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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Jon_Danger said:
And nobody will buy them

yes you heard it here first, no one will buy sub 200 dollar HD DVD players. wars over Jon_Danger wins. are you fucking serious?

im not going to be stupid and say it will outsell the ps3, it wont. Holiday season is a time for gaming systems and cheap tvs. it will have an impact on the software sales though


I love how this format war has gone from "Man, HD DVD sure is just about to die" to "HD DVD players will outsell PS3s this Christmas as long as they aren't supply constrained" :)lol :lol :lol) over this announcement. It's good news for HD DVD, it's bad news for Blu-ray, and it's bad news for HD formats in general, but L O fucking L at people like MechDX who think that this is the second coming of Jesus. It sucks for Blu-ray, but big deal... Blu-ray software sales will STILL be much larger, and once that Paramount/DreamWorks contract is up, they'll jump right back into multi-format support, if not Blu-ray exclusive -- if there's an HD format market left to support, that is. This was a money move, pure and simple, and is not designed to make HD DVD win... it was designed solely to make Blu-ray lose.


No this thread has become filled with people that don't know anything about this war.

It was much better when it was just our close knit (disfunctional) family.:lol


captive said:
Ok and has it outsold the ps3? no it hasnt.
go back to the gaming discussion where you are welcomed as a troll.

Fuck that.

wtf, your comparing the ps3 to a single hd-dvd player?.... is the bluray players outselling ps3s.

you have to be a joke


First tragedy, then farce.
captive said:
See thats my problem, i fucking love high definition movies. If they both die im going to be pissed.
No digital downloads are not acceptable.

I doubt thats a possibility at this point. Sales are outpacing DVD for both formats at this point. What I think is more likely is that CE manufacturers (outside of Sony and Tosh) are going to start putting out nothing but combo players. Then, it wont matter what format a movie comes out on... everyone will have combo players (see DVDR+/DVDR-).
Laurent said:
But what if Apple makes it all easy, fast and great with an Apple TV 2.0?

if i pay money for something, i want something tangible...I will never buy anything downloadable from apple because they require that i back it up. How awesome would it be to spend a couple grand on movies and have your hard drive fail. terabyte hard drives fill up pretty fast when youre backing up 50 gig movies


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
nategc said:
wtf, your comparing the ps3 to a single hd-dvd player?.... is the bluray players outselling ps3s.

you have to be a joke
Even your hddvd brethren admit that a standalone hd dvd player IS NOT going to outsell the PS3 this christmas season. Seriously dude, you along with mech need to go grow some brains.
djkimothy said:
I like how all the HDDVD users come out of the woodwork now. I was beginning to think you guys given up. :D

Don't get too happy, a big chunk are just anti sony people jumping over form the gaming forum to chime in and have no real interest in either side.


Hopefully we hear some more announcements within the next few weeks...



has calmed down a bit.
Hay guys, what's going on...............WTF!!!

I leave for lunch and this is what I come back to????

Holy.........wow!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol

I don't know what's more amusing, the incredible exclusivity news or the BR fanboys spin controlling this to mean either:

A. Nothing at all


B. The end of HD media (including their format)

Both are highly contradictory. I must say, not even I envisioned this. When I was looking for a big MEGATON for this year, i was thinking of exclusive studios going multi format, not a multi format going exclusive. This is insane.

DJK was throwing around some crazy stuff (Warner going exclusive, Fox going multi format). I remember mentioning Fox going multi-format, but that stuff was just pie in the sky until today. WOW.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
StoOgE said:
I doubt thats a possibility at this point. Sales are outpacing DVD for both formats at this point. What I think is more likely is that CE manufacturers (outside of Sony and Tosh) are going to start putting out nothing but combo players. Then, it wont matter what format a movie comes out on... everyone will have combo players (see DVDR+/DVDR-).
It would be nice i guess if that flagship denon player was a combo that supports EVERYTHING on both formats. I would buy one.

But still combo players sell to the hardcore market. I just really dont want high definiton formats to go the way of SACD/DVD-A.

