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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Even if the Dash were unstoppable I think it's still a poor skill on the wrong character. The fact it's not unstoppable is one of the smaller issues I have with that skill. I'm just not entirely sure what it's purpose is on his kit, and if you don't talent for it appropriately at 4 and 7 I'm not sure why you would ever cast it beyond wave clearing.

Every tank they released since Jo had 1 waveclear ability, they might consider it a warrior staple or something. Other than that it's being used to avoid skillshots, delay certain death or finish someone off.

if you could cancel dash so that you don't return if you want, it would be sogood.

Then it'd be a generic ability though

Tyrael is so good right now, Eldruin's Might is ridiculous and Sanctification has a very low cooldown for what it does. If people only learned to run into it instead of out.
In my MMR range people are so unnecessarily aggressive playing healer or support stresses me out so much. Pulling off a clutch save only for them to run back into the fray and die right away T_T. Feels bad.


mrw I'm matched with rank 1's so I'm not the highest rank on my team





Just played with a HL rank 1 player who was cussing out teammates for being noobs and then proceeded to feed, not show up for objectives and quit the match right before we lost.

I expect that kind of behaviour from the lowest levels of QM, but a player with a high rating for Hero League? It was bizarre. Also now I am the trenches for a lot of these HL players because they look at and see only my player account level sans HL rank and act like dicks because of this. Usually these are the games we lose.

I think you basically said yourself why that rank 1 would behave like that. He was matched with a bunch of people who seemingly were not rank 1 (or at least based on your story I'm assuming you + they were not), probably had been that way the last several games...and he snapped.

I've seen it at every skill level I've been at in this game. The further up you go the more infrequent it is, but it still happens because it's an online multiplayer game.

Maybe the dude was a toxic ass, or benefitted from a bot or something...odds are he was just fed up with the matchmaking and you guys were the unlucky bastards to have to deal with his tiny rage.

mrw I'm matched with rank 1's so I'm not the highest rank on my team


Dece GIF. You're getting there.
There was also the incident where people made smurfs intentionally tanked their MMR to lower the group MMR and artificially raise the points rewarded for a win in HL.

NaVi still don't have a standing team, makes the whole ordeal sound more sudden than they made it sound.


I try talking in GAF channel every once in a while just to see if anyone who still has it set to autojoin actually has it turned on in their chat

I may try some erotic fanfiction next time to test if anyone actually has it on but just choose to ignore me

I always message in GAF chat when I log on but no one responds.....

Also pls add me everyone. Sajjaja#1529. If you're name is different than GAF, please let me know.
Pretty flawed since it doesn't use historic win rates of correlating periods the games were played in.

Like my BW is very good over a lot of games but that's because I haven't played her for a single match since she was retooled and was playing her almost exclusively when Bribewing was broken af. God I miss Bribewing on Sky Temple.


Pretty flawed since it doesn't use historic win rates of correlating periods the games were played in.

Like my BW is very good over a lot of games but that's because I haven't played her for a single match since she was retooled and was playing her almost exclusively when Bribewing was broken af. God I miss Bribewing on Sky Temple.

By that notion any kind of data like that is flawed, though.

You were good at it when it was good, so what?

I'm sure there's something else you were good at when it was bad. It can only go on the numbers given, and how "good" or "bad" a hero is on a given patch is pretty subjective based on the user.
I like that angle though because it gives me an excuse to obnoxiously mention that 100 or so of those Abathur games came when they nerfed him into garbage tier, so my number should actually be higher!
By that notion any kind of data like that is flawed, though.

You were good at it when it was good, so what?

I'm sure there's something else you were good at when it was bad. It can only go on the numbers given, and how "good" or "bad" a hero is on a given patch is pretty subjective based on the user.

The data is absolute the interpretation is just bad. This is what it's like if someone looks at the data without context and makes a statement based on it. It's technically not incorrect but it's flawed and very non indicative if not unhelpful.

Your 2nd point supports my argument even. If there was something I was good at while it was bad win rate wise, the data if looked at historically would support that.


I have some pretty low winrates on strong heroes liek valla and stuff in QM cuz i used to play with some really bad friends and we didn't care about winning and losing


LOL I don't think it's meant to be some kind of judgement from on high.

Like the guy said, it's just a fun little app he made so his friends have a better idea of what heroes they are good with or not.

Everything doesn't have to be the most wholly sourced and researched piece of work.
It doesn't but when interpreting data you should always look at the context in order not to misinterpret it.

Hotslogs even keeps tracks winrate over time.

I'm just not sure of it's helpfulness based on what I've seen.


I'm just not sure of it's helpfulness based on what I've seen.


It helped me waste 5 minutes of productivity


You are reading way too into this man. The tool will be completely forgotten within a week. Whether or not it's accurate based on how the hero was balanced at that time + any other factor is pretty goddamn irrelevant. It wasn't ever meant to function as anything but a conversation piece.


I'm not sure what some of my winrates say about me.

60% winrate as Kharazim, 60% winrate as Falstad, but only 23% as Raynor and 29.4% as Tassadar.


I mean people on reddit and here by and large discount hotdogs 100% when it suits them. A tool that removes a good chunk of the usefulness of the doges is going to be taken even less seriously.
I think you basically said yourself why that rank 1 would behave like that. He was matched with a bunch of people who seemingly were not rank 1 (or at least based on your story I'm assuming you + they were not), probably had been that way the last several games...and he snapped.

I've seen it at every skill level I've been at in this game. The further up you go the more infrequent it is, but it still happens because it's an online multiplayer game.

