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Hey everyone


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Me and CatLady CatLady can do some kinky neogaf advertising
Yeah that's not going to happen. Did you think for some reason I wouldn't see this post:
Why do green rats have such shit tastes in consoles

It'd be great
No amount of Doritos or Mountain Dew is getting you out of this one, Mr. Blue Snake of Whooping.

On Topic: I do my part on NeoGAF Ads. I've never used an AdBlocker here and since I'm a dumbshit, I frequently click on them by accident.

I'm not a big fan of GAF gold, don't like the auto-updating and don't care about the other perks. I DO like the idea of Patreon and a sticky topic at the top each page with a list of affiliate links
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Where are you from?
secret tom cruise GIF
Yeah that's not going to happen. Did you think for some reason I wouldn't see this post:

No amount of Doritos or Mountain Dew is getting you out of this one, Mr. Blue Snake of Whooping.

On Topic: I do my part on NeoGAF Ads. I've never used an AdBlocker here and since I'm a dumbshit, I frequently click on them by accident.

I'm not a big fan of GAF gold, don't like the auto-updating and don't care about the other perks. I DO like the idea of Patreon and a sticky topic at the top each page with a list of affiliate links

Forgive me my queen
Well wherever you are and whatever language is your native tongue, the word will still be pronounced "kleek" because its a loan word from French :pie_wfwt: I'm just trying to help you with future dating, women will think you are a submental and never call you again if you pronounce it that way.

Thanks Frank Horrigan, Thorrigan.
eye apreecheyate it. tho wimin dont fink eyem submentil, they fink eyem ful mental n a bit weerd.

en E whey, dis fred iz abowt helpin da syt. Or may bee wii kan sel daytin adfys 2 peepul hu struggil 2 dayt. Lyk dem pik up artiss from da nyntees.

Can we offer Neogaf in pidgin? That would be amazing.
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eye apreecheyate it. tho wimin dont fink eyem submentil, they fink eyem ful mental n a bit weerd.

en E whey, dis fred iz abowt helpin da syt. Or may bee wii kan sel daytin adfys 2 peepul hu struggil 2 dayt. Lyk dem pik up artiss from da nyntees.

I showed this post to a nearby gaggle of beautiful women and they went eughh.

Anyway, just joshing you, live how you want to live pal. Back on topic
You should do it for free. If I still had my site traffic I would.
Free advertising is not good adversiting my friend. I also hate to tell you this but how do you think any website or youtube channel stays afloat? Should I also give the keys to the apartment where the money is stored ? Come on dude lol.

I do not work for free, done enough of that in my life. Do you want to work for free for me? :)


Gold Member
Free advertising is not good adversiting my friend. I also hate to tell you this but how do you think any website or youtube channel stays afloat? Should I also give the keys to the apartment where the money is stored ? Come on dude lol.

I do not work for free, done enough of that in my life. Do you want to work for free for me? :)
If you really like this place and have a platform that can help it, the sane thing to do is to help the site out for free instead of saying "hey pay me some money and I'll help you."


I guess I should do my part and get gold, considering I'm here basically every day.

Drawing more people towards gold might be good, but there might be more incentive needed. Perhaps adopting some Twitch strategies could help, i.e. gold-only emoticons and affiliate links. Or how about gif avatars for gold members?

Just spitballing here.
I was thinking gif avatars, too. Also perhaps customizable titles. Instead of it only being something assigned by staff, Gold let's you change it yourself.

Maybe, also as a Gold benefit, animated avatar borders, like on Steam.

Maybe, if supported by the software, also as a Gold benefit, the ability to embed a link to a little audio quip in or near your avatar, that you could manually record. Someone clicks the icon by your avatar or in your profile, and they hear your quip.

Maybe some kind of monthly raffle. $10 per ticket on a PS5 or GPU or something. Something pricey or hard to get. Or a 50/50 like at sporting events.

Maybe monthly buy-in game competitions? Pick a game, elimination bracket, 32 participants, $10 to participate, $100 prize, GAF keeps the rest?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I wish I could offer more than my perpetual gold membership, like offering my expertise in tech, but I am honestly busy enough with my day job.

I'll start gifting gold more often. Least I can do.
If you really like this place and have a platform that can help it, the sane thing to do is to help the site out for free instead of saying "hey pay me some money and I'll help you."
I been lurking Gaf since the early 2010s and yes I do like it. Just because someone likes something dude doesn't mean that they are obligated to do stuff for free.

Neogaf is not being ran by a family member or someone that's close to me. That would have been different. No sane business will do stuff for you for free whether they really like what they are offering or not.

I am not sure where you are getting with this to be fair. I could give a discount sure, but that's about it. Just because I chill here and talk doesn't mean I am here to throw free hook ups.

Also, don't try to bait people into trying to paint them as selfish individuals, it looks really bad on you and you come of as a narcissist by attempting to manipulate people.

