VanMardigan said:Are any of the titles you bought with it affected by a Warner move? Me, on the other hand, I own Batman Begins, 300, and Happy Feet (edit: and the Matrix Trilogy). I could probably sell the HD DVD version of Happy Feet for the Blu Ray version, but I'm not replacing 300 or Batman Begins until comparable releases for those come out on Camp Blu. That's if Warner goes Blu.
If they go red, there won't be any difference in my buying habits, since I already prefer the HD DVD version of Warner films and I don't own any Warner Blu Rays.
I went nuts on warner movies last week, i got 12. >.> BOGO is the death of me.Chiggs said:Jesus Christ, I have purchased 6 Warner Bros. Movies in the past week. And I just added BladeRunner to the list.
bishoptl said::lol Deadmeat and Superkyro posting in the comments section
captive said:I went nuts on warner movies last week, i got 12. >.> BOGO is the death of me.
And only one was a rebuy.
gkrykewy said:Classic. Deadmeat called my A3 a rebadged chinese player though. I'm not sure how I feel about that. At a minimum, I suppose I should stop licking it.
VanMardigan said:If Warner goes Red, I expect Fox/Disney to follow in 2008. If they go Blu, I expect Uni to follow, with Paramount by the end of 2008. I don't see how Warner picking a side won't give that side a clear advantage in terms of momentum for 2008.
avaya said:More on DJK's article!
It seems Pali Research MD Richard S. Greenfield is the same person who broke the Paramount deal in August.
Ignatz Mouse said:WHy would WB changing sides affect Disney and Fox? Disney seems deeply invested with the Jobs/Apple connection all the promo they're doing, and Fox is the one that's gung-ho on the BD+ stuff.
Ignatz Mouse said:WHy would WB changing sides affect Disney and Fox? Disney seems deeply invested with the Jobs/Apple connection all the promo they're doing, and Fox is the one that's gung-ho on the BD+ stuff.
If WB goes Red, all I see is equilibrium-- whereas right now, Blu has the distinct advantage.
OokieSpookie said:Disney is going nowhere, they are more blu than Sony.
Disney even has paid reps visiting various best buys to stand around the high def section answering questions and showing demos.
VanMardigan said:I would say Uni is even more entrenched in HD DVD, so far as having an executive be the top HD DVD evangelist. Will that matter if WB goes Blu?
OokieSpookie said:Time will tell
VanMardigan said:In the same way that getting Warner to go Blu would affect Uni and Paramount. Fox/Disney were gung ho about Divx, too. Companies have to reevaluate their position after big events, and the Warner move would be the biggest to date.
Elios83 said:With Warner on the HD-DVD the support becomes equally spilt between the two so there's no logic behind the others will jump on HD-DVD too, everyone can afford to stay in their positions if they want to.
VanMardigan said:In the same way that getting Warner to go Blu would affect Uni and Paramount. Fox/Disney were gung ho about Divx, too. Companies have to reevaluate their position after big events, and the Warner move would be the biggest to date.
Onix said:Obviously its worse for HD DVD if they go Blu than it is for BD if they go red ... for a number of reasons.
LJ11 said:Unintentional, but funny nonetheless. :lol
StoOgE said:How come every time someone posts a rumor, they also happen to be the person that "broke the last big rumor".
gkrykewy said:No, that was intentional, dude - it was a lead paint joke.
Ignatz Mouse said:I think I'm one of the more conservative people around here when it comes to rumors (and most eager to dismiss analysts) but it seems that this particular source is more reliable than most, if they broke the Paramount news-- for two reasons. 1) They've been right before and 2) that time was pro-Red news, so it's not likely thet they're working for one side over the other.
Bebpo said:Got my US version of Jin-Roh BD today!
500 page storyboard book + 20 page color pamphlet + movie.
Basically it's identical in packaging to the Japanese DVD LE which came with the dvd (same cover as US BD) + 500 page book. Since I never got the Japanese LE, I'm really happy they included this stuff for the US BD.
The transfer should be identical to the JPN BD release.
I love that Bandai Visual uses the Japanese packaging for their US releases. I just wish they'd announce more US dates. Would rather buy US sets for $20 cheaper. Don't want to pay Japan prices for Char's Counterattack, Escaflowne movie, and Cowboy Bebop movie. >_<
OokieSpookie said:Where did you end up picking it up from?
gkrykewy said:Previously they were breaking news, whereas this time, from the tone of the link, they appear to be predicting/projecting a Warner-->BRD decision in mid 2008. I think that's quite different, but it's unfortunate that their "reg. required" link appears to be misdirected to the Stringer quote.
Our forecast (in late 2006, click here) that 2007 would be the first year consumer spending on DVDs declines appears to be coming true. While Hollywood had hoped the strength of the summer 2007 box office would allow for a modest increase, we believe the failure of several key 4Q DVD titles (such as Spiderman 3 and Shrek 3 among others) will result in a modest decline in 2007 consumer spending on DVDs. The standard definition DVD business has matured (with DVD players now in over 90 mm homes), with catalog sales now falling rapidly; in addition, TV DVD sales have reached a plateau.
With this as a backdrop, Hollywood studios need next-gen (hi-def) DVD to take-off more than ever before, particularly studios that have relied heavily on catalog DVD sales. While the format war between HD DVD and Blu-ray has driven hardware prices down rapidly (sub $300 for Blu-ray and sub $200 for HD DVD), consumers are simply confused by the split in title availability by studio (check out this Circuit City circular from this weekend).
