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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Warner doesn't seem to have any issue pricing a 5-disc BR set at less than $30, why should Sony see fit to do a 2-disc for $50?


Days like these... said:
Just what makes it insane? Are you filthy rich? Do you have money tree in your backyard. Most people have to make choices on what to spend their disposable income. I think its safe to say that the majority of ps triple owners are gamers and they will have to decide whether spend their money on games or movies.

But why would that spike HD DVD growth? I thought people had to manage their money, why would they suddenly decide to buy PS3 games and because of that run out and buy a HD DVD player and movies to "spike growth"? Are you being intentionally obtuse?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Hotarubi said:
Warner doesn't seem to have any issue pricing a 5-disc BR set at less than $30, why should Sony see fit to do a 2-disc for $50?
Uh, what 5 disc blu-ray set is less than 30 bucks....

If you're talking about Blade Runner, i just looked at high def digest press releases for it and no where that i saw do they mention MSRP.


Ponn01 said:
But why would that spike HD DVD growth? I thought people had to manage their money, why would they suddenly decide to buy PS3 games and because of that run out and buy a HD DVD player and movies to "spike growth"? Are you being intentionally obtuse?

I think you are misunderstanding his point. He's not saying that it's going to spike HD-DVD growth. What some see it doing is making the attach ratio get even worse for PS3 for BD movie media, which currently is already pretty meager.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
thaivo said:
I think you are misunderstanding his point. He's not saying that it's going to spike HD-DVD growth. What some see it doing is making the attach ratio get even worse for PS3 for BD media, which currently is already pretty meager.

In response to Ponn, What Thaivo said.


has calmed down a bit.
I found it pretty interesting that Warner is pushing Fox, Disney, and Lionsgate to back HD DVD:

Nonetheless, Warner Bros. believes both formats can coexist and has been urging Blu-ray backers to begin supporting HD DVD as well. The studio has developed a dual-format disc and has said it would license the technology to other studios willing to back both.

I guess they're just trying to sell some TotalHD discs.


thaivo said:
I think you are misunderstanding his point. He's not saying that it's going to spike HD-DVD growth. What some see it doing is making the attach ratio get even worse for PS3 for BD movie media, which currently is already pretty meager.

Ah, I see how backing a statement like...
When more games (exclusive PS3 ones) start coming out, BD crowd will slow down the purchase of movies and start using their PS3s for it's primary purpose, games. This is where you will see even bigger spike in HD DVD growth.

can cause a misunderstanding. *rollseyes*

And if you actually want to try and argue how better games coming out for a system can actually hurt - ignoring better and more games meaning more system sales meaning more BRD players out there - then you still deserve a *rolleyes* Attach rate means shit if userbase is small.

Pitch that one to Sony.

"Make only shitty games and few of them and your BRD attach rate will go up! It worked for the PSP, right. Right?"


VanMardigan said:
I found it pretty interesting that Warner is pushing Fox, Disney, and Lionsgate to back HD DVD:

I guess they're just trying to sell some TotalHD discs.

Not saying there's much of a chance of Disney changing their minds, but it would be sweet to have Pixar films on HD-DVD. I think the chance of Disney becoming neutral are better than Universal at this point.

Of course on the entire scheme of things, if BD prevails, then Universal will go where the consumers are. I'm hopeful that HD-DVD will prevail, as it will take down Sony a few notches and teach them a big lesson about proprietary media...


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
thaivo said:
Not saying there's much of a chance of Disney changing their minds, but it would be sweet to have Pixar films on HD-DVD. I think the chance of Disney becoming neutral are better than Universal at this point.

Of course on the entire scheme of things, if BD prevails, then Universal will go where the consumers are. I'm hopeful that HD-DVD will prevail, as it will take down Sony a few notches and teach them a big lesson about proprietary media...
I think you're smoking some serious fucking crack.
Disney is on a tour promoting blu-ray, no other blu-ray studio is doing that, do you really think they are going to just go neutral out of nowhere so they can make marginally more money on HD movie sales by supporting both blu-ray and hd dvd. They already support the winning side going neutral now would make no sense what-so-ever.


