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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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ManaByte said:
These Warner HD-DVD titles are NOT yet out on BRD and not all of them have IME:

Batman Begins (IME)
V for Vendetta (IME)
The Matrix Trilogy (IME)
Forbidden Planet
Adventures of Robin Hood
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Perfect Storm
The Polar Express (ironic as Sony Imageworks, now Sony Pictures Animation, did the movie)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (IME)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Terminator 3 (IME)
Troy (IME)
Dukes of Hazzard (IME)
Constantine (IME)
Grand Prix
Poseidon (IME)

I'm glad I don't want any of that.


Hail to the KING baby
karasu said:
I'm glad I don't want any of that.

I'm still waiting for the first must BR. It would be Planet Earth, but I really don't like nature shows, so that's only a rental for me. Bring on the TV shows!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
karasu said:
I'm glad I don't want any of that.

"Tell me where the drugs are! Up your nose!?"



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hell yea :D

Buying all four

Oni Jazar

Looks like we may finally get FOX back into the HD game:

On the Blu-ray Disc front, Fox has announced one new MGM title for release on the format on 9/11... Jeepers Creepers 2. Fox also informed us at the EMA conference that they're getting close to announcing more Blu-ray Disc titles of their own, and that when they do, they'll "be back in a big way." We hope to learn more very soon.



ManaByte said:
Just got the Miami Vice HD-DVD finally.

After 300 next week and then the 5 free discs I'll be up to 28 discs. Once I get Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead later in August I'll hit 30.

*sigh* How I wish that Universal would pull their head out of their ass and stop staying exclusive to HD DVD...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Uh noes :lol

Mana you might have opened up a can of worms with that one


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
jjasper said:
Huh? I own one


1 movie doesnt count :p

Actually does anyone know how many Universal movies came out on UMD?
I can't wait to see The Shining in HD. Such an awesome movie. I love the setting of it (The Outlook Hotel) and I can't wait to see it in all of it's HD glory :D

I'll probably pick up 2001 also, but I'm not so sure about the other two... We'll see how fat (or thin) my wallet is when they come out.


Matrix said:
1 movie doesnt count :p

Actually does anyone know how many Universal movies came out on UMD?

:lol I have no idea I just know of this one, cause it is one of 2 UMDs that I own (the other being family guy season 1 and 2)


Gold Member
Matrix said:
1 movie doesnt count :p

Actually does anyone know how many Universal movies came out on UMD?

Not many. Universal is still kind of sore over losing the Betamax lawsuit in 1983.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ChrisJames said:
I can't wait to see The Shining in HD. Such an awesome movie. I love the setting of it (The Outlook Hotel) and I can't wait to see it in all it's HD glory :D

I'll probably pick up 2001 also, but I'm not so sure about the other two... We'll see how fat (or thin) my wallet is when they come out.

You dont want HD video of Nicole Kidman's pale white ass? FOR SHAME CHRIS!



Target to Promote Blu-Ray DVD Format

By GARY GENTILE 07.25.07, 5:31 PM E

LOS ANGELES - Target Corp., the nation's second-largest retailer, will start selling a Sony Blu-ray high-definition DVD player during the critical holiday shopping period and feature the player along with Blu-ray discs in store displays, dealing a potential blow to the rival HD DVD format.

The move, which the companies will formally announce Thursday, is another step in resolving a format war that has kept confused consumers from rushing to buy new DVD players until they can determine which format will dominate the market.

Target (nyse: TGT - news - people ) said it will sell the Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ) BDP-S300 for $499 in October and display it along with Blu-ray DVDs from three studios, including Sony Corp. and The Walt Disney Co. (nyse: DIS - news - people ), at the ends of store aisles.

The Target announcement comes five weeks after a decision by video rental chain Blockbuster Inc. (nyse: BBI - news - people ) to offer only Blu-ray titles when it expands its high-def offerings this fall.

Blu-ray is backed by Sony, which developed it. Most Hollywood studios are releasing films either exclusively in Blu-ray or together with the rival HD DVD format, which is backed by its developer, Toshiba Corp. (other-otc: TOSBF.PK - news - people )

Only Universal Studios, a unit of General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ) Corp., is releasing films exclusively in HD DVD.

