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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Post Count: 9999
Stinkles said:
We should also note that you pay for design and build quality, not technology with B&O. You have to be rich and stupid to buy their TVs, since their tech is usually outpaced by whatever the cheapest thing at Circuit City is. Nice desk phones tho.

As I stated above ... this is NOT true with some of the speaker lines. They are bleeding-edge designs in terms of tech. For example, their active BeoLab's were the first piece of tech to use ICEpower. The reason? They OEM it.

That said, yes ... many (most?) of their products are basically a high-end version of BOSE :p


Another interesting tidbit of information is about the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. As we all know, Paramount's deal does not cover Steven Spielberg films, and so Indy 4 is being prepped for Blu-ray Disc for release sometime late this year. Apparently, Paramount is reluctant to pony up the additional cost for the disc to be certified, so it may take George Lucas to personally step in and make it happen. Be sure to let Paramount know we want this!


I don't get that bit about Paramount not paying for it to be certified? But it looks like we are getting Indy 4 :D

I really want the original trilogy, love the movies as most do I'm sure.


I know this is a shot in the dark, but seeing as China has chosen players and a format that is nearly identical to HD DVD, what do you think are the chances of Toshiba one day releasing a firmware that allows us to play Chinese HD DVD disks? Since there is no region coding, and the Chinese market is likely going to be substantial, it might be a way for us HD DVD supporters to get content (from all studios perhaps) in years to come.

What do you think? Crazy talk, or real possibility?


Gold Member
FFObsessed said:

I don't get that bit about Paramount not paying for it to be certified? But it looks like we are getting Indy 4 :D

I really want the original trilogy, love the movies as most do I'm sure.

That site is retarded, Paramount would cover the costs for Indy 4 if it wasn't Lucasfilm. Paramount/Dreamworks would pony up the cost for anything Spielberg did through Dreamworks, but since Lucasfilm owns Indiana Jones and Paramount simply distributes it; Lucasfilm needs to produce and certify the discs. It was the same for the Indy DVDs as well as the Star Wars DVDs through Fox. So saying Paramount doesn't want to release it is simply FUD.
thaivo said:
I know this is a shot in the dark, but seeing as China has chosen players and a format that is nearly identical to HD DVD, what do you think are the chances of Toshiba one day releasing a firmware that allows us to play Chinese HD DVD disks? Since there is no region coding, and the Chinese market is likely going to be substantial, it might be a way for us HD DVD supporters to get content (from all studios perhaps) in years to come.

What do you think? Crazy talk, or real possibility?

Keep fighting that good fight :lol
ManaByte said:
That site is retarded, Paramount would cover the costs for Indy 4 if it wasn't Lucasfilm. Paramount/Dreamworks would pony up the cost for anything Spielberg did through Dreamworks, but since Lucasfilm owns Indiana Jones and Paramount simply distributes it; Lucasfilm needs to produce and certify the discs. It was the same for the Indy DVDs as well as the Star Wars DVDs through Fox. So saying Paramount doesn't want to release it is simply FUD.

Exactly. Paramount will only distribute the film. Lucasfilm is responsible for pretty much the whole thing. Including doing the transfer and audio choice.


Cheesemeister said:
No, from the Blu-Ray camp. Why commit to the format without a moneyhat in hand?
It's in the best interest of studios, retailers and consumers alike to get this over with immediately. I can't even imagine that a Blu-ray moneyhat would even have a slight chance of being likely, since they've already made the appropriate moves to claim victory. It would be a poor investment.

thaivo said:
I know this is a shot in the dark, but seeing as China has chosen players and a format that is nearly identical to HD DVD, what do you think are the chances of Toshiba one day releasing a firmware that allows us to play Chinese HD DVD disks? Since there is no region coding, and the Chinese market is likely going to be substantial, it might be a way for us HD DVD supporters to get content (from all studios perhaps) in years to come.

What do you think? Crazy talk, or real possibility?
FFObsessed said:
I don't get that bit about Paramount not paying for it to be certified? But it looks like we are getting Indy 4 :D

I really want the original trilogy, love the movies as most do I'm sure.

Maxpower said that we should expect a box set of all the Indy movies for holiday 08.

He also hinted at the Star Wars IV-VI being released in the same timeframe, going so far as to suggest that plans were place for release this past holiday season.


captscience said:
Maxpower said that we should expect a box set of all the Indy movies for holiday 08.

He also hinted at the Star Wars IV-VI being released in the same timeframe, going so far as to suggest that plans were place for release this past holiday season.