No offense dude but I do not think you have any clue how any business entity operates. Either that ot your just trolling me.

With that being said, want to be my video editor and work for me for free? Come on now dude be a good person, we've been friends for a while now!

Do you see how dumb this sounds dude?
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Gold Member
I been lurking Gaf since the early 2010s and yes I do like it. Just because someone likes something dude doesn't mean that they are obligated to do stuff for free.

Neogaf is not being ran by a family member or someone that's close to me. That would have been different. No sane business will do stuff for you for free whether they really like what they are offering or not.

I am not sure where you are getting with this to be fair. I could give a discount sure, but that's about it. Just because I chill here and talk doesn't mean I am here to throw free hook ups.

Also, don't try to bait people into trying to paint them as selfish individuals, it looks really bad on you and you come of as a narcissist by attempting to manipulate people.

No offense dude but I do not think you have any clue how any business entity operates.

With that being said, want to be my video editor and work for me for free? Come on now dude be a good person, we've been friends for a while now!

Do you see how dumb this sounds dude?
I ran a very large Marvel site with a YouTube channel that had nearly as many subs as you do. If I still had the site and channel I would've promoted GAF on both for FREE, because I love this place and don't want to see anything happen to it.
I ran a very large Marvel site with a YouTube channel that had nearly as many subs as you do. If I still had the site and channel I would've promoted GAF on both for FREE, because I love this place and don't want to see anything happen to it.
Ok, that's fine that's your personal choice. Seems like the YouTube and website you ran was more about a hobby rather than also a business.

I have my channel and website because I like money and i like video games. Plain and simple, and at the end of the day I am a business guy, its what I enjoy doing and seeing $$$ signs is important to me.

Why do you not run the channel or website anymore? What happened

Would I be disappointed if something happens to this place? Sure. But I have to take care of myself. Neogaf doesn't supply me with bread and financial security lol.

If I was rich, then I wouldn't really care and probably donate a decent grip but I am not in that position.
Woke Twitter mob came after me for my posts here, making it impossible to run either without endless harassment.
Lol what? May I ask an example of this, send links? Why are you paying attention to a bunch of degenerates? You ignore them and move on, you gonna let a bunch of no lifers stop you from achieving your goals?


Gold Member
Lol what? May I ask an example of this, send links? Why are you paying attention to a bunch of degenerates? You ignore them and move on, you gonna let a bunch of no lifers stop you from achieving your goals?

When they managed to get me blacklisted and get my YouTube channel demonetized? Yes.
We could put up some affiliate links that users could click on for, say, GreenManGaming, HumbleBundle, or other legitimate game vendors with affiliate programs. GAF would get a percentage of sales without any cost to users. Was something we did a long time ago.

Here’s an idea. When we have review threads you can post afíliate links to the games. I use Amazon all the time and would definitely use your links to help out.


I think extending subscription option to different tier would be a good idea. Like NeoGAF Silver, Gold, Platinum, for like 2-3$, 5$ and 7-8$. So that access to forum, creating account and posting is free, but things like reaction emojis are locked behind Silver tier, which maybe also gives you some of current Gold functionality like the instand updates, Gold tier remains as it is, with no ads, plus additional emojis, and Platinum, I don't know really, but I think different tiers that add additional functionality within the forum would be a good direction rather than reaching outside support like Patreon etc.
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Site got popular again when it started turning away from the things that made it fail in the first place. It wasn't ERA and it was cool.

Then more power hungry mods came in again - popular forums were nuked - took ERAs approach to almost everything again and back begging for help. Even shit on me & told me you didn't want my Gold subscription which is why I stopped coming. Can't even post your disapproval of companies lol. Go woke go broke.


Gold Member
EviLore EviLore I don't know if this has been suggested but maybe there should be lower tiers you could subscribe to. There are some out there who may not want to give 5$ every month to GAF, and if there was an option to send 1 or 2$ every month to support the website, maybe they would go for that.


Another thing we could look into is an in-forum economy with its own currency that you can buy but also earn via referral, good posts, gifs and being basically a good member of the community.

GAFcoin™ can be used to redeem neogaf gold, NeoGAF merch™, gift cards, steamgames, forum features (autoupdate for a period of time, cooldown removal/reduction etc etc.


Honestly would be more inclined to pay for gold if the mod team got revamped. The inconsistencies of the mod team is an extreme turn off and honestly don't vist the site as much as I once did.
You want me as a MOD don't you.

Imagine the ban wave, holy shit. "lollipop_disappointed:


The issue is traffic. This site just doesn't get enough traffic to justify platform specific forums. Just look at the Communities section and how little activity there is.
Banning people reduces traffic. My suggestion to ban commenting on threads with only specific tags wouldn’t change the site.


