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Hex MMOTCG Kickstarter by Cryptozoic Entertainment [Complete, ~$2.5 million funded]


Dungeon Crawler is best for someone who likes the equipment side of the game. (The modifiers next to cards when you look at them on our website.)

Raid Leader is nice because you will have no trouble finding people to raid with. If you are planning on just playing with friends, then is just makes defeating raids easier, but if you're playing alone being a Raid Leader makes you an auto-include in any group.

Each tier is designed to try to appeal to a particular type of player.

Chris Woods
Hey Chris! I'm really glad that you guys are interfacing with the community like you are, it shows that you're really serious about making this project a success. Makes me feel a bit more secure about the $750 I've already put into the game, at the very least!

I had a question about the Dungeon Crawler tier in particular. I was wondering if it was double the loot, as in, the quantity of the loot rewarded (200 gold instead of 100, two rare pieces of equipment instead of one) or double the chance of getting a rare item to drop (a rare weapon has a 2% drop chance normally, double to 4%). The way I interpreted it was double the quantity, but some on the official forums seem to think it's the other way around. Could we get a definitive word on this?

Idk I would think a blue/green escalation type deck would be pretty powerful.
It could be, but we have no idea right now what the meta speed looks like. If there's a lot of draw power across the board escalation could turn out to be a very powerful mechanic.

However, if a lot of decks end up like the White/Red we've seen in some streams, and are constantly starved of cards, it has the potential to flounder. I was surprised when I saw Red escalation cards, right now it seems to be a pretty slow color in terms of draw power.


Update #25

Hello! Cory here, so it must be SUNDAY!

I will dispense with the "mind blown" talk, I am sure you’re sick of it and describing how surreal this experience has been is getting old for you. That said… IT’S TOTALLY SURREAL!

I wanted to take this chance to talk about the security and integrity of the systems we are building and why it is critically important for us to protect them. If I were to prioritize and identify our 3 keys to success it would be:

1. Great Game Design
2. Security
3. Accessibility

Now, 1 and 3 are easy enough, just hire great people, work your ass off and make smart decisions. Done! But that number 2 slot is a bit trickier.

As many people as there are signed up to play this game, that love the vision of it and the promise of what it can be, there are a small number of people that want to take advantage of what we are building. And when I say "we" I don’t just mean the people here at Cryptozoic, I mean YOU also. Without the community we have been blessed to establish so far, there is no game. Make no mistake, HEX is your game as much as it’s ours. And that’s why I take the security part so seriously.

Any game that wants to combine community and collectables is only going to be as good as its ability to protect the integrity of those collectables and insure the core systems of the game are not exploited.

What I am more concerned about is the outside world that wants nothing more than to profit from your passion for this game. And I will tell you now, we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for systems or exploits that take advantage of our game. Any action that breaks the intent of our design to financially benefit individuals at the expense of our community will be identified immediately and vigorously extricated from the environment. All efforts will be made to undo the damage and close the holes that allowed the abuse to take place.

When I imagine bots churning through our PVE experience to farm drops and flood our auction house, my blood boils (we have powerful analytics in place to stop bots, so this really isn’t a threat). But the idea of someone taking advantage of this labor of love and the people that support it is totally unacceptable.

I will say it again: we will have a zero tolerance policy for exploits, we WILL undo the damage (we have built the system to handle this), and we will remove you from HEX … period (the period spelled out sounded good in my head, but looks weird written out).

I have been super impressed by the passion and creativity on the HEX message boards. I do read most of it (the constructive stuff, anyway). There have been some great ideas posted, such as card designs, dungeon concepts, and even the tournament ideas are cool. I know we have all been totally inspired by these ideas.

In a thread about the stretch goal, Digital_Aether mentioned an idea to have a sealed deck style dungeon with packs as rewards as you get deeper and deeper into the dungeon so you modify your deck as you go. That’s a super cool idea, we may have to give that one some serious thought.

Well, that’s it for now. I have said it a million times but I will say it again, thank you!

