I'm starting to see what I think is the issue in the current EXP system- kills pre-10 are simply giving way too much EXP. IF you have 4 people die, starting at level 4-5, your opponents are getting about a full level lead on you since they altered the system. And that can lead to a serious issue when one team has ults and the other doesn't for a very long period of time, allowing things to snowball really badly.
This is why we're seeing these comps on maps like Tomb going so heavy on early kills with Zeratul/Kerrigan- if you get an early lead it's now much easier to sit on it than it previously was.
"Patient" pouncing Kerrigan is exactly how she's meant to be played.I feel weird that I have so little problems with Kerrigan in most comps. I think she's still my highest win% character. But then I always build her in a weird way and play her more like a specialist for waveclear maintenance and patient ambushes. I've tried her "better" builds in an effort to see if it makes my win% even better, but I find they never scale as well late game as the one I go with.
As I said to someone who asked about her a while ago: Pick block and pretend she's Nova."Patient" pouncing Kerrigan is exactly how she's meant to be played.
He only has two fly speeds: Stroll in the park, and superman justice.Charger looks cool but it would be nice to just have Tyreal be able to fly.
Had "Chen is the best tank!" spouted off of an ignoramus last night who then proceeded to not show up to a single fight all game.
edit: HS mount is live (immediately after the carpet sale, of course)-
QM. You really need a good spread to do HL without making things miserable.Do you guys recommend jumping into Hero League after hitting level 30 or to continue in Quick Match for a while? I have a decent roster of heroes but I still feel pretty noob in the grand scheme of things.
40,000 gold represented right here. Best master skin in the game on the best hero. Doesn't get more baller than this.
30,000 gold represented right here. Best master skin in the game on the best hero. Doesn't get more baller than this.
Do you guys recommend jumping into Hero League after hitting level 30 or to continue in Quick Match for a while? I have a decent roster of heroes but I still feel pretty noob in the grand scheme of things.
40,000 gold represented right here. Best master skin in the game on the best hero. Doesn't get more baller than this.
Murky now.
Best hero easily worth 10k
I have 10k gold. Buy Murky now or wait for him to go cheaper?
My heart leaped when I saw the mighty Amazon then dropped down a little when I realised it was just a Nova skin![]()
I thought it was a Valla skin with the xbow.
Weird that it is a Nova skin though.
Now you made me look dumb.Edit: oops, nvm
What tier listings are you looking at? Most of them are only relevant to pro competition. So far Blizzard has demonstrated little interest in balancing around pro competition, and seems to be focused on balancing for pub play instead. (Thrall is essentially average in pub play.)
I just saw the sneak peak video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUaDaZj3PE4
I really like that Leoric Viking skin![]()
Gonna wait for Thrall to popup on free rotation before spending the gold/cash (I started when HOTS released so I never played him in quickmatch). He seems fun though offline playing with bots via the "Try" option though.
Tier listing: http://heroesofthestorm.github.io/zuna-tierlist
I only look at Zuna and iDream though. I don't look at Kenma's since I think a lot changed since his list and it's too different from the others.
Gonna wait for Thrall to popup on free rotation before spending the gold/cash (I started when HOTS released so I never played him in quickmatch). He seems fun though offline playing with bots via the "Try" option though.
I'm still getting the hang of Jaina, but when you have a good game with her it feels damn good.
I'm still getting the hang of Jaina, but when you have a good game with her it feels damn good.
LOL!!! The enemy teams' total death count was 29. But you participated in 26 of their deaths. This means you participated in roughly 90% of their deaths overall. They must've been pissed pinging 'Kill Jaina' that entire match yo
It really helps whittle down stragglers. Blizzard is great but it's also an awkward spell.Yeah Arcane Intellect is nice, but I find Envenom helps me get the kills on those people who manage to run away with a sliver of their life.
Why would you choose Ice Lance over Frostbitten? The latter really spikes the burst damage on her Blizzard.