Unconfirmed Member
Nicodimas said:hd-dvd 51gb more official:
Will current players be able to play these 51GB discs?
Nicodimas said:hd-dvd 51gb more official:
Fëanor said:Don't really care much about the extra features the PS3 has over the stand alone unit, but I just prefer the look of the stand alone unit. It looks classy to me.
And seriously, web browser? Do people pimp that feature? Really?
Ignatz Mouse said:Well, it's a belief, not a fact. So, IMHO.
If no PS3, there may have been some price deflation on standalones, but still, the cheapest player at the time of PS3 release was a grand, and HD-DVD was starting to get some traction in mindshare. A standalone Blu player even close in price (that wasn't closeout) didn't come out until what, 6 months ago? And that was also one of the best quality standalones, some of the others had issues.
Sony would still be holdouts, but I wold guess that at least one other studio would have supported HD-DVD if Blu hadn't shown immedeate traction upon PS3 release. I'm not sure what would have driven adoption faster than HD-DVD other than selction, and that was also slow coming.
Fëanor said:Don't really care much about the extra features the PS3 has over the stand alone unit, but I just prefer the look of the stand alone unit. It looks classy to me.
And seriously, web browser? Do people pimp that feature? Really?
Kolgar said:We'll all just have to wait and see, but with the piddly-ass numbers HDM is doing overall right now, there's no convincing me that anything is settled or close to being settled.
Get back to me when Blu-ray standalones are $199 or $249 and selling on par or better with HD DVD players. Because PS3, though doing a fine job at propping up the format, is not going to have the final say in this format war.
The fact is that we didn't see the overwhelming Blu-ray dominance most of us expected these past couple of weeks. It may come with next-week's numbers, but all the BOGOs make that a less compelling argument for me. Studios aren't in this business to give away their movies.
Solo said:Yes. And on HD DVD too (identical transfers, same codec, blah; for once BRD and HD people cant flame eachother, as all these Kubricks are identical on both formats). Anyways, I have the HD DVD, not BRD, but I just walked into my local brick and mortar Futureshop and picked it up, no problem. Im in Canada, BTW, if that helps. Although Futureshop probably gave that away.
OokieSpookie said:Enhanced picture in picture ability as well as other add ons
DarkJediKnight said:Not just PIP, but 1080p PIP, which means 1.1 can do movies in 3D like Beowulf. You can bet Disney is looking forward to this. This is something HD DVD cannot (PIP window is 480p) and will never be able to do. And Blu-ray success in the minds of film studios hinge on how well 1.1 works.
DarkJediKnight said:Not just PIP, but 1080p PIP, which means 1.1 can do movies in 3D like Beowulf. You can bet Disney is looking forward to this. This is something HD DVD cannot (PIP window is 480p) and will never be able to do. And Blu-ray success in the minds of film studios hinge on how well 1.1 works.
DarkJediKnight said:Not just PIP, but 1080p PIP, which means 1.1 can do movies in 3D like Beowulf.
StoOgE said:1.1 mandates 480p pip.
good luck getting beowulf in 3d on brd :lol
StoOgE said:1.1 mandates 480p pip.
good luck getting beowulf in 3d on brd :lol
DarkJediKnight said:some Disney stuff will use 3D technology.
gkrykewy said:Again, why do you keep saying this? Do you have a link? Otherwise you're just getting my hopes up unjustly with some sort of anti-FUD.
DarkJediKnight said:No links. It's common sense. This is what Disney does: push the level of interactivity. Look what they did on Cars.
It's the same as saying PS3 will be BD Live 2.0 compatible. There's no 100% proof, but it's as worse-kept a secret as the 40gb PS3 with Spiderman 3 packin.
DarkJediKnight said:No links. It's common sense. This is what Disney does: push the level of interactivity. Look what they did on Cars.
StoOgE said:wow... that stuff might happen.. but common sense?
Kleegamefan said:I thought the "we are losing, but they should be kicking our asses so much harder" argument got old a long time ago...
Ignatz Mouse said:How does the 3D stuff work in the new releases? Tech-wise?
Becuase it's possible that both can do it, if it's alternating frames like they did in the 3D movies of the 80s.
Real D and Dolby rely on the same basic idea to give an audience the illusion of depth: show images that differ slightly in vantage point to each of a viewer's eyes. The viewer's brain will reconstruct the third dimension, just as it does in the real world.
Both companies require glasses to ensure each eye gets only the correct view; Real D uses circular polarization while Dolby uses a color-filtering technology licensed from Infinitec. The light is separated into the left-eye and right-eye views at the projector, switching back and forth 144 times per second.
With the new method, "there's no eye fatigue like in the 1950s and 1970s," said Tim Partridge, Dolby's head of products and technology.
In Dolby 3D, a spinning CD-size wheel between the lamp and the digital projector alternately lets through one set of light frequencies or another--two slightly different versions of the red, green and blue primary colors for each eye. The wheel spins six times for each movie frame, with the digital projector synchronized to show the appropriate eye's image.
In contrast, Real D uses an electronic filter called a Z-screen that circularly polarizes the light two different ways after it leaves the projector, also switching back and forth six times per frame to avoid flicker. Circular polarization--a complicated transformation of light's electromagnetic properties--requires the use of a special silver screen that retains the polarization as the light reflects back toward the audience.