Both formats offer a high-definition picture that is crisper and brighter than standard DVDs, as well as more storage that allows interactive features and games to be packaged with movies.

Consumers have been slow to embrace either format, worried they might get stuck with a losing technology.

Target does not sell high-def DVD players in its stores, although it does sell a Toshiba HD DVD player for $299 on its Web site.

Target stores do sell an HD DVD add-on for the Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Xbox 360. They also sell Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3, which comes with a Blu-ray player built in.

Target would not say why it decided to sell only Blu-ray players in stores. Sony is paying a fee to have its products featured in the end-of-aisle display, called an endcap, although Sony executives said the retailer contacted them about the decision.

"We are not proclaiming one format vs. the other as the preferred consumer technology, and software will continue to be available to our guests in both the Blu-ray and HD DVD format," Target spokeswoman Brie Heath said.

Target will track customer feedback and adjust offerings as necessary, Heath said.

The HD DVD camp was not fazed by the Target decision, pointing out that HD DVD players continue to outsell Blu-ray players, which cost at least twice as much. They also point out that HD DVD players and DVDs are featured in endcap displays in Circuit City Stores Inc. (nyse: CC - news - people ) and Best Buy Co. (nyse: BBY - news - people ) locations.

HD DVD promoters also contend that consumers are more influenced by price than product selection.

"HD DVD players are the most affordable," said Ken Graffeo, co-president of the North American HD DVD Promotional Group. "It's one thing to have a player featured, but it's another if it doesn't sell."

While more titles are available in the Blu-ray format, this fall should provide a head-to-head contest between the two formats.

Two blockbuster films - "Spider-Man 3" from Sony and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" from Disney - will be available exclusively on Blu-ray.

The HD DVD camp will be counting on sales of the blockbuster film "300" from Warner Bros., which will be released in both formats, and the first season of the popular sci-fi TV show "Heroes," which will be available exclusively on HD DVD.

AP Business Writer Joshua Freed in Minneapolis contributed to this report.
I knew if I came out here to the EMA that I'd see some of the spectacle first hand, but I didn't really think I'd SEE it. It all came in a flash, while sitting at our final planned event - the Universal sponsored HD-DVD discussion panel, starring Universal senior VP Ken Graffeo, HD-DVD evangelist Kevin Collins, Robert Zohn (a very nice man who has a high-end home theater retail company but really had no reason to be sitting on the panel except that he prefers HD-DVD even though he's "format neutral") and a Louie Anderson look-a-like named Michael Greeson who heads up a think tank dedicated to understanding the consumer mindset during this battle between seemingly identical formats and pretends to be some lame "technology Every Joe" but when pushed into a corner whips out enough real world home theater experience to make his posturing before that much more apparent and ends up coming off like SNL's Frozen Caveman Lawyer ("Now, I know nothing about his DVD thing - all this technology scares and confuses me, BUT...").

Don't get me wrong... I REALLY don't give a **** where this "war" takes us or which side wins - it makes no difference to me - so turning this panel into the cast of a cartoon program isn't meant to poke fun at HD-DVD or try and make Blu-ray seem cooler. The problem I had with the panel I watched, is the people on it didn't seem to really want to be there and, as nice as they were as people, you could tell they held a little bit of contempt for the audience. Or maybe they knew Bill Hunt was there, locked on and waiting to fire. Bill, apparently thanks to a bit of devil's advocacy on my part before the panel, was wound pretty tight and ready to spring. Sadly, aside from a few well placed comments and good points made, Bill wasn't really allowed to talk. But that's okay - that's not the problem I had.