I don't know what's more amusing, the incredible exclusivity news or the BR fanboys spin controlling this to mean either:
You know what i find ammusing? Is you're complete ignoring of hd dvd "fans" spinning this, coming out of the woodwork having NEVER posted in this thread, just to take a jab at sony/blu-ray.
djkimothy said:
I like how all the HDDVD users come out of the woodwork now. I was beginning to think you guys given up. :D
how is this different form the majority of the blu ray backers shrugging it off as if it wont matter. this is pretty huge and if you cant see that then you are seriously jaded. like i said i dont care because i own both players but what will sony do to counter this??? hopefully they get fox to release an onslaught of titles because im seriously looking forward to some fox titles


the thread is all type of bias :lol

i like how people are talking like bluray is selling on its own merit....everybody knows that if it wasn't for the ps3 at all, This battle would of been a WHOLE lot different.



StanTheCaddy said:
if i pay money for something, i want something tangible...I will never buy anything downloadable from apple because they require that i back it up. How awesome would it be to spend a couple grand on movies and have your hard drive fail. terabyte hard drives fill up pretty fast when youre backing up 50 gig movies
At least you'll be able to back it up... With H.264 compression, you might get 1080p movies at 8 Gb, which fits in a dual layer DVD...
nategc said:
the thread is all type of bias :lol

i like how people are talking like bluray is selling on its own merit....everybody knows that if it wasn't for the ps3 at all, This battle would of been a WHOLE lot different.


Ironic that you would type out a post talking about bias...
Nobody has denied that at all, are there not enough ps3 threads for you to troll in the gaming forum that you decided to come play here too?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
nategc said:
the thread is all type of bias :lol

i like how people are talking like bluray is selling on its own merit....everybody knows that if it wasn't for the ps3 at all, This battle would of been a WHOLE lot different.

Uh, once again you prove your ignorance. EVERY DAMN SINGLE person that is a regular poster in this thread readily admits that the PS3 is the sole reason for its lead in sales.


nods at old men
Someone mentioned that if they were to discontinue all the Paramount/Dreamworks titles on BD, that that would be 52% of the BD catalog!

Laurent said:
At least you'll be able to back it up... With H.264 compression, you might get 1080p movies at 8 Gb, which fits in a dual layer DVD...

yeah, thats not a selling point. why would i want that?? compression?? i have a 106 " screen i want the best video encode possible with lossless audio. that will not fit on any dvd. not to mention id still have to back it up when for the same price i could just buy the disc??


has calmed down a bit.
captive, you need a hug. Or step away from the pc for a while. I know you're usually a very rude poster anyway, but this news clearly rattled you. Calm down. :lol


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
captive, you need a hug. Or step away from the pc for a while. I know you're usually a very rude poster anyway, but this news clearly rattled you. Calm down. :lol
im perfectly calm. Im tired of Nate, he fuckign trolls in the gaming section, and the only reason he is in this thread is his irrational fanboyism.


This is stupid, we were getting closer to one format, now it's a big step backwards as it becomes a stalemate again.

Bluray/HD-DVD: VHS takeover watch


VanMardigan said:
captive, you need a hug. Or step away from the pc for a while. I know you're usually a very rude poster anyway, but this news clearly rattled you. Calm down. :lol

He is right to an extent there have been tons of people that haven't ever posted in here and really don't know what all they are talking about come in here and be very annoying.

Having said that you can probably change up my list I posted earlier, I think I had Top Gun on Blu Ray side:p


captive said:
Even your hddvd brethren admit that a standalone hd dvd player IS NOT going to outsell the PS3 this christmas season. Seriously dude, you along with mech need to go grow some brains.

who the hell said anything about hddvd players outselling the ps3?...i clearly said that the hddvd players might cost 200 dollars this holiday.
captive said:
im perfectly calm. Im tired of Nate, he fuckign trolls in the gaming section, and the only reason he is in this thread is his irrational fanboyism.

just buy an HDDVD player man, be neutral and you wont give a fuck whats announced for any format. 200 bucks is nothin, and youll be able to enjoy plenty of movies. :D

you can even keep the players in the same room, i promise they wont interfere with eachother. no fighting i swear


