Ignatz Mouse said:
Kolgar's butt-hurt status confirmed.
Eh? At least add a smiley so I know you don't mean it!
I've decided this hobby is about
fun. I'm tired of bitter fanboys bitching and whining because they bought a game console and think the whole damn world--studios, retailers, consumers--should just cave in and automatically support their platform.
Early adopters always take great risks, and just because your game console (not you specifically, Ignatz) came with a movie player, that doesn't grant you any special rights. I say, man up and buy into both formats or sit on the sidelines until the smoke clears. Format wars are not for the weak of heart.
That said, today I've been visiting AVS, and working, and visiting AVS when I should be working. :lol
So what's the thought on this Toshiba pricing blitz? I know it will move players, at least, to consumers who are halfway savvy about HD. But I wonder if HDM is ready for prime time, if there's really enough understanding and demand to capture the mass-market buyers Toshiba is targeting.
Then again, they've pretty much smashed through all the price barriers and made themselves an option for consumers of
all kinds. Surely they haven't produced enough to satisfy all that potential demand?
Another thing. Retailers seem to be falling all over themselves with these prices. Wouldn't Wal-Mart be miffed by Best Buy suddenly matching its "Secret Friday" pricing? Maybe HD DVD will simply be the "loss-leader" to get people into stores so they buy Blu-ray! :lol
I dunno, I'm in uncharted waters here. Has any company ever pulled out all the stops like this? This kind of blitz seems nearly unprecedented. I wonder, will it work?