Ponn01 said:
Ah, I see how backing a statement like...

can cause a misunderstanding. *rollseyes*

And if you actually want to try and argue how better games coming out for a system can actually hurt - ignoring better and more games meaning more system sales meaning more BRD players out there - then you still deserve a *rolleyes* Attach rate means shit if userbase is small.

Pitch that one to Sony.

"Make only shitty games and few of them and your BRD attach rate will go up! It worked for the PSP, right. Right?"

You seem to take this all too personally. :lol

I never said it would hurt PS3 sales, or PS3 game sales. As with the PS2, very few people use it as a DVD player once they started buying game media. The percentage of people that use PS2's as movie players is pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. Yes, the situations are not completely analogeous. If you can't see his argument, you must have an unlimited budget for games, and too much free time on your hands. :D


captive said:
I think you're smoking some serious fucking crack.
Disney is on a tour promoting blu-ray, no other blu-ray studio is doing that, do you really think they are going to just go neutral out of nowhere so they can make marginally more money on HD movie sales by supporting both blu-ray and hd dvd. They already support the winning side going neutral now would make no sense what-so-ever.

:lol BD people are very sensitive... Did you completely ignore the fact that I said "There's not much chance of this happening.. but it would be pretty sweet..." ? :lol

My comment was about how Universal is on the HD-DVD Promotion Group, and Ken Graffeo (sp?) is the vice president (or president) of the group. They have more of a stake in HD-DVD than Disney has a stake in Blu-Ray.


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, what company would want to make marginally more money, right? :lol

There are exclusivity agreements in place all around, but if I had to pick, I'd say Fox goes neutral way before Disney. The fact that Disney are promoting Blu Ray (in the same way that Universal is promoting HD DVD) means that they have quite a bit more involved in the format than just goodwill towards Blu Ray.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Im only sensitive to stupidity.

I like how you guys are listing studios on the blu-ray side as going neutral, whatever keeps your hope alive.
thaivo said:
Not saying there's much of a chance of Disney changing their minds, but it would be sweet to have Pixar films on HD-DVD. I think the chance of Disney becoming neutral are better than Universal at this point.

I don't want this to sound like a slam against HD DVD, but Disney going neutral at this point is as likely as me getting a sex change! :lol

One of the main reasons Disney went Blu-ray is due to the extra copy protection (BD+), region coding, and greater space and bandwidth (and no one has used the 50gb disc like Disney so far). Neither of these 3 things are possible on HD DVD.

Universal turning neutral is a matter of time. The shareholders are all looking at the sales. When an executive tells media that he's feeling the pressure to support Blu-ray from higher ups, there's something there because info that damaging doesn't come out easy.


y'all should be ashamed
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, what company would want to make marginally more money, right? :lol

There are exclusivity agreements in place all around, but if I had to pick, I'd say Fox goes neutral way before Disney. The fact that Disney are promoting Blu Ray (in the same way that Universal is promoting HD DVD) means that they have quite a bit more involved in the format than just goodwill towards Blu Ray.

They were the ones to declare the format war over when the PS3 launched. Heck, I'd say Sony has a better chance of going neutral before Fox does.


captive said:
Im only sensitive to stupidity.

I like how you guys are listing studios on the blu-ray side as going neutral, whatever keeps your hope alive.

:lol Hope springs eternal on the HD-DVD side..


DarkJediKnight said:
I don't want this to sound like a slam against HD DVD, but Disney going neutral at this point is as likely as me getting a sex change! :lol

One of the main reasons Disney went Blu-ray is due to the extra copy protection (BD+), region coding, and greater space and bandwidth (and no one has used the 50gb disc like Disney so far). Neither of these 3 things are possible on HD DVD.

Universal turning neutral is a matter of time. The shareholders are all looking at the sales. When an executive tells media that he's feeling the pressure to support Blu-ray from higher ups, there's something there because info that damaging doesn't come out easy.

I totally understand that point, that's why I said "at this point." If it ends up that BD prevails, then I see Universal going to the other side. What would be most interesting is that at the point they would make a killing as the install base would be larger, and a re-release of present HD-DVD exclusive titles would sell quite a bit better than present BD exclusive blockbusters like POC.


chubigans said:
They were the ones to declare the format war over when the PS3 launched. Heck, I'd say Sony has a better chance of going neutral before Fox does.

