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Hey doesn't that new Nintendo.. thing... come out soon?

Hell if I know. I heard somehing about a new handheld coming out in a week or so.

Alright, I know all about the DS. But many, many people don't. We were talking about it in my school the other day and some people thought we were joking around when explaining it and telling about how it's coming out next week. Honestly, I've seen almost no TV spots for it, no hype from anywhere except the internet, really. Remember when Nintendo systems were hyped through the roof, when stores would open EARLY so you could get one?

I know Halo 2 is big and all, but it shouldn't overshadow an entire launch, especially from Nintendo. Quite frankly I don't care how much advertising money they put into this campaign, from what I've seen, and heard from people not in "gaming loops" this thing doesn't even exist.

They all know about the PSP though.
The demo units are all over the place now. There was a small crowd around it at the Best Buy I visited on Friday. Word will get around.
People will know once they see it on the front page of just about every Sunday ad next week. It launches next Sunday and it's the perfect day for people to head out and see what the heck it is.

Wierd thing was that yesterday this older couple was looking at the Best Buy kiosk and kept saying, "She said she wanted the Nintendo DS." So maybe it's on more Xmas lists than we think.


well not really...yet
I played one today, it was horrific let me assure you. The stylus was horribly impractical, never even glanced at the second screen.... Graphics were not as sinful as I thought, but still well below par compared to a PSP.

Ill wait for a price drop.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
worldrunover said:
I hope so. Also, I wonder how they'll display them without losing the stylus every ten seconds...

I was at Gamestop on Friday, and one of the units no longer had it's stylus. It's attached by a chord, but somehow it was gone...and I didn't want to use my greasy fingers to play, so I missed out. But I might check it out again before work today, hopefully the unit with the stylus is open this time.
I don't know anyone who knows about the PSP, and two people who know about the DS. DS WIN!

Seriously, most people outside the hardcore and kid crowds didn't know about the GBA before launch, either. Pre-launch hype doesn't seem as necessary for a portable. I'm guessing that they advertise themselves pretty well, with people playing the systems in public.
Heh... I still have people come up to me when I'm playing my SP and wonder what the hell it is....

I simply respond "A gameboy" ... they don't think it's real 'till I show them the Nintendo symbol...

An intoxicated woman once asked me if it was an "X-man" .... I didn't know how to respond...

I don't know how many units Nintendo plans to get out before X-mass... but they're mostly all pre-bought right now.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Same here: Some people see my playing my SP w/ my headphones on, and they ask me "What are you listening to?" like it's some sort of iPod or something. :lol


I, for one, cannot wait until the PSP arrives. Sony seems to know what they're doing moreso than Nintendo, which is odd.


PSP has no compelling new software that makes it worth a purchase.
The DS does.

And DeadStar's opinion is in the minority.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Actually, my EB IS opening early (or late, depending on your PoV) to cover the DS launch.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mejilan said:
Actually, my EB IS opening early (or late, depending on your PoV) to cover the DS launch.

As in Saturday "night" at 12am? That's crazy! :)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
olimario said:
PSP has no compelling new software that makes it worth a purchase.

I'd say a portable Ridge Racer compilation that looks as good or better than RRV and an arcade perfect port of Vampire Savior with extras are two compelling pieces of software.

I'm buying a PSP just for those two games. The PSP may not offer a new interface but it does offer experiences that previously were not possible on handhelds...and still aren't possible on the DS.

It seems to me like Nintendo fans are trying to say the PSP isn't worth it because its the same old same old... but the fact is the Gameboy offered the same old same old too and I don't seem to recall any of you saying "don't buy a Gameboy you can play those games on the NES, SNES, etc".

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Frankly, they don't really need to yet. It's unlikely they'll be able to fill consumer demand as it is this year, they might as well just let word get round on its own as people play their friend's systems or see someone playing it wherever, then by the time these people want one, they might have more stock out there.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
JC10001 said:
I'd say a portable Ridge Racer compilation that looks as good or better than RRV and an arcade perfect port of Vampire Savior with extras are two compelling pieces of software.
But can you raise puppies with it? I think not!
JC10001 said:
I'd say a portable Ridge Racer compilation that looks as good or better than RRV and an arcade perfect port of Vampire Savior with extras are two compelling pieces of software.

I'm buying a PSP just for those two games. The PSP may not offer a new interface but it does offer experiences that previously were not possible on handhelds...and still aren't possible on the DS.

