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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


God, fuck the matchmaking in this game.
My team: three healers, one tank and one assassin.
Enemy team: one healer, one tank and three assassins.
How the fuck are we supposed to do any damage with that shit?


Blind pick or role pick before going in. It's the only way to realistically fix this mess out. Between the disaster that is quick match, and the extreme unhappiness with hero league, there's only unranked draft left as a modicum of sanity in the game.

I also think the fact I can't play with my friend in anything but unranked is a problem.


Im catching up in hgc. Wtf happened at the end of tf vs tempo on towers? Genji dies off screen for no reason and then tempo just stands mid doing nothing while they loose the game bottom? Can anyone explain this?


Time stamp is 25:00

Psalm facechecks a bush because he's booty and ts cant fight because he's dead. They suicide because they cant count to 4

Blind pick or role pick before going in. It's the only way to realistically fix this mess out. Between the disaster that is quick match, and the extreme unhappiness with hero league, there's only unranked draft left as a modicum of sanity in the game.

I also think the fact I can't play with my friend in anything but unranked is a problem.

Yeah there's no point in keeping hl solo when tl matchmaking is the way it is


I was a proponent of HL solo but I'm not sure it's really changing a lot regarding a person's placement/ranking or the toxicity level. Sure, there are outliers who will have a friend carry them up the ladder a ways, but for the most part the players we thought to be good before are still good afterwards. I'd be fine with it going back to duos and solos.

Speaking of which, that rant by Jake and to a lesser extent by Zoia on the last THH...


Jake bellyaching about production shit (oh noez the quest tracker isn't built into the client for production!!111!!) and the state of the game HGC wise (again, on the production side) when he barely plays it and basically forfeited his position that should have been unassailable out of sheer incompetence, and then Zoia too who has basically not played the game for more than a couple of sittings in over a year...I mean, I think most of Zoia's points were more or less valid, but to me it's just bitching to bitch with him. My issue w/r/t Zoia is that it wouldn't matter what they did, he's lost interest in the game long ago and that's not going to change.

I love Bakery and Dunk on there, and I can tolerate Jake's bumbling. Zoia even has good moments as he's matured a bit and asks some good questions and has good insight. It's just a shame that the most well known HOTS podcast is anchored by two people who have lost touch with the game long ago.


ITN may draw more downloads now, but that certainly wasn't the case in previous years. I'm not even certain it does now, would have to search HOTS podcasts and see what episodes are top. Either way, the fact that it's even a discussion is another symptom of Jake just letting his early advantage of face of the scene go to waste.

EDIT: Looks like several are ahead of THH, even a couple of the others I never even listened to. That's pretty concerning honestly because IIRC Scott/CORE have talked about how much less popular their show is than the other shows Scott does. Maybe there's just not a lot of listeners period, though that is beside the point of my rant above.


I've talked about it before, but THH is almost impenetrable as a podcast.

Jake *constantly* does stuff on screen that you cant see on a podcast. It's like he has ADHD - when he';s not talking, hes loading something up, or trying out a cool sound effect, or *something* - he never respects the other hosts and actually listens to them.

Production wise, its complete ass. It sounds utterly amateurish, the sound quality is awful, and even smaller shows I listen to are put together in a much better way.

The lack of an actual agenda, or keeping it on track, also really hurts. Plus whilst I get there are valid complaints about the game, having Zoia and Jake spend basically an entire episode ranting about a game they don't even play is silly, depressing and just not good to listen too (and I like Zoia when he isn't saying dumb EU stuff!).

Jakes trying to do 3 seperate games at once, after already failing in Overwatch, and isn't managing to do any of them well. It's a shame, because he's passionate about the game and THH is how I got into esports in the first place, but right now it could and should be SO much more. Why don't they get guests from Blizzard at all, when all the other podcasts do?


Downloads? Maybe.

IIRC THH always drew more live viewers.

Ya live sure, but you can just look at the itunes reviews and see that ITN has 370 reviews, THH has 32 reviews. Jake just sucks ass at promoting his stuff, hes too half-assed with everything he does to ever actually grow an audience.

They don't get good guests for several reasons I'd imagine: They're not professional at all, they cuss a lot, they spend the majority of episodes talking negatively towards the game, the show has zero direction and Jake just kind of sits there and doodles on the screen and plays with sound effects while other people are talking and pays zero attention to whomever is speaking, and finally and most importantly.... the other shows are better! They're more entertaining, they have fun segments, they focus on what's new and good about the game, and draw far more listeners. Why would Blizzard choose to go on their show?


IIRC they were the first to do so, right? But it's been ages since a Blizzard dev went on. Part of it is probably his knack for being disorganized, the other is probably that they are (Jake and Zoia here, not the rest. The rest are thoughtful and usually eloquent in their criticisms) sometimes so vitriolic and over the top criticizing the devs and the game that they've lost some of their favor.

I'd love for a competent host like Scott or Garrett to get hold of this show just to see what they could do with Dunk and Bakery and other good guests like Bakery's old podcast.


