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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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bish gets all the credit :)
someone just needs to moneyhat BestBuy/Circuit City/Walmart/Amazon.com and end this clusterfuck. 2 incomplete formats = no one wins.


First tragedy, then farce.
djkimothy said:
The only neutrals is Warner. You'd have to give them Florida for them to be moneyhatted.

actually, they are one of the bigger losers. Their TrueHD just became completely useless outside of WB/New Line. They wanted everyone neutral to sell that tech to them.

Plus, Disney could at least give them a county in Florida. :lol


StoOgE said:
Also, I like the moneyhatting claims when Sony just did the same thing to get blockbuster to start stocking their movies and Target to sell players exclusively. Everyone does it

For me it depends on who supplied the money if it was Toshiba I actually have no problem as it is part of business, but if it is MS then I think it sucks (mainly cause I question MS's motives in this whole ordeal)


OverHeat said:
Microsoft buy Florida confirmed?

alr1ghtstart said:
someone just needs to moneyhat BestBuy/Circuit City/Walmart/Amazon.com and end this clusterfuck. 2 incomplete formats = no one wins.
Yeah, that's my take on the situation, too... it's the only answer.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chemo said:
There was confirmation that Blockbuster was moneyhatted?

About as good as there was here.. there were claims on websites of 70 million going to BB... I think it was to pay for the movies to stock or something like that
StoOgE said:
Also, I like the moneyhatting claims when Sony just did the same thing to get blockbuster to start stocking their movies and Target to sell players exclusively. Everyone does it

b-b-but it's format stagnation!!!


djkimothy said:
The only neutrals is Warner. You'd have to give them Florida for them to be moneyhatted.


I thought FOX was neutral?

edit: PS. Blockbuster moneyhatted? Didn't read that anywhere.


StanTheCaddy said:
if you search hard enough im sure theres 10% 12% off coupons on the internet as well
damn you, the temptation just made my purchase easier...family video had a hd-dvd section, the fog said hi to me :lol

oh shit, i just bought a 22'' lcd widescreen monitor with the xbox vga cable....so awesome :D

friday purchase confirmed


StoOgE said:
About as good as there was here.. there were claims on websites of 70 million going to BB... I think it was to pay for the movies to stock or something like that
I haven't heard that anywhere, not even in this thread, so I have some serious doubts about its legitimacy... however, if that was indeed the case, that's a lame, lame moneyhat. They would have been better off getting studio exclusivity.


Warm Machine said:
It is in Microsofts best interests to have HD-DVD win. They essentially will be supplying the codec for 100% of the film releases on the format. That simply means $$$s for them. Blu-Ray doesn't help them much as they have to compete behind the scenes against Sony's codec.

Afaik, MS doesn't get any money for the codec really - they gave it away didn't they? Maybe they get a small slice of the HD DVD pie, but it is split up in a lot of different ways. A lot of it is about control though and this has become an opportunity for them to become an important player in the industry while at the same time giving Sony a major headache. I don't think its too far fetched to say that PS3 would be doing better if HD DVD didn't exist.

This has been said since the start of all this, but I think it is still true: There are 4 ways the format war can end, BR wins, HDDVD wins, both "tie" and both loose. The only really bad scenario for MS is it BR wins, but for Sony, anything short of a BR win is going to cause a lot of trouble for them.


has calmed down a bit.
SRG01 said:
The BD group might as well just give money hats to the other format neutrals just to end this war now.

They tried with Universal, and they got turned down. Paramount chose HD DVD. The BD group already moneyhatted Fox and Disney.

The only studio left to moneyhat is Warner. Just a hunch, but I think they're partial to HD DVD. ;)


SRG01 said:

I thought FOX was neutral?

edit: PS. Blockbuster moneyhatted? Didn't read that anywhere.

That was the main speculation. But if they were moneyhatted, it was a lame deal since BB rented HDDVDs online.


It's in Microsoft's best interest to have the format die so that they can sell more download movies on their 360. That's the only reason they have the 360 add-on. They don't care about the industry except as a saboteur.
SRG01 said:

I thought FOX was neutral?

edit: PS. Blockbuster moneyhatted? Didn't read that anywhere.

FOX doesnt release movies anymore. theyre blu ray "exclusive" if you can call them that. if only they wouldve stopped after they release man on fire
M3wThr33 said:
It's in Microsoft's best interest to have the format die so that they can sell more download movies on their 360. That's the only reason they have the 360 add-on. They don't care about the industry except as a saboteur.

this post had potential, if only you would have substituted the S's for $'s


VanMardigan said:
They tried with Universal, and they got turned down. Paramount chose HD DVD. The BD group already moneyhatted Fox and Disney.

The only studio left to moneyhat is Warner. Just a hunch, but I think they're partial to HD DVD. ;)

... I hate moneyhats. :(


StanTheCaddy said:
this post had potential, if only you would have substituted the S's for $'s
Which method do you think Microsoft would prefer to have become successful? Xbox/Zune as the primary movie download service or licensing some codec?


has calmed down a bit.
M3wThr33 said:
It's in Microsoft's best interest to have the format die so that they can sell more download movies on their 360. That's the only reason they have the 360 add-on. They don't care about the industry except as a saboteur.

This is spillover from the console wars. It's useless here. MS gains plenty from HD DVD domination (their codec, VC1 as standard). Please, BR fanboys, for the love of HD movies, quit this stupid argument. Sure, MS has a lot of stuff going on, but they want HD DVD to succeed, clearly. The HD DVD team is bigger than many teams there, they have advertised the format on 360, they sell an add-on, etc. Of course, they do DD on Xbox Live, but that doesn't mean they want HD DVD to fail.

The 360 has Apple Ipod support: OMFG, MS wants Zune to fail!!!!

