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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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The Main Event said:

Interesting that the author claims his site is so much better than those which have chosen sides, and is so above-the-fray, or whatever, then he goes to great lengths to point out only Blu-ray's problems, like the transfer of "The Fifth Element," the price of Blu-ray hardware, Samsung' "flawed" first-gen player, ect, and even goes on to speculate that there is no way Sony would have given consumers a 24-Bit True HD sountrack unless they had been "forced" to.

Nice stealth troll by the so-called "neutral" writer.

Unfortunately, his cover for this stealth trolling attempt, a hack theory that "hardware prices have come down and software has been improved at a tremendous rate," because there are two formats, is plain bunk. DVD didn't have any major "next-gen" competition when it was the "next-gen" format, and what happened? That's right, hardware prices came down, and software improved year after year.

Hardware prices came down because of competition among player makers and economy of scale. Right now, there are far more player makers competing in the Blu-ray space, and, if the "war" ended tomorrow, they would ALL be competing in the Blu-ray space. The fact that HD DVD exists or not, doesn't change this one whit.

Also, Software improvements happen because of competition. Right now, Blu-ray has more studios competingfor the consumer's dollar than the other format, and if HD DVD ceased to exist tomorrow, they would all be competing on the same field.

Nice try, Main Event.
DVD did have DIVX to battle at the time though. Even though it wasn't much of a fight it was still there and had claimed exclusive studios (such as 20th Century Fox)

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
HD-DVD fanboys have long since gone off the deep-end

They've long since gone past the point where rationale and logic sways the issue; What's left are the die-hards. People that stick with HD-DVD for one reason or another; be it love for Universal movies, or just some deep rooted hatred for Sony (very common).

You can tell all the HD-DVD supporters at this point are fanboys (or haters); anyone that's neutral at heart can see the writing on the wall for HD-DVD that's plainly obvious for all to see.

It's the people that continue to claim that they're neutral in the face of such obvious truths that are really biased; trying to spin it as if both formats still have an even chance.
Sony has certainly been on full on attack mode since HD-DVD launched though. Every chance they get they have drummed up Blu-Ray superiority claims. Not that I can blame them, they are chasing billions of dollars and they want that money soon. Toshiba, I feel, has been deer in the headlights against such a massive PR and marketing machine.

If HD-DVD simply changes their marketing and starts beating their own drum and as loud as they could they would probably start to get into a better situation. Name recognition with DVD alone SHOULD be helping them far more than they are letting it.

Both formats have pretty well the same approach (crappy) to getting customers but Blu-Ray is doing more of it. Print ads and TV ads are pretty well identical and have zero info or consumer motivation in them.

I do feel however that HD-DVD did most things right out the gate and Sony stumbled for months getting things right. Some things like the interactivity are still trailing HD-DVD and I suspect that fans of the format appreciate what Toshiba did with their start and are dissapointed with the way Sony handled everything.


Warm Machine said:
DVD did have DIVX to battle at the time though. Even though it wasn't much of a fight it was still there and had claimed exclusive studios (such as 20th Century Fox)

Lets not forget LaserDisc.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Warm Machine said:
Sony has certainly been on full on attack mode since HD-DVD launched though. Every chance they get they have drummed up Blu-Ray superiority claims. Not that I can blame them, they are chasing billions of dollars and they want that money soon. Toshiba, I feel, has been deer in the headlights against such a massive PR and marketing machine.

If HD-DVD simply changes their marketing and starts beating their own drum and as loud as they could they would probably start to get into a better situation. Name recognition with DVD alone SHOULD be helping them far more than they are letting it.

Both formats have pretty well the same approach (crappy) to getting customers but Blu-Ray is doing more of it. Print ads and TV ads are pretty well identical and have zero info or consumer motivation in them.

I do feel however that HD-DVD did most things right out the gate and Sony stumbled for months getting things right. Some things like the interactivity are still trailing HD-DVD and I suspect that fans of the format appreciate what Toshiba did with their start and are dissapointed with the way Sony handled everything.

Spinning for neutrality; even though your posting history indicates bias?