Shouldn't it be soon? Like he should be on PTR tomorrow, no?

I still enjoy THH just because Bakery and Dunk. I can tolerate Jake to a certain extent, but listening to the podcast can be annoying at times for sure. Like I've said 100000 times in the past he used to BITCH at others (I think the Schamtoo/Cooby days) when anyone would type on their keyboards.

I can't see Scott or Garrett taking over THH as they don't have very good "top tier" experience. I'm pretty sure Jake and Zoia are higher-level caliber players than even Kyle.

If any podcast has gotten less listens from me lately it's ITN.

Someone here should make a Reddit post and see what others say. I think GAF itself would upvote the shit out of it to get it to the top.


Shouldn't it be soon? Like he should be on PTR tomorrow, no?

I still enjoy THH just because Bakery and Dunk. I can tolerate Jake to a certain extent, but listening to the podcast can be annoying at times for sure. Like I've said 100000 times in the past he used to BITCH at others (I think the Schamtoo/Cooby days) when anyone would type on their keyboards.

I can't see Scott or Garrett taking over THH as they don't have very good "top tier" experience. I'm pretty sure Jake and Zoia are higher-level caliber players than even Kyle.

If any podcast has gotten less listens from me lately it's ITN.

Someone here should make a Reddit post and see what others say. I think GAF itself would upvote the shit out of it to get it to the top.
ITNs Patreon is at an all time high, they're riding high

Side note: Garrett says "no I completely agree", or "you're absolutely right" in response to anything Kyle says. It's hilarious


You winning a game every day of the week?

No joke I have played every day of the event and still not gotten a single thing from the sweeps.

I realize there is nothing statistically unusual about this, but as I said before my friend played one AI game and got 5 chests so I'm more than a little salty.


No joke I have played every day of the event and still not gotten a single thing from the sweeps.

I realize there is nothing statistically unusual about this, but as I said before my friend played one AI game and got 5 chests so I'm more than a little salty.
You gotta win the game though, so simply playing isn't gonna cut it. If you miss a day then you're DQd so maybe that's what's happening, or perhaps you're just extremely unlucky ☹️


One thing that's left unsaid in Zoia and Jake's rants...all their friends are GM's and they are diamond level players like most of us. That's the real reason Jake doesn't play. He gets salty af and looks terrible every time he streams. It's hard to accept that even when you have in the past had great game knowledge as a caster, and you run in the pro circles, that you're nowhere near their level and your games do not resemble anything like what you cast or even watch on a GM stream.

Regarding ITN, yeah I think it's doing great. I'm a bit burnt on it too thanks to the Kyle circle jerk though. CORE is still good fun.

I just wonder what THH could be with an engaged host and someone actively taking care of and marketing it.


A lot of the most frequent posters/regular faces are in diamond, yeah.

There's a good mix from bottom to top that do post off and on from time to time, though, as familie said. The point was more that Jake is at best an above average level player but his expectation (like many people you encounter on ladder) is that he deserves to be higher and that's where his frustration stems from.


Do the other podcasts get pro players on them? It's the only reason I listen to thh

Also fuck Jake mr."I've been doing production for 7 years but can't balance audio levels".


They made enough to get Dunk once a month, so he's on both THH and ITN. They also have Jeff Cannata who is Silver or Gold IIRC and brings the complete opposite perspective.

Bronze 1 but I keep getting matched with Silver 5s... this normal or just a lack of bronze players?

Means your MMR says you are likely to push into Silver 5, provided you continue at the same clip. There's a lot more Bronze/Silver/Gold than Plat/Diamond/Master/GM by far and away.
Normal. Bronze 1 and silver 5 are right next to each other
Oh i assumed it went bronze 12345 then silver 12345. Was wondering why i was matched so far away. Makes sense now.

Having better experience in matches now that I'm ranked though. Those placement matches were horrible experience.

Any guides out there to read about best time to take camps and stuff. I watch grubby a lot but have trouble grasping all the stuff he does.


You gotta win the game though, so simply playing isn't gonna cut it. If you miss a day then you're DQd so maybe that's what's happening, or perhaps you're just extremely unlucky ☹️

Gotten at least one win, in AI or QM, every night before 2am pdt when I'm to understand the daily reset comes
Lunara is such a satisfying hero to play, easily my favourite.

Just curious if there is a discord or chat you folks frequent? Could always use people to play with (And put up with my noobness)

Well I have added my name to the player list, feel free to add if you ever feel a need for a nooby Lunara!

And I will pop into the Discord from time to time if I'm welcome. ;)


Controversial post of the day?

I used to hate the haunted mines rework but ive come to appreciate and enjoy it. In my games at least, the low power of the objective along with the high value of staying out of the mines seems to finally have been taken for granted. The rotations in and out of the mines feel organic and thoughtful. Mercs are prioritized and used to pressure properly. Initially when the map came out it was that same lets all rush in the mines, split up, we sure are playing hots shit, but i feel like the playerbase has matured w/r/t this map in ways that some old ass maps havent even achieved yet, and that this has happened because the consolidation of power on the map is just so...polarized? Obscene?

