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Hey everyone


I just turned adblock off and yes the adds are small and unobtrusive. Like every site though they have this bloody annoying habbit of loading after the content so you go to click on a thread and just as you click an add loads in and now you are in a totally different thread. Surely you can set fixed height divs where the adds are going to go so the page does not jump around when they do finally load.

In any event I will keep adblock off if it helps a bit.
I turned off adblock right after EviLore posted this, and have yet to see a single ad.
Now the site keeps opening the cookies acceptance window though...

Kev Kev

This is actually a good idea.



Snake Oil Salesman
It's probably already been said a bunch but I'd be down to buy NeoGAF merch. I'd drink my coffee out of an overpriced mug with the NeoGAF logo on one side and an insane post from a notable member on the other.

THEAP99 THEAP99 has produced so many pearls of wisdom. Love that guy.

Edit: NeoGAF merch already exists? If I don't know this...many many other people don't either.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I have excluded neogaf from mobile opera ad block but this didn't seem to do anything. Opera has an allow acceptable ads thing which is also on and doesn't do anything.
Even turning ad blocking off doesn't result in any ads!
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Amazon requires a few affiliate sales in order to gain access to their api, so if anyone's about to buy something on Amazon it would be helpful to use this link:

(Just needs to be the same session as clicking on the link, what is purchased doesn't matter)

It'll speed up the process of setting up our store functionality. Thanks!
Space Force Reaction GIF

I preordered this, because it's not like I wasn't going to buy it anyway!



Gold Member
Amazon requires a few affiliate sales in order to gain access to their api, so if anyone's about to buy something on Amazon it would be helpful to use this link:

(Just needs to be the same session as clicking on the link, what is purchased doesn't matter)

It'll speed up the process of setting up our store functionality. Thanks!

Bought some headphones...

Headphones Jamming GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Amazon requires a few affiliate sales in order to gain access to their api, so if anyone's about to buy something on Amazon it would be helpful to use this link:

(Just needs to be the same session as clicking on the link, what is purchased doesn't matter)

It'll speed up the process of setting up our store functionality. Thanks!

Bought some rat traps

(being serious not a jab at the green rats)
Patreon has an api so it's possible to link up, but it would need to be custom designed integration. We'll look into it though.
Appreciate you. No worries if it doesn't get integrated.

I've enjoyed my years visiting neogaf. Received alot of emoji responses to my posts. I will do what i can to help keep neogaf afloat. Such a great community here.

I did my part with Patreon and gold. Time for me to get some merch.


This thread has made me explore sections of the site I'd never even considered.

I checked out the storefront for the first time, today.
I checked out the "Communities" section for the first time, today.
I checked out the "Marketplace" for the first time, today.

While I'd always seen them in the corner, I never really bothered to check those places out, because they were of no interest to me. This is coming from a person who has been on the site for more than a decade.
But this is also coming from a person who saw no reason to branch out beyond the zone of normalcy; because those other zones weren't advertised properly.

It might be worth advertising the lesser-known branches of the site. I'm not quite how to do that, but I think it would be a good idea, nonetheless.
If I had to choose, I would recommend a total layout-redo, in terms of which content is provided, up-front, when a person visits the site.

So, with that in mind, I have some notes about the most-recent update:
- The "Top Trending Threads" section should be large, but small enough that I can still see the "Gaming Discussion" and "Off-Topic Discussion" sections of the site without having to scroll-down. To do otherwise feels a bit cheap. It's almost like the "trending" part of the site is a pop-up compared to the actual meat of the content.
And, if you want to advertise the other sections appropriately, they should also be visible without having to scroll-down.

- The ads need to load faster. They should at least match the loading-speed of the overall site, or even load first. In their current form, I load up the website, then click on a thread-link, then the ads load, then the entire site shifts downward, then my initial-click suddenly activates an ad that loaded in just at the moment that I clicked. So instead of going to the link that I clicked, I'm instead taken to an ad that I had no interest in (I understand your need for ad-clicks, so I'm not sure if this idea is feasible), then I have to hit the "back" button, then I have to wait (again) for the whole site to load, then click the proper link after the ad has loaded.

