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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wait a sec.. did someone hijack your account The Main Event ;)

Cause that's very interesting news,
Maybe Warner will drop the awful TotalHD


painey said:
just saw an advert for Ghostrider (in the UK) and it said "out on DVD and Blu-Ray monday" which took me by suprise.. never seen a film advertised as being out on either HD format before over here

same with print ads for Pans Labyrinth.

Also, didn't realise POTC was out in the UK. Saw it at HMV in the airport and assumed it was an import, but it wasn't.

Also nearly bought Deja Vu, but its region B so won't work on my import PS3. Will need to import the US version (dumb but fun)


First tragedy, then farce.
Last Starfighter officially coming to HDDVD :D

Also interested in the contract. A real low budget indie film without a studio publishing it makes it to an HD format. May be a first. (Unless you count Magnolia..)


Universal also announced some TV seasons (friday night lights and the office) without a HD DVD release.

One thing I am starting to get pissed off about is the lack of TV seasons on either Blu Ray or HD DVD sure there is weeds, Heroes coming, and Lost is pretty much assured. But what of the others? Why are they only offering SD for shows we are already watching in HD? Why would I buy Friday Night Lights in SD when I watched the whole season in HD?


Hail to the KING baby
jjasper said:
Universal also announced some TV seasons (friday night lights and the office) without a HD DVD release.

One thing I am starting to get pissed off about is the lack of TV seasons on either Blu Ray or HD DVD sure there is weeds, Heroes coming, and Lost is pretty much assured. But what of the others? Why are they only offering SD for shows we are already watching in HD? Why would I buy Friday Night Lights in SD when I watched the whole season in HD?

Bothers me a lot as well. I might even spring for an HD-DVD player if shows like The Office came out. Even worse for me since TV shows make up 95% of the DVDs I buy and 90% of the stuff I Netflix.


has calmed down a bit.
I think one season of the sopranos is out on HD. And smallville


btw, BB online now has a direct link to Blu Ray discs, while you still have to go through the "collections" link to find HD DVD's.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Im amazed TV shows are coming out this quickly for the HD formats, it took forever to get TV shows on DVD.
And then they were uber expensive, like the original seasons of the X-files i remember them being 120 bucks. Now you can get the versions wtih cut extra features on sale for 20 bucks a piece.

That said i just want House, 24, and Prison Break.


VanMardigan said:
I think one season of the sopranos is out on HD. And smallville

Yeah season 6 part 1, but HBO didn't release Entourage. Bastards.

BTW I had never watched Weeds before I picked up the Blu Ray. Its a pretty good show, I hear it gets a little darker in season 2 so I am interested in seeing how it turns out.

captive said:
That said i just want House, 24, and Prison Break.
You won't be getting House anytime soon on your blu ray player


First tragedy, then farce.
I too would love TV shows in HD... but it just doesnt seem like any of the studios have too much faith in the early supporters of the format. So far they seem to think we want action movies and sci fi... and very little else.

You would think sales of Planet Earth would tell them their is a market for something else.

Oh well.

I'll still buy Heroes just because I missed season 1 and heard good things. Maybe Battlestar too (is that officially announced, or just rumored still?)..

and if Lost Seasons 1-3 come out on BRD, I'll have to buy a player. If its just season 3 I might be able to convince myself not to break.. but if its all 3, I wont be able to stop myself.


StoOgE said:
I'll still buy Heroes just because I missed season 1 and heard good things. Maybe Battlestar too (is that officially announced, or just rumored still?)..

They officially announced it at CES. It was on the rumored list the digital bits put up for 9/18. That list also had The Last Starfighter and For the Love of the Game, both of which were announced yesterday. So we should be hearing about it soon


Hail to the KING baby
Man, I ordered my HDMI cable from monoprice on ebay a week ago and now I have my PS3, remote control, Ant Bully BRD and A Scanner Darkly BRD all sitting at home waiting for that damn cable (out of principle, I refuse to even use the PS3 with composite). And they won't respond to my e-mails. Woe is I.


AstroLad said:
Man, I ordered my HDMI cable from monoprice on ebay a week ago and now I have my PS3, remote control, Ant Bully BRD and A Scanner Darkly BRD all sitting at home waiting for that damn cable (out of principle, I refuse to even use the PS3 with composite). And they won't respond to my e-mails. Woe is I.

That sucks. I've had good luck ordering directly from their website - they are local to me so I always get my stuff the next day, if it was in stock. Hope your cable shows up soon...


