Clearly, it's the players! Those stupid scrubs need to learn how to coordinate in soloqueue despite having no actual mechanism to do so implemented in game! Those good players will show you the errors of your ways! Let's check out the Master-level players' stats in Hero League!Warriors don't suck. People need to learn to play with them. Assassins need to learn to take advantage of when the warrior displaces/cc an enemy to focus fire on them. Support needs to learn to keep the warrior up when the tank is actually tanking/body blocking the enemy team. In qm, too many people either play their warriors as low damage assassins with more health or play them like they're made out of tissue paper and hide in the back like a ranged glass cannon assassin instead of getting in the minions/enemy teams face.
Overall with all the patches I think warriors are stronger than they have ever been without being OP. People just need to learn how to play with them/as them.
Clearly, those scrubs need to L2P.Diablo - 37/37
ETC - 36/37
Muradin - 32/37
Stitches - 30/37
Chen - 25/37
Arthas - 22/37
Johanna - 16/37
Tyrael - 13/37
Anub'arak - 2/37