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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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VictimOfGrief said:
Hey Blu-Ray owners... how the fuck would you feel if you spent $400 bucks on a player and hundreds of dollars on movies and I told you Warner, Fox & Disney were going HD DVD today?

Seriously. Comments about which either is better or which ever has more movies... who the fuck cares..... At the end of the day it's about High Def movies that MOVIE LOVERS WANT TO WATCH IN HIGH FUCKING DEF.

Now the "Red" crowd is left scratching their head on what they can do with their players and movies.

If you were in the same god damn boat I would bet money we'd be making the same snide comments that everyone is making toward HD DVD owners. So seriously..... lay off.

Well I wouldn't be in that situation as I made an informed decision before buying my moives.


Nicodimas said:
Its business. What incintive is there to lower MSRP quicker now? Less competiton very soon. Players will lower, but I don't expect to see a $100 blu ray player this year. If hd-dvd were competition this might have happened.

I dunno, maybe - competition from the creators of other blue ray players? The desire to attract more consumers to your brand of blue ray player? I mean it wasn't THE blue ray player versus THE HD-DVD player.

You act like there is no competition within a product line where there is growing interest for a product. If anything this pretty much guarantees a cheaper product better because the market has a single focus and all the manufacturers can start dealing with driving down component costs as opposed to hedging on whether or not the product they were producing would be purchased by consumers sitting on the sidelines.


twinturbo2 said:
Nobody answered my question. Are there any universial remotes that work with the PS3 without a dongle? And if not, what are some good ones anyway that work with the PS3?

No because the PS3 utilizes Bluetooth and no universals support bluetooth (yet).
For those of you who recently got movies in the HD-DVD B3G2F deal from Best Buy get on your swapouts fast. I wanted to exchange my unopened Pan's Labyrinth HD-DVD for the Blu version and in doing so they automatically charge you for your two free movies so people don't return all their non-free films. It makes sense but all I wanted to do was swap item for item yet the system won't let the salesperson do so without charging you for the free films. The guy hooked me up in the end and did a gift return without receipt, so all is well.


VictimOfGrief said:
Hey Blu-Ray owners... how the fuck would you feel if you spent $400 bucks on a player and hundreds of dollars on movies and I told you Warner, Fox & Disney were going HD DVD today?

Pretty stupid.

Then again I would never have invested in a format that had only one CE backer against a Matsushita coalition.

But I can understand that some people let their desire for HD media take over and had to buy HD-DVD to either get HDM the most affordable way or to get the movies they wanted.


Authorized Fister
Phoenix said:
No because the PS3 utilizes Bluetooth and no universals support bluetooth (yet).

You can always buy an IR receiver from ebay for the PS2 DVD remote, and plug a usb-ps2 controller adapter. There's always a solution.

jax (old)

The Main Event said:

No way.





way OUCH
avaya said:
Pretty stupid.

Then again I would never have invested in a format that had only one CE backer against a Matsushita coalition.

But I can understand that some people let their desire for HD media take over and had to buy HD-DVD to either get HDM the most affordable way or to get the movies they wanted.
Or some of the movies that are ONLY on HD DVD like the Bourne series. Course who knows if that is going to change or not.


JeFfRey said:
You can always buy an IR receiver from ebay for the PS2 DVD remote, and plug a usb-ps2 controller adapter. There's always a solution.

OP said:
Are there any universial remotes that work with the PS3 without a dongle?

He wants to do it without a dongle, so putting in a receiver or anything else is kinda out.


Post Count: 9999
VictimOfGrief said:
Hey Blu-Ray owners... how the fuck would you feel if you spent $400 bucks on a player and hundreds of dollars on movies and I told you Warner, Fox & Disney were going HD DVD today?

Shitty ... but:

1) That isn't a realistic comparison since 2 where already Blu, and only one was neutral.

2) I'd also realize that I was in the middle of a format war, and this was a possible outcome. That said, HD DVD has been losing for OVER A YEAR.

Seriously. Comments about which either is better or which ever has more movies... who the fuck cares..... At the end of the day it's about High Def movies that MOVIE LOVERS WANT TO WATCH IN HIGH FUCKING DEF.

Now the "Red" crowd is left scratching their head on what they can do with their players and movies.

