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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Those teams were never going to get Zuna or Arth, those two had their own plans. trust me the shadiness and intermingling of players and teams that goes on behind the scenes would make u shit ur pants. just look at the whole Schwimpi/Dignitas ordeal. only in NA I think its about to go way beyond that. Lol

So what kinda shady shit we talking bout here? Give us those deets Turd.

Tell us who the biggest shitheads in professional HOTS are.


Murky is absolutely amazing for solo QM. Even when games suck you can do your own thing and have fun. He's one of the most fun heroes in the game.

I'd get him in the sale with the Funny Bunny or Grunty skin if it were me though.

Cool, going to try him out tomorrow. I actually like the normal Murky skin the most. Funny Bunny is neat but not something I'd pay money for. What's a good noob build for him?


Take the bubble talents. Maybe not the one at level one, but the ones at 13 and 16 are the best way to learn with him. Seems to be the best way to play with him period right now, really. He used to be played fully offensively after his buff, but that's fell off in favor of the bubble stuff.

Octograb is almost always the best option for an ult. Odds are you either (A) don't play at a high enough level where cleanse is used regularly or (B) if you do have it used on you, next time just octo the healer. Problem solved.

It's typically

1) Block
4) Living the Dream normally or Bigger Slime if you are against hard counters to Murky and know you will die a lot
7) Compressed Air/Slime Advantage
10) Octograb
13) Bubble Machine/Wrath of Cod
16) Rejuvenating Bubble/Slimy Pufferfish
20) ...And A Shark Too!/Rewind

Just be as annoying as you can, place your egg aggressively (and don't forget to move it throughout), and most of all don't relentlessly feed just cause you can. Try to get some value for each .25 death you give up.


Bigger Slime
Slime Advantage/Hindering Slime (and Compressed Air to some extent) - That tier is really good
Bubble Machine
Rejuv Bubble
And A Shark/Rewind (depends)

Def the way to go. I used to always play the W build and never did well, but after I changed to a more Q and E style my winrate shot up.


I often wind up altering my talent choices for Murky based on how well I'm doing in combat situations. If you are being focused heavily in fights, bubble talents are the way to go, otherwise I like the aggressive burst damage builds (which can often catch people completely off guard as they are used to dealing with bubble builds).

This is my usual build picks:

1: Block (maybe Bribe if the map warrants it and the enemy team is a comp light on right-click)
4: Living the Dream if I'm having an easy time staying alive, Envenom if not.
7: Slime Advantage (rarely Clarivoyance if the enemy team has Nova + Zeratul)
10: Octo-grab
13: Continuous Slime if I'm surviving well, Bubble Machine if I'm being focused.
16: Rejuvenating Bubble (rarely Blood for Blood, if I'm going hyper-aggressive, but I think this isn't worth it most of the time now due to the nerf.)
20: Rewind, or Shark if my team is having issues finishing targets I Octo-Grab.
coL kicked Blinks because he's just generally kind of bad, and apparently they will be playing with Sheth in China, but that isn't permanent

COG kicked Shot and replaced him with ivslime (temporarily) and then Syracuse, but that lineup is really underperforming right now. but they too are going to China.

Those teams were never going to get Zuna or Arth, those two had their own plans. trust me the shadiness and intermingling of players and teams that goes on behind the scenes would make u shit ur pants. just look at the whole Schwimpi/Dignitas ordeal. only in NA I think its about to go way beyond that. Lol

Haven't payed much attention to those teams, but one of them used to run the weirdest strategies which was fun to watch.

Out of curiosity do you know if there an influx of new talent?


Friends don't let friends play Murky.

(Ignore me, I'm just on a campaign to get him removed from the game as facing him is pure unfun condensed into electronic form! ;-) )


Friends don't let friends play Murky.

(Ignore me, I'm just on a campaign to get him removed from the game as facing him is pure unfun condensed into electronic form! ;-) )

Oh I understand, he is incredibly annoying to play against but it also looks like a lot of fun if you're on the other end.

