has calmed down a bit.
fortified_concept said:That's what you understood from that article? :lol
'It's more of a jump ball now between the formats,' said Workman.
Go on, tell me how to interpret that.
fortified_concept said:That's what you understood from that article? :lol
djkimothy said:They better not botch the Transformers High def release. :/
VanMardigan said:
'It's more of a jump ball now between the formats,' said Workman.
Go on, tell me how to interpret that.
nofilter said:Another post-Blockbuster article that completely ignores the PS3, the single-biggest selling Blu-Ray player on the market.
I'm all for both formats, but these PRs are ridiculous.
Sony Signs Earnhardt, Jr. For New Blu-ray Marketing Push
Tue Jun 26, 2007 at 07:55 AM ET
Tags: High-Def Disc Marketing, High-Def Gaming, Sony (all tags)
Shifting its Blu-ray marketing machine into high gear, Sony Electronics is enlisting NASCAR racing's biggest star for a new high-def ad blitz.
Late last week, primary Blu-ray backer Sony announced that it had signed Dale Earnhardt, Jr., considered today's most popular and recognizable NASCAR driver (and, of course, son of racing legend Dale Earnhardt, Sr.) to serve as the company's spokesperson in a new marketing campaign touting its high-def products.
The campaign will feature Earnhardt in ad spots across multiple media, hawking a variety of Sony high-def offerings, including Blu-ray players, HDTV sets and the PlayStation 3.
Though he's perhaps as well-known for being NASCAR's reigning "blonde party animal" as he is for his driving skills, Earnhardt is the sport's current top product pitchman, enjoying lucrative and high-profile endorsements with such top brands as Budweiser and Addidas. He is also a well-known avid gamer, which Sony says was instrumental in choosing him as their new high-def ambassador.
"His love for our products was a big benefit," said Stuart Redsun, Sony's senior VP of corporate marketing.
Sony's not the first electronics company to hire a celebrity spokesperson to hawk its high-def products. As we first reported n early May, Toshiba has teamed up with 'Sopranos' star Michael Imperioli to anchor their own extensive marketing push for HD DVD, including multiple television spots that are currently running across various cable and local network outlets.
Whether or not Earnhardt will be seen in the new Sony campaign attempt to mow down Imperioli, or any other rival HD DVD-supporting NASCAR drivers, remains to be seen. Stay tuned...
jjasper said::lol That isn't even the best PR release of the day.....
Flo_Evans said:that will get the walmart crowd on board :lol
HD-DVD has chris from the sopranos though! have you guys seen these spots? :lol
edit: ah I see the PR mentions them![]()
Flo_Evans said:that will get the walmart crowd on board :lol
HD-DVD has chris from the sopranos though! have you guys seen these spots? :lol
edit: ah I see the PR mentions them![]()
djkimothy said:It takes too long to get to the message, I would have changed the channel after 10 seconds. :/
nofilter said:like this?
VanMardigan said:Has the Ps3 EVER been counted along with the standalones? How long have you been following this? I don't think anybody is taking the Ps3's impact lightly at this point, but if you're comparing standalones (like the article in question), then you don't include Ps3. And that still doesn't account for the statement I posted. You're making an irrelevant argument about Ps3, I'm referring to the article's view on the format wars.
gofreak said:The Lives of Others is coming to BD in August. Really liked it..
jjasper said:Toshiba does when they can use it to their advantage (Tie ratio)
VanMardigan said:Is there a way to separate software sales between Ps3/BR standalones when doing tie ratio?
jjasper said:Nope, just as there is no way to know the total number of PS3's being used as BR players.
VanMardigan said:Right, so how is it that Toshiba is using it as a convenience only (for tie ratios) when there's no way to separate it?
jjasper said:I was mainly talking about that PR they put out a while ago that claimed to have the most players on the market (it excluded the PS3) and then claimed to have the higher tie ratio (counting every PS3 sold as a player)
jjasper said:I was mainly talking about that PR they put out a while ago that claimed to have the most players on the market (it excluded the PS3) and then claimed to have the higher tie ratio (counting every PS3 sold as a player)
LOS ANGELES, June 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Three weeks into its aggressive spring retail and marketing campaigns, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group today announced HD DVD is significantly ahead in the dedicated consumer electronics player market with 60% of all high definition set-top players sold. At the same time, high definition movie sales for HD DVD reached an all time high for the month of May, exceeding 75,000 movies the last week of May alone.
Overall high definition sales hit a record last week as well, hitting $5.2 million in actual consumer spending, which was 31% higher than the previous record for the two formats. This highlights the growing consumer appetite for HD content across the board.
