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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Whipped Spartan said:
I own an HD DVD add on and 19 hd dvd's.

Should I just trade them in gamstop and go blu? or Should I keep them and get a BRD player this fall?

You might wanna wait a lil longer. Alot can happen in a few days. Especially during CES.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Nicodimas said:
The market is going to go into a serious recession in the next year. Microsoft is banking on this for the DD industry.
Well, sure, of course. Now we know why MS didn't chip in to keep Warner with HDDVD - because they were too busy orchestrating a recession for next year.
Whipped Spartan said:
I own an HD DVD add on and 19 hd dvd's.

Should I just trade them in gamstop and go blu? or Should I keep them and get a BRD player this fall?

I would trade in the AAA movies that you know you will still watch 10 years from now and get the Blu versions. Keep the rest.


I own an HD DVD add on and 19 hd dvd's.

I own 60 hd-dvd + xa-2 (Sd upconverter for the tv shows) .

I will own 100 by the end filling in the gaps of what is needed. The future is still bright buy everything for cheap on the movies you want. I am more mad at how this is going to effect heroes/battlestar.
I would say keep the ones that are HD-DVD exclusive at this point and trade the rest that are available or soon to be on blu. Even with this announcement, there's no telling how much longer this will last and how long certain titles will continue to remain HD-DVD only.


Not Banned from OT
George Claw M.D. said:
Blu-ray won't surpass DVD anytime, soon, but as HDTVs gain more marketshare, the difference in quality, along with the inevitable drop in prices, will convince many people to upgrade. Look how long VHS stuck around, after DVD came out. That didn't stop DVD from becoming successful.

Also, film still has potential to be scanned at even higher resolutions than 1080p, so studios stand to make a lot of money remastering their catalog titles, causing numerous consumers to triple-dip on movies they already own two copies of(VHS and DVD).

I just don't see the average person upgrading any time soon. Think about it lets say they buy pirates 3 on blu. Great it works on 1 player in the house. It can't be played in the car the bedroom or the kids play room. I love HDM but the average person just does not care about PQ and SQ. If all that DVD had over VHS was PQ and SQ we would still have VCRs. It was no rewind, DVDs not degrading after every use like VHS and form factor was what won people over. And that still did not happen till players got under 100.
Topher said:
Ditto. The thought that I will have to re catalouge my movie collection in HD over time already erks me. I won't add to the problem by continuingly adding SD DVD's to my collection. I was holding out for this war to pass over, and hoped that BRD would be the victor. I'm very content right now.

I stopped buying movies on DVDs more than three years ago, almost four actually, when the noise that the HD formats were indeed on the horizon started getting loud. I waited a loooong time and only bought a few TV series and stuff that I knew wasn't going to be HD anyway. So I know where you're coming from.

I kinda suspected Blu-ray would win though, and I've already bought more than 30 Blu-ray movies in the last year that I've had the PS3.

HD discs are highly addictive if you love film and like great audio and video.
I'm going to keep my exclusive titles, and the rest I'm selling to make room for more Blu-ray.

Also, I went out and bought Blade Runner on Blu-ray. I was waiting to see where Warner leaned. Are all the extra discs supposed to be DVDs?
quest said:
I just don't see the average person upgrading any time soon. Think about it lets say they buy pirates 3 on blu. Great it works on 1 player in the house. It can't be played in the car the bedroom or the kids play room. I love HDM but the average person just does not care about PQ and SQ. If all that DVD had over VHS was PQ and SQ we would still have VCRs. It was no rewind, DVDs not degrading after every use like VHS and form factor was what won people over. And that still did not happen till players got under 100.
Good to see we agree!


OokieSpookie said:
Microsoft does not give a rat's ass about hd-dvd.
People have been explaining that for months but nobody wanted to listen, they have their own plans and their own things irons in the fire.
They offered to give money for wb to go red if wb committed to exclusive downloads to the live services and wb said no.
MS will lose no sleep over it at all.

It isn't about whether or not they care about HD DVD per se, but if Blu-Ray becomes the de facto standard for physical HD movies, their system looks a lot less impressive in a year or two. I'm surprised they didn't take further steps to delay a 'win' for Blu-Ray to attempt to prevent Sony from using this to their advantage.