… And please, if at all possible, give us the benefit of the doubt, we have been making hard decisions every day, and I promise we have the best intent. We have been very transparent and I think you’re probably starting to get a feel for where our heart is.

Before I go, a couple quick answers

1. I imagine the “alpha” will be several weeks long. We want to balance “what is polished enough” to show you, with giving you a bit of time in HEX before anyone else.
2. No more tiers, under any circumstances.




Welcome to NeoGAF, Mr. Woods! It's really awesome how communicative your whole team has been during this Kickstarter and I truly believe Hex will be something special as a result of the commitment your team has shown to the game thus far (and I hope you and your team always has this passion). I can tell you that Hex is only the second Kickstarter I have ever backed and I'm a Grand King because I sense how serious you guys are taking this game and I can see that it's not only about the bottom line. My first Kickstarter I backed was for only $10, for the record. =P

Anyway, with that said, I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to a few questions that I have so I figured I'll just ask you haha

(1) Will it be possible to join draft tournaments, limited, constructed, etc. with your friends so you can face each other in the PVP experience? I know there's a casual version of PVP, but with paper TCGs I've always had fun going to competitive tournaments and playing with my friends (we never ended up actually playing against each other, but it was always fun wondering if we eventually would get paired against one another and we always had fun seeing how much better one of us did against the other in overall ladder rankings).

This worries me a bit. While I can understand the fun in going up against your friends in a tournament, the potential for abuse is quite high. I mean, there's nothing stopping a few friends from agreeing on potential colors beforehand and then drafting around that.

Not having to worry about the guy on your right cutting off your color of choice is pretty big. Not to mention, in-game chat (if available) means that you can potential warn all of your friends about your opponents deck composition and big bomb cards. Having said that, I can't imagine that they won't let you draft with your friends.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a grumpy, old stickler with no friends, but that kind of stuff used to kill me in live drafts. I'm the guy that had to call the judge over to remove your friends from the play area during the top 8. Sorry:/


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Yeah but like every online game, botting is impossible to stop. Let's hope it will be very limited

Duping should be impossible, but botting will happen to some extent but it should only effect the PVE experience. Either way, I hope a lot of the extra funds that CZE gets via the Kickstarter that don't go toward the stretch goals goes toward massive development in security technology and in a legal department (for selling cards, again something that I'm really hoping CZE does but I'm not getting my hopes up).

This worries me a bit. While I can understand the fun in going up against your friends in a tournament, the potential for abuse is quite high. I mean, there's nothing stopping a few friends from agreeing on potential colors beforehand and then drafting around that.

Not having to worry about the guy on your right cutting off your color of choice is pretty big. Not to mention, in-game chat (if available) means that you can potential warn all of your friends about your opponents deck composition and big bomb cards. Having said that, I can't imagine that they won't let you draft with your friends.

I don't know, maybe I'm just a grumpy, old stickler with no friends, but that kind of stuff used to kill me in live drafts. I'm the guy that had to call the judge over to remove your friends from the play area during the top 8. Sorry:/

I think you have a valid concern, but I don't think everyone should be punished for the sins of a few. Essentially, I think and hope CZE will take steps to figure out a method to punish or restrict those who willingly cheat with their friends in draft tournaments (one of the things they could do is, during the initial draft, not let anyone in a party be right next to each other on the table). I wouldn't mind if Chris addresses that part of your concern during my initial question as well to alleviate any concerns dealing with that.

I just want the option to play with my friends in low-level limited (and all) tournaments. Invitation tournaments that require a certain amount of qualifier points could give everyone a random time (hopefully there would be a couple of options due to people having to work and whatnot) of the tournament event not allowing players to join the same one if they have the same amount of qualifier points.


Really, the biggest issue I can see with this is that it's the internet. Just open up AIM or Skype or something on the side and they'll have at it.

The same can happen in real life too. The only reason it doesn't is because the friends want to play against each other too. So basically, sportsmanship and etiquette.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Really, the biggest issue I can see with this is that it's the internet. Just open up AIM or Skype or something on the side and they'll have at it.