I've seen such solution implemented on a gaming forum ~15 years ago exactly to avoid console warring, a year later they've been asking for financial help and another year later the forum got shut down, it just got too fragmented, too complicated/time consuming to browse through all those platform-specific subforuns, discussions started to drop significantly, so people started to move onto other places leading to the forum's death.
It could be kept exactly the same if those dividers are run through the existing tagging system.


What time is it?
Banning people reduces traffic. My suggestion to ban commenting on threads with only specific tags wouldn’t change the site.

While your idea is good, moderation isn't an exact science and the end goal should be to foster a healthy community and banning is a viable tool. Just looking at the ban logs, we are seeing 1-5 bans a day which a proverbial drop in the bucket. If the minor traffic generated from banned users is going to make or break the site, we are probably not long for this world.


Perpetually Tired
I think there has got to be a better way than permanently banning people all the time. The site needs traffic and strong discussion, banning not only stops the banned from discussing topics but also has an adverse effect on existing members too.

Clearly there are some who want to cause trouble but there are others who are just passionate about the topic and simply cannot help themselves.

I think alternate punishments would be worthy of thought.

We don't jump into Perma bans often, only when there is a very firm line (blatant racism, typically) that is crossed. Many people you see permed on the ban page are people who have had countless slaps on the wrist, formal warnings, reply bans, and numerous temporary bans to try and correct their attitude/actions.

Every ban we discuss in mod channels. It is never just a one off ban made by one mod. Its a culmination of numerous discussions from everyone on the team. If you are ever confused and the ban page/user's post history doesn't make sense you can always message one of us and we can help explain our decisions better.


Gold Member
Unfortunately, some of the biggest activity comes from warriors. And console warrioring is a shit disturbing tactic. That's why the Console War Thunderdome thread barely got used. It's hard for warriors to piss people off in a dedicated thread of stupidity. They like to do it in normal threads catching people off guard. One of the mods made it exclusively for warriors to go nuts and say whatever they want but that thread died fast.

One idea to keep warriors around is maybe sticky that Thunderdome thread in the Communities or OT tab and unban permed users so they can only post there. It'll still give them a way to battle it out and still be active. I'm positive if they were relegated to that thread many of them will show up. And I'm sure some non-warriors might join in. Even though that thread didnt fare great, at least it still gives people a place to vent. And a stickied thread lets people see the action for laughs. Warriors stuck in that thread would go mental even more for attention leading to more laughs.

There is one big drawback though. People cut and pasting those kinds of posts into a normal game thread muddying it up, where their warrior allies would post their content in normal threads so the banned user is still there in spirit even though they didnt post it there themselves.
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Just free advertising for your channel.
It's a gaming forum, it goes hand in hand. That's their choice. Part of the forum is to fill it out with game news, reviews and discuss it.

Guess what, so does IGN and plenty of other gianorums websites get free traffic.

With how massive they are millions and millions viewers per month, why is IGN not supplying NeoGaf and plenty of other gaming forums with a contract and a portion of $$$ for the traffic exchange?

I see what you are trying to do, but your not very good at it. Move along dude.
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Gold Member
Since advertisers don't want to be here, then let's bring back bryank75 and kretos.
Make the place spicy again since there is no repercussion. allow nsfw nipples in tits thread !!!!!
On a serious note - I never understood why "advertisers" do not want their ads in front of nsfw/porn/brutal content etc. What?! You think that just because I watch pornhub, I dont eat snickers or buy a car? cmon advertiserts. We are your consumers just like everyone else. Drop the bs white knighting act.
Like seriously. The forum is for adults... so what gives.

anyway. thanks for coming clear with that.
Ama just get the gold. why not
On one hand you ask to bring back people that act like children, then turn around and say this place is for adults.

Which is it?


King of Gaslighting
It's a gaming forum, it goes hand in hand. That's their choice. Part of the forum is to fill it out with game news, reviews and discuss it.

Guess what, so does IGN and plenty of other gianorums websites get free traffic. L

With how massive they are millions and millions viewers per month, why is IGN not supplying NeoGaf and plenty of other gaming forums with a contract and a portion of $$$ for the traffic exchange?

I see what you are trying to do, but your not very good at it. Move along dude.

Simply pointing out that no, NEOGAF does not give you nothing, as you implied.

We don't jump into Perma bans often, only when there is a very firm line (blatant racism, typically) that is crossed. Many people you see permed on the ban page are people who have had countless slaps on the wrist, formal warnings, reply bans, and numerous temporary bans to try and correct their attitude/actions.

Every ban we discuss in mod channels. It is never just a one off ban made by one mod. Its a culmination of numerous discussions from everyone on the team. If you are ever confused and the ban page/user's post history doesn't make sense you can always message one of us and we can help explain our decisions better.

Not for nothing, but I've reached out while banned and didn't get a response back in any situation. I can see PM'ing someone after the fact, but by that point, no one really cares.
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