OokieSpookie said:The editing in that movie just sucked in both versions, and as unnatural as the scenes where you could tell they were avoiding cursing and whatnot, the scenes where they cursed but it didn't seem to sync right were even worse.
I really liked the premise of the movie, but it was just too restrained.
Also switching Die Hard to a buddy cop movie barely worked in 3, and in this one it was a total wash.
kIdMuScLe said:hey guys, do you guys still get the pictures letterbox when watching a movie in hd-dvd? (i.e. bourne identity or 2001: space odyssey)
OokieSpookie said:
Ignatz Mouse said:And I wouldn't buy HD-DVD movies for the same reasons I didn't buy UMD movies. I don't want to invest in a dead-end format.
pickwick said:What ?? Buying an HD DVD movie is not an invest ! Buying a player is an invest. If, today, you buy Transformers on HD DVD, be sure that you will can always watch it on your player, even if HDDVD format die tomorrow.
Few month ago, a guy said on a topic something like this : " I don't want to buy a Plasma because I've heard about the final victory of LCD" .... So What ? Don't worry, even if the plasma technology would die next month, be sure that your new plasma TV will works well for the 9 or 10 next years !
I was unaware that certain movies are only available on plasma, others restricted to LCD. Where do DLP owners like myself sit?pickwick said:What ?? Buying an HD DVD movie is not an invest ! Buying a player is an invest. If, today, you buy Transformers on HD DVD, be sure that you will can always watch it on your player, even if HDDVD format die tomorrow.
Few month ago, a guy said on a topic something like this : " I don't want to buy a Plasma because I've heard about the final victory of LCD" .... So What ? Don't worry, even if the plasma technology would die next month, be sure that your new plasma TV will works well for the 9 or 10 next years !
kIdMuScLe said:man i just wish all 2.40.1 format movies will fill up my tv one day. =/
bishoptl said:It's not trolling if there are examples supporting Ookie's statement in this very thread.
But you just jumped in, firing away, without checking first.
Spare me the histrionics.
VanMardigan said:So where are my fellow HD DVD supporters who are now digital download supporters rather than Blu Ray supporters. Show thyself!!
It can't be one ** the regulars (stooge, main event, etc.), can it?
You're explanation proves both sides. Buying the player isn't any more or less an investment than the media you play on it because it will also presumably work well after the format dies allowing you to enjoy iy till it finally craps out. How is the player an investment than and the media not so? To top it **f though DIVX was an investment, when Divx died all that media that played on the players died with it, thank goodness all Divx players could play DVD's as that must have taken part ** the sting away but man, am I glad I didn't invest in that.pickwick said:You don't understand. All I want to show is that Ignatz Mouse was wrong when he talks about "invest" ** buying movies :
I mean when you buy a movie, you don't make a bet on the future. You only buy it in order to watch it or to take pleasure in. It's not an invest.
An invest is when you buy a PS3 or an HD DVD player. This is an invest because you take some risks because you don't know if it's going to die within 2 years. But when you buy a game for your PS3 or a movie for you HD DVD, it's not a question ** "invest" anymore. It's just a question ** playing it, watching it and having fun with it.
Huh?fortified_concept said:Efralope is the best and most hilarious example. Also a good chunk of HDDVD "supporters" that before the Paramount announcement had realized that online downloads are the way the future. Don't act so ignorant, you've been having your eyes on this thread like a hawk for months so you know what I'm talking about.
Alcibiades said:If Fox and Disney remain exclusive in 2008, then there are a few movies that will force me to buy a dual-format player:
The Day After Tomorrow (which I'm already looking upon with envy)
Toy Story
Once those 3 movies are released I'll definitely have to cave in.
pickwick said:What ?? Buying an HD DVD movie is not an invest ! Buying a player is an invest. If, today, you buy Transformers on HD DVD, be sure that you will can always watch it on your player, even if HDDVD format die tomorrow.