The same can happen in real life too. The only reason it doesn't is because the friends want to play against each other too. So basically, sportsmanship and etiquette.

Yeah, it's almost the same issue as DRM, for instance. DRM never really hurts anyone but the actual consumer (the pirate will find a way past it). That analogy only works in a certain way though - steps should be taken for CZE to stop or limit collusion, but they shouldn't just outright ban players from playing draft tournaments (including competitive ones) with their friends.

Also, here's an interview of Cory by Angry Joe:



Really, the biggest issue I can see with this is that it's the internet. Just open up AIM or Skype or something on the side and they'll have at it.

The same can happen in real life too. The only reason it doesn't is because the friends want to play against each other too. So basically, sportsmanship and etiquette.

Sorry, I'm not trying to poke at what you're saying because that IS what it comes down to. I've just never known the internet to bring out the best in people - especially when there are likely to be prizes on the line. Whereas I won't cheat, I don't have a lot of faith that others won't cheat especially when there are probably very few countermeasures / repercussions that come with it.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Normally, I don't pay attention to this kind of stuff.

But this.

This is rad.


Yes it is.

Also, unlike most Kickstarters, CZE has already spent 2 years on this game. It's not like they are hoping the players fund the whole entire freakin' game or that CZE hasn't put any risk on the line.


I'd love to play this game, but the $120 price tag for the Lotus Garden is just too high, especially since Hearthstone and FFXIV:RR will both be out by Sept. Not getting some of those reward tiers such as free drafts for life and 100% + gold/exp for life feels like I'm missing out every time I would touch the game as well.

The high entry price for those KS tiers has pretty much put me off, probably going with one of Hearthstone / Scrolls / Solforge to invest my digital CCG money.


I'd love to play this game, but the $120 price tag for the Lotus Garden is just too high, especially since Hearthstone and FFXIV:RR will both be out by Sept. Not getting some of those reward tiers such as free drafts for life and 100% + gold/exp for life feels like I'm missing out every time I would touch the game as well.

The high entry price for those KS tiers has pretty much put me off, probably going with one of Hearthstone / Scrolls / Solforge to invest my digital CCG money.

Are you putting in money for Hearthstone or Solforge or Scrolls? Just don't put any money into this either. Just dick around in the PvE; most of the stuff people are buying are so they can draft, which takes money, which would be something you wouldn't want to spend if you were just going to take a small look at it. I'm still at Squire tier myself.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Are you putting in money for Hearthstone or Solforge or Scrolls? Just don't put any money into this either. Just dick around in the PvE; most of the stuff people are buying are so they can draft, which takes money, which would be something you wouldn't want to spend if you were just going to take a small look at it. I'm still at Squire tier myself.

I did not expect you to be at Squire, so I have to ask: Are you going to go to the next highest tier if the 1.8 million goal is reached and Alpha becomes available?


I did not expect you to be at Squire, so I have to ask: Are you going to go to the next highest tier if the 1.8 million goal is reached and Alpha becomes available?

I'm on the fence. I have the money, so I might jump to $120 for the Lotus Garden, or I might not. It's really whether or not I'll play enough that I'll constantly be bugged by not having money to use in the Auction House to get whatever I want. Having a Lotus Garden would alleviate a lot of that worry. I remember all the days as a kid where I had to improve my deck one card at a time, literally, because I hated buying booster packs and I didn't like spending actual money for getting new cards but I understood the power of duplicates.

At the same time I like the feeling of slowly building myself stronger and stronger. But with the amount of cards released and the speed they're being released, that might be a stupid waste of time... Eh...

There's a high chance that I'm going to jump on King tier during the last 48 hours. I'm just not quite there yet. And I also need to budget time and money for Animal Crossing and SMT4.


Are you putting in money for Hearthstone or Solforge or Scrolls? Just don't put any money into this either. Just dick around in the PvE; most of the stuff people are buying are so they can draft, which takes money, which would be something you wouldn't want to spend if you were just going to take a small look at it. I'm still at Squire tier myself.