So um, I'm gonna go ahead and need that PS3 now :lol


Gold Member
captscience said:
Maxpower said that we should expect a box set of all the Indy movies for holiday 08.

He also hinted at the Star Wars IV-VI being released in the same timeframe, going so far as to suggest that plans were place for release this past holiday season.

Bull fucking shit. Again, this is LUCASFILM handling the DVDs and not Fox/Paramount.

Lucasfilm only has the resources for ONE major home video release per year. 2007-2008 was the three Young Indiana Jones Chronicles DVD boxed sets, which took about FIVE YEARS to put together.

2008 is believable for Indiana Jones due to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull being released on home video November/December 2008 and it would be possible for them to do a HD release at the same time.

But BOTH Indiana Jones and Star Wars HD box sets at the same time? No way. Lucasfilm is NOT that stupid to blow their entire wad in one holiday season. They'll do Indiana Jones in 2008 and then save Star Wars for 2009 or 2010 to cash in on the hype surrounding the TV series.

There were NO PLANS to release Star Wars this past holiday season. Lucasfilms sole home video focus was on Young Indy and getting the entire series out on DVD over Christmas and New Years (the third set is now set for April).

Lucasfilm is smart, "Maxpower" is not.
captscience said:
Maxpower said that we should expect a box set of all the Indy movies for holiday 08.

He also hinted at the Star Wars IV-VI being released in the same timeframe, going so far as to suggest that plans were place for release this past holiday season.

I would really love to see Lucas release a director's cut of Episodes 1-3.
Chemo said:
It's in the best interest of studios, retailers and consumers alike to get this over with immediately. I can't even imagine that a Blu-ray moneyhat would even have a slight chance of being likely, since they've already made the appropriate moves to claim victory. It would be a poor investment.

They can always hold out hope. Best to leave the opportunity for a moneyhat open and only go exclusive by market conditions than to declare exclusivity by one's own volition and eliminate any chance for a moneyhat.
ManaByte said:
Bull fucking shit. Again, this is LUCASFILM handling the DVDs and not Fox/Paramount.

Lucasfilm only has the resources for ONE major home video release per year. 2007-2008 was the three Young Indiana Jones Chronicles DVD boxed sets, which took about FIVE YEARS to put together.

2008 is believable for Indiana Jones due to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull being released on home video November/December 2008 and it would be possible for them to do a HD release at the same time.

But BOTH Indiana Jones and Star Wars HD box sets at the same time? No way. Lucasfilm is NOT that stupid to blow their entire wad in one holiday season. They'll do Indiana Jones in 2008 and then save Star Wars for 2009 or 2010 to cash in on the hype surrounding the TV series.

WTF is going on? Myself and Manabyte agreeing on 2 consecutive posts. Who are you?

Oni Jazar

I'm with Mana in that SW and Indy boxsets in the same year is about as likely as the pope getting circumcized.

I'd cut my penis though if it would help make it happen.
ManaByte said:
Bull fucking shit. Again, this is LUCASFILM handling the DVDs and not Fox/Paramount.

Lucasfilm only has the resources for ONE major home video release per year. 2007-2008 was the three Young Indiana Jones Chronicles DVD boxed sets, which took about FIVE YEARS to put together.

2008 is believable for Indiana Jones due to Kingdom of the Crystal Skull being released on home video November/December 2008 and it would be possible for them to do a HD release at the same time.

There were NO PLANS to release Star Wars this past holiday season. Lucasfilms sole home video focus was on Young Indy and getting the entire series out on DVD over Christmas and New Years (the third set is now set for April).

Lucasfilm is smart, "Maxpower" is not.

I'm not saying the rumor is true, as it certainly doesn't make any sense to release both at the same time, but isn't it technically possible for Lucasfilm to have both trilogies ready for Blu-Ray release?

High quality prints for both series have been sourced and digitized for recent dvd releases and HD encodes for the Star Wars movies already exist for cable broadcast.

Is it that much work to do the optimizations for Blu-Ray?


Get to da Choppa!

In an early announce to retailers, Fox has set an April Blu-ray debut for the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic 'Predator.'

One of the "monster" franchises of the '80s (along with the 'Alien' series), the original 'Predator' has long been on the wishlish of early adopters for high-def release. Now Fox has heeded the call to hunt, setting an April 15 street date for the Blu-ray.

With a full press announcement still due in the coming days, there are no supplemental details yet available, but we'll keep you posted.