Who backs which format:
* Blu-ray: Disney, Fox, Lionsgate, MGM, and Sony {New Line/Warner Bros}
* HD DVD: Dreamworks, Paramount, Universal {New Line/Warner Bros}
Time Warners New Line and Warner Bros. are the only studios still releasing in both next-gen DVD formats. The downturn in catalog DVD sales is having a particularly negative impact on Warner Bros., given its heavy reliance on catalog DVD sales. The weakness in catalog DVD sales combined with the cost of authoring DVDs in both formats is essentially forcing Warner to give up on HD DVD to speed the uptake of next-gen DVD (Blu-ray) in 2008. In addition, we suspect, Warners decision to embrace Video-on-Demand, day and date with DVD (to help its sister company Time Warner Cable) is putting increased pressure on new release DVD sales. Time Warners choices (we suspect the later option will be selected soon):
* If Warner Bros. and New Line continue to release in both next-gen formats or choose HD DVD exclusively, the format war is unlikely to end in 2008 (when Paramount and Dreamworks would have the opportunity to swing back to the Blu-ray camp).
* If Warner Bros. and New Line shift exclusively to Blu-ray in early 2008, we expect the format war to end rapidly as Universal and Paramount/Dreamworks will not have enough titles to sustain HD DVD for much longer.
Even with a single next-gen format by mid-2008 (we believe a Warner Blu-ray shift will kill off HD DVD within 6-9 months), we still believe consumer spending on DVD sales will be down about 3% in 2008 compared to 1% in 2007 (e-mail us if you want a copy of our DVD spending model). A single next-gen format should drive increased consumer interest in next-gen DVD and help the DVD business maintain floor space at mass merchant retailers (such as Wal-Mart, Target, etc ) in 2008/2009.
Creative success will become increasingly important in 2008, as the halo effect from the growth of the DVD industry had driven profitability across all movie studios. With the DVD halo gone and digital distribution still in its infancy, studios need to make profitable movies; catalog will no longer save them (particularly, as we suspect most consumers will not be re-buying their existing catalog in next-gen DVD, soon-to-be-known, simply as Blu-ray).
VanMardigan said:From cochiseguy at highdef digest:
Ignatz Mouse said:Only a backroom deal with WB is likely to keep HD-DVD going, IMHO. And yes, such a deal is possible.
justjohn said:can someone tell me, if they decide to release indiana jones trilogy, will it be on blu-ray as well. i'm confused by this whole paramount spielberg business.
VanMardigan said:So you don't think the BDA would provide incentives for WB to go Blu exclusive? Would Warner Bros. be stupid enough to NOT take cash for going exclusive to either camp? After Paramount/Dreamworks, things changed, and we know both sides have been in talks with WB. Whichever way WB swings, they're getting a backroom deal on top of whatever rationalization they make for picking a side.
VanMardigan said:So you don't think the BDA would provide incentives for WB to go Blu exclusive? Would Warner Bros. be stupid enough to NOT take cash for going exclusive to either camp? After Paramount/Dreamworks, things changed, and we know both sides have been in talks with WB. Whichever way WB swings, they're getting a backroom deal on top of whatever rationalization they make for picking a side.
shidoshi said:I think the point is, if Warner was to make a decision based on current and future sales, and not a hat full of money, a lot of (most?) people would argue that the only logical decision for Warner to make would be Blu-ray. If Warner went blue, it could be because of a payoff, or because they think it's the better choice financially and strategically. If Warner went red, it would most likely only be due to a payoff.
avaya said:Steve Jobs has enormous influence within Disney as the largest shareholder and the position as the biggest tech evangelist in the media business.
He will continue to oppose Microsoft's attempts to push proprietary Windows Media and HDi solutions within the entertainment business. As long as Microsoft continues to push for their standard to be adopted by the industry, then Jobs, if he is in any position to fight it will fight it. He has widespread intra-industry support behind him.
Disneys marketing has been FOX-like. In your face and everywhere. Its what Disney do.
This doesnt rule out Disney supporting HD-DVD. I mean hell could freeze over and they could do it. Dont rule it out. As for FOX, I'd expect them to pull out of HD optical altogether if Warner goes Red.
Paramounts defection was unbelievable. Not only to observers but to their own employees! However looking at some of the directors working for the company that they would succumb to such money was somewhat predictable: Alan Bell worked under Warren Lieberfarb (key founder of DVD). Steve Nickerson the former WHV President also worked under Lieberfarb.
Bebpo said:Got my US version of Jin-Roh BD today![IMG]
500 page storyboard book + 20 page color pamphlet + movie.
Basically it's identical in packaging to the Japanese DVD LE which came with the dvd (same cover as US BD) + 500 page book. Since I never got the Japanese LE, I'm really happy they included this stuff for the US BD.
The transfer should be identical to the JPN BD release.
I love that Bandai Visual uses the Japanese packaging for their US releases. I just wish they'd announce more US dates. Would rather buy US sets for $20 cheaper. Don't want to pay Japan prices for Char's Counterattack, Escaflowne movie, and Cowboy Bebop movie. >_<[/QUOTE]
Sweet package, I wish they did this stuff with the more mainstream stuff.
HokieJoe said:Jobs will push what stands to benefit Apple first. That could mean opposing MS; or it could mean Apple supports a path which brings us to digital downloads faster. I don't think it's a far stretch to imagine Apple wanting exactly what MS wants- digital downloads. The question is, in whose proprietary format will these downloadable movies reside: Apple, MS, or some other player?
avaya said:Microsoft getting a foothold situation with HDi and WMV is certainly not something that Apple wants at all.
polyh3dron said:The New York Times is now reporting that Warner might go Blu. The momentum is growing.
OokieSpookie said:Unfortunately that is just a rehash of the Business Week rumor.