Yeah, I'm at the second tier myself. If you do get into the game, I'm looking forward to your posts. Your thoughts in the Guild Wars 2 thread were very informative. ;D


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I'm on the fence. I have the money, so I might jump to $120 for the Lotus Garden, or I might not. It's really whether or not I'll play enough that I'll constantly be bugged by not having money to use in the Auction House to get whatever I want. Having a Lotus Garden would alleviate a lot of that worry. I remember all the days as a kid where I had to improve my deck one card at a time, literally, because I hated buying booster packs and I didn't like spending actual money for getting new cards but I understood the power of duplicates.

At the same time I like the feeling of slowly building myself stronger and stronger. But with the amount of cards released and the speed they're being released, that might be a stupid waste of time... Eh...

There's a high chance that I'm going to jump on King tier during the last 48 hours. I'm just not quite there yet. And I also need to budget time and money for Animal Crossing and SMT4.

I budgeted other games out (like Last of Us :/) so I could work in the Grand King. I started at King, went to Collector, then went to Grand King because a TCG/MMO is pretty much my peanut butter and chocolate combo when it comes to games. I just thought you would be at least a King but I see why you're waiting haha


I'd love to play this game, but the $120 price tag for the Lotus Garden is just too high, especially since Hearthstone and FFXIV:RR will both be out by Sept. Not getting some of those reward tiers such as free drafts for life and 100% + gold/exp for life feels like I'm missing out every time I would touch the game as well.

The high entry price for those KS tiers has pretty much put me off, probably going with one of Hearthstone / Scrolls / Solforge to invest my digital CCG money.
The reason they're so high, relatively, is because this is a TCG, and not a CCG. You will be able to make back some of your investment here, and it's very likely that the Lotus Garden alone will eventually pay for King tier. Not to mention the fact that you get ~$385 worth of boosters/starter decks (not including the Primal pack, which will probably be worth ~$10), a slew of great promo cards, some cool sleeves, as well as alpha and beta access.

Seems like a pretty decent deal to me. I wouldn't dwell on the sold-out tiers so much, they're going to be a tiny fraction of the final player-count and are by no means necessary to be competitive. Every tier, except maybe the $2500+ ones, offer fantastic value for their respective price-points.

To each their own, and I understand the frustration, but it seems silly to write the game off entirely because of it. If you're a TCG fan, I feel like you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not at least giving the game a shot.
The reason they're so high, relatively, is because this is a TCG, and not a CCG. You will be able to make back some of your investment here, and it's very likely that the Lotus Garden alone will eventually pay for King tier. Not to mention the fact that you get ~$385 worth of boosters/starter decks (not including the Primal pack, which will probably be worth ~$10), a slew of great promo cards, some cool sleeves, as well as alpha and beta access.

Seems like a pretty decent deal to me. I wouldn't dwell on the sold-out tiers so much, they're going to be a tiny fraction of the final player-count and are by no means necessary to be competitive. Every tier, except maybe the $2500+ ones, offer fantastic value for their respective price-points.

To each their own, and I understand the frustration, but it seems silly to write the game off entirely because of it. If you're a TCG fan, I feel like you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not at least giving the game a shot.

Exactly. You can't look at the Lotus Garden alone in the King tier and say it's too much. There is a lot of value apart from that in there.


Looks nice, but Kickstarter just needs to rebrand itself as a pre-order platform.

They already seem to be at a fully polished prototype of the game done, they're an established company, Kickstarter video that probably cost at least $10k to produce.. and they still want us to believe that if the Kickstarter doesn't succeed, they'll just drop the project. Yeah ok.


Lots of new backers today, including two new Producers. It looks like Dungeon Crawler is going to sell out before the end of the campaign for sure now. We'll probably be hitting the first extended goal by the end of tomorrow, or early Tuesday.

Edit: Make that three new Producers. Wow.


Looks nice, but Kickstarter just needs to rebrand itself as a pre-order platform.

