Sallokin said:My gf picked up a copy of The Fifth Element on BR for me today after my DVD copy just got too scratched (bless her). I noticed after watching it that it's not the remastered edition. My question is, is the PQ on the remastered edition worth the trip back to the store?
YYZ said:Band of Brothers > Rome
I enjoyed Rome but I don't get the insane love for it. One of the huge letdowns was Cleopatra, wtf. I was expecting some hot exotic figure and it turned out to be a dud. I wouldn't buy it on HD. Band of Brothers though, get it out ASAP.
YYZ said:Band of Brothers > Rome
I enjoyed Rome but I don't get the insane love for it. One of the huge letdowns was Cleopatra, wtf. I was expecting some hot exotic figure and it turned out to be a dud. I wouldn't buy it on HD. Band of Brothers though, get it out ASAP.
polyh3dron said:Mr. Opus GunJumper
Mifune said:I'm inclined to agree. Rome was pretty decent. While I loved Season One, I felt like Season Two was a vapid soap opera that abandoned the gritty historical grounding that made the first work so well for me.
Pristine_Condition said:Man, I thought the post-Caesar power-struggle was handled brilliantly in Rome: Season Two.
Pristine_Condition said:Man, I thought the post-Caesar power-struggle was handled brilliantly in Rome: Season Two.
MechDX said:I admit the format war is over and BD won but Bill Hunt is still the biggest douchebag in all of this format war nonsense.
Enderle is a close second.![]()
MechDX said:I admit the format war is over and BD won but Bill Hunt is still the biggest douchebag in all of this format war nonsense.
Enderle is a close second.![]()
Eel O'Brian said:he did a "Happy BLU Year" holiday e-card thing on digital bits, i'd say doing something like that automatically fails you out of the rest of your life
Indeed.. I love the DB website as far as info goes, but he slammed or made snide remarks about HD-DVD EVERY time he mentioned high defintion. pretty pitiful for a "Professional website"...MechDX said:I admit the format war is over and BD won but Bill Hunt is still the biggest douchebag in all of this format war nonsense.
OokieSpookie said:Yeah, I am sure amir , jram and others are much more rational.
racerx77 said:Indeed.. I love the DB website as far as info goes, but he slammed or made snide remarks about HD-DVD EVERY time he mentioned high defintion. pretty pitiful for a "Professional website"...
MechDX said:I admit the format war is over and BD won but Bill Hunt is still the biggest douchebag in all of this format war nonsense.
Enderle is a close second.![]()
Oh I know that goes for both sides. Its rediculous either way. I have both and enjoy both. This "mine is better than yours" attitude from these websites is pretty silly.OokieSpookie said:Yeah, go tell that to engadget and countless other sites who have their head up hd's ass, and they still try to pretend to be neutral.
Eel O'Brian said:he did a "Happy BLU Year" holiday e-card thing on digital bits, i'd say doing something like that automatically fails you out of the rest of your life
OokieSpookie said:Yeah, go tell that to engadget and countless other sites who have their head up hd's ass, and they still try to pretend to be neutral.
I dont think its that he preferred blu.. But every time there was something positive about HD-DVD he always had to bring it down.. not "transformers did very well its first week on HD-DVD" but " It did well... IMAGINE if it had been on BLU-ray! " It was like that ALL the time and got very annoying.Snah said:Uh. Why?
Bill Hunt was probably one of the most rational individuals in this entire ordeal. He's been saying what many of us have been saying for months. Just because he took a side (the logical side), that's reason to discount him? Because he wasn't "neutral"?
Who is disagreeing with him now? :lol
MechDX said:Up until about a month or so ago Hunt screamed he wasnt bias. You shouldnt go around preaching your "unbias" then suddenly state "I am a BD supporter".
Snah said:Bill Hunt was probably one of the most rational individuals in this entire ordeal.:lol
MechDX said:Up until about a month or so ago Hunt screamed he wasnt bias. You shouldnt go around preaching your "unbias" then suddenly state "I am a BD supporter".
Thank you for saying this correctly!Eel O'Brian said:and couldn't care less, to tell you the truth.
Agreed, Engadget is pretty much the mother effin winner of the Blu-ray Stealth Troll Award.OokieSpookie said:Yeah, go tell that to engadget and countless other sites who have their head up hd's ass, and they still try to pretend to be neutral.
Pristine_Condition said:I've been reading Hunt for about a year. I think his POV was pretty clear:
--He was never straight-up "neutral" because the two-format system made no sense as a market reality.
--He supported Blu-ray inasmuch as they were always the likely victor, (due to the greater studio and CE manufacturer support; this isn't bias, it is looking at the facts on the ground with clarity,) but never a supporter to the point where he told people straight-up to go out and get a Blu-ray player.
--Up until this week, his general position was something along the lines of "don't buy a player yet, or you could get burned."
--Now, he's saying it's pretty much over, and you can feel fairly safe about buying a Blu-ray player.