:lol I can imagine it now... Sony paying Toshiba licensing fees to produce HD-DVD's. It would be wondrous. HD-DVD people would be dancing in the streets.


thaivo said:
You seem to take this all to personally. :lol

No, I take stupid arguments personally. And the people that back them when they know their stupid and then try to waffle their way out when they finally realize its stupid, example below...

I never said it would hurt PS3 sales, or PS3 game sales.

Interesting. Where in what I wrote did I imply you meant that? Where did I say crap all anything about hurting PS3 sales? Where did I say anything about hurting game sales?

As with the PS2, very few people use it as a DVD player once they started buying game media.

Bullshit, and you have nothing to back it up. People stopped using PS2's for movies less and less because DVD players dropped to 50 bucks. I dare you to find anything showing correlation between games sales and drop of DVD sales. Thats rights, that what you two were trying to argue (unless you want to try and change that now too). In fact, by that logic with a good month of Madden, Bioshock and Blue Dragon we should see or already be seeing a huge drop in HD-DVD sales and the HD-DVD addon for 360. Oh wait, let me guess, somehow that doesn't apply to this situation, right?

The percentage of people that use PS2's as movie players is pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. Yes, the situations are not completely analogeous.
You're right, their not, so why bring it up?

If you can't see his argument, you must have an unlimited budget for games, and too much free time on your hands. :D

I can see his argument and its stupid, thats why its getting reamed on. He was backing a statement and stated himself an argument that creates a damned if you do damned if you don't situation based on pretty fuzzy logic and conjecture. Both of you are being obtuse (ironic with him throwing that word around first) ignoring that an influx of good games would invariably increase sales of the game system creating a larger userbase with BRD playback. Who cares if a couple people can't afford both Heavenly Sword and a couple BRD movies THIS week or month when you increase your userbase by a 100,000 and more.


has calmed down a bit.
Well, there's only one major studio exclusive to HD DVD, and they've already made it clear how they feel. I don't expect a move from any major studio this year, not with the holiday season looming, but let's take a look at the different scenarios and how they would affect the format war:

Scenario One-Status Quo: Both formats continue to grow, but Blu Ray maintains a 65/35 or 60/40 software sales advantage

Result: Not much changes. Universal will continue to receive offers from the Blu Ray camp to switch, while Warner will begin pressing their TotalHD discs and try to lure Disney/Fox into supporting HD DVD. Things will likely remain the same throughout 2008 unless the software charts in that year slant in any direction.

Scenario Two-Blu Ray stretches its lead to 70/30 or beyond:

Result: Universal receives even more pressure to switch and perhaps more enticing offers from the Blu Ray camp. They go neutral as early as CES.

Scenario Three-HD DVD hardware sales increase significantly this holiday season, leading to a tighter software ratio.

Result: Increased pressure on Fox/Disney/Lionsgate to support HD DVD. Warner offers incentives on TotalHD discs for those companies. Provided the software sales remain fairly even, expect at least one BR exclusive studio to go neutral.

I know there are a million other factors that could influence this including behind-the-scenes incentives we are not aware of, so this is just conjecture on my part based on what I read.


thaivo said:
I'm hopeful that HD-DVD will prevail, as it will take down Sony a few notches and teach them a big lesson about proprietary media...

I'm hopeful that BD will prevail, as it will take Toshiba down a few notches and teach them a big lesson about proprietary media...


(Hint: Sony already essentially pays Toshiba fees for SD DVD - that's because Sony and Philips compromised for SD DVD to avoid a format war, something that Toshiba, arrogant with the success of SD DVD, was unwilling to do this time around...)


first it was ps3 wont have an effect on the format war
then ps3 owners bought their ps3 for games not movies
then blu-ray sales are only up cos ps3 owners dont have games
then once games come they will stop buying movies :lol
is there an end to your excuses?


has calmed down a bit.
DarkJediKnight said:
One of the main reasons Disney went Blu-ray is due to the extra copy protection (BD+), region coding, and greater space and bandwidth (and no one has used the 50gb disc like Disney so far). Neither of these 3 things are possible on HD DVD.