The HD-DVD camp seems to think that the Home Theater crowd, the early adopters, are the reason there's a format war. That's really a load. The Home Theater Forum are simply a group of enthusiasts who love cinema so much that they either built theaters into their home or they have a really good set-up. I talked to several people who were there and, after 12 years in this business, I can tell you the people who were at these panels are a far cry from the people I knew as "early adopters" back in the days of laserdisc and the early days of DVD. And that's a very good thing, by the way. For the studios to dismiss these people because they don't represent the "mainstream consumer" is a mistake, because frankly these people ARE the mainstream consumer. At least, they represent what the mainstream consumer will evolve into in a few years. Most of the people I met are people who had no idea what pink noise, luminance or absorption were four or five years ago, but they could now school me on the benefits of direct fire versus dipole surround speakers or how four subwoofers can be properly placed in a room to create the perfect bass sound experience. The point is, studios should want people to know more about this stuff, because you can't reap the benefit of hi-def DVD without proper, or at least qualified, sound and video hardware. The Home Theater Forum membership is the overall future of DVD consumerism and the studios shouldn't simply consider them a niche group. To their benefit, the studios have been great to the members of HTF over the years, so don't take this tirade as an attack on the studios - just a message to them that better care should be taken when looking at consumers versus enthusiasts.

Anyway, after all of this Bill asked me to finally post the opinion I have on the two formats; the opinion I've been prattling on about behind the scenes. Well, here it goes: Blu-ray is going to win. Using science, market trend and consumer insight, it's very easy to make that leap. But you have to look at the whole thing. HD-DVD is, right at this moment, the more interactively robust format. When you see 300 on HD-DVD, you will be tempted to choose right there because the coolest thing that HD-DVD does that Blu-ray doesn't right now is picture-in-picture viewing. Watching 300 with a video feed of the original bluescreen video is quite frankly a badass experience. But early next year Blu-ray will be able to do the same thing - but it will do so with a hi-def feed. Something HD-DVD can't and won't do. All around, next year, Blu-ray will be better, stronger and faster than HD-DVD is; but HD-DVD got into the market with more features first, so you'll see a lot of ads and reports and web stories luring you in. Don't be fooled. Please.

More than anything I'm a consumer advocate. I have no stake in either format. Contrary to what's been said, The Bits isn't in anyone's pocket. We have simply looked at things the way they are, the way that they've moved in the past, and I'm saying that jumping into the fray at this point for you is a waste. Trust me: stay away from hi-def DVD for about a year. Both formats will be ready to impress you come Summer of 2008. Then you'll have piles of discs available to choose from, fully interactive experiences on both sides and audio/video to die for. I've been fully immersed in the glory of BOTH formats over the last week and I can tell you, it'll be worth the wait. Eventually.

Matrix said:
You dont want HD video of Nicole Kidman's pale white ass? FOR SHAME CHRIS!

I do, I do! She used to be my personal hottest celebrity around the time the movie came out. Not hot in a slutty way, but hot in the classic perfect woman kind of way... I'll have to consider buying Eyes Wide Shut or possibly renting. To be honest, I've never even watched the movie all the way through, basically just the tits and ass parts :D


ManaByte said:
I really hope someone goes to Bill Hunt's Comic Con panel and asks him how much the Blu-Ray group is supporting his site.

no he's unbiased, he's just looking out for the consumer.



Jtyettis said:

Target to Promote Blu-Ray DVD Format

By GARY GENTILE 07.25.07, 5:31 PM E

LOS ANGELES - Target Corp., the nation's second-largest retailer, will start selling a Sony Blu-ray high-definition DVD player during the critical holiday shopping period and feature the player along with Blu-ray discs in store displays, dealing a potential blow to the rival HD DVD format.

The move, which the companies will formally announce Thursday, is another step in resolving a format war that has kept confused consumers from rushing to buy new DVD players until they can determine which format will dominate the market.

Target (nyse: TGT - news - people ) said it will sell the Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ) BDP-S300 for $499 in October and display it along with Blu-ray DVDs from three studios, including Sony Corp. and The Walt Disney Co. (nyse: DIS - news - people ), at the ends of store aisles.

The Target announcement comes five weeks after a decision by video rental chain Blockbuster Inc. (nyse: BBI - news - people ) to offer only Blu-ray titles when it expands its high-def offerings this fall.

