Hm... I feel like trying him out with my 2-man premade now ._.
We'll see, perhaps when I return home!
Hm... I feel like trying him out with my 2-man premade now ._.
We'll see, perhaps when I return home!
Give it two games, that's all I ask! If he is no fun after two games I will be sorry (;_and you never have to use him again.
Is Zagara on sale this week or just the skin?
Abathur + Illidan = hilariously broken
Not gonna be as good after tomorrow. And no real heals on the free rotation, #disgonbgud
I'm not seeing what could impact that combo after reading the patch notes. Can you explain why ?
I'm not seeing what could impact that combo after reading the patch notes. Can you explain why ?
18th level 10 hero done, this time Tyrael and his mobility alone made him insanely fun. But yeah, he needs a solid group which is his weakness in my opinion
God fun: Zagara, Kael'thas, Sylvanas, Jaina
High fun: Thrall, Zeratul, Valla, Kerrigan, Falstad, Tyrael
Medium fun: Johanna, Tychus, Anub'arak, Illidan
Low fun: Li Li, Raynor, Nova
Trash: Muradin
Honestly, if you run Abathur with a premade of at least one other person, he is amazing. I have almost a 63% winrate as Abathur in Quick Match solo queue, so to me, a playing as experienced as you should win more than lose with him.
Do it Yoshi. Do it.
have you tried the Muradunk build?
It's a lot of fun, and it's insanely satisfying to knock a teams tank out of position and then trash their squishies
at 13 you can also easily solo merc camps, which is super useful
Maybe i'm wrong but Illidan losing his invul frames is gonna impact him and thus this holy combo.
I did not hear how bad the impact from this change is from the PTR though.
Illidan got nerfed. I've not really tried him though, so I don't know how much the invul and ulti nerfs have affected him.
Honestly, if you run Abathur with a premade of at least one other person, he is amazing. I have almost a 63% winrate as Abathur in Quick Match solo queue, so to me, a playing as experienced as you should win more than lose with him.
Do it Yoshi. Do it.
Week of Tuesday, June 30, 2015:
Gazlowe (Available after you reach player level 12)
Azmodan (Available after you reach player level 15)
So it's Monday and now instead of a 3 - 18 record I have a 17-3 record.
The swings in this game are unbelievable.
Butcher comes out tomorrow right? How does he play?
Butcher comes out tomorrow right? How does he play?
Butcher comes out tomorrow right? How does he play?
I picked Haymaker once. Then I got blamed for losing because apparently you stop being a tank if you do. I think we ended up winning too, despite their Muradin being a real tank.
In the video I posted above, I basically said "screw it" and went for a build that just countered the hell out of Illidan. I have the full match also hosted on my channel, but basically, I had some goofy all-Thunderclap talent build that anytime I'd run into Illidan I'd just keep him attacking at a reduced rate. If shit ever got too crazy I'd Haymaker a fool. Not as tanky at all, but it was so fun and I was in solo queue QM anyway, which is such a crapshoot, so who cares.
havent logged in for a couple days, getting behind on the dailies...
when do i have to log in so the dailies appear? sometimes it seems like i get 2 at a time.
I don't know how it works in Heroes necessarily, but in Hearthstone you don't have to log in every day to get your daily quest -- if you miss a day and log in the next day, you'll get two dailies that day.
The turnover is 3 AM, I think.
Thanks for sharing - i picked up Kerrigan this weekend gone will give it a try.If you want to have fun in QM, just use this kerrigan build:
Don't worry about all the disclaimers, they're for org players. My win rate is like 75% with this. In a normal PUG, I'm fed at level 16. Around level 20s, I'm killing people in one combo. I probably get a quad kill every three or four matches on a maelstrom cleave combo. It's just a great way to blow off steam at the end of your day![]()
Stealth assassins makes this game anti-fun. 4 Games back to back now with Zeratul and Nova roaming together.
Does look pretty neat. Looking forward to charging in and giving a furnace burner.