- And this last one I say with the utmost respect for whoever designed them, but also with a level of serious constructive-criticism. Damn near every single shirt on the store needs to have the logo moved up a few inches. It differs per design, but basically every single one of them is wrong; at least in the preview-pictures.
As they currently stand, I love a whole lot of the designs, but I'd never buy one of the shirts.
The logos are basically at belly-button level, when they should instead be at center-chest level. That one single change would almost certainly bring in tons of new revenue.
It's also worth noting that the link to the store doesn't always load for me. For example, I can't see it at all right now. Maybe that has something to do with the new site-update, but it's been a problem for quite a while.


EviLore EviLore bring back politics but behind a gold paywall? Also like the idea of tiers for membership like $5 is no issue for me but $3 would be a mass market price. Overall I think extending the conversation into social and getting ads that way (podcast perhaps?) could help?


Maybe the focus should be in putting in more effort in bringing in more traffic? More traffic = more ads = 💰.
Like making Neogaf more then just a gaming centric forum.
Just a thought..
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Can we have a console war board setup, pay membership gold tokens for members, and if topics get too rowdy, they get moved/split off into the console war board? Make that board have no report button to cut down on moderation work at the same time.



What's GAF's status around industry talking heads? What discussion and insight could people like jaffee, colin, or old rouges like Dennis D bring to the table if offered?

Somebody bring back CrazyButtocksOnATrain.

No one apart from me wants an interview with Jerry Lambert about being Kevin Butler?


I saw several times people claiming they whitelisted the site in Adblock/uBlock but still don't see any ads, the problem is that when you whitelist the main site you only whitelist but not neogaf.com and it's subsites. Add neogaf.com manually to the exception list and there you go, you're doing your part :)

Noppe, i keep ad-blocking and i will not take a Gold membership. I'am not gonna pay for a gaming forum that is filled with console warriors. I have seen the blocking history
And that was a conformation for me that is getting worse every month despite the warnings from the staff.
I'am less and less on NeoGaf and i dont regret it.

End of story.


Noppe, i keep ad-blocking and i will not take a Gold membership. I'am not gonna pay for a gaming forum that is filled with console warriors. I have seen the blocking history
And that was a conformation for me that is getting worse every month despite the warnings from the staff.
I'am less and less on NeoGaf and i dont regret it.

End of story.

I was gonna go gold but certain mods make me go nah. Make m wanna turn adblock instead lol


Elden Member
I was gonna go gold but certain mods make me go nah. Make m wanna turn adblock instead lol
Same here, I use a router level adblocker and white-listing is a pain, but I do it for GAF. Once I get through some major fiscal hurdles I'll add gold on to my list of purchases.


Gold Member
Noppe, i keep ad-blocking and i will not take a Gold membership. I'am not gonna pay for a gaming forum that is filled with console warriors. I have seen the blocking history
And that was a conformation for me that is getting worse every month despite the warnings from the staff.
I'am less and less on NeoGaf and i dont regret it.

End of story.
Animated GIF


Gold Member
This home page redesign is bad. The trending topics take up too much room and doesn't make the rest of the forum options visible. Maybe reconsider how many topics are shown?
Yeah, the discussions box with the 4 sub-forums should stay on top. The trending topics can go into a carousel form below with little arrows to rotate the threads.


I didn't mind the Top Trending threads being more prominent.

Gah, I meant to add a mock "ad banner" down right hand side.
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Gold Member
Noppe, i keep ad-blocking and i will not take a Gold membership. I'am not gonna pay for a gaming forum that is filled with console warriors. I have seen the blocking history
And that was a conformation for me that is getting worse every month despite the warnings from the staff.
I'am less and less on NeoGaf and i dont regret it.

End of story.
Your post reminds me of the broken clock meme. In your case the meme being even the dummiest of dummies can be smart once in a while... Congrats with your gold membership you deserve it :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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