Mifune said:He only denies receiving payoffs in the amount of 250 to 500 million. He says nothing about 620 million dollar ones.
captive said:e-high five for one format future.
That includes everyone on the HD DVD side too.
Now maybe we can stop arguing about all this crap?
wtf@ digital distribution
wtf@x10 the irrational sony haters coming out of the woodwork too. :lol
Onix said::lol
Come one. The logic of their statements cannot be denied. The effectively announced this MONTHS ago. They stated that they would look at the Christmas sales data (HW and SW) ... and if it made sense to, move to one side.
Regardless of supposed payoffs, they were moving into this direction. If anything, I would guess that any money changing hands had more to do with covering possible 'penalties' for Warner's involvement as an HD-DVD IP holder. It's quite possible there were some contractual obligations that are now being broken.
Nicodimas said:Well heres wondering how sony is going to recoup the 620 million. I am guessing the players aren't going to be 50-100 bucks anytime soon. Which sucks for the HD industry as a whole.
Kevin Tsujihara, President, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group says the studio took no pay-offs to exclusively back Blu-ray.
In a post-announcement conference call, Tsujihara flatly denied rumors that studio had accepted anywhere from 250M to $500M in exchange for dropping its HD DVD format support.
According to the exec, Warner's sole motivation in dropping its HD DVD format support was to ensure growth of the "category" and the long-term health of the industry.
"The packaged media business is a $42 billion dollar business worldwide at the retail level, and we [Warner] have the largest market share of anybody," said Tsujihara. "From our perspective, the most important piece of this whole puzzle is, "How do we get growth back into this category?" That far outweighed anything else."
This [decision] was one hundred percent around what makes the most sense for the consumer, the retailer and the industry. This was not a bidding war. This was all about what was best, strategically, for us."
Stay tuned for more news from the Tsujihara conference call shortly...
Suikoguy said:I was secretly hoping that this would becoming the longest GAF thread, still possible though as it looks like Toshiba will never give up until retailers force them.
Nicodimas said:Well heres wondering how sony is going to recoup the 620 million. I am guessing the players aren't going to be 50-100 bucks anytime soon. Which sucks for the HD industry as a whole.
Nicodimas said:Well heres wondering how sony is going to recoup the 620 million. I am guessing the players aren't going to be 50-100 bucks anytime soon. Which sucks for the HD industry as a whole.
Nicodimas said:Well heres wondering how sony is going to recoup the 620 million. I am guessing the players aren't going to be 50-100 bucks anytime soon. Which sucks for the HD industry as a whole.
xS1TH L0RDx said:well, i just got back from trading in all my warner reds, got a 175 bucks so i picked up departed, shoot em up, and casino royale on blu. fixin to get on amazon and check out prices for oceans and die hard box sets; best buy and circuit city were out of both.
Onix said:The :lol continue.
Mifune said:You know I was joking, right?
xS1TH L0RDx said:well, i just got back from trading in all my warner reds, got a 175 bucks so i picked up departed, shoot em up, and casino royale on blu. fixin to get on amazon and check out prices for oceans and die hard box sets; best buy and circuit city were out of both.
Seems like they've got some remaining obligations to the HD-DVD format through May and this is the firmest way they can commit to BD in the meantime.Chiggs said:Nobody's really talking about the fact that HD-DVD titles won't be on the shelves at the same time as Blu-ray and DVD. I found that interesting.
Chiggs said:You were smart to dump those off immediately. I'm not sure how many reds you had, but $175 doesn't sound too bad.
Christopher said:Kevin Tsujihara, President, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group says the studio took no pay-offs to exclusively back Blu-ray.
In a post-announcement conference call, Tsujihara flatly denied rumors that studio had accepted anywhere from 250M to $500M in exchange for dropping its HD DVD format support.
According to the exec, Warner's sole motivation in dropping its HD DVD format support was to ensure growth of the "category" and the long-term health of the industry.
"The packaged media business is a $42 billion dollar business worldwide at the retail level, and we [Warner] have the largest market share of anybody," said Tsujihara. "From our perspective, the most important piece of this whole puzzle is, "How do we get growth back into this category?" That far outweighed anything else."