Hail to the KING baby
Argyle said:
That sucks. I've had good luck ordering directly from their website - they are local to me so I always get my stuff the next day, if it was in stock. Hope your cable shows up soon...

They're in CA, right? Hopefully it'll get here today, would still be reasonable. Only reason it's even bothering me is b/c I have everything else ready to go. I've also heard only good things so here's hoping.
From avsforums.

TRANSFORMERS will be released on Blu-ray on 12/04/07. (With PCM Audio?)

Paramount's Blades of Glory will have it, no reason why Prime and Co shouldnt have the same.


Rabid Wolverine said:
From avsforums.

TRANSFORMERS will be released on Blu-ray on 12/04/07. (With PCM Audio?)

Paramount's Blades of Glory will have it, no reason why Prime and Co shouldnt have the same.

Paramount. Uncompressed PCM?


you'll be lucky to get mono :/


A Paramount insider leaked a few weeks ago that they would begin doing PCM on Blu-ray and Dolby TrueHD on HD DVD (with the first major title being Top Gun)...

Sounds like he was right, so don't be surprised to see this regularly for major titles from now on.

Transformers is actually a Dreamworks (like Blades of Glory) title, so it looks like they are just taking their cues from Paramount (their distributor). On paper though, they actually have their own Dreamworks Home Entertainment label since they operate independently from Paramount.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
jjasper said:
You won't be getting House anytime soon on your blu ray player
.....I know. I was the one that asked since it was on FOX but says NBC universal at the end who had the distribution rights many pages ago.

Astrolad, Monoprice customer server left me dissatisified as well. Last week i ordered a bunch of HDMI cables and two subwoofer cables, literally 10 minutes after i placed the order i sent them a message on their offical "ask for help" section on their site asking to have my order changed for a longer sub cable and they never answered and all the cables got here and im kind of stuck with a cable thats too short now.
Alcibiades said:
A Paramount insider leaked a few weeks ago that they would begin doing PCM on Blu-ray and Dolby TrueHD on HD DVD (with the first major title being Top Gun)...

Sounds like he was right, so don't be surprised to see this regularly for major titles from now on.

Transformers is actually a Dreamworks (like Blades of Glory) title, so it looks like they are just taking their cues from Paramount (their distributor). On paper though, they actually have their own Dreamworks Home Entertainment label since they operate independently from Paramount.

Actually, the Paramount Insider also stated that the reason Paramount hasn't used lossless so far is because they want to go with DTS due to their relationship (Gladiator, War of the Worlds, etc...). But DTS MA is unplayable right now so they'll use True HD and PCM for the time being. Studios have to be in contract, not just pick and choose the audio format they want.


captive said:
Astrolad, Monoprice customer server left me dissatisified as well. Last week i ordered a bunch of HDMI cables and two subwoofer cables, literally 10 minutes after i placed the order i sent them a message on their offical "ask for help" section on their site asking to have my order changed for a longer sub cable and they never answered and all the cables got here and im kind of stuck with a cable thats too short now.

On the other hand, I had a great deal of success with Firefold's customer service, although the quality of their stock appears mixed. They sent me a "premium" component cable that was literally falling apart when I opened it, but exchanged it for another cable and were very pleasant about it (with several phone calls, emails, updates, etc). Pro-tip: if ordering component cables from firefold, order these instead of these.


has calmed down a bit.
Cheap Chinese HD DVD Players May Be on the Way

Chinese consumer electronics companies are one step closer to producing inexpensive HD DVD players. Format backers hope the move will ultimately lead to victory in their uphill fight with rival next-generation format Blu-ray Disc, but Blu-ray supporters decry the announcement as insignificant.

The steering committee of the DVD Forum has approved the final draft of a memorandum of understanding with the leading Chinese developer of optical discs, paving the way for the creation of a Chinese HD DVD format.

The deal, with China’s Optical Memory National Engineering Research Center, marks the first time China is participating in a standardization process for content within a global entity, the DVD Forum, which also gives its stamp of approval to standard DVD.

While a Chinese HD DVD format would have some differences from the global HD DVD format, backers maintain similarities in manufacturing would make it easy for Chinese consumer electronics companies to then also produce HD DVD players for a worldwide market, including the United States.

And that could tip the scale in favor of HD DVD, according to Ken Graffeo, executive VP of high-definition strategic marketing for Universal Studios Home Entertainment and co-president of the North American and European HD DVD Promotional Group.

