Yeah i thought he was pretty good, the main thing he did better than dread was logicking out stuff he didnt understand at first glance. For dread he's often either completely wrong (they should have done x, why would they pick y i dont understand and thus disagree) or he'll start connecting the dots but stop short. Whenever he attempts to rationalize a decision he uses that tone of "hey maybe thia i dunno?", and a lot of the time he'll start with the right concept but end up in the alps. Dunk is a lot more considered with that kind of thing.
He did have issues with pushing his narrative but a lot of the times hed catch himself, like you could tell he was actively trying to improve.
I had to buy this skin, its so godlike. Also first Kerrigan game in weeks and just smaaaaashed kids
Also to contribute to the conversation, the problem I have w/ Dread is he is one of those casters that always says "oh my god this is the craziest thing ive EVER seen" about everything he sees.
well i DO have a 54% WR, nbd.
Better pack it up and find a new game53% here, guess I'm a shitter.
Better pack it up and find a new game
I've been enjoying watching Alex Ich late at night. Haven't seen any salt from him and he talks about what's going on and interacts a bit. He has some kind of friendly rivalry with Fan because they always end up on opposite teams.
Yeah I have seen him on Tass a lot. I like that he streams both League and HOTS...kind of like what Scarra and Dyrus intimated they might do but didn't ultimately. Granted he's only hitting 1200 viewers nowadays with League compared to them, but still.
just got fixedIs nazeebo still bugged? Kills from abilities don't grant passive stacks?
Fixed in balance patchIs nazeebo still bugged? Kills from abilities don't grant passive stacks?
I've only seen him on stream, that's not how I imagined him.
Edit: I'm talking about this: