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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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jjasper said:
The Samsung and LG duel players become the best selling media players and the 2 companies became king and rule with an iron fist:lol

then they release the Splogenborg and dominate NIntendo.:lol


Chemo said:
The only thing that could stop this from sending both formats to a watery grave at the bottom of a sea of HD supporters' tears is if Best Buy and/or other major retailers, for the good of next-gen format sales, dropped one of the formats in-store in order to make the decision for everyone so that people could start buying in already.
Wasn't Wal-Mart planned on doing just that?


I wonder how AVS is going I am sure the HD DVD fanboys are saying this is the end of Blu Ray while the Blu Ray ones are talking about acts of desperation and how it won't make a difference.

How much will my copy of Flags of our Fathers BD be? I want to make some money of this stuff


Gold Member
Laurent said:
Wasn't Wal-Mart planned on doing just that?

If Wal-Mart starts carrying HD-DVD I'll be in heaven. They sell regular DVDs cheap. Got the unrated Harold and Kumar there for $7 yesterday.
DarkJediKnight said:
I think this is very likely. HD DVD won't stop Blu-ray and Blu-ray won't stop HD DVD now. Either a new unified format will emerge or MS will get its wish of digital downloads.

It is in Microsofts best interests to have HD-DVD win. They essentially will be supplying the codec for 100% of the film releases on the format. That simply means $$$s for them. Blu-Ray doesn't help them much as they have to compete behind the scenes against Sony's codec.


Laurent said:
Wasn't Wal-Mart planned on doing just that?

No, WM is rumored to carry a sub $200 HD DVD player this holiday.

Now if that DOES happen and Warner does go exclusive......GAF's servers are confirmed dead.


You now belong to FMT.
ummm YAY? just got my 360 add on... I guess I am happy... but hate exclusive deals either way...

Transformers should look and sound great though.. cant wait..


MechDX said:
No, WM is rumored to carry a sub $200 HD DVD player this holiday.

Now if that DOES happen and Warner does go exclusive......GAF's servers are confirmed dead.
It wouldn't suprised me... MATRIX HD-DVD EXCLUSIVE? WTF?!
Oni Jazar said:

And the Band Played On.

I fucking hate this thread. I HATE that we have a group of movie lovers that have to BICKER CONSTANTLY about formats instead of just enjoying HD content. I hate that no matter the milesstones that break recently it's still just a booger on the mountain of DVD.

I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO WINS DAMNIT BUT I DO WANT ONE FORMAT. I just don't see Sony/Disney/(fox) budging and now we have Dreamworks/Paramount picking sides.
because some people hate buying two players?
MechDX said:
No, WM is rumored to carry a sub $200 HD DVD player this holiday.

Now if that DOES happen and Warner does go exclusive......GAF's servers are confirmed dead.

That was debunked long ago if I am not mistaken.
bune duggy said:
because some people hate buying two players?

I think you missed the point of his rant. He doesn't want to have to buy two players. He just wants one format that everyone can enjoy.


If the pay-off conspiracies are true, MS should consider just convincing Fox and Disney to defect too... Although I think Warner is much more likely to follow suit than Fox or Disney.

My dream of having Pixar HD-DVD is still faintly alive. :D
This is honestly the dumbest most assinine move.
The only people that are making a big deal out of this are mainly doing it out of the usual interweb dick slinging but even the ones happy about this that have half of a brain have to know that this is bad.
The format war was almost over.
This deal will not make HD win no matter how much people want to pretend and say it will.
It will not inspire more companies, it will not do anything except drag this out even longer and in the end most likely bury both formats because people are already getting sick of having to split formats.


Gold Member
thaivo said:
If the pay-off conspiracies are true, MS should consider just convincing Fox and Disney to defect too... Although I think Warner is much more likely to follow suit than Fox or Disney.

Fox and Disney won't go anywhere without region coding. They ADDED region coding to BRD just to appease them.
OokieSpookie said:
This is honestly the dumbest most assinine move.
The only people that are making a big deal out of this are mainly doing it out of the usual interweb dick slinging but even the ones happy about this that have half of a brain have to know that this is bad.
The format war was almost over.
This deal will not make HD win no matter how much people want to pretend and say it will.
It will not inspire more companies, it will not do anything except drag this out even longer and in the end most likely bury both formats because people are already getting sick of having to split formats.

Pretty much. Everyone is acting like this is a win for HD-DVD. All it is doing is screwing both formats.
DoctorWho said:
Pretty much. Everyone is acting like this is a win for HD-DVD. All it is doing is screwing both formats.

i dont have HD dvd but how is this not a win for HD DVD? it really is a good thing for HD DVD owners and will help them gain more exclusive titles in order to compete agains blu ray.

It is not screwing HD DVD it is screwing blu ray.
:lol . luckily i have both players so i could give a shit less about what format its on. i can only taste the bitter tears of fanboys everywhere though.

seriously, some peoples devotion to a company and a specific hi def media is beyond ridiculous in this thread.

OMG HD-DVD is dead, CES 2008......HD-DVD is a non-issue.

so essentially its sony/disney vs universal/paramount


this shit just got real
DoctorWho said:
Pretty much. Everyone is acting like this is a win for HD-DVD. All it is doing is screwing both formats.

It is because this is the interweb, look at the whole gaming console format war crap.
It has nothing to do with the games, it is people spending more time on the net talking about their "team" and talking shit about the other "teams".


This is a win for HD and a loss for BD. There isn't any other way to put it. And yes it sucks even more for consumers, but we won't know what kind of effect on the format war it will have though for some time.


It's going to be glorious when Transformers and Ultimatum come out. The ratio may swing to HD-DVD's favor again for those weeks. Life is good.

rubso said:
am i dreaming?

No, but it sure feels like it. :D
Kabuki Waq said:
i dont have HD dvd but how is this not a win for HD DVD? it really is a good thing for HD DVD owners and will help them gain more exclusive titles in order to compete agains blu ray.

It is not screwing HD DVD it is screwing blu ray.

No, it is screwing the consumer.


OokieSpookie said:
No, it is screwing the consumer.

That's the thing. I see no end to this war now. Microsoft got their wish. With a few million dollars to spend of course.

So why doesn't Sony go out and buy exclusive deals like that again?

They don't have millions to burn? Or already burned them. Plus it's more than them that have a stake in Blu-ray.


thaivo said:
It's going to be glorious when Transformers and Ultimatum come out. The ratio may swing to HD-DVD's favor again for those weeks. Life is good.
Now that's just masturbatory fantasy. This is good for HD DVD sales, but it's not going to do anything to stop PS3 sales, which are going to be way higher in the holiday season than they are right now.
Chemo said:
Now that's just masturbatory fantasy. This is good for HD DVD sales, but it's not going to do anything to stop PS3 sales, which are going to be way higher in the holiday season than they are right now.

but you assume everyone who buys a ps3 1. has an hdtv and 2. wants to buy blu ray movies. both statements we know are false. that and the fact that hd players have already sold for 200 makes me think the ratio will definatly be a little closer come holiday season. am i saying hddvd will trounce blu ray...no, but you act as if this news isnt significant


StanTheCaddy said:
but you assume everyone who buys a ps3 1. has an hdtv and 2. wants to buy blu ray movies. both statements we know are false. that and the fact that hd players have already sold for 200 makes me think the ratio will definatly be a little closer come holiday season. am i saying hddvd will trounce blu ray...no, but you act as if this news isnt significant
Numbers state otherwise, just so you know. Blue Pac-Mans, eating away at your logic. People with PS3s don't necessarily have HDTVs, and that doesn't mean they can't/don't buy Blu-ray discs.
djkimothy said:
That's the thing. I see no end to this war now. Microsoft got their wish. With a few million dollars to spend of course.
Microsoft doesn't care about hd-dvd, they are more set in downloadble content for the future.
They know though that if BR wins the format war that it would be a boost for Sony and the PS3.
This will keep things in a stalemate until both formats are a non issue any longer.
It is a good business move, and honestly not very expensive for the ripple effect that it will have.
MaX_PL said:
someone needs to change the thread title.

LOL to what? You can't honestly be dumbed down enough by fanboy blinders to think that this will change the tide.
It will put the occasional week to 60/40 but that is about it.


StanTheCaddy said:
but you assume everyone who buys a ps3 1. has an hdtv and 2. wants to buy blu ray movies. both statements we know are false. that and the fact that hd players have already sold for 200 makes me think the ratio will definatly be a little closer come holiday season. am i saying hddvd will trounce blu ray...no, but you act as if this news isnt significant
Why do I need an HDTV for Blu-Ray to work on my PS3?
I don't.


Chemo said:
Now that's just masturbatory fantasy. This is good for HD DVD sales, but it's not going to do anything to stop PS3 sales, which are going to be way higher in the holiday season than they are right now.

and the sale of cheap HD DVD players will just continue to grow this holiday.


Chemo said:
Now that's just masturbatory fantasy. This is good for HD DVD sales, but it's not going to do anything to stop PS3 sales, which are going to be way higher in the holiday season than they are right now.

Hey you may call it a fantasy, but I think there are quite a few people here that would agree with me that the week Transformers comes out, or when Ultimatum comes out, is the best chance HD-DVD of over-taking BD in sales. It may frighten you, but you have to admit there is a chance of it happening. We will see I suppose. :D


OokieSpookie said:
LOL to what? You can't honestly be dumbed down enough by fanboy blinders to think that this will change the tide.
It will put the occasional week to 60/40 but that is about it.

what do you honestly think this means absolutely nothing? you think paramount/dreamworks dont know of the 60/40 split that exists right now? they clearly have their reasons for going HD DVD exclusive or they would not have done so.

now lets just wait for Warner to go exclusive...


So we have moneyhats, yes, but we also have a press release stating that one of the reasons for this move is that HD DVD reaches more of a "family" audience than PS3--er, Blu-ray.

That makes sense given the sales of standalone players, but I agree that this move may only prolong the format war unless another big announcement comes along or retailers decide to drop one of the formats to end this thing themselves.

Then again, once the dominoes start to fall, they usually keep falling. Maybe this announcement is just the push other "on-the-fence" studio execs need to take similar action.

Damn, it feels good to be format neutral!
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