It seems to me like Nintendo fans are trying to say the PSP isn't worth it because its the same old same old... but the fact is the Gameboy offered the same old same old too and I don't seem to recall any of you saying "don't buy a Gameboy you can play those games on the NES, SNES, etc".

Those experiences are perfectly possible on the DS, as long as you dumb down the graphics. The DS could replicate Ridge Racer just perfectly, the gameplay would be exactly the same (assuming the touch screen wasn't used and it was just the buttons) only it wouldn't look as good. This is the problem with the PSP. It just does the same old things with better graphics.


hyperbolically metafictive
quietest system launch i can remember. well, i guess there was the saturn's moronic "stealth launch," but even that generated some buzz.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
StrikerObi said:
Those experiences are perfectly possible on the DS, as long as you dumb down the graphics. The DS could replicate Ridge Racer just perfectly, the gameplay would be exactly the same (assuming the touch screen wasn't used and it was just the buttons) only it wouldn't look as good. This is the problem with the PSP. It just does the same old things with better graphics.


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
StrikerObi said:
Those experiences are perfectly possible on the DS.

And when you dumb down the graphics its no longer the same experience... hence they aren't possible on the DS.

I want arcade perfect CPS2 ports on a handheld...the DS cannot offer me this experience. The PSP can. End of story.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
JC10001 said:
And when you dumb down the graphics its no longer the same experience... hence they aren't possible on the DS.

I want arcade perfect CPS2 ports on a handheld...the DS cannot offer me this experience. The PSP can. End of story.

Ah so now people WANT ports on handhelds, now that sony's joined the fray.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Lyte Edge said:
As in Saturday "night" at 12am? That's crazy! :)

The store isn't sure yet, when exactly. But if they do, it'll be exactly like the Cube launch. They already totally sold out of their initial stock, so it's very likely that they will open Saturday at midnight.

It'd be inconvenient for me, I actually preordered at a store next to work (Manhattan) not next to where I live (Brooklyn) because I expected it to launch on Monday, the 22nd, in the end. My bad.

Also, my store isn't usually open on Sundays due to its location (business section of Manhattan) and the fact that the shopping crowd doesn't usually come to this part of the city to shop. That's really why they aren't sure about their schedule yet.


hyperbolically metafictive
the ds could replicate the gameplay of some psp games if it had an analog stick. you'll note that it doesn't. and of course as psp matures, its hardware will allow for games that the ds couldn't even approximate, just as there are ps2 games that wouldn't have been possible on ps1.

and a hardware feature is only as good as the software that supports it. the ds's touchscreen is a nullity until someone actually does something remarkable with it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
StrikerObi said:
Those experiences are perfectly possible on the DS, as long as you dumb down the graphics. The DS could replicate Ridge Racer just perfectly, the gameplay would be exactly the same (assuming the touch screen wasn't used and it was just the buttons) only it wouldn't look as good. This is the problem with the PSP. It just does the same old things with better graphics.

Yeah, why play the same old thing with GOOD graphics on the PSP when you can play the same old thing on the DS woth SHITTY GRAPHICS? YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 WOOOO!!

That makes no sense. The DS' two-screen set-up and touch screen could lead to some very creative games, but we're not seeing that. It's getting the "same old thing" just like the PSP.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mejilan said:
The store isn't sure yet, when exactly. But if they do, it'll be exactly like the Cube launch. They already totally sold out of their initial stock, so it's very likely that they will open Saturday at midnight.

It'd be inconvenient for me, I actually preordered at a store next to work (Manhattan) not next to where I live (Brooklyn) because I expected it to launch on Monday, the 22nd, in the end. My bad.

Also, my store isn't usually open on Sundays due to its location (business section of Manhattan) and the fact that the shopping crowd doesn't usually come to this part of the city to shop. That's really why they aren't sure about their schedule yet.

Sunday or Monday is good for me...for once. Usually at these releases, there's always something that comes up or I'm too busy to get to the store. This time I'm totally good to go.

I was hoping for an early launch this week though. :)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
GaimeGuy said:
Ah so now people WANT ports on handhelds, now that sony's joined the fray.

So an arcade perfect port of Vampire Savior was sold in the US before? Fraid not.

People (not me) complained about Nintendo's ports because they kept re-releasing the same games over and over with little to no changes and those games had already been available for years.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Monday kinda sucks for me. It's neat because it's my birthday, but I have a full day of work that day AND a Comp Sci midterm that night.



Even if Nintendo didn't want to put in a real analog stick, it still should've went with some type of input that would allow the player 360-degree movement, even if it didn't have pressure sensitivity.