I disagree. It's all about incentives. Disney already put HD titles on Xbox Live maketplace, despite the bandwidth and space limitations. It's true Disney has taken advantage of the extra space on BD, but acting like they somehow would be unwilling to work with HD DVD as a medium (considering PoTC is on UMD even) is naive. There are incentives in place now for Disney to be in the Blu Ray camp, same as Universal. The question for both is: When are the incentives outweighed by the sales potential? And until we know what the extent of the incentives are, there is no way to know for sure.

Either way, contracts and agreements don't last forever. When the dust settles this holiday season, EVERYONE will have to take note and re-evaluate their position. It'll make for a fun holiday season between this and the console wars, that's for sure. :lol


Ponn01 said:
No, I take stupid arguments personally. And the people that back them when they know their stupid and then try to waffle their way out when they finally realize its stupid, example below...

:lol I see that someone having a different opinion than your own makes them stupid. It's a difficult position to argue from, when the other position fails even consider the relevancy of your statements.

Ponn01 said:
Bullshit, and you have nothing to back it up. People stopped using PS2's for movies less

Are you blind to the fact that if someone purchases a game, that that $60 then does not go to movie purchases? I'm not sure how that is so difficult to understand.

Ponn01 said:
You're right, their not, so why bring it up?

Mainly because although they are not completely analogeous, they are in many ways.

Ponn01 said:
Both of you are being obtuse (ironic with him throwing that word around first) ignoring that an influx of good games would invariably increase sales of the game system creating a larger userbase with BRD playback. Who cares if a couple people can't afford both Heavenly Sword and a couple BRD movies THIS week or month when you increase your userbase by a 100,000 and more.

I'm sure better games will make the system a better seller, and increase BD discs sales on the whole. However, the number of BD being purchased right now, per system is likely not going to be helped by the fact that there is a game to be played and bought on the system. It's a simple idea of limited financial and time resources. Obviously, I am underestimating your cash reserves and time resources. :lol


justjohn said:
first it was ps3 wont have an effect on the format war
then ps3 owners bought their ps3 for games not movies
then blu-ray sales are only up cos ps3 owners dont have games
then once games come they will stop buying movies :lol

Sony can never win can it? Hopefully it never does. :lol


y'all should be ashamed
VanMardigan said:
Well, there's only one major studio exclusive to HD DVD, and they've already made it clear how they feel. I don't expect a move from any major studio this year, not with the holiday season looming, but let's take a look at the different scenarios and how they would affect the format war:

Scenario One-Status Quo: Both formats continue to grow, but Blu Ray maintains a 65/35 or 60/40 software sales advantage

Result: Not much changes. Universal will continue to receive offers from the Blu Ray camp to switch, while Warner will begin pressing their TotalHD discs and try to lure Disney/Fox into supporting HD DVD. Things will likely remain the same throughout 2008 unless the software charts in that year slant in any direction.

Scenario Two-Blu Ray stretches its lead to 70/30 or beyond:

Result: Universal receives even more pressure to switch and perhaps more enticing offers from the Blu Ray camp. They go neutral as early as CES.

Scenario Three-HD DVD hardware sales increase significantly this holiday season, leading to a tighter software ratio.

Result: Increased pressure on Fox/Disney/Lionsgate to support HD DVD. Warner offers incentives on TotalHD discs for those companies. Provided the software sales remain fairly even, expect at least one BR exclusive studio to go neutral.

I know there are a million other factors that could influence this including behind-the-scenes incentives we are not aware of, so this is just conjecture on my part based on what I read.

There is simply no freaking way HD-DVD will come out of this holiday season alive, simply due to the amount of software Blu-Ray will be getting this Christmas (and that's before we've heard a peep from Fox and MGM, for whatever reason).

I really can't see anyone assuming HD-DVD will be a viable format past 2008. There's absolutely no way it can happen...either retailers will make sure of that (as they have with several BD exclusive to certain stores announcements) or consumers (the widening gap of BD/HD-DVD software sales) or studios (Universal is the only one left on the boat...and no way in hell are the other studios going neutral or even exclusive, like Warner and Paramount, to either side).

Captain N

Junior Member
I just got done watching The Hitcher on HD DVD. It was perfectly fine until the last two or three minutes when it started skipping. I remember I had some freezing problems with Children of Men before an HD DvD player firmware update...will that fix the skipping or do I need to send back the disc to get a new one.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Ponn01 said:
No, I take stupid arguments personally. And the people that back them when they know their stupid and then try to waffle their way out when they finally realize its stupid, example below...