OMG so many good gems from various message boards:lol
It's like watching a hero die in a movie. It's just kind of sad really....

So hats off to the fallen hero (HD-DVD)

Yea, sorta like some facist army stomping thru the lands, raping and pillaging all in their way. And HD DVD was the resistance army, and they have finally fallen under the huge weigt of the facist party, and soon all will fall into darkness and there will be no such things as "dreams" or "hope" ever again. That's how I see it at least

Got HD-DVD for Christmas- NOT OVER by a LONG SHOT!!!

I just got a HD-DVD player for $99. I've also RECENTLY bOUGHT 12 HD-DVD movies (costs me over $300) and I intend to buy at least a dozen more.


KEEP Buying HD-DVD and Warner will Switch!!!!!

i AM ALSO still recommending HD-DVD players to friends and families.

Blu Ray picture quality is like SD-DVD!
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write to those idiots from WB because they should know that

they just killed HD format. by embracing HD DVD they would split studios to 50 / 50 and make other CE companies follow Samsung and LG. Now consumer confusion will still be in place as long as 100% of studios do not support blu-ray.


i wrote to them already. honestly, i decided not to invest in buying any movies now. it is only blockbuster for me.


by the way Microsoft. it is time to use your cash reserves and buy out Warner and play hard ball with Sony.

Consumers want HD DVD

Nobody wants to waste money on blu ray and it was proven. PS3 and its fan boys are the ONLY reason blu ray is selling anything. PS3 has been a failure and real life consumers want HD DVD. This was a flat out stupid decision by Warner and it makes zero sense. I guess we'll just have to see what happens but I can assure you havent heard the last of the huge HD DVD fan base. I guess i am going back to "DVD".

HD DVD Crew, this is not a time to panic, what we can do inside

So the WB announcement is a huge plus for BD but its not over for HD DVD, we still have Uni, Paramount/Dreamworks......we as a group and consumer who loves our HD format of choice need to write to WB, Disney, etc and lets sign a petition to make the studios recognize the revenue they are missing out on by dropping or not supporting HD DVD. We can also write our congressmen to rally against BD and evil Sony. Lets turn this around and pull out a win for HD DVD!!!!!!!!!


I hope they come up with a cheap blu ray drive in about half year soon.

this is my whole argument J6P is not buying a 270 dollar player. Especially with the finicial woes. I mean the Us goverment today annouced they are giving the banks 60 billion for the credit crisis. Cars,Houses, and Cards. Lots of people are upside down.


has calmed down a bit.
DarkJediKnight said:
Also, I went out and bought Blade Runner on Blu-ray. I was waiting to see where Warner leaned. Are all the extra discs supposed to be DVDs?

Yep. And how are you selling your HD DVD's? I was trying to figure out the best way. I know I can't get full value, but I'd like as much as possible as I build my Blu library. And yeah, I'm also keeping the exclusives until they're at least announced on Blu.


Whipped Spartan said:
I own an HD DVD add on and 19 hd dvd's.

Should I just trade them in gamstop and go blu? or Should I keep them and get a BRD player this fall?

Your HD DVDs are not going to stop working because of the announcement. It might be annoying to keep an HD DVD player around if you plan on getting a Blu-ray player later on though. Factor the convenience factor versus the price it'll cost you for that convenience.
Ponn01 said:
Thank fucking god. It's like clouds are starting to part on this stupid ass format war bullshit and HD media actually has a chance now.

Dreamworks and Paramount have to be taking turns kicking themselves in the nuts right now.

Made me laugh.

I think I might buy my first bluray movie now.


get some go again
this is actually pretty smart on warners part. they announce the switch early in the year and pretty much make sure hd-dvd will be dead by 2009. u.s broadcasting will finally switch to digital in 2009 so there should be a huge amount of people buying hdtv's and blu ray players should be pretty cheap by 2009 and that means lots of potential new potential customers. blu ray might start to truly steal market share away from dvd in 2009-10.


Post Count: 9999
michaeld said:
OMG so many good gems from various message boards:lol


Got HD-DVD for Christmas- NOT OVER by a LONG SHOT!!!