StanTheCaddy said:
how is this different form the majority of the blu ray backers shrugging it off as if it wont matter. this is pretty huge and if you cant see that then you are seriously jaded. like i said i dont care because i own both players but what will sony do to counter this??? hopefully they get fox to release an onslaught of titles because im seriously looking forward to some fox titles

Oh it is huge. I know that. But when friday comes along and we post the numbers. It's only Van Mardigen posting. But now, all of a sudden, a swarm comes around with this type of news. Seriously. I'll see you Friday with the numbers and we can talk.


has calmed down a bit.
captive said:
im perfectly calm. Im tired of Nate, he fuckign trolls in the gaming section, and the only reason he is in this thread is his irrational fanboyism.

Ah, I see, it's personal. Have at him, then!!

Bluray/HD-DVD: VHS takeover watch

Both formats overtook VHS already, go take your bitter tears (and the whole "OMG, HD MEDIA IS DED") FUD elsewhere. :D


dallow_bg said:
Someone mentioned that if they were to discontinue all the Paramount/Dreamworks titles on BD, that that would be 52% of the BD catalog!

According to this page, there are 293 titles on Blu-ray. When you remove all Paramount and Dreamworks materials, this number drops to 260.

StanTheCaddy said:
yeah, thats not a selling point. why would i want that?? compression?? i have a 106 " screen i want the best video encode possible with lossless audio. that will not fit on any dvd. not to mention id still have to back it up when for the same price i could just buy the disc??
Of course I wouldn't talk about you, you seem to complaint a lot about everything...


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
nategc said:
hd-dvd brethren? oh, you think im taking up for hd-dvd....

who the hell said anything about hddvd players outselling the ps3?...i clearly said that the hddvd players might cost 200 dollars this holiday.

anyway, how the hell can you compare the ps3 to standalone players for bragging rights.

again, who the hell buys stand alone bluray players when they can buy ps3s...i think ps3 is selling much more then he's bluray player cousins don't you think.
Nice try and the ninja edit there.

So you freely admit you dont own blu-ray or HD DVD.... so what exactly are you doing in this thread?

And van, im rude to those who have earned rudeness, by being rude themselves.

just buy an HDDVD player man, be neutral and you wont give a fuck whats announced for any format. 200 bucks is nothin, and youll be able to enjoy plenty of movies.

you can even keep the players in the same room, i promise they wont interfere with eachother. no fighting i swear
I dont want to get any red on my blu discs just yet, sorry. :p


What's funny is how your perception of something can change so fast. After I posted that list earlier today I actually thought about using the money I got from selling my HD player to buy a 360 for Bioshock, now I don't know if I will. Your moneyhats back fired this time MS.
djkimothy said:
Oh it is huge. I know that. But when friday comes along and we post the numbers. It's only Van Mardigen posting. But now, all of a sudden, a swarm comes around with this type of news. Seriously. I'll see you Friday with the numbers and we can talk.

appearantly the numbers dont mean shit to paramount/dreamworks. i dont give a fuck about numbers either, im to busy watching hi def movies on both formats to care. it doesnt matter what format you choose because in 10+ years something else will come out that will be even better. this is a hobby, not an investment.


captive said:
im perfectly calm. Im tired of Nate, he fuckign trolls in the gaming section, and the only reason he is in this thread is his irrational fanboyism.

no i'm not, and i'm far from getting on your nerves dude.... video games have nothing to do with this news.

captive said:
Nice try and the ninja edit there.

So you freely admit you dont own blu-ray or HD DVD.... so what exactly are you doing in this thread?

And van, im rude to those who have earned rudeness, by being rude themselves.

i actually own bluray dude, i never said that i didn't... the power of assumption are making you really defensive right now man. all i came in here and said is that hd-dvd players will be sub $200 dollars and you jumped on my case accusing me of trolling.. give me a break.


has calmed down a bit.
djkimothy said:
Oh it is huge. I know that. But when friday comes along and we post the numbers. It's only Van Mardigen posting. But now, all of a sudden, a swarm comes around with this type of news. Seriously. I'll see you Friday with the numbers and we can talk.