They already seem to be at a fully polished prototype of the game done, they're an established company, Kickstarter video that probably cost at least $10k to produce.. and they still want us to believe that if the Kickstarter doesn't succeed, they'll just drop the project. Yeah ok.

I know, Kickstarter is meant only for bad indie games with nothing but a piece of concept art on the page.


Collector Tier makes the most sense at this point. Collecting cards will always be part of the appeal. Having extremely-rare alternative art cards that are usable in PvP makes that account pretty valuable.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Collector Tier makes the most sense at this point. Collecting cards will always be part of the appeal. Having extremely-rare alternative art cards that are usable in PvP makes that account pretty valuable.

The thing about Collector as well is that you get 2 copies of each alternate art PVP cards and ALL of the alternate art PVP cards are either rare or legendary. That's 12 rare or legendary alternate art PVP cards every set (granted, it's 6 different ones with duplicates of those 6).

Edit: Make that three new Producers. Wow.

Holy crap. They just made $30,000 extra dollars with 3 pledges.


Collector Tier makes the most sense at this point. Collecting cards will always be part of the appeal. Having extremely-rare alternative art cards that are usable in PvP makes that account pretty valuable.
It depends on how much of a difference the Dungeon Crawler tier makes. If farming dungeons turns out to be lucrative, it could very well mean that Dungeon Crawler ends up being the stronger tier.

Although, Collector does have the benefit of receiving a full playset of all Kickstarter exclusives, in addition to an extra Garden, right at the beginning of the game. It will definitely be far more valuable than the Dungeon Crawler as things start, but I think that DC will shine when the game has matured a little and people are able to run dungeons for loot as they see fit.

They're both great, though, and you can't go wrong with either option.


Do we have any word on whether or not items / cards unlocked in pre-final phases will be carried over?

In Alpha, no. In Beta, yes.

Think of it as a soft Beta like DotA 2 and the like. Once it's in Beta, it means that the PvP has essentially gone gold and what's actually being beta tested is the PvE. Which is another reason for me to get the Lotus Garden now since I wouldn't be able to do anything in PvE for months...


Ah, that puts a damp on my anticipation a bit, but I guess it's to be expected.

While I do like PvP (drafts and sealed), I was hoping to just mess around in PvE for awhile. Going back and looking at Lotus Garden has me rethinking my initial $20 investment. I just don't know if I can really justify the extra $100 buy in. I know it has more value (and the ability to have packs for drafting for a potential 50 tournaments is nice), but it's a lot to shell out at once without actually playing the game. Heck, I've been putting off buying a Vita forever and that's like half the cost right there. I hope there won't be a huge gap between people who invested heavily, and those who didn't.

Everything aside, it's looking like a great time to be a TCG fan. With Scrolls, Hearthstone, Solforge, and Ascension (for Android), man, it's awesome!


So I guess for those who want to play both PvE and PvP we should have a constructed deck for each? I imagine most PvE cards are going to be substantially stronger due to the nature of what you will face in dungeons/environments (bosses, handicaps, multiple opponents ect).

I really hope they make the equipment for PvP cards stronger than what you would find for the PvE cards to ensure they will be just as useful for that format.

Maybe Chris can give us some insight? DO you want PvP cards to be mixed a lot into PvE decks or want them to be more separate formats?


So I guess for those who want to play both PvE and PvP we should have a constructed deck for each? I imagine most PvE cards are going to be substantially stronger due to the nature of what you will face in dungeons/environments (bosses, handicaps, multiple opponents ect).

I really hope they make the equipment for PvP cards stronger than what you would find for the PvE cards to ensure they will be just as useful for that format.

Maybe Chris can give us some insight? DO you want PvP cards to be mixed a lot into PvE decks or want them to be more separate formats?

Umm pvp cards can't be used in pve I believe.


I thought it was the opposite: PvP cards can be used in PvE, but not vice-versa.

