The Main Event said:
Interesting that the author claims his site is so much better than those which have chosen sides, and is so above-the-fray, or whatever, then he goes to great lengths to point out only Blu-ray's problems, like the transfer of "The Fifth Element," the price of Blu-ray hardware, Samsung' "flawed" first-gen player, ect, and even goes on to speculate that there is no way Sony would have given consumers a 24-Bit True HD sountrack unless they had been "forced" to.
Nice stealth troll by the so-called "neutral" writer.
Unfortunately, his cover for this stealth trolling attempt, a hack theory that "hardware prices have come down and software has been improved at a tremendous rate," because there are two formats, is plain bunk. DVD didn't have any major "next-gen" competition when it was the "next-gen" format, and what happened? That's right, hardware prices came down, and software improved year after year.
Hardware prices came down because of competition among player makers and economy of scale. Right now, there are far more player makers competing in the Blu-ray space, and, if the "war" ended tomorrow, they would ALL be competing in the Blu-ray space. The fact that HD DVD exists or not, doesn't change this one whit.
Also, Software improvements happen because of competition. Right now, Blu-ray has more studios competingfor the consumer's dollar than the other format, and if HD DVD ceased to exist tomorrow, they would all be competing on the same field.
Nice try, Main Event.