i dunno much about rogues but i think an activatable passive that's like samuro's tele windwalk could be good, but I'm thinking the passive will be backstab...can they even code something like that into this engine? if they do i hope they make the animation a bit bloody like this:
she'll have a sustain skill since she's probably a squishy melee assassin
some sort of poison for sure...like maybe an auto attack reset skill that slows on her q
fan of knives? i think she needs an aoe, but they might save that for maiev
perma invis would be ridiculous for sure, not necessarily for it's power but does blizz really want to do this to themselves
mostly likely one of her skills or ults will be marking a target for extra dmg I think
maybe a blink strike? might save that for maiev also
would not mind if they just stole bloodseeker's ult and gave it to her, dk + valeera plays would be hype