Funnily, i disliked that they got rid of old mines because it was the best map for teaching imo + door fights were amazing. It taught merc camp timing, leaving the objective alone or not, logicking out which lane to be in. Yeah it had a snowball issue but it was kind of fun having the first 7 minutes feel so critical to the outcome (as opposed to the whole yeah let's get away with fucking around, win a late game fight, win the game)

Hanamura would be more fun to play if ppl knew and were willing to play the map correctly (ignoring first payload and snowballing).


I like the new haunted mines. It's not nearly as snowbally as other maps.

Hanamura tho.... there's just way too much shit on the map. I like the new Merc ideas but I think the map would be better with traditional mercs instead. It really feels like they tried to do too much with the design and it just turns into a shit show no matter what you do.

I feel like they should force that map into hgc. Or give us like a bo7 show match or something.

I think optimal strategy would be two strong solo laners + a 3 man death squad.

But then the cart turn ins are in shitty spots for that.

Really wish it was a 1 cart tug of war.


EDIT: The Twitch cheering thing seems neat. Sucks a bit you gotta pay money to Twitch to get the bits to cheer with instead of doing it directly with Blizzard, but it's a start. So are there team specific mounts or not? I see people on reddit mentioning it, and even the Gosugamer article has a poll mentioning it at the bottom...but the mounts they showed in the article were just reskins of old Hero League rewards so I'm a bit confused.

Also LOL @ people on reddit doing the same thing with this Twitch integration that they did with ESPN and Facebook Live. "y cant i" It's not exactly the same situation since you actually have to pay for this, but if you're watching HGC anyway I'm not sure how much of a problem this could really be for you.

Controversial post of the day?

I used to hate the haunted mines rework but ive come to appreciate and enjoy it. In my games at least, the low power of the objective along with the high value of staying out of the mines seems to finally have been taken for granted. The rotations in and out of the mines feel organic and thoughtful. Mercs are prioritized and used to pressure properly. Initially when the map came out it was that same lets all rush in the mines, split up, we sure are playing hots shit, but i feel like the playerbase has matured w/r/t this map in ways that some old ass maps havent even achieved yet, and that this has happened because the consolidation of power on the map is just so...polarized? Obscene?

Funnily, i disliked that they got rid of old mines because it was the best map for teaching imo + door fights were amazing. It taught merc camp timing, leaving the objective alone or not, logicking out which lane to be in. Yeah it had a snowball issue but it was kind of fun having the first 7 minutes feel so critical to the outcome (as opposed to the whole yeah let's get away with fucking around, win a late game fight, win the game)

Hanamura would be more fun to play if ppl knew and were willing to play the map correctly (ignoring first payload and snowballing).

I still dislike mines but a lot of that is aesthetic. Outside of Warhead Junction, it's the drabbest map in the game. It's better now for sure but I do feel like the golems really vacillate between being damn near useless to absolute juggernauts simply depending on your team comp and your enemy's, and that's not even counting Sylvanas. Like you can crush it in skulls but if you don't have great siege and the opponent has great damage, they just melt it and you get very little or vice versa. It's one map objective that is very contingent on outside factors unlike the other maps. I don't like that it's like that since I primarily play QM (as do most people based on the metrics we have which may account for it's lack of popularity).

I do agree w/ you about old mines being useful for teaching, though. On one of the HOTS podcasts they discussed that a while back. We really don't have a great map for teaching timings that is adhered to like that one was.

I've had decent success in Hanamura just by being capable of basic math.

I'm still 65%+ on my main account and 60%+ total on all my accounts on it IIRC. Even if I wasn't I like it just because of how it looks.

I really do think Bribe's interaction w/ the mercs on that map needs to be changed, though. 1 stack getting you that heal buff given how hard he is to kill without it seems way out of line.


I like the new haunted mines. It's not nearly as snowbally as other maps.

Hanamura tho.... there's just way too much shit on the map. I like the new Merc ideas but I think the map would be better with traditional mercs instead. It really feels like they tried to do too much with the design and it just turns into a shit show no matter what you do.

I feel like they should force that map into hgc. Or give us like a bo7 show match or something.

I think optimal strategy would be two strong solo laners + a 3 man death squad.

But then the cart turn ins are in shitty spots for that.

Really wish it was a 1 cart tug of war.

Im actually not familiar with it's new changes beyond removing sappers but w/r/t the older version:

Optimal is either 4man or 5man, with fort as primary objective. Getting a fort nullifies any payload advantage, gives exp advantage, gives map advantage (sentry camp, no well for future payload spawns), etc. A payload can be stopped/delayed by one person.

The only reasons to push a payload are:
You can soak at the same time
You have lvl/talent advantage and can devote minimal resources to the push (like 1 on it while 4 stall their team)
It's a crucial take (wins the game or puts them at risk of losing next payload/boss)

There is just no reason ever to push a payload early on since it puts you behind. It gives no exp and forts give you two shots and exp. A fort snowballs the game for you automatically.
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