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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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XMonkey said:
But, I have to laugh a little at 28 Days Later in HD. The film was shot in SD with (albeit nice) miniDV cameras so I can't imagine it will look too great in HD...
As long as they do a little clean-up or whatnot I'm good for whatever... I got the first release the day it came out, but passed on the better double-dip released later... this will be my upgrade.


has calmed down a bit.
Oni Jazar said:
Sorry no. Fox was always going to announce blu-ray titles for the end of the year this was pretty much announced for months. The only thing Paramount's announcemnet did was force Fox's hand to release their news earlier.

Sorry, just trying to cheer you guys up. Hey, there was a rumor that Fox's total lack of releases was a sign of a defection. This is concrete proof that it's not. I think the most telling part of that press release was this:

The Studio's commitment to emerging technologies is dedicated to enhancing the consumer experience of its products and providing for backward compatibility with their existing home entertainment libraries while also aggressively protecting its intellectual property from piracy.


Chemo said:
You don't even know if it's scientific polling or not (it's not -- this isn't some political race, it's PS3 MOVIE PLAYBACK), and you're saying my comment was a close second?! Get the fuck out of here.

This is what you said:

Chemo said:
We all know that polling is the best way to get facts ever, right up there with using Amazon sales ranking as a good yardstick for sales analysis.

And yes, it's a close second (if we're creating arbitrary BEST/WORST EVAR rankings). But whatever, I'm not intending a flame war, I just found your comment about polling to be absurd.
jjasper said:
If only it was that simple.
if only star wars and the aliens movies were likely to come out in HD any time soon. i don't say that meaning to stir shit up... i mean it for real. i want that stuff in HD yesterday.

28 Days Later, The Fly, Robocop and Edward Scissorhands are pretty much must buys for me though.

today has been nutty for high def news.

multiformat for the win!


has calmed down a bit.
Remember when Warner was posting all that stuff about the wonders of dual format support? Here I thought they were just trying to reason with the BRD studios. All the while, they were actually trying to get Paramount to stay neutral. :lol


lacks enthusiasm.
BboyDubC said:
Format war officially over, confirmed? Day and date by fox means it will still come to hd-dvd later though right? Also, does this mean I can feel secure about buying a super cheap 360 hd-dvd drive and not worry about investing in a failed format? So many questions linger in the balance.

Uh, no. Fox is Bluray exclusive.


VanMardigan said:
Remember when Warner was posting all that stuff about the wonders of dual format support? Here I thought they were just trying to reason with the BRD studios. All the while, they were actually trying to get Paramount to stay neutral. :lol

Yeah Warner problem lost the most money this morning, unless the Weinstein rumors are true. But even that wouldn't give TotalHD a chance in hell at this point.


lacks enthusiasm.
I wipe my own ass said:
So is Batman Begins ever coming to Blu-Ray or am I gonna continue to be Blu-Ray player less forever?

I believe Warner is holding off until BD Profile 1.1 is in players (which is soon) to release it, as they love their fancy interactive features.
Die Hard and other Fox releases-- woo hoo! Something else to get before both formats die off. :(

Reading back, I'm amazed that people don;t get why somebody with a PS3 would stop buying BDs if HD-DVD took over. Even with two boxes hooked up, one format is better than two.

Oh, and Fox and Disney weren't moneyhatted, they were catered to with region lockout. If HD-DVD could wedge that in somehow, they might just woo those studios, too.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Die Hard and other Fox releases-- woo hoo! Something else to get before both formats die off. :(

Reading back, I'm amazed that people don;t get why somebody with a PS3 would stop buying BDs if HD-DVD took over. Even with two boxes hooked up, one format is better than two.
i still like both formats :)

obviously today i'm more excited about the Fox news, because the Paramount news doesn't bring me any new titles to get excited about.

my 'stake' in high def is $200. i was getting a PS3 anyway. $200 ensured i could play any film released in high def without worrying about stuff like the Paramount defection (which is still crazy to me... i wonder if we'll ever find out why they did it).


gkrykewy said:
And yes, it's a close second (if we're creating arbitrary BEST/WORST EVAR rankings). But whatever, I'm not intending a flame war, I just found your comment about polling to be absurd.
Sorry, polls are bullshit. The fucking sales numbers for Blu-ray discs say that PS3 owners are buying Blu-ray discs -- real, hard sales numbers mind you, not polltastic bullshit that makes GUESSES for absentee people based on other peoples' responses -- which totally contradicts the claim that 60% of PS3 owners don't even know what their system does.

Do you really think that Blu-ray is winning 2:1 when they don't move as many stand-alone players as HD DVD does and sixty fucking percent of PS3 owners don't know what the damn machine can do? Because that's retarded.


