Milly79's mortal enemy. He messaged me this morning saying he tuned into Dreamhack only to see Tod's Milan Lucic face and turn it back off lol
Teams are sponsored to wear or use certain gear such as headsets, but in LAN tournaments you generally have to use the headset provided by the organiser. So that's why they usually have two on at the same time.
Damage monk can actually wreck some people, but every time I do it I just miss my free heals even while winning.
All the Falstad play makes me sad cause I haven't seen anything similar or even moderately worth taking him over the "standard" assassins in our actual QM or my solo HL games. Feels like the coordination is just too necessary still.
feels like he's mainly picked for gust atm
I've only seen Falstad get picked once in HL and he was very handy. The ability to suddenly fly in to the middle of battle with his Z is great alone
feels like he's mainly picked for gust atm
Played my first couple rounds of this game! Went ahead and just bought a Sylvanas because of the 50% off sale. Not entirely sure what I'm doing in the game, but I still haven't lost a game yet, so... guess we'll see.
The game's pretty fun so far though.
i wasted 10k coins on zeratul a day b4 the new scaling changes and now he's unplayably bad for somebody of my noobnessshould have bought Kharazim or something
Pretty sure Blizzard's reaction to you blind purchasing Zeratul was this
yeah dude i read some tier list and i remembered playing him in beta was fun
Turns out the list was about to be dated...
you might be able to get a refund, just raise a fuss in a support ticket.
New PC + 750 GTX TI (OC) = 60-90 FPS on max settings. Only drops below cause of lag.
This is so sweet.
The answer to "how to make HOTS play better" seems to simply be "Buy a new pc"
Nah I paid with coins not money, it's really not that big of a deal lol.
New PC + 750 GTX TI (OC) = 60-90 FPS on max settings. Only drops below cause of lag.
This is so sweet.
The answer to "how to make HOTS play better" seems to simply be "Buy a new pc"
Maybe the jaina nerf was significant, but thatd be weird since she has good lvl 1 options
Grubby mentioned an interesting combo yesterday of Stim Drone + Avatar for chain stuns
RIP Dignitas.
Should've kept BW on that temple. And I just meant for the game. Pretty bad overextension. You could tell it wasn't gonna work from the moment the gust came out.