Then why would they need to be called pvp cards and not just... well cards? I could be wrong, but it seems silly to have them labeled like that if they can be used in both.


Are you putting in money for Hearthstone or Solforge or Scrolls? Just don't put any money into this either. Just dick around in the PvE; most of the stuff people are buying are so they can draft, which takes money, which would be something you wouldn't want to spend if you were just going to take a small look at it. I'm still at Squire tier myself.

I'm in for $100 on Solforge, with $100 already loaded on my Blizz account for Hearthstone. Definitely buying into the Scrolls beta as well.

My problem with Hex is that I believe the KS tiers are a money grab, and unfair. The limited availability of tiers like Pro Player and Grand King combined with what they give, creates an opportunity divide.

I'm not against KS exclusivity, but this is simply too exclusive for my tastes. I'm a huge CCG/TCG fan, I've played almost every digital card game on PC / iOS no matter how obscure (Carte, Alteil, Sword Girls, etc.), and this just doesn't sit right with me. All of my accumulated experience is telling me to avoid this game and just pour the money into a game like Hearthstone, yet the enthusiast in me wants to give the game a chance. Unfortunately that chance costs $120 and logic is prevailing at the moment.


Then why would they need to be called pvp cards and not just... well cards?

To not confuse people? However maybe it's more confusing haha.

I'm pretty sure PvP cards can be played in PvE which is why I have the concern - of course maybe they want them to be seperate and only in choice situations will a PvP card be useful in a PvE deck.


Then why would they need to be called pvp cards and not just... well cards? I could be wrong, but it seems silly to have them labeled like that if they can be used in both.

Here are three quotes from the official forums:

forum said:
PvP contributes to PvE in that you can use your PvP cards in PvE cards (and believe me, you'll want to, there are some groovy PvP cards already).
PvE 'contributes' to PvP in that you can farm PvE content, sell it on the AH, then potentially buy PvP cards on the AH (if people are selling them - I'd imagine it'd be very easy to get playsets of the commons and uncommons, and jankier rares this way).

forum said:
The only overlap is that pvp cards can be used in pve (not vice versa) and gold is a valid currency in the auction house. As of right now you cannot use gold to buy booster packs from CZE, but you might be able to trade gold for boosters from a player.

forum said:
No, gold will not be usable to purchase PvP booster packs. And no, PvE content will not yield anything that's usable in PvP. But anything you get from PvP will be usable in PvE.

I don't think any of them are Crypto staff, so take their posts with a grain of salt. This is just what I've seen so far on the topic.


To not confuse people? However maybe it's more confusing haha.

I'm pretty sure PvP cards can be played in PvE which is why I have the concern - of course maybe they want them to be seperate and only in choice situations will a PvP card be useful in a PvE deck.

You can use PVP card in PVE but not the opposite


To me it just sounds like PvP cards are the normal cards then. Sounds weird to give them that name. Unless there is a unique pvp only card it seems weird to have that title. PvE only fits for a card name becaues it can only be used in that format.

Too late to change it now though xD


Neo Member
You can use PvP cards in PvE. You cannot use PvE cards in PvP. Equipment is PvE only. There are equipments for both PvE and PvP cards.

Gems are the only thing outside of the PvP cards themselves that are used in PvP.

As for currency and the AH, this what has been stated from the dev interviews and posts. Crypto will only sell boosters, starter decks, and I assume event tickets or however they handle the $1 fee for drafts and other tournies for platnium (RM currency). Gold is obtained via PvE. You can sell cards and equipment on the AH for platnium or gold. I haven't seen anything stated about whether or not you can put something up with a gold price and a plat price at the same time.

Sorry about repeating some things, I wanted to get that all out in one post.


You can use PvP cards in PvE. You cannot use PvE cards in PvP. Equipment is PvE only. There are equipments for both PvE and PvP cards.

Gems are the only thing outside of the PvP cards themselves that are used in PvP.

