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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Is a Warrior, is not a Tank, which may be part of it. Ty/Tass are excepted from the match rule, I vaguely remember them going through the warriors and adjusting them too.

Yea bruisers are matched with bruisers. So Chen vs rexxar for example


Mewnfarez announced on twitter today that he's no longer streaming HOTS and going to be a variety streamer "for a few months."

Good riddance salt factory

Guess I'm the only one around here that likes watching him. He's way more composed when he plays with MFPT and Tryksler or Marche.
Chu is probably next :p

Although I don't think Chu would take the viewership drop by quitting hots like mewn.

There isn't really anything out there for him. He played LoL and got to rank 1, Played Dota2 and had something like 6k MMR, and HoN is dead. What game would he go to? SC2 is dead, and he doesn't seem like a Playerunknown's Battlegrounds type of guy.

As of last week (when the question came up) he said he is still enjoying HOTS alot.
So tonight I decided I would get level 5 with Valeera. I am horrible with stealthies. The closest I will play is Samuro after my Zeratul and Nova experiences. I was expecting the worst. There was only one game I got frustrated while playing her. Nova vs. Valeera was annoying only because of her skill shot knocking me from stealth. I liked her a lot more than I thought I would. I wouldn't say I'll be getting MVP medals any time soon, but if I got her from a loot box, I wouldn't be upset.


D.Va sitting at 55.9% with hardly any uploads. 2nd highest WR in the game. Anub back up top, Probi takes 3rd.

Samuro at 4th and I'm not sure how the fuck...

Lucio is booty tier. Should've gotten him to master when I had the chance. Definitely needs another support now.


So Dva is seeming pretty strong?

Not sure yet. Heard she's booty, heard she's good. Played her and some of the stuff is awkward, but I started to figure out what felt like a more optimal approach towards the end.

Definitely fun either way.

How do you not draft a single stun vs Chagall?

Was it UTA? They've been on full tilt for a while. They were tops of the open division til they stopped getting along IIRC.

If not no clue.


The Welcome Bundle will become available during the week of May 22. It can be only be purchased once, and only using real money.
800 Gems
Welcome Loot Chest – A special Loot Chest that guarantees at least one random Hero
Rare Loot Chest
Epic Loot Chest
7 Day Stimpack
Zebra Mount

so next week

I have 1200 gems I think. Is this a good deal?
I've never understood some of Alarak's talent design and how it interacts with his trait. I like his play style, his baseline abilities and both of his ultimates are great, he's fantastic at punishing players that are slightly out of position or are super dive-y but I've never quite gotten what they were going with talents that reduce his trait.

He hits hard but you sacrifice damage for greater utility. I've always avoided the talents that reduced his trait and overall damage. But now with his trait rework you're sacrificing the baseline damage you start with by choosing some talents but can still hit the same ceiling provided you don't die?

I didn't play him enough before his rework and haven't tried him out enough with the rework.


I've never understood some of Alarak's talent design and how it interacts with his trait. I like his play style, his baseline abilities and both of his ultimates are great, he's fantastic at punishing players that are slightly out of position or are super dive-y but I've never quite gotten what they were going with talents that reduce his trait.

He hits hard but you sacrifice damage for greater utility. I've always avoided the talents that reduced his trait and overall damage. But now with his trait rework you're sacrificing the baseline damage you start with by choosing some talents but can still hit the same ceiling provided you don't die?

I didn't play him enough before his rework and haven't tried him out enough with the rework.
He doesn't really have any talents that reduce his trait, only 2 that i can think of. 1 of which is a quest that upon completion gives it all right back.

I think he's totally insane now, gotta be the highest hero damage in the game by a lot.
The ones that reduce Sadism. I don't understand their design with talents that reduce Sadism. No other assassin loses baseline damage against heroes to gain utility, they just pass on gaining more damage for utility. Although that damage/Sadism loss is now negated by how his trait works now provided you do not die.

I wouldn't choose Extended Lightning over Sustaining Power or Ruthless Momentum, even though you can negate the Sadism loss by completing a branch of the talents quest. I don't think I'll ever choose Applied Force over Dissonance or Hindered Motion.

I think he's better now with the new trait and baseline larger Discord Strike but most of the Lightning Surge talents and/or quests at 1, 4 and 16 are just goofy.

Even though I like Deadly Charge because it's just fun, I pretty much always pick Counter-Strike at 10. Not just for its damage potential but how much shit you can dodge with it.
not sure why chu would quit, never hear him complaining about the game like mewn, and he has a big loyal viewerbase

I can kind of see why mewn would, because hes so fucking salty he can't stand playing cooperatively with humans because nothing is ever his fault.

He was having a rough time for a few days after a horrid losing streak recently. He talked about it for a while.

I watched a tad bit of him earlier though and he seemed to bounce back.