He notes it was cheap Chinese DVD players retailing for less than $100 that really spurred the DVD to mass adoption, and he’s hoping the same thing will happen with HD DVD. Currently, the lowest HD DVD player, from Toshiba, can be purchased for $299, after a $100 mail-in rebate, while the cheapest Blu-ray Disc player, from Sony, sells for $499.

“Hardware drives software,” Graffeo said. “Why do you think they give away the razor? It’s because they want you to buy the blade.”

Graffeo notes that when Toshiba in May began offering its $100 rebate on HD DVD players, sales soared 70%.

“We sold 70,000 units in seven weeks, from a base of 100,000 units,” Graffeo said.

The Blu-ray Disc set-top count is unclear, but Sony’s PlayStation 3 comes with a built-in Blu-ray Disc drive. About 1.4 million PS3s have been sold to U.S. consumers since the pricey next-generation game machine’s retail debut last November.

However, dedicated high-def disc players, Graffeo said, tend to have “the highest attach rate,” and thus drive software sales. And if economies of scale — HD DVD is based on existing DVD technology, so players are cheaper, and easier, to produce — leads to a flood of low-priced Chinese HD DVD machines, consumer response could be so overwhelming that the studios that don’t support the format would have no choice but to switch. At this point, Universal is the only studio to exclusively support HD DVD. Paramount Home Entertainment and Warner Home Video support both HD DVD and Blu-ray, while 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Lionsgate are exclusively in the Blu-ray Disc camp.

“Everybody will admit this, that the consumer will ultimately decide [which format wins],” Graffeo said. “Wherever the consumer goes, the studios will follow.”

Blu-ray Disc Association spokesman Andy Parsons dismissed the importance of the announcement. “The memo is for a Chinese HD DVD format only, so it’s a bit of a stretch to suggest that this will translate into cheap HD DVD players being exported into the United States.”

A high-ranking studio executive on the Blu-ray side who asked not to be named agreed. “And, further, why would companies that happen to be based in China look at the format war any differently than any other company outside China?,” he added. “They are business people, and watching the rest of the market very closely. If HD DVD is losing steam in the United States, Europe and Japan, what would interest them in exporting players that have less market potential than Blu-ray? The whole thing smacks of desperation.”


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I dont know if its cause I just spent $300 on it and I'm tricking myself into thinking this,but I swear the Toshiba HD-A2 is giving me a better picture than my 360 add on was.

Maybe its cause I have it set thru HDMI,who knows,but I <3 it.

Also monoprice rocks,the 2X1 switcher and two hdmi cables are working great and their prices cant be beat.


wait... The cheap chinese HD-DVD players are a whole seperate format?! :lol how exactly is a 3rd option (only avalible in china :lol ) going to help HD-DVD again?

I also find it a bit odd that people would actually want a sub $100 made in china high def player. I mean, c'mon your gonna hook a knock off peice of crap to your $2000 TV?


has calmed down a bit.
Flo_Evans said:
wait... The cheap chinese HD-DVD players are a whole seperate format?! :lol how exactly is a 3rd option (only avalible in china :lol ) going to help HD-DVD again?

While a Chinese HD DVD format would have some differences from the global HD DVD format, backers maintain similarities in manufacturing would make it easy for Chinese consumer electronics companies to then also produce HD DVD players for a worldwide market, including the United States.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
Which one of you wrote that last paragraph? :lol
I had my secretary write something up for me as i was too busy to spend my own time on a news article of that sort.


VanMardigan said:
While a Chinese HD DVD format would have some differences from the global HD DVD format, backers maintain similarities in manufacturing would make it easy for Chinese consumer electronics companies to then also produce HD DVD players for a worldwide market, including the United States.

LOL we have been hearing this forever. China could also make thier own version of blu-ray and then easily modify them to be sold here too. Really this is all wishfull thinking untill they actually announce a product.

VCD players where all the rage in asia but you would be hard pressed to find one in a retail store here outside of the korean video stores :lol


has calmed down a bit.
Flo_Evans said:
LOL we have been hearing this forever. China could also make thier own version of blu-ray and then easily modify them to be sold here too. Really this is all wishfull thinking untill they actually announce a product.

Agreed, but the fact that it's an HD DVD offshoot that's being used (as opposed to a BR one) tips the odds of HD DVD products being announced, if at all.