With this in mind, I never saw any inconsistency in Hunt's tone over this last year.
_leech_ said:
Onix said:Is there a bigger pic of the cover?
It's hard to tell, but is that from the scene where Arnold cakes himself in mud? If so, this is one of the better covers so far!
Me likey.
i swear they're doing this just to piss me off. yeah, sure we COULD put out Alien to coincide with AvP:R (shitty movie by the way) but... nah! lets put out Predator!ManaByte said:![]()
Same cover as the two-disc DVD two years ago. Probably will have the same features, but knowing FOX it could be another bare bones $40 disc. Why can they fill shit (FF:ROTSS) with extras, but do bare bones on good movies?
yeah, DVDfile's forums are probably the worst I've ever seen (granted, I haven't been to AVS or HDD due to reports in this thread). They banned people for starting a forum for the banned members of the forum. kind of like...well, I've said too much already.ManaByte said:The funny thing is that during the DVD era, Bill's site was the best and he was always professional about it even when killing off DIVX.
On the other hand, Bracke's site was worse with Bracke himself being super arrogant and pretty slimy in the way it was ran. Most DVD sites didn't like him because he sold his site to Interactual, which made the DVDROM playing software that was included on most DVDs. That sell out gave him access to discs that studios wouldn't send to anyone else. The head of Universal Home Video at the time was notorious for hating online media, so she wouldn't allow anyone review copies of DVDs, but Bracke was able to get them through Interactual, which used his site as a marketing tool.
With the HD era, the tables are turned. Now The Digital Bits is a marketing tool for the BDA, while Bracke's site is pretty much the best independent HD site out there.
At the rate their TV series is going, no Star Wars BDs until 2012 thenOnix said:Just as I suspected :lol
3D release, and BD release will be part of the TV ad campaign.
Are you running the latest firmware?ManaByte said:Anyone have any trouble with Ratatouille? I'm watching it on my PS3 and it loses ALL audio towards the end of the movie.
OokieSpookie said:Are you running the latest firmware?
Bill Hunt said:Just a quick update... the L.A. Times is now reporting that Warner's switch did in fact trigger Paramount's out clause with HD-DVD. Here's the relevant text from the story:
"Warner Bros.' decision last week to start making movies exclusively for Blu-ray players, rather than HD DVD, triggered an "out" clause in Paramount Pictures' contract with the HD DVD camp. An industry source said there was a significant possibility that Paramount would exercise that clause. It plans to decide within a month.
Paramount officials said they would continue to support HD DVD, a format for displaying videos in higher quality whose backers include Toshiba Corp. and Microsoft Corp. Universal Pictures, which has been a strong supporter from the beginning, issued no public statement on the matter here."
Meanwhile, the same story reveals that Toshiba has been in meetings with its retail partners about their continued support of HD-DVD:
"Toshiba said Tuesday that retailers have expressed their commitment to HD DVD during private meetings at the show, which is the world's largest consumer tech gathering."
As to whether or not retailers would abandon HD-DVD immediately, the story offer this comment:
"Industry executives said it would be unusual for retailers to abandon any format so soon after Christmas, for fear of sparking a flood of returns."
The plot thickens. The key thing to note is that it seems as if the remaining HD-DVD supporting studios plan to take their time making any major decisions, which is smart. It gives them time to develop their own plans, to see what the fall out from CES is, etc. So don't expect any more major announcements in the next couple of weeks at least. As we said earlier, everyone take a deep breath, and let's just have patience while we all wait to see how things play out in the next month or two.
Meanwhile, there's plenty of other CES coverage coming, so stay tuned...
Kittonwy said:I bought 310 To Yuma on BLU-RAY today.![]()
I couldn't find Sunshine on Blu-Ray, they have it on DVD but I'm not going to watch it on DVD.![]()
Damn u HMV.![]()
Hurray for Blu-Ray.![]()
ManaByte said:Anyone have any trouble with Ratatouille? I'm watching it on my PS3 and it loses ALL audio towards the end of the movie.
Just rebooted the PS3 and it doesn't help. All audio is gone in the last third of the movie. FUCK!
B-Ri said:i didnt have that problem, go exchange your disc.
ManaByte said:Got it with the TRU BOGO, last copy they had and they won't take back anything opened. I'll just have to buy another one someday.
You should have bought 310 Blu-ray movies instead.Kittonwy said:I bought 310 To Yuma on BLU-RAY today.![]()
I couldn't find Sunshine on Blu-Ray, they have it on DVD but I'm not going to watch it on DVD.![]()
Damn u HMV.![]()
Hurray for Blu-Ray.![]()
polyh3dron said:
ManaByte said:Anyone have any trouble with Ratatouille? I'm watching it on my PS3 and it loses ALL audio towards the end of the movie.
Just rebooted the PS3 and it doesn't help. All audio is gone in the last third of the movie. FUCK!
ManaByte said:Got it with the TRU BOGO, last copy they had and they won't take back anything opened. I'll just have to buy another one someday.