1. I don' see any compelling advantage to BD to force the entire disc replication industry to re-tool their factories to produce BD. The excellent infrastructure of tens of thousands of small, mid and large replicators that are presently in place very easily produce HD DVDs on much of the same equipment, whereas BD production requires a complete re-tooling and new production lines taking up twice the space and cost millions of dollars. BTW, production of BD dual layer discs is very expensive to produce and to date only two facilities world-wide can replicate them.
2. I like strongly prefer the HD DVD mandated standards vs. BD, for example;
A. TrueHD decoders built-into every player
B. Network connection for additional studio applications and firmware
C. HDi interactive, menu and PIP features.
3. The lower cost of HD DVD hardware and disc production. It's easier to
author, and produce the discs as well as the hardware.
4. I like Toshiba's hardware offerings of a good-better-best player choices so the consumer can match their budget and system. BD players are made by various manufacturers with different features, but not well planned and more expensive. Like why would Samsung produce a second gen BD player without any lossless audio decoding?
5. Toshiba has a passion to get things right and they listen to the marketplace to develop the features we all want. In fact, recently I was able to convince Toshiba to develop an upgrade to 1080p 24fps from their A20 and XA2 as well as future generation HD DVD players.
In my own home I have several BD and HD DVD players, as I want to be able to watch any title on any of my HDTVs.
In my business when someone comes into our B&M store we demonstrate both formats on all HDTV and carefully explain all of the differences and studios supporting each format.
We have sold far more HD DVD players vs. BD, but don't underestimate our BD sales, as we are one of the nations largest BD retailers.
Finally, I love, embrace and support all forms of HD content, as we sorely need more HD material. I love BD and recognize the large disc capacity per layer potential advantage.
I believe both formats will co-exist for many years, however if one format ends it would be better for the consumers and industry overall and I will happy to whole heartily support the winner.