Hey, good thing you noticed i'm not a fair-weather poster. I don't hide when the bad news hits, and I'm certainly not hiding when this ridiculous piece of awesome news flies across my computer monitor. Plus, this news won't affect the numbers for this week.
the shockwave will be felt later this year ;p

captive said:
And van, im rude to those who have earned rudeness, by being rude myself.



This is all I found from Paramount / DreamWorks on Blu-ray... Maybe some DreamWorks stuff is missing because it's sometimes distributed by somebody else...

Disturbia (Paramount)
Shooter (Paramount)
The Untouchables (Paramount)
The Warriors: Ultimate Director's Cut (Paramount)
Black Snake Moan (Paramount)
Hustle & Flow (Paramount)
Coming to America (Paramount)
Norbit (Paramount)
Trading Places (Paramount)
Flags of Our Fathers (DreamWorks)
Freedom Writers (Paramount)
M:I-2 (Paramount)
Mission: Impossible (Paramount)
Dreamgirls (DreamWorks)
Failure to Launch (Paramount)
Payback: Straight Up - The Director's Cut (Paramount)
Babel (Paramount)
Black Rain (Paramount)
The Manchurian Candidate (2004) (Paramount)
We Were Soldiers (Paramount)
World Trade Center (Paramount)
Nacho Libre (Paramount)
Reds (Paramount)
Mission: Impossible - Ultimate Missions Collection (Paramount)
Mission: Impossible III (Paramount)
The Italian Job (2003) (Paramount)
Sahara (Paramount)
Aeon Flux (Paramount)
U2: Rattle and Hum (Paramount)
Four Brothers (Paramount)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Paramount)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Paramount)
Sleepy Hollow (Paramount)


has calmed down a bit.
jjasper said:
What's funny is how your perception of something can change so fast. After I posted that list earlier today I actually thought about using the money I got from selling my HD player to buy a 360 for Bioshock, now I don't know if I will. Your moneyhats back fired this time MS.

Oh please, don't act naive. Moneyhats are all over this format war. Fox and Disney are getting incentives, and it's been reported (by the BRD site itself) that Universal was offered a moneyhat to go Blu. Would you have sold your Ps3 then???

Don't act like you're somehow insulted by this. You're being disingenuous.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
nategc said:
no i'm not, and i'm far from getting on your nerves dude.... video games have nothing to do with this news.

i actually own bluray dude, i never said that i didn't... the power of assumption are making you really defensive right now man. all i came in here and said is that hd-dvd players will be sub $200 dollars and you jumped on my case accusing me of trolling.. give me a break.
Right your post history speaks for itself.

van said:
Your fix makes no sense.
If i ruffled your feathers becaues you think i was being rude to you, im sorry. hug it out?

Uh, it was a joke?
First i cant afford to buy an hd dvd player right now, and if i could i would buy a 360 instead because theres games i want to play over movies i want to see, and no if/when i buy an HD DVD player i will absolutly not buy an addon. And i dont really want two players either.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Oi vey. Back to square one.

It will be interesting to see sales numbers now though. If BR continues to outsell HD-DVD though, it will be rather funny. However, I find this game console buying 3rd party support crap to be complete bullshit in this market space. Just straight up shit.


has calmed down a bit.
captive said:
Your fix makes no sense.
If i ruffled your feathers becaues you think i was being rude to you, im sorry. hug it out?

My fix states that you are rude to people who earned it by being rude. That's what you meant, no?


VanMardigan said:
Oh please, don't act naive. Moneyhats are all over this format war. Fox and Disney are getting incentives, and it's been reported (by the BRD site itself) that Universal was offered a moneyhat to go Blu. Would you have sold your Ps3 then???

Don't act like you're somehow insulted by this. You're being disingenuous.

I am not insulted. I am pissed I wanted a 360 and though I had worked out a way to get one, but now I am going to keep my HD DVD player. It was a joke refering MS's (where the money probably came from) moneyhat keeping me from buying a 360 their own product in order to keep someone elses.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
My fix states that you are rude to people who earned it by being rude. That's what you meant, no?
idunno it makes sense in my head, dsylexia does wonders.
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