I just got a HD-DVD player for $99. I've also RECENTLY bOUGHT 12 HD-DVD movies (costs me over $300) and I intend to buy at least a dozen more.


KEEP Buying HD-DVD and Warner will Switch!!!!!

i AM ALSO still recommending HD-DVD players to friends and families.

Blu Ray picture quality is like SD-DVD!
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I'm sure his friends and family will be real happy with him :lol


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
this is my whole argument J6P is not buying a 270 dollar player. Especially with the finicial woes. I mean the Us goverment today annouced they are giving the banks 60 billion for the credit crisis. Cars,Houses, and Cards. Lots of people are upside down.

And J6P was expected to bare the burden of early adopter for previous media platforms?

That isn't how it worked in the past, why should it be expected to be different now?
DarkJediKnight said:
I'm going to keep my exclusive titles, and the rest I'm selling to make room for more Blu-ray.

Also, I went out and bought Blade Runner on Blu-ray. I was waiting to see where Warner leaned. Are all the extra discs supposed to be DVDs?

3 out of the 5 discs are in HD.

The "Dangerous Days" documentary disc and supplement disc (with deleted scenes, trailers, etc.) are just DVD.


And J6P was expected to bear the burden of early adopter for previous media platforms?

That isn't how it worked in the past, why should it be expected to be different now?

No i was hoping it would come down to a slugfest between sony and Toshiba Multi-Billion dollar corporations and for them to brunt the cost. Subsidize. We saw it happening. As long as movie sales continued they could do it. sony would have been pushed into the corner with warner flipping the other way.

Now this is NOT going to happen.

(Btw i have never said i am not going to purple..just wait for a panny w/ 2.0 the bd-30 is really close.)
So, this is probably a stupid question, but im new to this stuipd Hi-Def movie war. Will i ever be able to buy movies like Hot Fuzz/ Shaun of the Dead/ 40 year old virgin on Blu Ray? I only have a Ps3 right now. So, is there any chance of those flicks coming to Blu Ray or do I need to buy an HDDVD player right now? If I do need Hd Dvd, what is the best deal out there? I dont want the 360 add on as that piece of shit has already died on me once in this past year. Amazon has some toshiba for $179ish. I just want to watch ALL movies in HD. :(


y'all should be ashamed
So here's a great post from the Home Theater Forum:

David Boulet said:
While I've been a strong supporter for Blu-ray since the inception of the "war", I haven't been blind to the positives of the format war; It's no secret that the BD format as it stands today has Toshiba and HD DVD, in large part, to thank for helping it become a format worth owing. I want to thank Toshiba/HD DVD because it was their influence (along with Warner) that actually transformed Blu-ray Disc into a format fit for audio/videophiles.

Prior to the launch of HD DVD, Sony's proposed Blu-ray Spec was to include MPEG2 video *only*, and PCM was the only provision for lossless sound. While those two options could still provide high-quality pictures and sound at generous bit-rates, they negated any advantage that 50GB and high-bit-rate bandwidth might have otherwise provided. It was only because of competition with HD DVD that the BDA acted and incorporated AVC, VC-1, and Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD MA into the BD spec which allowed the higher-bandwidth and 20GB of space able to be used meaningfully to provide greater transparency, extras, or both.

Had the format war never taken place, or Toshiba's HD DVD format not been so well designed with advanced audio and video codecs to make more efficient use of the more limited space/bandwidth needs of HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc would be another MPEG2 format using up vast amounts of space whenever lossless audio was provided.

I just recently reviewed The David Matthew's BD and the 5.1 24/96 kHz Dolby Digital TrueHD soundtrack was astounding... and provided higher quality than the 24/48 PCM soudtrack that would have consumed the same amount of space, not to mention the transparent video compression of the many dark/hard-to-compress scenes since MPEG2 wasn't used. At this point the majority of BD titles are compressed with AVC/VC-1: HD DVD's influence hasn't just been a spec-change on paper for the BD medium: it's made a difference.