To be fair; HD-DVD got much further then we thought it would back in 2005. But it had a 1 in a million chance at that point. It managed to get to a fighting chance in 2006, but the momentum is gone and is slipping away.

There is no longer a neutral position; there is no magic bullet on the HD-DVD side to shift this momentum. The time to switch is now.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Crayon Shinchan said:
HD-DVD fanboys have long since gone off the deep-end

They've long since gone past the point where rationale and logic sways the issue; What's left are the die-hards. People that stick with HD-DVD for one reason or another; be it love for Universal movies, or just some deep rooted hatred for Sony (very common).

You can tell all the HD-DVD supporters at this point are fanboys (or haters); anyone that's neutral at heart can see the writing on the wall for HD-DVD that's plainly obvious for all to see.

It's the people that continue to claim that they're neutral in the face of such obvious truths that are really biased; trying to spin it as if both formats still have an even chance.

So... call me crazy I guess? Seriously, Do you guys even enjoy your Blu ray movies? It seems to me that you guys (you in particular) are way too obsessed with HD-DVD's imminent demise. Can't you guys just enjoy your format while sparing us all the snide and snarky comments and flinging 'fanboys' around like its going out of style tommorrow? When one format eventually wins it'll win and not a moment sooner.
You say the time to switch is now? Where are the $300 blu ray players? Where is the BD-J support? Where are the Universal titles? Batman? Matrix? King Kong? V fo vendetta? I think you shot your load a little early there buddy. ; )
P.S. You guys can spare me the your standard 'one format (as long as its blu ray) is good for the consumer' response. I've heard it ad nauseum and i'm not buying it.


Warm Machine said:
Sony has certainly been on full on attack mode since HD-DVD launched though. Every chance they get they have drummed up Blu-Ray superiority claims. Not that I can blame them, they are chasing billions of dollars and they want that money soon. Toshiba, I feel, has been deer in the headlights against such a massive PR and marketing machine.

If HD-DVD simply changes their marketing and starts beating their own drum and as loud as they could they would probably start to get into a better situation. Name recognition with DVD alone SHOULD be helping them far more than they are letting it.

Both formats have pretty well the same approach (crappy) to getting customers but Blu-Ray is doing more of it. Print ads and TV ads are pretty well identical and have zero info or consumer motivation in them.

I do feel however that HD-DVD did most things right out the gate and Sony stumbled for months getting things right. Some things like the interactivity are still trailing HD-DVD and I suspect that fans of the format appreciate what Toshiba did with their start and are dissapointed with the way Sony handled everything.

if you haven't followed, HD-DVD has been stumbling as of late. Universal has been producing crappy transfers. Now BD movies have much better picture quality than HD-DVD movies

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Days like these... said:
So... call me crazy I guess? Seriously, Do you guys even enjoy your Blu ray movies? It seems to me that you guys (you in particular) are way too obsessed with HD-DVD's imminent demise. Can't you guys just enjoy your format while sparing us all the snide and snarky comments and flinging 'fanboys' around like its going out of style tommorrow? When one format eventually wins it'll win and not a moment sooner.
You say the time to switch is now? Where are the $300 blu ray players? Where is the BD-J support? Where are the Universal titles? Batman? Matrix? King Kong? V fo vendetta? I think you shot your load a little early there buddy. ; )
P.S. You guys can spare me the your standard 'one format is good for the consumer' response. I've heard it ad nauseum and i'm not buying it.

Yeah, buy a HD-DVD player if you absolutely must have all those exclusives right now. But there's no need to offer defense for it; it's not inferior technically. It's simply inferior where it counts most; support... when support for HD-DVD dies, Universal will become neutral; allowing them to successfully double dip as both HD-DVD darling and the studio that ended the format war.

It's pretty poor form to offer up all these arguments and to preemptively ignore the only reason for single format support; if you don't care about unified format; you like confusion, you're a HD-DVD fanboy. You're not in it solely for the HD movies. If that were the case (and it should be as its the only reason to give a damn about either format) you'd want... demand a single unified format so you don't have to deal with the hassles of a format war and can instead concentrate on HD movies!

Even if you own both BD and HD-DVD; it's more than possible to want to see a single format succeed; it would be logical even; as it means that you're burnt to a lesser extent when it does happen!


