No one, it's just not really fun to watch them like this.
Did complexity and cognitive even have any roster changes in the last couple months? It was never like those teams just had something to overcome like C9 to rule they just reached their ceiling at a comparatively lower level. Cog and Col might have improved had they snatched up any of the TS departures.
if there's just not enough fresh blood out there we're back to no ladder and not enough Hero League players at a high level.
Complexity and Cog have both had changes the last few months. Complexity was a firm #3 going into the second NA qualifier for Blizzcon when McIntyre quit/got kicked and he was their shotcaller (fairly certain it was like the day before the second one). Cog added Glaurung around the same time Zuna joined Tempo, and then they had another person (Shot I believe) leave near the Americas Championship and had to play with their backup guy whom was a downgrade.
Cog is just a one trick pony and refuses to try to make anything work but Glaurung's pocket melee picks. If you notice on Rob Boss, McIntyre is playing a variety of heroes now instead of the pocket melee picks he relied on with Complexity (that also held them back IMO).
Mac learned the lesson, Glaurung doesn't seem interested in doing so.
So, how's Murky in QM? Thinking about buying him with mah gold.
Murky is absolutely amazing for solo QM. Even when games suck you can do your own thing and have fun. He's one of the most fun heroes in the game.
I'd get him in the sale with the Funny Bunny or Grunty skin if it were me though.