Now that Warner has moved to Blu-ray Disc, HD DVD will most likely become the "beta" of the HD format war. However, the positive effects of HD DVD have been significant, and have actually made BD format a MUCH better product than it otherwise would have been. BD still has a way to go to fully catch up with HD DVD hardware (profile 1.1 is now just available and 2.0 web-interactive features are still on the way) so it's not time to rest our feet on the coffee table with BD just yet. But BD wouldn't be where it is now if it weren't for HD DVD.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
No i was hoping it would come down to a slugfest between sony and Toshiba Multi-Billion dollar corporations and for them to brunt the cost. Subsidize. We saw it happening. As long as movie sales continued they could do it. sony would have been pushed into the corner with warner flipping the other way.

Now this is NOT going to happen.

It was never going to really happen though. If the market continued to move at the pace it has been (which isn't very good) ... I really don't think either company was going to go as far as you think with subsidizing.

They can only bleed so much money ...


Post Count: 9999
Comfort_Eagle said:
So, this is probably a stupid question, but im new to this stuipd Hi-Def movie war. Will i ever be able to buy movies like Hot Fuzz/ Shaun of the Dead/ 40 year old virgin on Blu Ray? I only have a Ps3 right now. So, is there any chance of those flicks coming to Blu Ray or do I need to buy an HDDVD player right now? If I do need Hd Dvd, what is the best deal out there? I dont want the 360 add on as that piece of shit has already died on me once in this past year. Amazon has some toshiba for $179ish. I just want to watch ALL movies in HD. :(

Assuming HD DVD does end up dying (or even before then, ie. if Universal goes neutral) ... then I would expect they will infact be released.


They can only bleed so much money ...

Bullshit..its a 40 billion dollar marketshare. These companies are worth that much total!

Lets say they take a 100 dollar loss x 1 million players. They gave paramount (- spielberg) 150 million (some say its more like 400 million).


OH SNAP! I'm just catching up on all the information after work. So New Line went blu exclusive along with Warner.



Phoenix said:
You act like there is no competition within a product line where there is growing interest for a product. If anything this pretty much guarantees a cheaper product better because the market has a single focus and all the manufacturers can start dealing with driving down component costs as opposed to hedging on whether or not the product they were producing would be purchased by consumers sitting on the sidelines.

It's amazing how people are applying console war logic to this.


AVS is a freaking madhouse. I don't even want to brave HDD's forums right now, god almighty!!!

The only way this would have played out even funnier with even more meltdown at those two forums would have been if Warner had kept their mouth shut and actually announced their Blu-Ray exclusivity at the HD-DVD CES Press Event . . . imagine the gifs we'd get out of that one!!! :lol


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
Bullshit..its a 40 billion dollar marketshare. These companies are worth that much total!

umm ... 40 billion is the marketshare for digital media ... that not only includes DVDs, but is a measure of revenue ... no profits.

A lot of that revenue goes to the studios, etc.

I'm not saying they wouldn't have continued to duke it out ... but if you were expecting quality players at $99 from both sides, as well as movies cheaper than DVD, well then ... you were kidding yourself.

There are limits.
VanMardigan said:
Yep. And how are you selling your HD DVD's? I was trying to figure out the best way. I know I can't get full value, but I'd like as much as possible as I build my Blu library. And yeah, I'm also keeping the exclusives until they're at least announced on Blu.

I have no idea. Maybe HDD, where all the die hard HD DVD fans are now. I'm going to wait until CES is over. Who knows what's going to happen. Toshiba might go nuts and offer Fox and Disney 1 billion each and we might be at square one again. :lol

I think what Toshiba should do now is embrace Blu-ray at CES and officially end this format war by announcing plans for a Blu-ray player (which will obviously be a clone), followed by Universal and Paramount outlining some titles for Q2 release.

Clearly, HD DVD fought one hell of a fight out of nowhere and that has to be commended. But now it's time to take on DVD and establish Blu-ray so we can all focus on movies and not which studio's logo adorns the spine of the case.

One last hurrah!



y'all should be ashamed
I dont understand why the HD-DVD CES thingy was canceled though. I mean, was it really going to be two hours of Warner or what? Or is the pullout really going to happen with HD-DVD?


It didn't take long for the "DD will prevail" and "DVD forever" people to come out to play. Hate Sony that much?

ugg both of these realites better not happen.