Petrarca said:
These are safe bets:

Pirates of the Caribbean: DMC
Battle of The Bulge
Chicken Little
Pirates of the Caribbean: CBP
Happy Feet
The Wild
The Ant Bully
Happily N'Ever After
Black Hawk Down
Kingdom of Heaven

Any list without A Scanner Darkly is not a complete list. The movie might be hit or miss with people but it is incredible to look at.

Flynn said:
Lets not forget LaserDisc.

I haven't, I still have a few movies I never got on DVD because I owned them on LaserDisc.


jjasper said:
Any list without A Scanner Darkly is not a complete list. The movie might be hit or miss with people but it is incredible to look at.

I haven't, I still have a few movies I never got on DVD because I owned them on LaserDisc.

I don't have scanner darkly, I'm getting picky with my BD


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon, slow down there, you're really dropping some majorly turdish posts. I know you want everyone to sell their HD DVD players already, but your reasoning isn't sound. You'll get your "one format" when you get it, in the meantime some folks still have HD DVD players and will continue to buy movies for it. You're just making yourself look foolish when you make statements that demean folks who have an HD DVD and no intention of purchasing a Blu Ray player anytime soon.

Are you that emphatic about having a one console future as well? Because it wouldn't be your blu ray player, I can tell you that. It's just dumb to assume that folks who already invested in HD DVD will make the switch to Blu Ray right now. There is no incentive that exists now that didn't exist last November when the Ps3 was released. No decreased studio support, no movie cancellations due specifically to HD DVD "losing", nothing. The Blockbuster announcement doesn't take away anything yet. So, as of right now, someone who is an HD DVD owner has no extra incentive to go Blu Ray. Not yet, and your whiny posts won't change that.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Yeah, buy a HD-DVD player if you absolutely must have all those exclusives right now. But there's no need to offer defense for it; it's not inferior technically. It's simply inferior where it counts most; support... when support for HD-DVD dies, Universal will become neutral; allowing them to successfully double dip as both HD-DVD darling and the studio that ended the format war.

It's pretty poor form to offer up all these arguments and to preemptively ignore the only reason for single format support; if you don't care about unified format; you like confusion, you're a HD-DVD fanboy. You're not in it solely for the HD movies. If that were the case (and it should be as its the only reason to give a damn about either format) you'd want... demand a single unified format so you don't have to deal with the hassles of a format war and can instead concentrate on HD movies!

Even if you own both BD and HD-DVD; it's more than possible to want to see a single format succeed; it would be logical even; as it means that you're burnt to a lesser extent when it does happen!
You're not ever going to be able to talk to this guy, you gave him way too much of your time already. Check his post history in this thread.

Seems like a lot of the HD DVD hardcores are flipping out over the last week or two, though. I know why, but I really thought after reading some of the exchanges here that there wouldn't be so much denial and spin bullshit if it started looking bad for HD DVD.


VanMardigan said:
Crayon, slow down there, you're really dropping some majorly turdish posts. I know you want everyone to sell their HD DVD players already, but your reasoning isn't sound. You'll get your "one format" when you get it, in the meantime some folks still have HD DVD players and will continue to buy movies for it. You're just making yourself look foolish when you make statements that demean folks who have an HD DVD and no intention of purchasing a Blu Ray player anytime soon.

Are you that emphatic about having a one console future as well? Because it wouldn't be your blu ray player, I can tell you that. It's just dumb to assume that folks who already invested in HD DVD will make the switch to Blu Ray right now. There is no incentive that exists now that didn't exist last November when the Ps3 was announced. No decreased studio support, no movie cancellations due specifically to HD DVD "losing", nothing. The Blockbuster announcement doesn't take away anything yet. So, as of right now, someone who is an HD DVD owner has no extra incentive to go Blu Ray. Not yet, and your whiny posts won't change that.

and this comes from an HD-DVD evangelist and his HD-DVD fanboys motto we-take-the-high-road-and-want-two-formats-to-coexist-bullshots ..........:rolleyes:

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
Crayon, slow down there, you're really dropping some majorly turdish posts. I know you want everyone to sell their HD DVD players already, but your reasoning isn't sound. You'll get your "one format" when you get it, in the meantime some folks still have HD DVD players and will continue to buy movies for it. You're just making yourself look foolish when you make statements that demean folks who have an HD DVD and no intention of purchasing a Blu Ray player anytime soon.

