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hey, the sun is coming up!

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5 AM

it's kinda sad that this is getting to be an everday occurance. lately i've seen more of the night than day - not that i'm complaining, mind you, but it certainly isn't very conductive for my office job. i'll just end up working all weekend again. oh well.

check it out, it's MCGRATH!


...also, i think when the local EB staff starts trying to get you and your ex back together, it may be time to start shopping elsewhere. thoughts?


Banstick Emeritus
It's 3 am

I came home at 11 PM from playing hockey and just watched 4 straight episodes of the Sopranos, Season 4.

I'm not even close to being tired yet. WTF. Mebbe I'll go play some Riddick.


:( Same here. The sun rises and I'm on the computer.....

At least I'm trying to do work throughout


I'm just hanging out on #ga, pondering installing some cool desktop thingamajigs, deciding what to do later. (Probably nothing)


Um, a full moon is rising over here. Pretty spooky seeing as it's pretty cold & cloudy tonight.

* gets whip & holy water


Yesterday, around dawn, I considered not sleeping in an attempt to reset my internal clock, but decided against it because the gambit never works. I just become delerious mid-day.

Fun game.

Go here:

Now figure out where your sleep schedule would conform to the traditional 9 to 5 workday.

I'd have an office job in Siberia.


BuddyChrist83 said:
5 AM

it's kinda sad that this is getting to be an everday occurance.
...also, i think when the local EB staff starts trying to get you and your ex back together, it may be time to start shopping elsewhere. thoughts?

ah, tell me about it. Yeah man, friends are hard to come by, even if they had good intentions, a friend that really knew you wouldn't do something like that. hmph.

I hate this insomnia. I'm almost loving it because it reminds me of my teen years. Man, I'm so old :( I need sleep. Look at this:

[06:52] <Dujour> night clan
[06:52] * Dujour is now known as SeraSomna
[06:52] <Shinobi-Man_2> the side missions are probably getting a bit old already
[06:52] <Dead> night sera
[06:52] <Dead> are they?
[06:52] <Shinobi-Man_2> sheesh...I just wake up, and everyone's going to sleep
[06:52] <Shinobi-Man_2> well yeah...there's not a lot of variety with them
[06:53] <Shinobi-Man_2> like five or six types of 'em I think
[06:53] <Shinobi-Man_2> though chasing cars around is pretty cool
[06:54] <etiolate> i'll be up for awhile
[06:54] <etiolate> doing laundry
[06:55] <Dead> eh
[06:55] <etiolate> thanks
[06:56] <Dead> ??
[07:00] <SeraSomna> ok, now I'm really going to sleep
[07:00] <SeraSomna> haheaha
[07:00] <SeraSomna> Insomnia > me

My existence is a painfully long one. Set me free, hero.</sniperwolf>


MrPing1000 said:
I was awake when the sun was coming up a few weeks ago, around 4:15am, the birds were awake as well, I blame Suerte

BAH, just cause you suck at staying up :p

I was in #ga till about 4am after promising myself to have an "early night" :(
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