Few month ago, a guy said on a topic something like this : " I don't want to buy a Plasma because I've heard about the final victory of LCD" .... So What ? Don't worry, even if the plasma technology would die next month, be sure that your new plasma TV will works well for the 9 or 10 next years !
this is actually how movie theaters work, which is where the much wider screen came from. When you view a 2.35:1 or 2.40:1 movie on a TV it looks like you are losing screen space because of the black bars. But in the theater you GAIN considerable space with a 2.40:1 movie. the movie literally extends past where the 1.85:1 standard frame movie would end thus giving you a bigger wider picture in the theater. in effect there ARE "black bars" on 1.85:1 movies in the theater, there are just curtains drawn over the empty areas of the screen.Solo said:But then you'd just have the same problem, but in reverse - 2.40:1 movies would fill up your screen, but then any 4:3, 16:9, or 1.85:1 content you watch would result in crazy vertical bars. There is no escaping this "problem" (I say it with quotations because frankly it has never bothered me), unless we start getting TVs that do what movie theatre screen do, and physical alter the size of the screen for the given ratio (it seems to me that moist theatre screens are 1.85:1 by default, and when a movie of say, 2.40:1 is shown, the black bars are physically moved into place; pay attention next time youre at the movies, you can notice it happening).
Chemo said:So you'd rather be left with two worthless players for dead formats than one player from an adopted format, huh? Because that's exactly what you're saying to me.
Ignatz Mouse said:I'm not talking 2-5 years, I'm talking 10+. I have quite a lot of DVDs and I would be very pissed if I could not play them someday. I want my new media to be playable indefinitely as well.
WrikaWrek said:When are blur Ray movies coming down in price? Paying 30 euros a movie stopped being fun last night.
maximumdayco said:picked up my 2nd blu ray player.. last year's samsung b1200.. for $150!
just thought i'd chime in.
Hardware isn't any more of an investment than software. Both are investments in a product to use and neither can be used without the other. Hardware is generally considered the more significant investment because it typically costs more, but that doesn't mean the software isn't an investment and when the cost of the software is viewed in aggregate (your total movie library) it can certainly be a significant one.pickwick said:An invest is when you buy a PS3 or an HD DVD player. This is an invest because you take some risks because you don't know if it's going to die within 2 years. But when you buy a game for your PS3 or a movie for you HD DVD, it's not a question of "invest" anymore. It's just a question of playing it, watching it and having fun with it.
borghe said:this is actually how movie theaters work, which is where the much wider screen came from. When you view a 2.35:1 or 2.40:1 movie on a TV it looks like you are losing screen space because of the black bars. But in the theater you GAIN considerable space with a 2.40:1 movie. the movie literally extends past where the 1.85:1 standard frame movie would end thus giving you a bigger wider picture in the theater. in effect there ARE "black bars" on 1.85:1 movies in the theater, there are just curtains drawn over the empty areas of the screen.
Personally I agree with this. I always thought 16:9 was a stupid standard to agree on for HDTV. Originally TV used the same aspect ratio of film. It only makes sense for HDTV to have used the widest aspect ratio of modern films.
Universal Studios Home Entertainment has finally announced that The Kingdom will be available to own in high-definition exclusively on the HD DVD/DVD Combo disc, from December 26, for $39.98 SRP each. Specific details follow...
Main feature on the HD DVD side will be presented in
* 1080p High Definition Widescreen 2.35:1
* Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 (English & Canadian French)
* English [SDH] & French subtitle options
Similar to the early information we've posted weeks ago, bonus material present on both HD DVD & DVD sides include:
* Feature Commentary with Director Peter Berg
* Deleted Scenes
* Character by Character: The Apartment Shootout
* Constructing the Freeway Sequence
* Creating The Kingdom
* History of The Kingdom: An Interactive Timeline
HD DVD-exclusive bonus material include:
* The Mission Dossier: Surveillance
* U-Control Picture-in-Picture Commentary
* Web-enabled Features (My Scenes Sharing, etc.)
borghe said:Personally I agree with this. I always thought 16:9 was a stupid standard to agree on for HDTV.
I think $339 for the Sammy BP1400.Ignatz Mouse said:What's the cheapest street price for a non-closeout model?