Are you that emphatic about having a one console future as well? Because it wouldn't be your blu ray player, I can tell you that. It's just dumb to assume that folks who already invested in HD DVD will make the switch to Blu Ray right now. There is no incentive that exists now that didn't exist last November when the Ps3 was announced. No decreased studio support, no movie cancellations due specifically to HD DVD "losing", nothing. The Blockbuster announcement doesn't take away anything yet. So, as of right now, someone who is an HD DVD owner has no extra incentive to go Blu Ray. Not yet, and your whiny posts won't change that.

A one console future is a strawman argument; consoles have diversity in function... but yes, I would want consoles that provide similar functions amalgamated into a single console.

As far as purchases go; feel free to keep buying HD-DVD; but don't pretend for a moment to be neutral about the issue, and don't keep trying to sell it like it was a really viable HD alternative.

HD-DVD supporters at this point are simply in denial of the issue; and I'm just pissed that we have to keep going back and forth trying to push this point with what should otherwise be brothers in an unified HD push!

What has changed between then and now is that the numbers are showing it. The sales, the movies, etc. So while it was obvious on paper before PS3 launched; it's only really been solidified after the PS3 launch. Before that, HD-DVD had a jolly old time walking over BD with what was actually there; while completely ignoring what was obviously on its way out.

One format future. Sing it with me bitches.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
A one console future is a strawman argument; consoles have diversity in function... but yes, I would want consoles that provide similar functions amalgamated into a single console.

So then quit trying to paint the Ps3 as a viable console and work with me on a unified console push. Don't fight it, the NPD doesn't lie. One console future, bitches.

And as ridiculous as that was (boy I really hate bringing up the Ps3, which I will eventually own), it's just as ridiculous and pompous to suggest that only blind idiots are buying HD DVD at this point. I have a player, and I will continue to buy and rent movies. If I feel like it, I will defend the format as well. None of that will change the outcome, so get off your damn soapbox and join me in pushing the Wii exclusively as the ONE CONSOLE TO RULE THEM ALL! Bitch.

and this comes from an HD-DVD evangelist and his HD-DVD fanboys motto we-take-the-high-road-and-want-two-formats-to-coexist-bullshots ..........:rolleyes:

I don't even know what this means or what you're trying to say.


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't know if i want a one-console standard. i don't even know what that would be like. i do know i want one standard high definition movie format. i have a pretty good idea what that would be like -- i'm barely old enough to remember the vhs/beta war, and that was the last time we saw two directly competing formats. i don't see any logical inconsistency there. moreover blu ray and hd-dvd are so similar that i don't see why they should coexist -- the format war is purely a matter of corporate politics.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
So then quit trying to paint the Ps3 as a viable console and work with me on a unified console push. Don't fight it, the NPD doesn't lie. One console future, bitches.

and this comes from an HD-DVD evangelist and his HD-DVD fanboys motto we-take-the-high-road-and-want-two-formats-to-coexist-bullshots ..........:rolleyes:

I don't even know what this means or what you're trying to say.

Except the writing isn't on the wall; give it a bit of time; price drops, more games. Who to say they can't carve out an even share of the HD console territory with the X360 or even surpass it? They compete over similar ground, but when it comes down to it, they have far more leverage in the console market than HD-DVD does with BD.

But if it came down to it; if you could say that the PS3 experience could be replicated in its entirety, without loss on the X360; if you could prove that all the games headed to the PS3 would work just as well on the X360, I'd definetly push for unification there.

The differences between X360/PS3 and the Wii are simply too great for consolidation there; one is the DVD to the other's HD media.

On the otherhand, BD will in a few short months eclipse all of HD-DVD's functionality (bar flipper disc).

I'm practical. You're in denial. Simple as that. Face facts and learn to embrace one format future.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Except the writing isn't on the wall; give it a bit of time; price drops, more games. Who to say they can't carve out an even share of the HD console territory with the X360 or even surpass it?