Blu-ray is backed by Sony, which developed it. Most Hollywood studios are releasing films either exclusively in Blu-ray or together with the rival HD DVD format, which is backed by its developer, Toshiba Corp. (other-otc: TOSBF.PK - news - people )

Only Universal Studios, a unit of General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ) Corp., is releasing films exclusively in HD DVD.

Both formats offer a high-definition picture that is crisper and brighter than standard DVDs, as well as more storage that allows interactive features and games to be packaged with movies.

Consumers have been slow to embrace either format, worried they might get stuck with a losing technology.

Target does not sell high-def DVD players in its stores, although it does sell a Toshiba HD DVD player for $299 on its Web site.

Target stores do sell an HD DVD add-on for the Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Xbox 360. They also sell Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3, which comes with a Blu-ray player built in.

Target would not say why it decided to sell only Blu-ray players in stores. Sony is paying a fee to have its products featured in the end-of-aisle display, called an endcap, although Sony executives said the retailer contacted them about the decision.

"We are not proclaiming one format vs. the other as the preferred consumer technology, and software will continue to be available to our guests in both the Blu-ray and HD DVD format," Target spokeswoman Brie Heath said.

Target will track customer feedback and adjust offerings as necessary, Heath said.

The HD DVD camp was not fazed by the Target decision, pointing out that HD DVD players continue to outsell Blu-ray players, which cost at least twice as much. They also point out that HD DVD players and DVDs are featured in endcap displays in Circuit City Stores Inc. (nyse: CC - news - people ) and Best Buy Co. (nyse: BBY - news - people ) locations.

HD DVD promoters also contend that consumers are more influenced by price than product selection.

"HD DVD players are the most affordable," said Ken Graffeo, co-president of the North American HD DVD Promotional Group. "It's one thing to have a player featured, but it's another if it doesn't sell."

While more titles are available in the Blu-ray format, this fall should provide a head-to-head contest between the two formats.

Two blockbuster films - "Spider-Man 3" from Sony and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" from Disney - will be available exclusively on Blu-ray.

The HD DVD camp will be counting on sales of the blockbuster film "300" from Warner Bros., which will be released in both formats, and the first season of the popular sci-fi TV show "Heroes," which will be available exclusively on HD DVD.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Gold Member
rc213 said:
Nice stealth edit. :lol

Yea I didn't want to be THAT mean to them. But their server upgrades right before they started writing for the BRD marketing site really make you wonder.

Petrarca said:



ManaByte said:
Yea I didn't want to be THAT mean to them. But their server upgrades right before they started writing for the BRD marketing site really make you wonder.


sorry, the boobs above my post kinda distracted me


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
ManaByte said:

Blu-ray didnt go for the average booth babe they went all out...


Playboy Centerfold Karen McDougal


has calmed down a bit.
That was the Target megaton? REALLY? Not even frickin exclusive???? pfffft, Sony should find better ways to spend their money. Send more of it Bill's way, since the folks here love to quote him every time he re-affirms his BRD support like it's something new or revelatory.


VanMardigan said:
That was the Target megaton? REALLY? Not even frickin exclusive???? pfffft, Sony should find better ways to spend their money. Send more of it Bill's way, since the folks here love to quote him every time he re-affirms his BRD support like it's something new or revelatory.

You're on a tear today, That Toshiba check must have cleared.


VanMardigan said:
That was the Target megaton? REALLY? Not even frickin exclusive???? pfffft, Sony should find better ways to spend their money. Send more of it Bill's way, since the folks here love to quote him every time he re-affirms his BRD support like it's something new or revelatory.

speaking like a true HD-DVD fan

here's a nice pic for you from the AVS forums



has calmed down a bit.
Bill's manservant thinks Blu Ray is going to win. Shock AND awe.

And if Toshiba was paying me, the LEAST they could do is send me a standalone and a nice Toshiba 1080p LCD. Shoot, you think I'm liking HD DVD now? I'd be more of an evangelist than Ken Graffeo.

As it is, I'm relegated to a 30 inch CRT and a 360 add-on. Not bad, but Toshiba can treat its PR reps better. Especially since I've been called Amir before. Now I KNOW I don't make nearly as much as he does. :lol
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