VanMardigan said:
It's pathetic that you would imply that the only time there are arguments here are during the sales weeks when Blu dominates. As if the 51/49 week, the Paramount exclusivity deal, The $99 players, etc. don't bring out arguments as well. You can try to pretend like we only argue when Blu has a 70/30 week or better, but you'd be looking like a hypocrite. Sales matter, Blu is winning in software sales, but HD DVD is not about to announce their withdrawal next week, nor will exclusive titles stop flowing. The sooner we all accept ALL of these facts, the better.
Crying "one format future" like that's only desirable on the Blu side is both hypocritical and unnecessary, since there are no divx fans who didn't buy dvd after that won. In the meantime, it would be helpful that we can talk sales and our personal opinions without absurd blanket statements being made about an entire ownership group. Just as there are idiots saying that 2:1 means nothing, there are also idiots who claim that HD DVD supporters are digital download fans now. Both sides have their share of moronic posts, so you pointing your finger at HD DVD fans as the source of arguments is pure fantasy. It comes from both sides, it comes during sales weeks, it comes regardless of who gets the good news.
Or are you pretending that if Star Trek had sold 300k and pushed HD DVD over Blu, that there wouldn't be arguments about the validity of the set and such? Do you really believe there wouldn't be any ancillary arguments then?
Van, I'm not saying what you think I am. I am saying that immediately (as in, for 24 hours) after bad numbers for HD-DVD come out, all the arguments about anything but sales numbers come to the fore, and FUD starts growing all over the place. And find me the place where I said that al, or even most, pro-HD-DVD people start these tactics. I didn't. I said more of those arguments show up in the thread on sales day, particularly in a lopsided week.
You're reading a lot into what I said. I'm dismissing the arguments, not all HD-DVD owners. Next time a bunch of Blu idiots dismisses some good HD-DVD news (and it'll happen like clockwork) you're welcome ot make fun of their pattern as well. I wasn't claiming moral high ground, I was saying that the dumb arguments were out today.
Oh, and please don't go on and on with the rah-rah-get-used-to-two-formats thing. It's not a desirable outcome, IMHO, and I don't feel like pretending that it is so as to not offend people who have both, or have a lot invested the likely losing format, HD-DVD.
I don't quite know what you mean by the bolded part-- I think you're trying to imply hypocrisy where there is none. I have always wanted a one-format future, and I bought based on which I thought would win, and I have been right so far (although it's taking a lot longer than I expected for it to settle). I do think some people are more invested from a company point of view (on both sides) but to quote Dylan: It Ain't Me, Babe.
61:39, for a year, with little significant fluctuation despite higher player prices and all of the anti-Blu FUD, still going strong. Withstood the certainty of a Walmart-backed Red Revolution, which has amounted to nothing but keeping HD-DVD from being completely dead. The only irritation are the exclusives which keep this from being a sane unified market. The market wants Blu, let's go already.
Apologies if anything I said was taken to mean HD-DVD owners in general.