Oni Jazar said:Rankings are out:
For Blu-ray
1. Live Free or Die Hard
2. Open Season (Best Buy Black Friday gave Open Season away with each PS3)
3. Spider-Man 3
4. Ratatouille
5. Hairspray
6. Ocean's Thirteen
7. Santa Clause 3
8. 300
9. Die Hard Collection
10. Planet Earth
1. Shrek The Third
2. Transformers
3. Planet Earth
4. Ocean's Thirteen
5. Star Trek: TOS
6. 300
7. Knocked Up
8. Chuck & Larry
9. The Departed
10. Shooter
Weekly Ranking according to Nielsen Videoscan
That's what you said whether you realize it or not, because if one doesn't take hold, they'll both die. Rendering the players worthless outside of being used for a limited selection of releases from the couple of years they had a chance.DoubleTap said:Don't be so dramatic, two worthless players? Seriously man. No that's not what I'm saying to you, let alone exactly. That's how you interpertred my statement, big difference. My sentiments have been echoed in this thread ad nauseum. I posted my 2 cents regarding this stupid war just because people thought it was illogical to somehow enjoy both formats, you clearly disagree, and I had no illusions that everyone would agree with my point of view, but don't be so arrogant to think that you know what exactly my point was.
No the regulars are pretty straight in their stance.VanMardigan said:So where are my fellow HD DVD supporters who are now digital download supporters rather than Blu Ray supporters. Show thyself!!
It can't be one of the regulars (stooge, main event, etc.), can it?
Chemo said:That's what you said whether you realize it or not, because if one doesn't take hold, they'll both die. Rendering the players worthless outside of being used for a limited selection of releases from the couple of years they had a chance.
And god. What is up with the new posters in this thread calling names and picking fights? Like it's freaking arrogant of me to read the words you wrote and interpret them. I honestly at this point don't give a shit what you meant if you're going to reply like this.
Xater said:And this is why I import this movie. The Warner people are fucktards. They only release the 5 disc version on DVD and on BD and HD DVD we only get the Final Cut + Extras on 2 discs. Warner Europe is not gettng any of my money soon.
chidrock said:Could you import the US version of Blade Runner on HD DVD?
borghe said:this is actually how movie theaters work, which is where the much wider screen came from. When you view a 2.35:1 or 2.40:1 movie on a TV it looks like you are losing screen space because of the black bars. But in the theater you GAIN considerable space with a 2.40:1 movie. the movie literally extends past where the 1.85:1 standard frame movie would end thus giving you a bigger wider picture in the theater. in effect there ARE "black bars" on 1.85:1 movies in the theater, there are just curtains drawn over the empty areas of the screen.
Personally I agree with this. I always thought 16:9 was a stupid standard to agree on for HDTV. Originally TV used the same aspect ratio of film. It only makes sense for HDTV to have used the widest aspect ratio of modern films.
The Main Event said:http://hddvdformat.blogspot.com/
Doesn't seem to have a TrueHD track unfortunately (not that it matters that much anymore, especially after hearing Transformers DD+ track).
DarkJediKnight said:I beg to differ. A lot of these reviewers were going goo goo gaa gaa over the Transformers track. I have a 7.2 setup so I know how my setup works with DVDs and HD; I don't think the bass was anywhere near as good as when I saw it in the theaters. Whether or not this is something lost in the DD+ process, who knows. It sounds great, but overrated.
bishoptl said:cheapest online retailers for HD movies in Canada? Or should I stick with American sites and take the hit on shipping?
But the movie theater plays back in DD at at a rate lower than 324kbps.DarkJediKnight said:I beg to differ. A lot of these reviewers were going goo goo gaa gaa over the Transformers track. I have a 7.2 setup so I know how my setup works with DVDs and HD; I don't think the bass was anywhere near as good as when I saw it in the theaters. Whether or not this is something lost in the DD+ process, who knows. It sounds great, but overrated.
DarkJediKnight said:I beg to differ. A lot of these reviewers were going goo goo gaa gaa over the Transformers track. I have a 7.2 setup so I know how my setup works with DVDs and HD; I don't think the bass was anywhere near as good as when I saw it in the theaters. Whether or not this is something lost in the DD+ process, who knows. It sounds great, but overrated.
Thanks dude.The Main Event said:useful stuff
The Main Event said:What player do you have? I have the XA2, and I thought the bass was lacking at first, but that was for pretty much every HD movies that I had. Turned off the Dynamic Range Compression, and now every movies sound great. They also might have fixed some of the bass management problems with the latest 2.7 firmware update.