Pretty shitty day for those expecting a quick end to the format war. I suspect that the rumors about Paramount being paid are true, since they will lose money otherwise. Luckly for us Blu-ray has too advantages to lose. Instead of a 3-6 month war, it now look like a 12 month war. HD-DVD still has too many weaknesses (only 1 hardware maker, no PS3, fewer movies [stilll], and being technically inferior) to survive. So don`t get too upset, because eventually the sales will force the HD-DVD side to give up.
captive said:
...Its sonys fault that warner wont release a damn movie?

the blu-ray consortium voted to use microsoft's interactive spec (which is what HD-DVD uses) over java. the power players in the blu-ray consortium (including Sony) vetoed that and said it would use java regardless of the vote.

fast forwards to the current mess where multiplatform Blu-Rays have missing features or aren't on shelves at all. if sony and the other power players had gone along with what the blu-ray consortium voted for, batman begins would have been out for ages and the 300 blu-ray would have all the same features that the hd-dvd one has.


plagiarize said:

the blu-ray consortium voted to use microsoft's interactive spec (which is what HD-DVD uses) over java. the power players in the blu-ray consortium (including Sony) vetoed that and said it would use java regardless of the vote.

fast forwards to the current mess where multiplatform Blu-Rays have missing features or aren't on shelves at all. if sony and the other power players had gone along with what the blu-ray consortium voted for, batman begins would have been out for ages and the 300 blu-ray would have all the same features that the hd-dvd one has.

yup...and hd vd would be dead...sony fucked everyone by using the java stuff.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
plagiarize said:

the blu-ray consortium voted to use microsoft's interactive spec (which is what HD-DVD uses) over java. the power players in the blu-ray consortium (including Sony) vetoed that and said it would use java regardless of the vote.

fast forwards to the current mess where multiplatform Blu-Rays have missing features or aren't on shelves at all. if sony and the other power players had gone along with what the blu-ray consortium voted for, batman begins would have been out for ages and the 300 blu-ray would have all the same features that the hd-dvd one has.
Right and releasing Batman is soley dependant on BD-J, 300 blu-ray works, plays and looks just fine on my setup.

Yes. It's not on BR but is on HD-DVD so guess which side gets my money?
captive said:
Right and releasing Batman is soley dependant on BD-J, 300 blu-ray works, plays and looks just fine on my setup.

solely? i just said partially.

Warner are also partially to blame for not putting out a stripped down version of Batman Begins. never inferred they weren't. but BD-J taking so long in the oven is to blame for Batman Begins not being on blu-ray and for your Blu-Ray of 300 not having the picture in picture blue screen commentary track and the (shit) interactive strategy game thing.

yes. Warner are being stubborn about it, but it'd be out if they'd just gone along with what the majority of people in the consortium wanted!


Oh man, Master and Commander is gonna look awesome in HD. Too bad I already own the collector's set on DVD.

Love that movie.


nods at old men
BboyDubC said:
Format war officially over, confirmed? Day and date by fox means it will still come to hd-dvd later though right? Also, does this mean I can feel secure about buying a super cheap 360 hd-dvd drive and not worry about investing in a failed format? So many questions linger in the balance.
That also lists Weinstein Company as being solely HD DVD which isn't the case anymore.
They made a few announcements in Europe for BD to finally be neutral.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I wipe my own ass said:
No, but Batman Begins isn't available for me to buy it on Blu-Ray so Sony can suck my balls.
Didnt you already say you bought it on hd dvd, or that your money goes to hd dvd.
and AGAIN its fucking warners fault that its not released, not sonys.
captive said:
Didnt you already say you bought it on hd dvd, or that your money goes to hd dvd.
and AGAIN its fucking warners fault that its not released, not sonys.

Troll is a troll is a troll, do not waste your time typing to them
captive said:
Didnt you already say you bought it on hd dvd, or that your money goes to hd dvd.
and AGAIN its fucking warners fault that its not released, not sonys.
I haven't bought it yet, but I will since it's not available Blu-Ray, no matter whose fault it is.


First tragedy, then farce.
dallow_bg said:
That also lists Weinstein Company as being solely HD DVD which isn't the case anymore.
They made a few announcements in Europe for BD to finally be neutral.

thats not true. They dont distribute their own movies in Europe.

At this point, in the US Weinstein distributes their own movies and are exclusive to HDDVD.
OokieSpookie said:
Troll is a troll is a troll, do not waste your time typing to them
How the fuck am I trolling? I asked if Batman Begins was coming to Blu-Ray anytime soon because I had an interest in getting a PS3 or a Blu-Ray player for my upcoming birthday. Someone gave me an answer, and then some kind of evil, mutant BR/Sony fanboys started trying to argue about whose fault it was that I can't get Batman Begins on BR.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dallow_bg said:
That also lists Weinstein Company as being solely HD DVD which isn't the case anymore.
They made a few announcements in Europe for BD to finally be neutral.
Which announcements did they make, and can the EU BD movies be played on a US PS3?
Worst case scenario:

Format war endures
Movies remain at premium prices
Marginal and catalog releases remain slim
Dual format players become defacto standard, more expensive and none work quite right
I buy both and either have another box to switch between

If I thought this news would kill Blu I'd be wishing for it to happen faster
If Blu does eventually go away and HD-DVD wins, I *will* wish that it happened in 06 and not whenever it does

Damned backward-ass format war. I want in Big Lebowski and Casino Royale to play on the same machine, and not cost a fortune. I call bullshit on supposed "movie fans" who think this is good or neutral news.
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