Interesting. Where in what I wrote did I imply you meant that? Where did I say crap all anything about hurting PS3 sales? Where did I say anything about hurting game sales?

Bullshit, and you have nothing to back it up. People stopped using PS2's for movies less and less because DVD players dropped to 50 bucks. I dare you to find anything showing correlation between games sales and drop of DVD sales. Thats rights, that what you two were trying to argue (unless you want to try and change that now too). In fact, by that logic with a good month of Madden, Bioshock and Blue Dragon we should see or already be seeing a huge drop in HD-DVD sales and the HD-DVD addon for 360. Oh wait, let me guess, somehow that doesn't apply to this situation, right?

You're right, their not, so why bring it up?

I can see his argument and its stupid, thats why its getting reamed on. He was backing a statement and stated himself an argument that creates a damned if you do damned if you don't situation based on pretty fuzzy logic and conjecture. Both of you are being obtuse (ironic with him throwing that word around first) ignoring that an influx of good games would invariably increase sales of the game system creating a larger userbase with BRD playback. Who cares if a couple people can't afford both Heavenly Sword and a couple BRD movies THIS week or month when you increase your userbase by a 100,000 and more.

All this coming from a well known ps triple fan boi who some how thinks it will win the next gen race just as soon as (insert title of choice here) launches.

So what was that you were saying about stupid arguements? lol


"GAF's biggest wanker"
VanMardigan said:
Why would I ask for clarification?
Because you claimed you're not making assumptions about my statements, that's why.
I'm not going to respond to you in regards to this topic anymore.
Going to be hard to do that if you keep forgetting that we've chatted every few pages.


Days like these... said:
I think its safe to say that the majority of ps triple owners are gamers and they will have to decide whether spend their money on games or movies.

Days like these... said:
All this coming from a well known ps triple fan boi who some how thinks it will win the next gen race just as soon as (insert title of choice here) launches.

So what was that you were saying about stupid arguements? lol

Ps triple :lol

but the best quote from this thread isn't from a member:
When more games (exclusive PS3 ones) start coming out, BD crowd will slow down the purchase of movies and start using their PS3s for it's primary purpose, games. This is where you will see even bigger spike in HD DVD growth.

As PS3's market share goes up, Blu-ray sales will go down :lol That makes literally NO SENSE.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Days like these... said:
More like a pipe dream or wishful thinking from blu ray supporters. You guys have been crying wolf since, what like 2005?
You're trying way to hard in this thread.


captive said:
You're trying way to hard in this thread.

Something has to be said for the fact that this thread has been going for 9000+ posts.. if it was a closed case, this thread would not be one of the most active in the OT forum.


has calmed down a bit.
chubigans said:
There is simply no freaking way HD-DVD will come out of this holiday season alive, simply due to the amount of software Blu-Ray will be getting this Christmas (and that's before we've heard a peep from Fox and MGM, for whatever reason).

I really can't see anyone assuming HD-DVD will be a viable format past 2008. There's absolutely no way it can happen...either retailers will make sure of that (as they have with several BD exclusive to certain stores announcements) or consumers (the widening gap of BD/HD-DVD software sales) or studios (Universal is the only one left on the boat...and no way in hell are the other studios going neutral or even exclusive, like Warner and Paramount, to either side).

You make a couple false assumptions to reach your conclusion (that HD DVD dies this holiday season):

-You list the amount of software for Blu Ray as if HD DVD doesn't have any software. We are all aware of the BR exclusives that were big hits this year, but even a cursory glance at the top ten right now reveals that HD DVD will be just fine. Bigger sellers on Blu Ray, I'll grant you that, but we'll see if its the slaughter you expect.

-You overstate the retailer news. BJ's went Blu, Blockbuster (in-store only) went blu........and.......what? Target is an endcap agreement, and just about every other retailer has expressed an interest in waiting to get a clearer picture.

-The software sales gap is not widening. It peaked and has been steady at around 65/35.

-You assume that no BR studio would go neutral, which is always dependent on what happens.