So how does that conflict with people that want one format? It sounds like you are whining because you chose the wrong side.

If you were in the same god damn boat I would bet money we'd be making the same snide comments that everyone is making toward HD DVD owners. So seriously..... lay off.

Things would be the same if the roles were reversed.

I just can't believe people are acting surprised, since HD DVD has been on the losing end for a LONG time. Things are actually MUCH worse in the territories outside the US.
VictimOfGrief said:
Hey Blu-Ray owners... how the fuck would you feel if you spent $400 bucks on a player and hundreds of dollars on movies and I told you Warner, Fox & Disney were going HD DVD today?

Seriously. Comments about which either is better or which ever has more movies... who the fuck cares..... At the end of the day it's about High Def movies that MOVIE LOVERS WANT TO WATCH IN HIGH FUCKING DEF.

Now the "Red" crowd is left scratching their head on what they can do with their players and movies.

If you were in the same god damn boat I would bet money we'd be making the same snide comments that everyone is making toward HD DVD owners. So seriously..... lay off.

The regular contributers to this thread (on both sides of the divide) are being conciliatory, for the most part, so I don't see what you are talking about. Most of the bomb-throwers in here (on both sides) just appeared.

Besides, I think most Blu-ray fans know what it feels like to have a major studio back out. The Paramount switch wasn't too long ago, after all.

Basically, I'd recommend you lighten up. Everybody that's been following this news and this thread has known for a loooooong time that the format war could end with one side losing big at any time. Smart HD DVD owners have had a pretty realistic attitude toward this possibility for a long time, as they've seen the numbers coming down in Blu-ray's favor for a whole year.

Nicodimas said:
Bet you people are yelling really loud. Calling all the studios.

In my imagination, I see a lot of stockholders yelling "Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell!" into their phones like Tracy Morgan as the homeless guy in that old SNL sketch. :lol


The one thing I am suprised (that Onix can't deny) is the favoring of hd-dvd by warner and the shitty releases <disks not being blu> by warner to blu-ray.


Mifune said:
Dude, you don't understand.

Kimmy from Toshiba called Danny from WB and asked him to come over to her side. Danny wanted to check with his bud Brian over at Fox, told him the deal...Kimmy is hot and she wants them over at the HD-DVD hotel pronto. And oh yes, she's gonna pay them for it. Brian's too busy watching Die Hard and is like, nah you go on without me. Danny fought with Brian in the first Gulf War so they are best friends. He breaks the news to Kimmy...if Brian doesn't go, neither does he. Kimmy is heartbroken. She pauses her Peter Bjorn and John cd and calls up Danny and is like what the F. It's gonna be a great party and you're ruining everything and I hate you. Danny agrees to go if she will show her cans. Kimmy is horrified and tells Danny she never wants to speak to him again. Oh and fuck Brian too.

Deal falls through. THE END.

:lol :lol :lol

legendary post


Gold Member
Nicodimas said:
The one thing I am suprised (that Onix can't deny) is the favoring of hd-dvd by warner and the shitty releases <disks not being blu> by warner to blu-ray.

I agree with this. You can probably chalk this up to past management, but it did seem like Warner wanted HD-DVD to win.


Gold Member
VictimOfGrief said:
Seriously I may just fucking go out tonight buy a god damn blu ray player tonight and call it good. jesus christ. :/

This is going to sound cheesy and made up, but for the first time in my life I saw a middle-aged woman buying a standalone Blu-ray player and movies at Best Buy.
VictimOfGrief said:
Seriously I may just fucking go out tonight buy a god damn blu ray player tonight and call it good. jesus christ. :/

I swear you are going through some sort of 5 stage process right before our eyes.


Nicodimas said:
The one thing I am suprised (that Onix can't deny) is the favoring of hd-dvd by warner and the shitty releases <disks not being blu> by warner to blu-ray.

Uhh, no? Nearly all of their HD-DVD "exclusive" titles were previously negotiated and had a "gentleman's agreement" to keep them exclusive when Warner went format neutral with Bewkes. You can read it up on the BD insider forum (or was it the thread on Bewkes?).
Pristine_Condition said:
The regular contributers to this thread (on both sides of the divide) are being conciliatory, for the most part, so I don't see what you are talking about. Most of the bomb-throwers in here (on both sides) just appeared.