That was the main speculation. But if they were moneyhatted, it was a lame deal since BB rented HDDVDs online.

They STILL rent HD DVD's online. And my guess is, as soon as this deal with Sony is done, they'll stock HD DVD's in store as well. After this holiday, both formats will be too big to ignore for someone like BB.

Warner has pretty much stopped holding out, they release day and date for both now.

yep, they released the gimped Blood Diamond and 300 Blu Ray versions. Or at least, the non-Special Edition versions.


VanMardigan said:
yep, they released the gimped Blood Diamond and 300 Blu Ray versions. Or at least, the non-Special Edition versions.

well Blood Diamond wasn't day and date.

Anyway I wonder how Blades of Glory will do next week. The BD one would have been either #1 or 2 in sales I wonder if the HD DVD will do better than usual.

Edit: Bill Hunt has a my 2 cents out and Mana isn't in here laughing at him, bizzaroworld


too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?


yacobod said:
too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?

If Warner was exclusive and other Blu-ray studios went neutral. Yes. I'd be the first in line for an HDDVD player.


yacobod said:
too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?


yacobod said:
too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?

yes I would.
yacobod said:
too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?

Reluctantly, yes.


yacobod said:
too all the bluray fans who champion a 1 format future

say like warner goes hd-dvd exclusive and another studio goes multiplatform say Fox, would you continue to wish a 1 format future (being hd dvd), and abandon blu?

Oh definitely.

There are many reasons to support a one format future, namely one standard media and cheaper prices.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The only possibility is a moneyhat, it makes absolutely no sense to stop supporting the format that is selling twice as much.

This is a huge shame, and will unfortunately lessen the chances of the format war ending this year. Fuck You Paramont. This may help them in the short term, but it will hurt them in the long term. Stupid move.


StanTheCaddy said:
so now its not too much of a hassle to own two players

Huh? I have a PS3, it would just be a game player as I would stop buying Blu-ray films.

I was always going to get a PS3. It being a Blu-ray player was incidental.

Nice try though.
djkimothy said:
Huh? I have a PS3, it would just be a game player as I would stop buying Blu-ray films.

I was always going to get a PS3. It being a Blu-ray player was incidental.

just a few minutes ago having two players would be inconvenient, but if another studio went neutral its not??


djkimothy said:
Huh? I have a PS3, it would just be a game player as I would stop buying Blu-ray films.

I was always going to get a PS3. It being a Blu-ray player was incidental.

Nice try though.
Why would you stop buying Blu-ray discs? Because you are affraid that they might loose the war, or you really digg Paramount stuff or what?! ?_?

Hmmm, I'm not sure I read that correctly. Are you stating that you WILL stop buying BD?


has calmed down a bit.
Bill Hunt's article is hilarious. It's like the initial BR response here, but with tons more bitter tears. I like how he tries to hold down the fort, as if his defection to HD DVD would seal the fate of Blu Ray. He's always overrated his influence, but his backlash at the moneyhatting must've given him amnesia as to his own format's payolas.

Fox, Disney, Target, Blockbuster, Digital Bits.........what does it say about Blu Ray that they had to pay for this stuff? Why doesn't he turn the argument around? Because he's contractually prevented from doing so. Dude is getting stuff from the BDA, he's so incredibly religious towards BR. Maybe that cake they got him at the home media event just melted his heart.:lol
Laurent said:
Why would you stop buying Blu-ray discs? Because you are affraid that they might loose the war, or you really digg Paramount stuff or what?! ?_?

Hmmm, I'm not sure I read that correctly. Are you stating that you WILL stop buying BD?

yeah that doesnt make sense especially knowing how sony treats backwards compatability. your discs will still work in playstations next iteration so why would you stop?
SRG01 said:
Media electronics, or electronics in general, is a weird industry.

But yes, it does result in lower prices. :lol

no really it doesnt. i can gurantee that these standalone players would not be at the prices they are right now with the free movie offers if it wasnt for the other competing format.

its the exact same principle from the HDTV market plasmas are expensive, enter LCDs, enter DLPs. one drops prices the others follow suit. rinse and repeat until companies are selling close to cost or for a loss. see the playstation vs 360 argument as well


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Yes CD and DVD players came down in price because of competting formats... oh wait.
Before you go in a tizzy, yes prices ARE cheaping because of copetting formats with blu-ray and hd dvd, however having two formats eventually is detrimental to the survival of either format. Reference SACD vs DVD-A.


has calmed down a bit.
bill hunt meltdown said:
I'll tell you what... I'm betting Fox and MGM start making Blu-ray Disc exclusive announcements and soon. You just watch. The reaction will be swift...

Yeah, Bill, Fox and MGM announcing Blu Ray movies will be a stunner. :lol :lol :lol :lol


StanTheCaddy said:
just a few minutes ago having two players would be inconvenient, but if another studio went neutral its not??

Yes, AT THIS MOMENT having two players is inconvenient. BUT if all studios supported HDDVD I would stop with the Blu-ray purchase and start with HDDVD.

Since my BD player is a PS3, I'm not going to sell it just because BD failed. It plays games for christ sakes.

Wow at the fox announcment.

From the link earlier.

After months of silence, Fox Home Entertainment is planning to issue an announcement later today renewing its support for the Blu-ray format, and outlining the studio's upcoming release plans.
The move comes after this morning's shocking revelation that Paramount and DreamWorks have switched allegiances exclusively to rival HD DVD, news which has left those on all sides of the format war blind-sided.

We've just received official confirmation from Fox today that in response to Paramount's announcement, they are currently fast-tracking a press release reiterating their exclusive support for Blu-ray, as well as providing long-awaited details on their future release plans.

This war will drag on.
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