Sales of dedicated consumer electronics players are a critical indicator in the adoption of the high definition formats, given the high attach rates to these players. With the successive price drops by Toshiba, weekly player sales doubled in April when the price dropped from $499 to $399, doubled again during the first week of the latest promotion in late May, and increased again last week.
"Toshiba's latest promotional efforts are clearly resonating with consumers and showing that price is king when it comes to hardware," said Craig Kornblau, chairman of the North American HD DVD Promotional Group. "Behind the increase in sales for hardware and movies, you're seeing fundamentally lower manufacturing costs and ease of authoring for HD DVD. That's the type of model that can scale."
Consumers have purchased 150,000 dedicated HD DVD consumer electronics players which are holding a 4 to 1 movie attach rate over competing formats. The Toshiba HD-A2 model has also reached the top-seller mark among all DVD players on, and is officially the best-selling next-gen DVD player model to date.
VanMardigan said:So it seems like they were specific in mentioning set top boxes and dedicated machines. While I can see why that would anger Blu Ray fans, I also understand why Toshiba is doing it.
Just in time for Halloween, Lionsgate Home Entertainment will scare up the Rob Zombie fearfest 'House of 1,000 Corpses' on Blu-ray.
Due in stores September 18, 'House of 1,000 Corpses' earned instant notoriety during its original 2003 theatrical release, thanks to Zombie's reverence for '70s exploitation cinema and over-the-top Grand Guignol violence. The film has since earned a devoted cult following on video, and spawned the 2005 sequel 'The Devil's Rejects' (which Lionsgate already released on Blu-ray last August).
'Corpses' will hit high-def in bloody fashion, featuring a 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 transfer and both uncompressed PCM 7.1 surround and Dolby Digital EX Surround tracks.
Extras will mirror most of what is currently found on the standard-def DVD version, including audio commentary with Zombie and friends, a featurette, cast and crew interviews, a still gallery and theatrical trailers.
Lionsgate has set a $29.95 list price for the Blu-ray.
teiresias said:Toshiba is allowed to do PR statements like that, they have to counteract the Blu-Ray fanboys that buy eight copies of every Blu-Ray disc from Best Buy after all.
VanMardigan said:So it seems like they were specific in mentioning set top boxes and dedicated machines. While I can see why that would anger Blu Ray fans, I also understand why Toshiba is doing it.
VanMardigan said:Wasting stopped doing the releases thread. Too bad, "Imminent neutral" Universal really stepped up again this week:
* Black Snake Moan (Paramount)
* Hustle & Flow (Paramount)
* American Me (Universal)
* Army of Darkness (Re-issue) (Universal)
* Being John Malkovich (Universal)
* The Big Lebowski (Universal)
* Black Snake Moan (Paramount)
* Bulletproof (Universal)
* Dead Silence (Universal)
* Freedom: 1 (Bandai Visual)
* Hustle & Flow (Paramount)
* Mallrats (Universal)
* Meet Joe Black (Universal)
* Mystery Men (Universal)
* Unleashed (Re-issue) (Universal)
* The Watcher (Universal)
VanMardigan said:Wasting stopped doing the releases thread. Too bad, "Imminent neutral" Universal really stepped up again this week:
VanMardigan said:Chris James: It's not just Uni dropping the ball. Hustle & Flow (Paramount) is apparently garbage PQ, though Black Snake Moan is excellent.
VanMardigan said:Chris James: It's not just Uni dropping the ball. Hustle & Flow (Paramount) is apparently garbage PQ, though Black Snake Moan is excellent.
Better still, this Blu-ray(HD DVD) edition of the film features one of the best visual transfers I've seen
unfortunately the video on 'Hustle & Flow' is one of the worst transfers I've seen.
jjasper said:
And like its HD DVD counterpart, no English dub or subs.
Hey, what's going on in here?Matrix said:I know one way to summon a mod...
Matrix said::lol
Works like a charm.
Flo_Evans said:Is black snake moan getting a Blu-ray release?
Matrix said:Came out today for Blu ray too.
VanMardigan said:Has the Ps3 EVER been counted along with the standalones?
VanMardigan said:How long have you been following this?
VanMardigan said:I don't think anybody is taking the Ps3's impact lightly at this point, but if you're comparing standalones (like the article in question), then you don't include Ps3. And that still doesn't account for the statement I posted. You're making an irrelevant argument about Ps3, I'm referring to the article's view on the format wars.
Wait, what?VanMardigan said:Oh snap. I know chemo doesn't want me to buy any more HD DVD's, but this is just too good to pass up.
Crayon Shinchan said:To be honest, I've been tempted to pick up a HD-DVD addon for my 360 because of that IME crap
Still not worth it though. Yeah, I'll miss out on IME stuff for a few months, but there'll be years of the stuff with Blu-ray soon enough.
The only other reason I'd get a HD-DVD player is because I've heard it was region free![]()