What exactly does Nintendo have against analog controls? The Nintendo 64 led the industry with them, but then in GameCube, Nintendo decided that its face buttons shouldn't be analog, and now on DS, it doesn't have a control stick at all. Why is Nintendo moving backwards?


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
evilromero said:
Leave it to Nintendo to utterly fail at getting consumer interest in a hot slick new piece of hardware.

That's funny...from what I've heard all of the Nintendo DS units have been sold out due to pre-order. You must realize that Nintendo does not need to work hard to sell a new console. Especially when they are only competing against a Sony product that has absolutely no worth-while titles coming out on it.

Nintendo has been making systems since day one, I'm sure they know what they're doing when it comes to getting the word out for their system.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
snapty00 said:
Even if Nintendo didn't want to put in a real analog stick, it still should've went with some type of input that would allow the player 360-degree movement, even if it didn't have pressure sensitivity.

What exactly does Nintendo have against analog controls? The Nintendo 64 led the industry with them, but then in GameCube, Nintendo decided that its face buttons shouldn't be analog, and now on DS, it doesn't have a control stick at all. Why is Nintendo moving backwards?

Um... there is an analog input method...



GMUNYIFan said:
Nintendo has been making systems since day one, I'm sure they know what they're doing when it comes to getting the word out for their system.
You would think that, but no, not really.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
snapty00 said:
What exactly does Nintendo have against analog controls? The Nintendo 64 led the industry with them, but then in GameCube, Nintendo decided that its face buttons shouldn't be analog, and now on DS, it doesn't have a control stick at all. Why is Nintendo moving backwards?

Ask yourself this question....Why do you need an analog stick on a Hand Held? I know many companies are doing this nowadays, but I see no need for it. The DS folds close, so to protect the screens when not in use. The psp does not fold close, but has an analog stick. I bet you'll be hearing shit from psp fanboys about how their screen are getting all scratched up from minimal play.


GMUNYIFan said:
Ask yourself this question....Why do you need an analog stick on a Hand Held?
Because Mario 64 controls like a bitch without it. Sometimes, you have to control the camera to get Mario to jump right. It's a fucking hack.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
snapty00 said:
You would think that, but no, not really.

Did you even read my post? These units have been sold out for weeks now. You cannot pre-order anymore. Every single unit that has been produced thus far has a prospective owner. I don't know how else to put this. Obviously they got the word out because, now I have to wait until around the holiday season to get my hands on my own.


Running off of Custom Firmware
And, as mentioned, the DS DOES have an analog-like control interface. I haven't dicked around with it myself, so I can't vouch for it, and I don't know how the consumer base and developers are going to take to it in the long term, but I expect once devs and consumers get used to it, it'll prove a success, if not a total replacement for a physical analog sticks. I know all of the Mario 64 DS impressions I've read so far are positive about how it works out. The rest of us will truly know in about a week.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
snapty00 said:
Because Mario 64 controls like a bitch without it. Sometimes, you have to control the camera to get Mario to jump right. It's a fucking hack.

You are the ONLY person I have heard complain about Mario 64's controls on the DS, Snapty.


Running off of Custom Firmware
GMUNYIFan said:
Did you even read my post? These units have been sold out for weeks now. You cannot pre-order anymore. Every single unit that has been produced thus far has a prospective owner. I don't know how else to put this. Obviously they got the word out because, now I have to wait until around the holiday season to get my hands on my own.

Well, you CAN preorder more, they just don't know when they'll be able to fill your order. But your point stands. You really should know better than to argue with snapty about anything regarding to Nintendo, however.


The touch screen is a supplement, not a replacement. A frictionless touch screen is not going to replace an analog stick.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
GaimeGuy said:

Snapty00, have you heard about this little device that nintendo has come up with. It's like a stylus, but you use it just like an analog stick. Do some research on the system before you start bashing it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
snapty00 said:
The touch screen is a supplement, not a replacement. A frictionless touch screen is not going to replace an analog stick.

oh give me a fucking break.

snapty00 said:
Even if Nintendo didn't want to put in a real analog stick, it still should've went with some type of input that would allow the player 360-degree movement, even if it didn't have pressure sensitivity.



GMUNYIFan said:
Snapty00, have you heard about this little device that nintendo has come up with. It's like a stylus, but you use it just like an analog stick. Do some research on the system before you start bashing it.
tocuh screen!!!!!!!!!!!111 holyshitwtf i take back all that i said manzz
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