Oh yeah it's very hard in comparison, I agree. I still do all the things I did before - it seems if you don't shotcall while solo queuing no one will, for example - but I try not to get as upset with the Valla who Vault's into every engage or the Nova who can't land a Snipe.
The way the MMR spread is working right now you are bound to run into people who are new or bad and you're always running into people playing heroes they are new to which is it's own set of problems that there is no answer for whatsoever.
Odds are the other team has one or two to match yours as well, though, so you just have to try to make the best of it and hope people do the right thing when they are supposed to...and if they don't, you chalk it up to experience I guess.
Ketch is telling the truth about himself here, and I've definitely worked on doing it too since the winter. No one I know/play with regularly plays for fun and enjoyment more than Ketch which is something I wish I could fully do. I'm still a little too competitive about it as it stands, though. Sometimes that makes me want to turn friendly fire on him when he's on Rehgar, but it generally works out in the end.
The last time we played we were winning queuing as three as Murky/Zeratul/Nova for example. Trololololol.