VanMardigan said:
Agreed, but the fact that it's an HD DVD offshoot that's being used (as opposed to a BR one) tips the odds of HD DVD products being announced, if at all.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I thought The manufacturing process for BluRay and HD-DVD drives to be very similar since they are based on the same technology.

The disks themselves are the big difference between the two


VanMardigan said:
Agreed, but the fact that it's an HD DVD offshoot that's being used (as opposed to a BR one) tips the odds of HD DVD products being announced, if at all.

well I assume the reason they are making thier own version is to avoid toshibia liscening fees, to sell it here as an official HD-DVD device they would have to pay toshiba and the price would go up. Maybe though some will make a 'grey market' one that can play all regions and can work here.
StoOgE said:
Last Starfighter officially coming to HDDVD :D

Also interested in the contract. A real low budget indie film without a studio publishing it makes it to an HD format. May be a first. (Unless you count Magnolia..)




has calmed down a bit.
Flo_Evans said:
well I assume the reason they are making thier own version is to avoid toshibia liscening fees, to sell it here as an official HD-DVD device they would have to pay toshiba and the price would go up. Maybe though some will make a 'grey market' one that can play all regions and can work here.

Agreed again, but HD DVD Ken is making it seem like the jump in manufacturing discs/players for this new format to manufacturing regular HD DVD's is miniscule.
Ugh come ON I can't find shit about this ANYWHERE.

Magnolia is my ****ing killer app, duders. Saw that shit four times on opening day.


Sixteen Ticket Stubs Total, MOTHER****ER.

Which! Format! Suckas!



VanMardigan said:
Agreed again, but HD DVD Ken is making it seem like the jump in manufacturing discs/players for this new format to manufacturing regular HD DVD's is miniscule.
Well, it is HD DVD Ken's job to make HD DVD You Guys think that Blu-ray Everyone Else isn't ravaging every HD DVD Orafice they can find.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
Agreed again, but HD DVD Ken is making it seem like the jump in manufacturing discs/players for this new format to manufacturing regular HD DVD's is miniscule.

and your job to buy into spin spin spin!


magnolia the film was put out by new line cinema, which is a time warner company... I get so confused here... does that mean blu-ray or HD-DVD or neutral? :lol
Flo_Evans said:
magnolia the film was put out by new line cinema, which is a time warner company... I get so confused here... does that mean blu-ray or HD-DVD or neutral? :lol

I'm so devestated I don't even know. For like two minutes I believed in a Next Gen DVD format. Now I feel like the whole enterprise just made doodie in my shirt pocket.

I hate it.


VanMardigan said:
Now, if you STILL couldn't figure out how I got crayon/chemo confused after this page.........
Yeah, because I said one thing jokingly because I thought it was funny that you called him HD DVD Ken. You are the one in this thread who has been on radical defense mode the past couple of weeks.

Also, if you want to paint comparisons between me and Crayon, feel free: Quote my posts and his, show us all of the similarities. I swear, you act like a racist who literally cannot tell the difference from one person to another because of the color of their skin. Just because we both said something you disagreed with, you get us confused? We're practically the same?


gah austin powers... what about some boogie nights!?!!? (or magnolia, I liked that movie too :)

oh man they have LOTR and pans labrinth too! gimmie! :D


has calmed down a bit.
Oh snap, in between the insults and being called a blu racist I forgot to mention that I received the HD DVD drive from MS yesterday. Worked great and it had the latest firmware. They sent me all the new connections, and even a new remote.

I watched Lost in Translation and a bit of Troy. I really missed HD movies in the time that I didn't have my player, but I'm real glad I was able to get in touch with MS' HD DVD group and they were very gracious in sending me a tested drive. Much better than dealing with the 800-4-my-xbox people.

Even my wife was excited about the drive coming in. I got her hooked on HD movies. :lol

She usually doesn't give a crap about anything like that.


What in the world is going on in there?

Edit: Oh shit!




Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
Oh snap, in between the insults and being called a blu racist I forgot to mention that I received the HD DVD drive from MS yesterday. Worked great and it had the latest firmware. They sent me all the new connections, and even a new remote.

I watched Lost in Translation and a bit of Troy. I really missed HD movies in the time that I didn't have my player, but I'm real glad I was able to get in touch with MS' HD DVD group and they were very gracious in sending me a tested drive. Much better than dealing with the 800-4-my-xbox people.

Even my wife was excited about the drive coming in. I got her hooked on HD movies. :lol

She usually doesn't give a crap about anything like that.
Why do you hate us blu people so?
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