I just looked at this guide and a couple of the guy's videos and I think that was pretty helpful as well. He makes Murky look as annoying as he could possibly be and I kind of feel sorry for the guys that lose a 1v1 against him.

Anyway I still really like this game and I was scoffing at the thought of playing a MOBA about three months ago. Thread has been a lot of fun (aside from the reminders that I'm not worthy to play Overwatch yet) even if I lurk most of the time because I'm not on the same level as the regulars in here. Keep it up guys.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dont be hating on Markay
g2 Esports said:

Fuck ETC winrate despite being picked so often.


You could say that ETC... (•_•)

...brings the mega death ( •_•)>⌐■-■

LOL I don't know how to do that stuff Familie. I'm too old. Will edit doe thx.

Google Fu, I just typed in "puts on sunglasses ascii" and then copy pasta'd

Tassadar, ETC, Kael, and Tyrande were all picked or banned for every match I believe.

Yeah but the disparity between them is insane. Tassadar is 2nd most banned at 16 times banned and 20 times played for 100% involvement as well. EU teams just really didn't want to deal with tyrande.


Oh I understand, he is incredibly annoying to play against but it also looks like a lot of fun if you're on the other end.

I just looked at this guide and a couple of the guy's videos and I think that was pretty helpful as well. He makes Murky look as annoying as he could possibly be and I kind of feel sorry for the guys that lose a 1v1 against him.

Anyway I still really like this game and I was scoffing at the thought of playing a MOBA about three months ago. Thread has been a lot of fun (aside from the reminders that I'm not worthy to play Overwatch yet) even if I lurk most of the time because I'm not on the same level as the regulars in here. Keep it up guys.

Envenom I can understand... but Bubble heal is so much more trolly than B4B. Those are both 60s CDs, kind of defeats the purpose. And how often are you going to be 1v1ing anyone at that stage of the game?


Google Fu, I just typed in "puts on sunglasses ascii" and then copy pasta'd


wat is google

Anyway I still really like this game and I was scoffing at the thought of playing a MOBA about three months ago. Thread has been a lot of fun (aside from the reminders that I'm not worthy to play Overwatch yet) even if I lurk most of the time because I'm not on the same level as the regulars in here. Keep it up guys.

I think a lot of us were the same Altairre. I didn't touch one with a ten foot pole til I got into HOTS alpha spring before last...and now I've tried all of the big ones + Vainglory. Gateway drug!

And I'd bet unless you are just relentlessly feeding into towers you aren't far from the average skill level around here based on HOTSlogs. As our dearly departed and soon to return hero of the people Ketch loves to say, "no one here is going pro".


I kind of wish I could get an account locked into 1700-2000ish MMR and just troll new players with Murky 4 or 5 games a day.

I'm a terrible person.


Well (thankfully) the MMR hell conundrum goes both ways. Not only is it a real effort to go up once you're locked in...it's also a hell of an effort to go down. Would have to lose like 70-80 games in a row bare minimum...that'd take some doing.

I do have an account that is 2300 QM/3100 HL. Could troll with him on that one I guess. Milly79 kind of took him away from me when we play together though. He saw the light.


Milly79 kind of took him away from me when we play together though. He saw the light.

Eh, it was only for a bit. Aside from when I went HAM getting KT to 20, I only play a few heroes for more than 2? games at a time. He's been free for a while, breh!

but you're too good at support, so you're kinda stuck with that :p


I do have an account that is 2300 QM/3100 HL. Could troll with him on that one I guess.


Just force Milly back to Nova. Nothing is better than an enemy getting all aggressive on a lil ol murky only to be octograbed and eat a puffer + triple tap combo anyway.


Envenom I can understand... but Bubble heal is so much more trolly than B4B. Those are both 60s CDs, kind of defeats the purpose. And how often are you going to be 1v1ing anyone at that stage of the game?

So I watched a decent amount of his videos and he doesn't only use B4B in 1v1 situations but also in teamfights to burst down heroes on the backline more quickly. That being said he does catch some people 1v1 even at later stages of the game. His arguments against bubble heal seems to be that once he kills his target it doesn't matter if he dies and if he's near a minion wave he can always use an orb to heal up. From what I can see envenom is kind of the mvp of his build though, at least early game. He gets so many kills in lane because most people apparently underestimate or don't expect envenom on a Murky.