Your whole premise is based on your confident assumptions about this holiday season. But you should know as well as anyone that trends do not necessarily always play out. You were wrong about UMD (which started out ON FIRE), and you were wrong about Ps3 sales. I'm not taking your confident stance on Blu Ray as fact. I'll wait to see what actually happens this holiday season.


chubigans said:
There is simply no freaking way HD-DVD will come out of this holiday season alive, simply due to the amount of software Blu-Ray will be getting this Christmas (and that's before we've heard a peep from Fox and MGM, for whatever reason)..

You truly believe that by January 2008 we will not be receiving any meaningful HD-DVD releases, or player sales? Toshiba should just cancel their third generation players. :D

I can see arguing that BD has the upper hand, and that appears to be the case at this point in time, but to say that HD-DVD will not come out of this holiday season alive... This war is going to be extended at least into 2009.

Ultimately, HD-DVD has allowed me to enter into the HDM field much earlier than if I had BD as the only format. Additionally, it is doubtful that BD players would be available for $400, or that HD-DVD players are available for $250 like they are now, so quickly had it not been for HD-DVD.

For me, the value proposition between HD-DVD and BD has been quite heavily weighed toward HD-DVD. BD supporters make it seem like HD-DVD people are starved for content. I can't even afford all the movies I'd like to buy, and they are releasing new films every week. I'm sure you enjoy your BD player. I'm enjoying my HD-D2, and with all the movies that I've purchased, I still haven't spent as much as BD supporters have on their player alone. :D


thaivo said:
You truly believe that by January 2008 we will not be receiving any meaningful HD-DVD releases, or player sales? Toshiba should just cancel their third generation players. :D

I can see arguing that BD has the upper hand, and that appears to be the case at this point in time, but to say that HD-DVD will not come out of this holiday season alive... This war is going to be extended at least into 2009.

It will probably come out crawling. Warner Bros still has a backlog of cataloge titles that may appeal to the "PS3" audience and have yet to release. The release of those titles (Batman Begins, V for Vend., and Matrix?) will be like an entirely new studio entering the fray. That just adds to the sales potential of Blu-ray sales. And if they release them at the end of the calendar year which they've stated, then that just adds fuel to the fire.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
thaivo said:
Something has to be said for the fact that this thread has been going for 9000+ posts.. if it was a closed case, this thread would not be one of the most active in the OT forum.
Huh, its pretty well known fact that this is the defacto HD thread, incase you havnt noticed all news gets posted here.
This has nothing to do with what i was referring to with "days like these", he is a troll, plain and simple. He has stated many times in the whinniest of manners that this is the defacto thread for poor little sony fanbois as refuge because the ps3 isnt winning the console war. /eyeroll.

Not quite as hard as blu ray supporters trying to convince themselves and everyone else that hd dvd is dead
Really? Interesting, can you show me anywhere besides petraca's posts where "bloo fanbois" have said hd dvd is dead?
And i dont need convincing i can look at the sales numbers and tell you that hd dvd is having a rough go at it.
Not to mention this is Bluray/HD-DVD: Bluray takeover watch. If you came in here expecting HD DVD circle jerk well you came to the wrong place, If you want hd dvd circle jerk here is the place, although i hear even they are having a hard time getting it up now adays.


Post Count: 9999
Vark said:
The problem is, and what people seem to consistently forget, is that all this talk about HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the home video market. Whether you're betting on the horse thats 60% of nothing, or the one thats 40% of nothing it doesn't do much for your bottom line, which is why studios are perfectly happy keeping their toes in the water without any real commitment.

I love both formats, I'm the target market, but I can honestly see both going the way of SACD and DVD-A. The general public still doesn't give a shit, which is why its too early to call an end, even after christmas.

It's right on the tip of your tongue, but you aren't seeing it ... and evidentially many of the studio execs aren't either.

There is a very interesting, I would say causal, relationship between your two paragraphs.


Post Count: 9999
Days like these... said:
What is the ratio of Blu ray players including ps triples vs. hd players including 360 add on? Blu Ray discs should be out selling HD discs by alot more than 2:1. That's why things aren't nearly as bad as blu ray supporters would want people to believe. Actually with the news from onkyo and amazon featuring toshiba's 3 gen players as top holiday picks and further price drops/ cheaper players later in the 4th quarter things look pretty good.

ummm ... okay.

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