Besides, I think most Blu-ray fans know what it feels like to have a major studio back out. The Paramount switch wasn't too long ago, after all.

In my imagination, I see a lot of stockholders yelling "Buy! Sell! Buy! Sell!" into their phones like Tracy Morgan as the homeless guy in that old SNL sketch. :lol
Paramount was a blip on the radar of which they'll eventually cave like every other studio and go Blu.

Warner accounted for like what... at least 20% of the movie base on either side?


Warner supported Toshiba the first time dvd war. Maybe they felt a need to give it a shot.

Oh i agree with Victim with the shady shit by Warner to wait like 13 days after chrismas before CES to annouce it. Same effect would have been to wait to may then go.

Oh yeah its business .../grin
Chiggs said:
This is going to sound cheesy and made up, but for the first time in my life I saw a middle-aged woman buying a standalone Blu-ray player and movies at Best Buy.

when i was at best buy i saw a lady snagging 5 hd-dvds, and i *almost* went up to her and broke the news. i had my box of tissues ready and shit.


avaya said:
Pretty stupid.

Then again I would never have invested in a format that had only one CE backer against a Matsushita coalition.

But I can understand that some people let their desire for HD media take over and had to buy HD-DVD to either get HDM the most affordable way or to get the movies they wanted.

Ok, now that this is, for all intents and purposes, over, can we lose this talking point? HD-DVD has (or, in some cases, just had) some really awesome things going for it that have absolutely nothing to do with the price.

Online in every box, a menu system based on web-like frameworks, strong interactivity features are some other reasons people chose it. I know it's popular around here to think that people who wanted those things only liked them because it was on their chosen format, but I for one thought of them as reasons, in combination with the price factor, why if I was going to back either format it was the one that interested me.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Well, it was fun while it lasted, but this is where I step out of the high def game. I suppose in a sense, Warner is saving me quite a bit of money this year.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
The one thing I am suprised (that Onix can't deny) is the favoring of hd-dvd by warner and the shitty releases <disks not being blu> by warner to blu-ray.

Actually, I'm not all that surprised for two reasons:

1) Assuming they could be taken at their word, the reason for a number of titles being delayed was due to waiting for the newest profile to be set in stone (so as to have equivalent features for their big releases).

Based on their CES promo video (leaked here a few days back), they seem to be good at their word. The titles are now being released since the profile is done.

2) Also assuming the could be taken at their word, they've said for months that this Christmas may sway them in either direction. Maybe if they saw something ... anything from HD DVD ... they would have went in that direction.

Instead, we saw huge discounts on HW (and decent ones on SW) ... with no real effect on the sales ratios. When you look at sales ratios outside of the US, its FAR FAR worse. HD DVD is being decimated.

When I saw the sales number recently ... the worse-case-scenario as far as BD appeared to be WB staying neutral. If anything, going BD seemed the logical move based on the mantra they've been spouting.


Nicodimas said:
The one thing I am suprised (that Onix can't deny) is the favoring of hd-dvd by warner and the shitty releases <disks not being blu> by warner to blu-ray.

That was because WHV have a good relationship with Toshiba, after they both colloborated on DVD. WHV was forced to go neutral by Time-Warner as a measure proposed by Jeff Bewkes to Richard Parsons who was CEO at the time in 2005. Bewkes said Blu-ray has the better chance to be the winning format.

Steve Nickerson (now left WHV) had a gentelmen's agreement with the HD-DVD guys on Matrix, Batman Begins, Constantine. Maxpower1987, Blu-ray insider, is the source of this information. That was probably one of the reason's why he was removed from his position.

2 days after Bewkes becomes Time-Warner CEO, they go exclusive.
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's a pop psychology thing. I wouldn't bother learning it, every idiot that learns it is another part of the problem.

You'll soon learn to accept it.

Kyoufu said:
House reference? I just saw that episode (if it is indeed House you are referring to).

House got it from me.

Actually, the concept has been around for years. It is a pop psychology thing.
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's a pop psychology thing. I wouldn't bother learning it, every idiot that learns it is another part of the problem.
This I can agree with. Anyways.......... I guess I'll just bite the bullet and get a Blu-Ray player for my Birthday.

Boy.... what a croc......
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