why the nerfing xul's w lol
They clearly weren't using it as an escape in playtesting.Those changes are ok, the dodge and dragonblade ones in particular, but I'm with Kirblar. That's the simple fix that allows him to remain as-is numbers wise. Instead he'll get nerfed in every way but that until finally they also nerf that and then he's completely useless as they have done to other heroes in the past.
It's still amusing that when they launched Genji they said his E range being so long and persisting through terrain was there as a detriment as much as a boon.
Blizzard fans hate when you play other blizzard games. Not even joking, this is something I've noticed lol.
Tracer's E is on a 26s cd btw
why the nerfing xul's w lol
This will be the patch for the clashes. And some of those teams already luv them some pandas.So should we just prepare for at least 2-3 weeks of non-step Chen's? Feels like its coming
Scoobs finally gave up on the Xul topic!
wow swtor looks like shit even compared to wow these days
It's really amazing to me that that game still has an active community
It's really amazing to me that that game still has an active community
It's really amazing to me that that game still has an active community
- Official signing window for season 1 = Aug 1 to Oct 30
- Players must be signed to 1 year contracts that can be extended by an additional year
- Contracts must guarantee at least $50,000 and include healthcare and retirement savings plans (holy crap yay!)
- Players must receive 50% of the team's performance based income, with a 3.5 million prize pool for season 1
- Rosters must be 6-12 players with no region locking
- Team's are required to maintain player housing and practice facilities "which will meet professional standards determined by the Overwatch League"
-Confirmed to launch later this year
Didn't we have some people not that long ago say Chen was dumpster tier? Maybe I can main him in HL again like I did that one season.
Are you master level or just a trik sub? Impressive if you are in his leagueI've turned into a Stitches main. I don't know when it happened exactly, but im 10-2 on the season, and 10-0 when trikslyr isn't on my team.
And it's so fun to play. Very few things are as satisfying to do as a max range hook on the enemy KT in the middle of a hectic team fight
What's your build with him? Just standard slam?
Not a trik sub, he's a nice guy for the most part from what i've seen. (He kinda tilts easily though while keeping up a positive facade on stream)
I'm diamond 2, he's master. Early in the day and late at night matchmaking will sometimes give masters players d2, d3, d5 and even plat players due to not enough people playing.
That's usually how I get to play against people like Jun, Cattle, etc etc. If you're plat 1 or above and want a taste of the masters life, just play off-hours. Several times you'll be the only diamond in a full masters game or close
wow swtor looks like shit even compared to wow these days
Leoric, yeah, he is so boring, just Q and sometimes his W ...unless you screw up and use E
Maybe he's a Chromiehound?dude wtf, glaurung bleached his hair.