StoOgE said:wow... that stuff might happen.. but common sense?
DarkJediKnight said:I'm talking about BD 2.0 for PS3. Not 3D stuff. That's speculation at best.
VanMardigan said:Finally, a good software deal for HD DVD owners. Good titles too. Amazon 47% off sale
VanMardigan said:Finally, a good software deal for HD DVD owners. Good titles too. Amazon 47% off sale
All these titles are $15.99:
Shaun of the Dead want
Dawn of the Dead (Unrated) want
Pitch Black (Unrated) want
The Deer Hunter
Happy Gilmore
Mercury Rising
Meet the Parents
Van Helsing You couldn't pay me to watch this crap.
Billy Madison
Hulk crappy movie, but want for the tank scene
End of Days
U-571 want, for audio alone
Jarhead want
The Nutty Professor
Friday Night Lights
Assault on Precinct 13
Bolded the ones I'd be interested in.
DarkJediKnight said:I'm talking about BD 2.0 for PS3.
DarkJediKnight said:BD 2.0 players mandates 1gb of memory.
Storage, not ramvdo said:How can PS3 become 2.0 with that mandate?
OokieSpookie said:Storage, not ram
Cosmic Bus said:A European Paramount exec mentions that the Godfather and Indiana Jones trilogies are coming to HD-DVD next year.
Cosmic Bus said:A European Paramount exec mentions that the Godfather and Indiana Jones trilogies are coming to HD-DVD next year.
OokieSpookie said:Storage, not ram
Kolgar said:Thanks, that clarifies things a bit for me, too.
On another note, my girlfriend and I saw Crank last night. I had pretty low expectations going in, but we got some laughs out of it and it really was different from anything we'd seen recently.
I was also surprised by how good it looked. I know it's gotten rave reviews for PQ, but seeing it for myself was a pleasure indeed. Definitely among the best-looking HD films I've seen so far.
OokieSpookie said:Godfather I think is a given.
Indiana Jones, no chance in hellon hd-dvd
I know he is, but Dreamworks can not even legally start shopping around until April, and then there will be adjusting periods after he does move in with whoever.MechDX said:...sigh....
I know what you are referring to but you seem to be forgetting one thing:
Speilberg is about to move Dreamworks away from Paramount and head to Universal. DO you really think that Paramount will give a damn what SS has to say when that happens? They are going to release the 3 movies on HD DVD to help build up hype for IJ4.
Not releasing them up to this point was just a courtesy to SS. The same way Universal is just ebing courteous to him by not releasing any of his movies they own the rights to.
OokieSpookie said:I know he is, but Dreamworks can not even legally start shopping around until April, and then there will be adjusting periods after he does move in with whoever.
As far as Universal it is not a done deal yet, Spielberg has alot of respect for Fox.
Spielberg has full control over his movies and can do what he wants with them, it has nothing to do with courtesy.
Not only that, but Spielberg could also be the catalyst that could make Universal go neutral if it did go that way
Either way, Indy is one of those projects that is huge and I would think he wouldn't play on bringing it home until the new one is ready to hit home video.
MechDX said:You have Speildberg confused with Lucas. Go look, its just a courtesy thing. Universal and Paramount own full rights to his movies. They just dont want to upset him because his name sells box office tickets. He is already unhappy with Paramount and they know what is coming next do you think they wont just do it?
Sony had nothing to lose by releasing Close Encounters. Speilberg will never do a movie with Sony Pictures so they had nothing to lose.
While the album of the same name made its first appearance in 1994, and went on to become Nirvana's second best selling CD of all time, nearly 15 years have passed since that memorable initial broadcast. Now, fans will finally get the chance to see the release of the entire, unedited performance...with neverbefore- seen footage...on DVD...and in Dolby Stereo and 5.1 Surround sound. Mixed in surround sound by legendary surround mixing engineer Elliot Scheiner, this DVD allows fans to experience this performance like never before, completely unedited including the two songs not originally broadcasted ("Something In The Way" and "Oh Me" ), and with the best sound ever available (to anyone not in the studio for the original taping.) For the purists, also included on this DVD is the original 44 min broadcast version of the show, plus never-before-seen REHEARSAL performances. As an extra bonus to the DVD, a 14-minute interview segment called Bare Witness produced by MTV focuses on the recollections of those who experienced this magical moment in music history, those who produced it and interviews with the band from the day of the taping.
while that would be awesome yes, Unplugged was film on VIDEO for tv. at best you are only ever going to get a 480p quality video. It wasn't on film, so there would be no way to do a high-def transfer.bune duggy said:so anyone else wishing the Nirvana: Unplugged In New York release coming up this tuesday was going to be on a hi-def format?![]()
VanMardigan said:Finally, a good software deal for HD DVD owners. Good titles too. Amazon 47% off sale
All these titles are $15.99:
Shaun of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead (Unrated)
Pitch Black (Unrated)
The Deer Hunter
Happy Gilmore
Mercury Rising
Meet the Parents
Van Helsing
Billy Madison
End of Days
The Nutty Professor
Friday Night Lights
Assault on Precinct 13