As for currency and the AH, this what has been stated from the dev interviews and posts. Crypto will only sell boosters, starter decks, and I assume event tickets or however they handle the $1 fee for drafts and other tournies for platnium (RM currency). Gold is obtained via PvE. You can sell cards and equipment on the AH for platnium or gold. I haven't seen anything stated about whether or not you can put something up with a gold price and a plat price at the same time.

Sorry about repeating some things, I wanted to get that all out in one post.
Oh jeez, I just realized something. All this time I was assuming that it'd be like GW2 where there was automatically an exchange for gold to platinum as well as platinum to gold. If there isn't, and only trading with other players decides anything... it'll be like trading metal for keys in TF2. Ugh.


I'm in for $100 on Solforge, with $100 already loaded on my Blizz account for Hearthstone. Definitely buying into the Scrolls beta as well.

My problem with Hex is that I believe the KS tiers are a money grab, and unfair. The limited availability of tiers like Pro Player and Grand King combined with what they give, creates an opportunity divide.

I'm not against KS exclusivity, but this is simply too exclusive for my tastes. I'm a huge CCG/TCG fan, I've played almost every digital card game on PC / iOS no matter how obscure (Carte, Alteil, Sword Girls, etc.), and this just doesn't sit right with me. All of my accumulated experience is telling me to avoid this game and just pour the money into a game like Hearthstone, yet the enthusiast in me wants to give the game a chance. Unfortunately that chance costs $120 and logic is prevailing at the moment.
I was at king but pulled out for similar reasons. It seems like most people are excited about the amazing value of each tier and not so much the actual game. It makes me leery.


Haha, I think it's funny that people will criticize kickstarters for having worthless tiers and then others will come along and be weary when the tiers are valuable.

Can't wait for alpha, which is pretty much in the bag I think.


Haha, I think it's funny that people will criticize kickstarters for having worthless tiers and then others will come along and be weary when the tiers are valuable.

Can't wait for alpha, which is pretty much in the bag I think.

I'm trying to figure out why people think the game is unplayable without a lotus garden.

I'm in for $100 on Solforge, with $100 already loaded on my Blizz account for Hearthstone. Definitely buying into the Scrolls beta as well.

My problem with Hex is that I believe the KS tiers are a money grab, and unfair. The limited availability of tiers like Pro Player and Grand King combined with what they give, creates an opportunity divide.

I'm not against KS exclusivity, but this is simply too exclusive for my tastes. I'm a huge CCG/TCG fan, I've played almost every digital card game on PC / iOS no matter how obscure (Carte, Alteil, Sword Girls, etc.), and this just doesn't sit right with me. All of my accumulated experience is telling me to avoid this game and just pour the money into a game like Hearthstone, yet the enthusiast in me wants to give the game a chance. Unfortunately that chance costs $120 and logic is prevailing at the moment.

This doesn't sound logical at all, this sounds like someone jaded from burning $100 on a preschooler version of yugioh with 4th grader artwork.

I was at king but pulled out for similar reasons. It seems like most people are excited about the amazing value of each tier and not so much the actual game. It makes me leery.

That's because the core of the game is a clone of a longtime working product.


Haha, I think it's funny that people will criticize kickstarters for having worthless tiers and then others will come along and be weary when the tiers are valuable.

Can't wait for alpha, which is pretty much in the bag I think.

who gets alpha?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I'm trying to figure out why people think the game is unplayable without a lotus garden.

Especially since the Garden (well, what the Garden produces, rather) is only useable in PVE. The tiers do not boost a player's effectiveness in an unfair way in PVP at all and that's why the value of the tiers are so smart.


I'm in on a Pro Player. Might not have gone that high normally, but the value of it all is what swung me around.

Funny thing is I've never played an TCG extensively before. There was a short time I played Magic with some kids in my neighborhood, but it eventually came to not having enough time, money, or people to play with at the time that I just fell out of it despite rather liking things overall.

So the concept and what I've seen thus far appeal to me and I hope for the game's success post-launch. PvE does interest me quite a bit as I did enjoy TCG video games such as the Pokemon TCG game on Gameboy when I was younger.
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