Matchmaking in this game seems kinda bad. Just got in a game where I was like the highest level person on my team (23) and the enemy team had a duo of like, two level 200-something (green borders) guys and no one was lower than 40.

Maybe if it's all MMR-based they were just really bad but we got smashed anyways so idk, lol.


Matchmaking in this game seems kinda bad. Just got in a game where I was like the highest level person on my team (23) and the enemy team had a duo of like, two level 200-something (green borders) guys and no one was lower than 40.

Maybe if it's all MMR-based they were just really bad but we got smashed anyways so idk, lol.

Matchmaking is handled based on MMR, not account level. You'd be surprised how awful some people are that play this game all the damn time.


The ones that reduce Sadism. I don't understand their design with talents that reduce Sadism. No other assassin loses baseline damage against heroes to gain utility, they just pass on gaining more damage for utility. Although that damage/Sadism loss is now negated by how his trait works now provided you do not die.

I wouldn't choose Extended Lightning over Sustaining Power or Ruthless Momentum, even though you can negate the Sadism loss by completing a branch of the talents quest. I don't think I'll ever choose Applied Force over Dissonance or Hindered Motion.

I think he's better now with the new trait and baseline larger Discord Strike but most of the Lightning Surge talents and/or quests at 1, 4 and 16 are just goofy.

Even though I like Deadly Charge because it's just fun, I pretty much always pick Counter-Strike at 10. Not just for its damage potential but how much shit you can dodge with it.

A seasoned Alarak would tell you that this is his best talent by a large margin and is totally worth losing a small amount of hero damage, particularly now that he has so many ways to increase his sadism through talents and his trait. That talent is so absurdly powerful, and sets up so many kills its almost impossible to pass on it IMHO.


Li-ming is fun as fuck, wow. I just played a few matches with her and she seems pretty powerful once you get the hang of things. And her level 4 talent to restore health on a takedown usually keeps me alive for a good while.
I do agree with some of Mewn and some of Chu's complaints about the meta though.

The power disparity between certain characters in hots has gotten too large imo. It's getting to the point to where certain characters just aren't viable anymore, and it's gotten so bad you can't even have fun in QM in near mid MMR. Because just about everyone fucking picks meta.

What makes it worse is that it's greatly exacerbated in garbage maps like Hanamura and Haunted Mines.

Like okay, you wanna have a fun QM game with Sylvanas? Well congrats, you get Hanamura and Haunted Mines against azmodan. Who is just gonna ignore objective and push all game and you can't do shit about it except clear it. That's just 15-20 minutes of your life wasted having a miserable experience.

Like it doesn't even fucking matter that my team got 73 skulls and the opposing team got 27. They just completely ignore the golem. At least in Garden of Terror you can fucking get rewarded if you get ahead on seeds because you can a terror and possible deny the opposing team one.


I sort of agree with the complaints, but at the same time the notion this is new is bizarre to me. It's a moba, some heroes are alaways underpowered. If we look at the pro level we see a far healthier hero pool than we did two years ago, even though there's many more heroes. It feels like balance is a lot better now than it has been in the past, even if it isn't perfect.

Edit: ignoring the golem even though theirs is much stronger has been a problem with haunted mines from the start. To put it bluntly, the map is fundamentally flawed and they should never have brought it back. The minority of people constantly shouting about it on Reddit were wrong, and it was a complete waste of development resources to spend even a minute on it. The map is just *bad*, same as the pirate map. Blizzard need to accept that some of their very early ideas haven't panned out, learn the lessons from them and move on.


Ya I understand the complaints, but feel like they're way overblown. Ban heroes you don't want to play against on the map you're playing. As for quickmatch, it has always been a crapshoot, and it will continue to be for eternity. Nothing has changed there except improved matchmaking rules over time, it hasn't gotten worse.

Mewn can't focus on anything but the negatives in anything he does. The worst kind of person IMO. I'd guess he won't make it a full month as a variety streamer, but who knows, maybe there are enough people out there to support him with whatever game he plays. I'd guess the vast majority of his viewerbase only watches him because he's the most popular HOTS streamer in the mornings. The only reason I watch him is I enjoy watching skilled players and he's one of them. I can deal with his embarrassing rants about his teammates constantly ruining his games if I get to see some dank Kerrigan combos or Genji penta kills.
I sort of agree with the complaints, but at the same time the notion this is new is bizarre to me. It's a moba, some heroes are alaways underpowered. If we look at the pro level we see a far healthier hero pool than we did two years ago, even though there's many more heroes. It feels like balance is a lot better now than it has been in the past, even if it isn't perfect.

Edit: ignoring the golem even though theirs is much stronger has been a problem with haunted mines from the start. To put it bluntly, the map is fundamentally flawed and they should never have brought it back. The minority of people constantly shouting about it on Reddit were wrong, and it was a complete waste of development resources to spend even a minute on it. The map is just *bad*, same as the pirate map. Blizzard need to accept that some of their very early ideas haven't panned out, learn the lessons from them and move on.