Now, now, don't go taking HD DVD arguments and applying them to the console wars. :lol

And I'm most definitely NOT in denial. I own an HD DVD player and am buying movies for it. I'm not sure what part of that is illogical. I don't see how that can't be defended.


drohne: I get it. Trust me, I get it. But crayon is being absurd here. Not in wanting a one format future or stating that Blu Ray is healthier than HD DVD or any of that stuff, but in his insistance that HD DVD owners are blind fanboys or folks in denial or......whatever else he's insinuating. Sell my HD DVD player now? WTF for? Why buy a BR player NOW when I can enjoy HD movie discs on a player I already own? Whatever writing he sees on the wall doesn't mean squat for me at this point. I'm not going to spend $599 on a Blu Ray player and I'm not insane for having that mindset. Aside from POTC and Casino Royale (both of which I can wait for), there is no incentive for me to drop HD DVD RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT. And crayon's inane posts don't change that. It's not like I am personally preventing a one format future here.


God, console sales have been brought up. I can hear the radars of the die hard Nintendo fans going off. They are on their way, everybody run.........


has calmed down a bit.
Here's my point in a nutshell:

Acceptable: Brag about Blu Ray's momentum, speculate about HD DVD's demise, brag about studio support, brag about software sales.

Not acceptable: attack HD DVD owners saying that they are in denial (for supporting a format THEY ALREADY OWN) and demand that they sell their gear and adopt Blu Ray right now.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I own a HD DVD player,14 hd dvd movies and will continue to buy movies for it.

I own a PS3,28 blu ray movies and will continue to buy movies for it.

I'm a fanboy of movies and will continue to enjoy HD movies in both formats,suck on that.

Man this thread feels like it was ripped right out of the gaming side of the forum :\


I'm waiting for an official winner and a cheap player.
Then I'll start buying movies for my 50inch hdtv.
Bah, hope it happens soon.


has calmed down a bit.
Despite Blockbuster’s recent move to focus on Blu-ray, Screen Digest believes it behooves companies to make the most of high-definition by dual-format publishing and/or manufacturing.

By 2010, there will be 45 million high-def game console units sold in U.S., Europe and Japan. This is much more tilted toward Blu-ray PlayStation 3 than Xbox 360 HD DVD drives. Worldwide, there will be more than 30 million Blu-ray and HD DVD stand-alone set-top boxes sold, heavily weighted toward the relatively cheaper HD DVD.

“Studios will feel they can’t afford to ignore the other constituency, and manufacturers will become agnostic” said Jayalath. “[Although BD will capture a larger install base,] PS3 users will buy far fewer discs than those buying set-top boxes. If you are a gamer, you have substantially less time to watch movies.”

Blu-ray discs are expected to outsell HD DVD discs by a 1.7-to-1 ratio by 2010, according to Screen Digest.

Consumer acceptance of HD DVD and Blu-ray will be more gradual than the transition from VHS to DVD in the late ’90s, said Jayalath, but it will nevertheless prove vital to studios, boosting worldwide studio revenues 4% to $45 million between 2005 and 2010.

“The adoption of these formats will follow a similar curve to that of DVD but with constraints to that of HDTV households,” said Jayalath.

The 30 million stand-alone high-def disc players expected in homes by 2010 will cover 16% of all HDTV households but only 10% of all TV households.

Understanding and Solutions director Jim Bottoms said that competitive electronics chains will use price drops to spur high-def TV purchasing for some time. By the end of 2008, more than half of all U.S. homes will be high-def-ready.

Also, high-def TVs should make traditional DVD players obsolete for some people, insists Bottoms, because “there [are] limitations of standard-definition content, and it becomes apparent at the large screen size. Quality issues come to the fore that much more.”

Year-to-date, there are now 300,000 HD DVD-equipped homes in the U.S., split evenly between stand-alones and Xbox 360 drives, reports the DEG. There are about 1.5 million Blu-ray homes, including 100,000 with set-top boxes and the remainder with PS3.