Maybe the dude was a toxic ass, or benefitted from a bot or something...odds are he was just fed up with the matchmaking and you guys were the unlucky bastards to have to deal with his tiny rage.

I can't have a casual gaming experience in the casual gaming mode of the most casual moba because right there on the loading screen before the match starts are the multiple rankings the game uses.

The kicker is, most matches I've played lately have had a decent spread. The lowest level is mine, player account 40. The number of HL players and equivalent ranks have been equal or evenly spread in most matches. No one I've been matched with is brand new to the game and the few that have had low player account levels were clearly smurfing. It's just how someone chooses to react at match start that's decided how some games go.


I dunno, I like the loading screens. I assumed from the feedback most others did as well since you can finally show off the portraits you earned over the year plus.

For someone who is below account level 40 or who, for example, has a high QM MMR but a low HL rank/MMR the solution is pretty simple...switch your portrait to team league rank before you queue if you're afraid to get flamed. I do it when I smurf on my sub account 40 account with Milly in HL.

Alur is just being a bully

He's a statistics buff too

In the same way O'Doyle was
My biggest complaint with HOTS aside from matchmaking is how many heroes have only one viable ultimate and the obvious power differences between ultimates on certain heroes.

A choice between two ultimates at level 10 is a big part of what differentiates HOTS from other MOBAs and it really feels like Blizzard has screwed the pooch on executing it. Talent parity at all levels of play is an unattainable goal, but I think making all heroes have two viable ultimates at all levels of play is something that can be achieved.

Look at the pick rates and win rates for Thrall, Johanna, Sylvanas, Zeratul, Zagara, Sonya, Hammer, Rehgar, Muradin, Malfurion, Li Li, Kaelthas, Kerrigan, ETC, Murky, Brightwing. That's over a third of the roster, and it increases even further if you consider competitive play (Chen, Azmodan, Falstad, Uther, Valla, Nova).

If there's a winrate difference of >4-5% between ultimates when considering all levels of play, it signals a pretty big problem.

Such a wasted opportunity. For competitive play, e-sports and viewer experience, I think Blizzard should strive harder to make more ultimates viable rather than more individual talents or talent builds, as the choice in ultimate is an important decision in the game that casters can talk at length about and viewers can see obvious repercussions of.


It looked like it was showing only hero league games for me in search (but more than hero league in the results/analysis page).


Pretty flawed since it doesn't use historic win rates of correlating periods the games were played in.

The data is absolute the interpretation is just bad. This is what it's like if someone looks at the data without context and makes a statement based on it. It's technically not incorrect but it's flawed and very non indicative if not unhelpful.

Your 2nd point supports my argument even. If there was something I was good at while it was bad win rate wise, the data if looked at historically would support that.

It doesn't but when interpreting data you should always look at the context in order not to misinterpret it.

Hotslogs even keeps tracks winrate over time.

I'm just not sure of it's helpfulness based on what I've seen.

Excuse me for being a statistics buff.

Blizzard got to do something against stunlocks, either add relentless to more heroes or revert some of the cleanse changes. Another option would be a stun shield in style of spell shield, reducing the stun duration massively every x seconds and reducing stun duration mildly for y seconds.

Yep, there's just too much CC in the game now. I'm surprised they haven't added diminishing returns in like they did in WoW years ago.

systems like that can be hard to explain and Blizz wants the game to remain accessible.


Yep, there's just too much CC in the game now. I'm surprised they haven't added diminishing returns in like they did in WoW years ago.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Lol heros-analyzer

"You should probably avoid nova" at the end was prtty great, like the app just wants to let me down gently


Going through Dustin's tweets- Cho'Gall has a 46% winrate once they filter out new Cho'Gall players. "Last time I looked you lose more with every warrior you add, including 1. =P"


I'm LTTP but, Turdburger, you're a mod on Mc's stream? 'grats on the shoutout in last week's THH.

I can't decide which one's worse, the horrid matchmaking or chain stuns/CC. ETC's power slide into Diablo's overpower into Tyrande's lunar flare into Diablo's shadow charge -- or any such variation -- is the least amount of fun imagineable. Blizz might as well add Ben Brode's laughTM to the mix every time you get stun locked.


Switching cleanse will help, but like whoever it was said on the last page...diminishing returns makes the game more complicated. The same with Cleanse. It became a must pick once they gave it to every healer last time...and even so most players 3k and below didn't/couldn't use it properly.

I don't think it'd be enough to stem the tide and would likely just create a bigger void between the top and the majority of players.


I havent had more issues with cc this patch compared to other patches but i do like the whole caught out and ur dead dynamic esp in the early game


This is one of those occasions where a lack of items does hurt things. Any other MOBa and if someone drafts a massive stun / CC train, everyone works towards items that make you immune to CC (BKB in dota for example). There's nothing like that it hots, and even worse there's not even a talent for it. Relentless is weaksauce really.

Adding in an activatable stun immunity talent and giving it to a quarter of heroes would not go out of the way right now it feels.


It's a comp thing too, you need to draft comps that can win 4v5 (or comps that make wasting cc hurt more like dshield or sanc) against teams that have blown their most important cds. Iunno how that works in practice in this game tho, like you're right that there are less options here compared to other mobas and ganking/picking is a lot easier in this game too
I didn't notice much difference CC-wise on this patch either, myself, but I can see how it would be that way.

it's slowly gotten worse through heroes becoming relevant again and the scaling changes.

Tyrande, ETC, Muradin and Diablo all had their time to shine before but now there's also Sonya and KT all viable at the same time, Tyrande can even solo heal, the scaling changes made squishies comparatively squishier early game and the death timers made abandoning lanes early possible.

You don't even need Kerrigan.
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