This [decision] was one hundred percent around what makes the most sense for the consumer, the retailer and the industry. This was not a bidding war. This was all about what was best, strategically, for us."
Stay tuned for more news from the Tsujihara conference call shortly...
No payoff.
Eel O'Brian said:Personally, I'd hold onto any Warner HD DVDs anyone is thinking about selling for just a bit longer and see what starts shaking out. The Shooter Blu Ray, a Paramount title, is going for as high as $60 on ebay right now. And it's not like HD DVD player production is going to immediately cease.
Mifune said:The difference is Paramount stopped producing Blu-Ray discs, so The Shooter was hard to come by. Warner Bros is still producing HD-DVDs, and by the time they don't, nobody will care anymore anyhow.
xS1TH L0RDx said:well, i just got back from trading in all my warner reds, got a 175 bucks so i picked up departed, shoot em up, and casino royale on blu. fixin to get on amazon and check out prices for oceans and die hard box sets; best buy and circuit city were out of both.
I like this one better: Obey the Moderator - Optimus Rhymebishoptl said:holy fucking shit :lol :lol
Snah said:Were you format neutral before the sell off, or did you just recently buy a Blu-Ray player?
Nicodimas said:Well if no money did exchange hands I would argue Toshiba still has a chance for a contract. That is why I highly doubt money did not change hands. No contract mean warner could still switch sides.
I am of course grasping...but it would be fucking funny.
Basically they got 620 million, or 8-10 million of disk sells to make it worth it?
Guess disk and player prices wont be going down. I wonder if BoGo will still be happening? Competition would have been better. /sigh
xS1TH L0RDx said:holy shit, off topic as hell, but first five mins of Shoot em up = HOLY FUCKING AWESOME
Eat your vegetables:lol :lol :lol
Nicodimas said:Guess disk and player prices wont be going down. I wonder if BoGo will still be happening? Competition would have been better. /sigh
Grow up and stop acting like a 12yo fanboy. You don't even make sense anymore you're just ranting.
xS1TH L0RDx said:holy shit, off topic as hell, but first five mins of Shoot em up = HOLY FUCKING AWESOME
Eat your vegetables:lol :lol :lol
According to a trusted source that was close to the negotiations, Warner and FOX were working on a deal to go Exclusive to HD DVD as recent as last week. Our source tells us that Warner was only willing to go to HD DVD if FOX would go with them. Their thinking was if they just went to HD DVD by themselves, it would not end the format war. Early this week FOX was paid an undisclosed amount to remain exclusive to Blu-ray. With the FOX deal falling through, Warner had no choice but to accept the BDAs $500 Million offer to go Blu-ray exclusive. We do wonder if FOX was just playing the HD DVD side, while having no intentions of ever switching.
Ceb said:So do you still have that issue with 720p content? I'm so surprised by some people complaining about that while most say the quality is impeccable (although I guess it's hard to compare if you've never seen the movies run in 1080p). Maybe the issue is TV dependant?
DarkJediKnight said:![]()
Hot Nekkid Chick - Check
Guns - Check
More Guns - Check
Baby - Check
Shooting guns with a baby in hand - Check
Carrots - Check
Killing people with Carrots - Check
Oh, also, Reference Video and Audio.
If you don't get this movie, you're not a (straight) MAN!! :lol
Though it's widely expected that Warner Bros. subsidiaries New Line and HBO will follow Warner Home Entertainment to Blu-ray exclusivity, for the moment they remain format-agnostic.
That's according to Warner Home Entertainment President Kevin Tsujihara, who said that the studio's announcement that it would drop HD DVD support does not extend to titles released by New Line, HBO or the BBC (which Warner distributes here in the US).
"They'll be making whatever decision they're going to make," said Tsujihara. "I assume they'll let people know very quickly, but they are not covered by this initial announcement."
Tsujihara's comments came in a post-announcement conference call with various members of the media, including High-Def Digest.
Stay tuned for more news from the Warner conference call...
MechDX said:http://formatwarcentral.com/index.php/2008/01/04/warner-swayed-by-500-million-from-the-bda/
IF TRUE and Fox never really ahd any intention of even considering switching its pretty dirty but a typical business move at the same time.