I like BHB though ><

I mean there's actually a lot of viable strats with BHB and you can actually come back with one team wipe. If you get a team wipe mid game while they're holding 24+ coins you can easily get back in it.


I like BHB though ><

I mean there's actually a lot of viable strats with BHB and you can actually come back with one team wipe. If you get a team wipe mid game while they're holding 24+ coins you can easily get back in it.

The thing is - the winning team shouldn't fight you. If you team wipe then, they fucked up. Once you get ahead on that map, you just avoid all fights and PvE the map. That's the problem with it - if people know how to play the map, it's incredibly uninteractive,


D.Va might be the most pure fun I've ever had as a hero in this game.

I don't know what any of her optimal stuff is going to end up seeming like, but I really enjoy that Titanfall trait and just dropping mechs on people.
The thing is - the winning team shouldn't fight you. If you team wipe then, they fucked up. Once you get ahead on that map, you just avoid all fights and PvE the map. That's the problem with it - if people know how to play the map, it's incredibly uninteractive,

People never believe me when I say this on BHB. I've had to argue with people claiming it's a teamfight map.


D.Va might be the most pure fun I've ever had as a hero in this game.

I don't know what any of her optimal stuff is going to end up seeming like, but I really enjoy that Titanfall trait and just dropping mechs on people.
The level 1 talent that increases her Q speed to like 400% and does extra damage is amaaaaazing and super fun


I just had a match where our Butcher decided the only things to charge in on and use his ult on were mercenary camps. I think I might start playing unranked draft mode now.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The level 1 talent that increases her Q speed to like 400% and does extra damage is amaaaaazing and super fun

I went with the shorter cooldown if you use it out of combat in my only game, because she seems so slow to get around :(

edit: welp im 0-3 but she sure is fun ;_;


Matchmaking is handled based on MMR, not account level. You'd be surprised how awful some people are that play this game all the damn time.

Yeah, those people are the worst.



First game as D.Va: What the fuck is this shit she's useless

Second game as D.VA: This is my favorite hero ever, I'm never gonna play anything else ever again


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
0-4 with D.Va joy. Two of those losses I was MVP lol.

Butcher on our team with 10k damage at the end of the game. I had 60k... this, this is great guys.

edit: on the bright side, yeah the talent for 400% speed bost and 100% damage is amazing. Ive gotten so many kills with it its hilarious.

edit: lol 0-5 I give up. Im finally triggered after returning, I lasted a month fam. Also, my fucking daily is...WIN 3 games lol



The best Butcher players are the ones that don't know they can cancel the charge.

edit: lol 0-5 I give up. Im finally triggered after returning, I lasted a month fam. Also, my fucking daily is...WIN 3 games lol

I'll probably do the nexus challenge later so if you're still up for it maybe we can party up. Maybe with Prelude if he has time. Might increase our chances of winning a bit.
Or not.


You were right Alur, it's not my mechanics that are the problem but my poor decision making overall and my team fighting capabilities that are bringing me down. Playing Valla after not playing her for a while opened my eyes to how much I need to improve still. At least we're back to having a positive win rate overall as a group.
I went with the shorter cooldown if you use it out of combat in my only game, because she seems so slow to get around :(

edit: welp im 0-3 but she sure is fun ;_;
Welp. Time to pick a new lvl 1 :p
I went 4-1 dva because we all kept overextending in late game. And had no one to defend the core or make it back in time


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yay a win. What is (was?) trggering me (besides the awful games) was that I dont even think I was doing bad. In fact, she has clicked with me faster than any character I can remember. Just got another MVP with her too in this win.

like the losses were similar numbers, in fact usually better. But yeah, like I said earlier, losses aside, she is so fucking fun holy shit.

This game is alright guys.

I still have zero interest in other mobas, is that weird?

I'll probably do the nexus challenge later so if you're still up for it maybe we can party up. Maybe with Prelude if he has time. Might increase our chances of winning a bit.
Or not.

Prelude doesnt play with me anymore because we keep losing and he says I suck and should uninstall :(

thats not true btw :p


Prelude doesnt play with me anymore because we keep losing and he says I suck and should uninstall :(

thats not true btw :p

Weird, that's the same thing he said to me.

That's also not true btw.
Or is it?

Edit: We could totally wombo self destruct with VP. Would give me another excuse to play Zera


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
my god shes so fun, what the fuck? What are you guys going with anyway? I've been using:

Hit The Nitrous
Bring It On
Coming Through
Bunny Hop
Emergency Shield
Pilot Dash (for me its basically mandatory so you can finally escape as a pilot)

I dont get any W talents, I cant seem to find it much useful :(


no idea what I'm doing on valeera, jump into QM with a friend to get the loot boxes.

don't read any abilities and mash buttons out of stealth, get 14 kills. Ok.
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