruined dota for me so I don't really understand the need for a comeback crutch
that's sort of a running joke from the terrible IGN review. comebacks can and do happen often
i dont agree -- EU teams clearly had no idea how this new patch works going into Dreamhack (they pretty much all admitted so) and thus drafted relatively conservatively. However, only 12 heroes didn't see play (if I counted correctly; counting Chogall as one hero) which is an insanely good number given that a patch was just a few days ago.
The scaling adjustments inadvertently created new god-tier heroes that they will have to fix (Tyrande and Kael'Thas) but overall the patch has improved the game and I'm guessing will eventually lead to more diversity in hero choices.
I agree on Rehgar but not because he didn't get picked at Dreamhack (he gets picked in China a lot), but rather because his design is a total disaster and has been ever since his talent rework. Kael'Thas was picked every game but needs a rework for the same reason. Terribly designed hero.
Wait the rehgar changes are old as fuck right?
that was only true for half the field at best, while there were some major shakeups some of the teams have been together since Blizzcon and had more than ample time to come up with new strategies. The number of heroes not picked is relatively small but the number of heroes only picked once or twice should be fairly large.
Yeah, it does feel like the field simply didn't understand the patch, so were all relying on the same few things.
Also, have to say TL outdrafted TD repeaedly - they have clearly figured out that Bakery's support role is one of the lynch pins of that team, and were boxing him out of options in all the drafts bar the first. TD need to get used to drafting Kharazim earlier in the draft if Bakery is that important to have on him.
yep exactly. Lowell had the balls to run Thrall, but even the rest of Teamliquid didn't really know how to play well with that hero because he's been so out of the picture for so long. So many Sunderings were wasted or used awkwardly. But strangely they still won games with him, as teams didn't know how to play best against him just as much as Liquid didn't know how to best utilize him. overall most teams weren't willing to take risks unless they were forced to by the draft
Yeah, it does feel like the field simply didn't understand the patch, so were all relying on the same few things.
Also, have to say TL outdrafted TD repeaedly - they have clearly figured out that Bakery's support role is one of the lynch pins of that team, and were boxing him out of options in all the drafts bar the first. TD need to get used to drafting Kharazim earlier in the draft if Bakery is that important to have on him.
even those teams only had a week on the new patch. I don't think it was about the roster swaps, it was about simply not understanding the patch.
Most people figured out Kaelthas and Tyrande are god tier, and that ETC's early game is good, and that the early game matters a lot, but beyond that they had no idea who is actually good. Sylvanas not being picked the first half of day 1 by anybody then going to 100% pick/ban by day 2 demonstrates that pretty obviously
yep exactly. Lowell had the balls to run Thrall, but even the rest of Teamliquid didn't really know how to play well with that hero because he's been so out of the picture for so long. So many Sunderings were wasted or used awkwardly. But strangely they still won games with him, as teams didn't know how to play best against him just as much as Liquid didn't know how to best utilize him. overall most teams weren't willing to take risks unless they were forced to by the draft
i dont agree -- EU teams clearly had no idea how this new patch works going into Dreamhack (they pretty much all admitted so) and thus drafted relatively conservatively. However, only 12 heroes didn't see play (if I counted correctly; counting Chogall as one hero) which is an insanely good number given that a patch was just a few days ago.
The scaling adjustments inadvertently created new god-tier heroes that they will have to fix (Tyrande and Kael'Thas) but overall the patch has improved the game and I'm guessing will eventually lead to more diversity in hero choices. said:Most Played:
Kael’thas: 34/36 Games
E.T.C.: 28/36 Games
Falstad: 28/36 Games
Most bans:
tyrande tassadar abathur
Tyrande: 26/36
Tassadar: 16/36
Abathur: 15/36
Highest Winrate*:
Thrall: 71,43%
Jaina: 70,00%
E.T.C.: 64,29%
Lowest Winrate*:
Malfurion: 16,67%
Raynor: 30,77%
Tyrael: 33,33%
*Es wurden nur Helden mit mehr als 5 Picks berücksichtigt (only heroes w/ more than 5 picks taken into account)
Gespielte Helden: 33 von 44 (played heroes)
Nicht gespielte Helden: Artanis, Azmodan, Cho’Gall, Gazlowe, Li Li, Murky, Nazeebo, Rehgar, Sgt. Hammer, Tychus, Zeratul (heroes that weren't played at all)
Malf always seems like a bad healer too me not surprised he has awful win rate @ pro level
Malf always seems like a bad healer too me not surprised he has awful win rate @ pro level
Malf always seems like a bad healer too me not surprised he has awful win rate @ pro level
I view Malfurion as a worse Tyrande. He has a root instead of a stun (which isn't as good) and his heal is over time instead of at once (which isn't as good). His Tranquility also only heals people in the near area while Tyrande's ult hits all heroes on the map and stealths them.
I don't know why anyone who plays Malfurion doesn't just play Tyrande...she also has the hawk which is great.
And I say all this not even thinking Tyrande is the best healer. I honestly think just about all of them are stronger than Malfurion. Rehgar, Morales, Kharazim, Li Li, Uther. They're all great. I think Brightwing can be pretty good in the right hands too.
The changes to Tass/Tyrande were clearly a huge net negative for the game, I wonder how long it'll take for them to actually roll them back and fix the real issue (they just need to be excluded from the "support" rule in QM.)
But the issue is that they turned them into healers because of QM matchmaking. And ONLY because of QM matchmaking. Not because it was actually what the character designs warranted. This instead of the easy fix of treating them as Assassins or Specialists when it comes to team comps.I mean there are heroes this applies to in all categories. Like Abathur and Vikings are very different "Specialists" than the rest. Sonya and Artanis aren't really as bulky as the rest of the "Warriors". Zeratul and Nova fill a different role from the other "Assassin" types.
But the issue is that they turned them into healers because of QM matchmaking. And ONLY because of QM matchmaking. Not because it was actually what the character designs warranted. This instead of the easy fix of treating them as Assassins or Specialists when it comes to team comps.
I was always told malf was op cuz of innervate you just a walking moonwell, but I guess I was mistaken.
They are definitely supports, but making them healers was the most asinine ass-backwards way of fixing the support QM problem possible.Tyrande and Tassadar are both definitely support rather than Asassin or Specialist. Classifying them as one of those would be a mistake. The real problem is that matchmaking only takes into account the four hero types. They need to fix matchmaking so that it looks at each hero specifically and realize what each can bring to a team rather than just those four base types. There's too much variation to not acknowledge it.
I still don't see Tassadar as a healer at all, so I don't know how he was turned into one...but he's absolutely a support.
Malf is actually better in QM than 5v5- like Li Li he's hard to play against when uncoordinated.