I think a lot of us were the same Altairre. I didn't touch one with a ten foot pole til I got into HOTS alpha spring before last...and now I've tried all of the big ones + Vainglory. Gateway drug!

And I'd bet unless you are just relentlessly feeding into towers you aren't far from the average skill level around here based on HOTSlogs. As our dearly departed and soon to return hero of the people Ketch loves to say, "no one here is going pro".

Ha, thanks for the encouragement but I recognize that my play is quite lacking in a lot of areas even if I know what to do in theory because I watch a ton of hots videos. Trying to learn support (Kharazim mostly and a couple of Uther and Tyande matches) made me realize how bad I am at coordinating multiple things in teamfights. If I focus on landing stuns and positioning I forget to heal, if I focus on healing my positioning is bad and I miss stuns in important moments. Especially with the additional cooldowns Uther has, it is really difficult for me to do the right things at the right time. I feel more comfortable with assassins and tanks (almost got my Kerrigan master skin) but even then I tend to tunnelvision and go in too deep when I really shouldn't. Game's fun but it's hard.


That one win i had was like "why dont you play some more nova...looks like you're getting the hang of it...", but nope

This same thing happens to me every time I want to play Tassadar. It also has happened recently with Cho'Gall.

"Look how easy that was, you're awesome, do it again ole chap!" And then:

Haven't payed much attention to those teams, but one of them used to run the weirdest strategies which was fun to watch.

Out of curiosity do you know if there an influx of new talent?

Team Blaze is performing well, and Panda Global just signed Kappa Wolves. So there is definitely some new talent (I think Blaze can be pretty good if they stick with it) but I can't think of any new players that suddenly are elite or anything.


Simple solution to the Tassadar/Tyrande thing- make her an assassin and him a specialist until you fix your QM issues and/or implement dual roles.
Been trying out Tyrande recently.

Feels weird, but I like it. Landing stuns on 3 people behind a gate while healing someone and shooting someone else on the other side of the map makes it easy to pretend you actually know what you're doing

Gotten my MMR up almost 200 points since the scaling changes. Can't really explain it. I'm almost average again!


I've been getting awful awful matchmaking in qm, probably my mmr is in the gutter. this last one with Nova, Murky and Abathur all on our team on cursed hollow was just really hopeless, we had no hope of any team fights. soo I just quit...

Leavers q? whatever, it can't be worse....

wow it was AMAZING. 35min awesome game on both sides, sensible team composition too. All players were pretty good. Leavers think alike? I guess so. leaver q for life.


Been trying out Tyrande recently.

Feels weird, but I like it. Landing stuns on 3 people behind a gate while healing someone and shooting someone else on the other side of the map makes it easy to pretend you actually know what you're doing

Gotten my MMR up almost 200 points since the scaling changes. Can't really explain it. I'm almost average again!

Tyrande is best. She's been my favourite to play since beta. So versatile in QM and great combo maker in HL. Auto damage, spell damage, heal, support caster, so many build options. Get a friend to play Kerrigan or butcher with you and your mmr will sky rocket.


I've been getting awful awful matchmaking in qm, probably my mmr is in the gutter. this last one with Nova, Murky and Abathur all on our team on cursed hollow was just really hopeless, we had no hope of any team fights. soo I just quit...

Leavers q? whatever, it can't be worse....

wow it was AMAZING. 35min awesome game on both sides, sensible team composition too. All players were pretty good. Leavers think alike? I guess so. leaver q for life.

A common mistake to make in a moba is thinking your mistakes weren't mistakes just because they happened to work out.


I had two games in a row last night where my team complained about our garbage comp, and we then proceeded to stomp a hole in what was supposedly an unbeatable team. I don't even give it a second thought, honestly.

Any team is beatable in the QM ball pit, and I relish the opportunity to defy expectations. (I am a pretty terrible Murky, though.)
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