At this point, consumers have bought $55 million worth of high-def software: $35 million spanning 108 Blu-ray titles, and $19 million spanning 66 HD DVD titles, according to DEG.

“Between April and mid-December, it was a warm-up, and since Christmas, it has been a very sustained level of business,” said Warner senior VP Steve Nickerson, who presented the DEG research. “Really, this year is preparing for further consumer uptake of high-def. It will mirror the year 1999 or 2000 for DVD.”


I hate to break up the "sell your HD DVD player" two man circle jerk.

edit: I'm waiting for an official winner and a cheap player.
Then I'll start buying movies for my 50inch hdtv.
Bah, hope it happens soon.

Do you have either Xbox 360 or Ps3? If so, why not just rent HD discs while you wait for a "winner"?
VanMardigan said:
Here's my point in a nutshell:

Acceptable: Brag about Blu Ray's momentum, speculate about HD DVD's demise, brag about studio support, brag about software sales.

Not acceptable: attack HD DVD owners saying that they are in denial (for supporting a format THEY ALREADY OWN) and demand that they sell their gear and adopt Blu Ray right now.

If you believe that there's a chance in hell for HDDVD to come on top you must be in denial. And like every HDDVD fan would tell you six months ago there can be only one. This lame "they can co-exist" last stand excuse is completely new (now that HDDVD fans are finally giving up) and everyone knows -even the ones using it- that it isn't based on reality. So to sum-up HDDVD doesn't have much time left. When Universal announces Blu-Ray support it'll definately be the final nail on its coffin.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Damn amazon.com prime free 2 day rocks.I ordered it Friday,it shipped Sat and it just showed up today :D Now I have to wait two more days till my monoprice hdmi cable and switcher comes :(




Matrix said:
I own a HD DVD player,14 hd dvd movies and will continue to buy movies for it.

I own a PS3,28 blu ray movies and will continue to buy movies for it.

I'm a fanboy of movies and will continue to enjoy HD movies in both formats,suck on that.

Man this thread feels like it was ripped right out of the gaming side of the forum :\

That's exactly how I feel about this HD movie war, I own an HD DVD player with around 40 movies and I just recently picked up a PS3 and so far I have around 10 BD movies. Now I have the choice to buy any HD movie in either format, if by any remote chance HD DVD dies, I will be happy with the movies I already own. But for now, I will continue to buy the movies I like, regardless of the format.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It certainly seems that now that HD-DVD chances are even slimmer, HD-DVD fanboys have resorted to "Two Format Future!"

It's quite sad.

I guess if you can't win, you try for next best alternative?
Or whatever option that does not benefit Sony, those even bastards that have committed crimes against humanity.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
It's really pretty funny.

6 months ago before PS3 hit, HD-DVD fanboys were harping on about how BD was looking shaky.

Nevermind that all the big guns hadn't been played yet.

Now that most of the cannons have fired, except for Universal captiulation and solid BDJava+ support, they're clinging onto it desperately like it's a possibility it won't happen.

Yeah that's right; Universal is going to hold out longer than 4 companies that are in far stronger position.

Face facts; buy HD-DVD if you must; but accept the fact you're buying into a dying and soon to be dead format.


has calmed down a bit.
Suikoguy said:
It certainly seems that now that HD-DVD chances are even slimmer, HD-DVD fanboys have resorted to "Two Format Future!"

It's quite sad.

I guess if you can't win, you try for next best alternative?
Or whatever option that does not benefit Sony, those even bastards that have committed crimes against humanity.

What's sad is that you assume that pro-HD DVD = anti-Sony. What's sad is that you can't seem to grasp why a person with an HD DVD player would continue to buy/rent movies in that format instead of springing $500 + for a BR player.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Crayon Shinchan said:
Face facts; buy HD-DVD if you must; but accept the fact you're buying into a dying and soon to be dead format.

Well, at the very least quite claiming "Two Format Future"

VanMardigan said:
What's sad is that you assume that pro-HD DVD = anti-Sony. What's sad is that you can't seem to grasp why a person with an HD DVD player would continue to buy/rent movies in that format instead of springing $500 + for a BR player.

Well, I guess people bought dreamcast games for a while after it's death.
But those people were smart enough to buy an alternative, rather then secretly (or not so secretly) hoping it would stick around.

