Then, Annoy-o-tron skin!
I've been watching those whole match videos on youtube. I'll probably drop HOTS like a rock when it comes out, lol.Overwatch characters will be broken as fuck
Overwatch characters in about six months:
I've been watching those whole match videos on youtube. I'll probably drop HOTS like a rock when it comes out, lol.
Someone's compiled some of the alterations to abilities they've found- likely not exhaustive. This is in addition to the Anub nerf we know about. (10% Beetle damage, 20% Locusts)
Tyrande's talents haven't been adjusted- they've been rearranged for gated people.
I need to take a break from HoTS.
Every single game has been the same with meta-picks.
The limited selection isn't helping the cause as well.
He used to be auto-2nd ban on every map. He wasn't really banned all the time recently until a week or two ago when the Zeratul/Illidan combo was busted out and people exposed the tech. With the new double-ban system he's often banned in response to a team picking up one of the melee people he has massive synergies with.I watch games very irregularly but I've seen him banned after latest patch plenty of times. I mostly watch Khaldor games and official blizz sponsored tourneys.
Yeah. This patch is really awesome - you can see the logic with all of these changes- and it's not bad logic.Holy shit, mobile channeling spells just got massively buffed. This is huge.
Looks like modified WoW engine to me, so it should hopefully not run like shit like HOTS does for me. FPS require constant, fluid, fast motion way more than MOBA, so the kind of hitches and dips I experience with this would just kill it.I just hope I can play Overwatch on my 2011 MacBook Pro (don't have a gaming PC). I can play HOTS and Diablo 3 fine on it, so I'm crossing my fingers.
daze change is really dumb it makes things more confusing on what works and what doesnt.
They lost their Fast Restart -25% respawn time trait which was total and absolute bullshit. They've got damage nerfs in some places, but they also have a lot of REALLY interesting split push/soak talents you can take now- and taking the buffs to individual vikings is actually worth it on some maps.Exactly what I was thinking. This patch actually is the one of the biggest changes I've experienced since I've started playing in Feb. I'm still confused on what "interrupts" and doesn't and what is immune to what, but that's what playing is for.
Love how they say "Do note that the Lost Vikings have a high win rate, so their incoming changes are intended to result in a lower win rate, alongside the goal of greater talent diversity." translates to we're probably nerfing them to shit.
Overwatch characters in about six months:
Love how they say "Do note that the Lost Vikings have a high win rate, so their incoming changes are intended to result in a lower win rate, alongside the goal of greater talent diversity." translates to we're probably nerfing them to shit.
lili and sonya both benefit from this daze change, and lord knows they need a boost.
I would avoid HL until you have a really solid hero base.I'm too casual to understand most of that, but I hit level 40 and open up Hero league with one more owned. So Rank 1 incoming.
I would avoid HL until you have a really solid hero base.
You see so many people stuck on Raynor or with their only healer as Li Li/only tank ETC. It'll also likely tank your MMR early on, which is not good.
Okay will work on it.Going into HL, I would recommend having (at a minimum):
Basicallly all the supports, or most of them. Tyrande is nice but not necessary, and you can get away with 3/5 healers. Tass is helpful v Cloakies.
Jaina, Zagara, Sylvanas Valla
Battlefield of Eternity Overview
Can't wait to try Haunted Mines 2.0 out
It'll help Chen as well.
Battlefield of Eternity Overview
Can't wait to try Haunted Mines 2.0 out
Battlefield of Eternity Overview
Can't wait to try Haunted Mines 2.0 out
I love that the defeated core spawns gold and items lol, if only you could pick them up for your Diablo 3 character.
A number of Hero Abilities were not intended to completely Stun enemy targets. In these cases, Stuns have been converted to Dazes, which act similarly, but will no longer interrupt Abilities that can be channeled while the Hero is moving.
For example: Dazing Valla will not stop her from channeling Strafe.
The following abilities will now Daze, rather than Stun, enemy Heroes:
Brightwing -- Emerald Wind (R)
Chen -- Wandering Keg (R)
Johanna -- Condemn (W)
Diablo -- Shadow Charge (Q)
E.T.C. -- Face Melt (W)
Falstad -- Mighty Gust (R)
Kerrigan -- Primal Grasp (E)
Raynor -- Penetrating Round (Q)
Sgt. Hammer -- Concussive Blast (W)
Thrall -- Sundering (R)
Tychus -- Frag Grenade (W)
They want the Diablo map in higher circulation on release week. Makes sense. They're totally also testing the waters for their first cycle-out, which will probably come with the 2nd Diablo map. (9 is definitely too many in rotation for newbies.)Only 4 BGs until July 7th aside from custom games? Realllllyyyyy?
Pyroblast is stationary so it's still interrruptibleUnstoppable changes a stealth nerf to Illidian?
This list looks ridiculous. So many effective counters to channeling abilities removed. Who benefits from this? Valla (already top tier, now she's got more viable damage?), Sonya, Lili, Chen, Tychus, Nazeebo... Is Pyroblast harder to interrupt now?
Pyroblast is stationary so it's still interrruptible