Blu/hd better release TV shows soon or both could happen.


Yea, sorta like some facist army stomping thru the lands, raping and pillaging all in their way. And HD DVD was the resistance army, and they have finally fallen under the huge weigt of the facist party, and soon all will fall into darkness and there will be no such things as "dreams" or "hope" ever again. That's how I see it at least

Haha, wow :lol


Post Count: 9999
shantyman said:

It's amazing how people are applying console war logic to this.

You're kidding me ... right? :lol

That isn't console war logic ... that's platform logic. How do you think DVD players got as cheap and as good as they are now? Magic? How did DVD transfers continue to improve? Magic?
I currently own around 71 HD DVDs and 19 Blu-ray Discs.

I'll keep buying Universal and Paramount/Dreamworks titles. Future WB titles will mostly be BD, but I still plan to get Pan's Labyrinth HD for the extra HD DVD features.


I'm not saying they wouldn't have continued to duke it out ... but if you were expecting quality players at $99 from both sides, as well as movies cheaper than DVD, well then ... you were kidding yourself.

There are limits.

WTF are you talking about onix.

you could get 10 dollar blu/12 dollar hd movies already 18 months later. My average price minus blade runner suitcase/harry potter collectors is about 12 bucks a pop.
99 dollar hd-dvd existed. It was only going to get better had this lasted one more year.
For $222 bucks you could have got 10-12 movies through amazon and 1080p.
Onix said:
You're kidding me ... right? :lol

That isn't console war logic ... that's platform logic. How do you think DVD players got as cheap and as good as they are now? Magic? How did DVD transfers continue to improve? Magic?

I think Shantyman was agreeing with him, and laughing along with him at the poster before (Nicodimas).


Unconfirmed Member
Well I am just ordered a PS3. This will definitely help the PS3 hardware sales a lot. However I don`t think the game sales will increase very much.


Post Count: 9999
Nicodimas said:
WTF are you talking about onix.

you could get 10 dollar blu/12 dollar hd movies already 18 months later. My average price minus blade runner suitcase/harry potter collectors is about 12 bucks a pop.
99 dollar hd-dvd existed. It was only going to get better had this lasted one more year.
For $222 bucks you could have got 10-12 movies through amazon and 1080p.

I was referring to normal retail. Not online sales ... that's different.

Please stop arguing the details, and concentrate on the point. I'm stating that assuming a continued price erosion at the rate we've seen so far, just wasn't going to happen. They couldn't continue.

You can't expect a multifaceted, publicly traded company, to simply go balls to the wall on one division's pet project. It just doesn't work that way.
chubigans said:
I dont understand why the HD-DVD CES thingy was canceled though. I mean, was it really going to be two hours of Warner or what? Or is the pullout really going to happen with HD-DVD?

I guess Warner were supposed to be playing a big part at it, and given the circumstances they'll have to revise it. But they mention that they canceled it and "postponed" it, meaning maybe they'll cut it at an hour or something and maybe present it on the last day of CES. Who knows.


quest said:
Oh come on lets be real. 399 dollar players and 29.99 dollar movies are not going to fly at all the the public. Neither of these formats are going to save the studios. The winner is just going to get a niche market. The average joe is not going to replace all his DVD players with blu players including the ones in the car/minivan. People are not going to buy movies 2x once for the blu player and once for the other players in the house car. If warner really was doing the best for the industry heres what would of happened. They would of said to sony ok we will go blu if you release a 199 dollar entry level player and lower licenesing fees to get movies to 24.99 instead of 29.99-34.99.

DVD Players were $500+ when they came out, and movies were just as expensive. That's how these things start out.


I may have misread the context ... but wow, you really shouldn't throw stones

I know..but if you did not know im not really the super serious type ya know?

But if you fuck with things I like atm you better be ready motherfucker!!

(hd-dvd, guns, capitalism, etc)


Onix said:
You're kidding me ... right? :lol

That isn't console war logic ... that's platform logic. How do you think DVD players got as cheap and as good as they are now? Magic? How did DVD transfers continue to improve? Magic?

I was mocking the person Phoenix quoted. I think you missed my point.
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