But, that is an awful comparison


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Suikoguy said:
It certainly seems that now that HD-DVD chances are even slimmer, HD-DVD fanboys have resorted to "Two Format Future!"

It's quite sad.

I guess if you can't win, you try for next best alternative?
Or whatever option that does not benefit Sony, those even bastards that have committed crimes against humanity.

I hope you didnt just label me a HD-DVD fanboy cause I said "two format future" :lol
My Wal-Mart by me in Texas has gotten rid of its hddvd section entirely and just has blu-ray now...Not sure if it is like this everywhere...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Matrix said:
I hope you didnt just label me a HD-DVD fanboy cause I said "two format future" :lol

Yes sir, I did. Making the assumption that was not sarcasm.

BoboBrazil said:
My Wal-Mart by me in Texas has gotten rid of its hddvd section entirely and just has blu-ray now...Not sure if it is like this everywhere...

Wal-marts tend to operate fairly independently, it's probably an isolated case.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Suikoguy said:
Yes sir, I did. Making the assumption that was not sarcasm.

Well I did put a :p after my comment

I find it absurd that people who enjoy and buy both formats are labeled hd dvd fanboys :lol


has calmed down a bit.
Suikoguy said:
Well, I guess people bought dreamcast games for a while after it's death.
But those people were smart enough to buy an alternative, rather then secretly (or not so secretly) hoping it would stick around.

Was the alternative 500 bucks while offering essentially the same games?


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Keep spinnin them lawls Van.

So are you going to give me a compelling reason to spend $600 for a Blu Ray Ps3 and sell all my HD DVD movies plus the player RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT or just continue to call me a blind fanboy?


VanMardigan said:
So are you going to give me a compelling reason to spend $600 for a Blu Ray Ps3 and sell all my HD DVD movies plus the player RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT or just continue to call me a blind fanboy?

Sell them first, it'll contribute towards the cost of a PS3. :)

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
So are you going to give me a compelling reason to spend $600 for a Blu Ray Ps3 and sell all my HD DVD movies plus the player RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT or just continue to call me a blind fanboy?

For all the exclusives in the BD camp that will be kept exclusives? (and MGS4)

Otherwise, feel free to hang on to your HD-DVD player until you feel the need to get a BD for the movies you'll never be able to get on the HD-DVD player, regardless of how long you wait.

Like I said; blow your money, but don't spin like you're not paying for failure.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
For all the exclusives in the BD camp that will be kept exclusives? (and MGS4)

Otherwise, feel free to hang on to your HD-DVD player until you feel the need to get a BD for the movies you'll never be able to get on the HD-DVD player, regardless of how long you wait.

Like I said; blow your money, but don't spin like you're not paying for failure.

MGS4 is definitely compelling, but it's not out now. BR prices are only going to go down, so again, why isn't it logical for me to enjoy HD content on a player/format I ALREADY OWN rather than spend a ton of money to switch to Blu Ray? The movies I'm most interested in coming out for the next months (Blood Diamond, 300, TMNT) are on HD DVD. Prices will be lower on the Ps3 by the end of the year, and I'm not missing anything by being HD DVD-only for now (that I couldn't live without).

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
MGS4 is definitely compelling, but it's not out now. BR prices are only going to go down, so again, why isn't it logical for me to enjoy HD content on a player/format I ALREADY OWN rather than spend a ton of money to switch to Blu Ray? The movies I'm most interested in coming out for the next months (Blood Diamond, 300, TMNT) are on HD DVD. Prices will be lower on the Ps3 by the end of the year, and I'm not missing anything by being HD DVD-only for now (that I couldn't live without).

As long as you're happy to either respend to get those movies in BD eventually, or be satisfied in sticking with your current HD player for all your HD movies to date; while using a PS3 or whatever BD player you get for all your future movies when you decide to make the switch, it's your prerogative.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
As long as you're happy to either respend to get those movies in BD eventually, or be satisfied in sticking with your current HD player for all your HD movies to date; while using a PS3 or whatever BD player you get for all your future movies when you decide to make the switch, it's your prerogative.

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