Tech specs are set to include 1080p video and audio flavors in DTS-HD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround and Dolby Digital 4.0 Surround, plus a French Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo dub.
Oni Jazar said:
I'm with Mana in that SW and Indy boxsets in the same year is about as likely as the pope getting circumcized.

I'd cut my penis though if it would help make it happen.

Agreed, I believe though that it will be confirmed pretty much by this holiday season though that Star Wars is being worked on for a release next year.
The pilot for the cgi series hits next summer and a theatrical release is expected for it.
I would honestly not be completely surprised if they release the prequels early next year and then the trilogy that matters for the holidays.
The prequels will not require that much work and would be an effective lead in to the series.


Ain't It Cool News - Harry Knowles said:
NOW for rumor number 2... Paramount dumping HD DVD because Warners did. Not True. I generally consider THE FINANCIAL TIMES above such rumor mongering, but it seems some folks are eagerly advancing the complete and total obliteration of the HD DVD format. We're hearing rumors like Paramount dropping the format (NOT TRUE) as well as rumors that Sony paid Warners through the nose, because they fear that Disney and Fox may leave them (Also not true). There's rumors aplenty - I just wanted to settle these two HUGE rumors going around the net today.
You've got to be shitting me. A guy who essentially runs a movie rumor site is accusing other people of cheap "rumor mongering"......and then just a few words later goes on to spread his own totally unfounded rumor (Fox/Disney leaving BluRay). Was he paid off by Toshiba, and still hoping to get this month's check before the house of cards comes down?


Huh. Maybe HBO will now actually, you know, release some of their shows/movies in HD. Something other than the last chunk of the Sopranos.


Onix said:
That said, yes ... many (most?) of their products are basically a high-end version of BOSE :p

I would venture to say that everything outside their audio range is shit covered in super-sexy sauce.

I know many bankers who buy nothing but B&O. My cousin purchased an integrated home media centre (theatre, full apartment controlled hi-fi) for £17,000 last month. I just laughed. It was pocket change to him. It looks fucking hot though.


Laurent said:
Hey by the way, HBO is going... Nah, fuck it! You don't deserve to learn it for the fifth time...

HBO was confirmed on the 5th. They get to announce it themselves.

BTW Graffeo is surely going to be relieved from his position. I expect Alan Bell at Paramount might be out of a job too.
Penton popped in earlier and said pay special attention to Bill Hunt's update today, as they just got off of the phone.
It is now up

Alright... that's naturally not what any of you want to hear from The Bits this morning, so let's get a little update on the high-def situation. Home Media has confirmed that HBO is following Warner and New Line to Blu-ray exclusivity, as we expected. Things are still moving internally at Paramount and Universal. But at least for the moment, Paramount is denying that they're giving up on HD-DVD, and of course, sites like Ain't it Cool are latching on to that. So naturally, enthusiasts all over the Net are confused today. First, you'll notice neither studio is denying that they plan to go Blu - just that they're not giving up on HD-DVD at the moment. Second, look... we love the guys at AICN, including Harry. I mean that straight up, no bullshit. He's a good guy and he does a lot for movie fans online. But with all due respect, he's been a little bit behind the curve with regard to this high-def format war all along. So we'll leave it at that. I needn't remind any of you that before the holidays, Warner was still officially claiming that they were going to continue to support both high-def formats, and we all know how that turned out now.

We remain convinced that both Paramount and Universal are moving towards announcing Blu-ray Disc support soon, and we have real reason for that belief, not the least of which is that our sources in this situation are second to none - a fact which should be readily obvious by now. Announcements could happen tomorrow, they could happen next week, they could happen next month. We'd be surprised if it took longer than a month or two. We're hearing that Universal may not announce until February at the earliest, as we're given to understand that their contract period with the HD-DVD camp expires at the end of January. So everyone needs to just take a deep breath and relax. We know that's hard, given how fast things have been moving this past week. Rest assured, Paramount and Universal are going Blu, but sorting out all the legal details and organizing the logistics takes time. The Warner move was apparently well planned, but Paramount and Universal have only just started that process. They may or may not continue releasing HD-DVDs for a time - we'll have to wait and see. But retailers are now seriously pressuring the studios to go Blu, and we'd be surprised if many mainstream stores still have HD-DVD hardware and software on their shelves come next Christmas. I suspect that Paramount especially wants to be able to announce a few actual titles when they announce their Blu-ray support, and it takes time to get all that ready. Keep in mind that things have been extremely chaotic within the home video industry this week. So everyone just take a deep breath and try to calm down, while we wait for things to play out.


beatboy77 said:
Seriously, I am a "partial" insider. I own and operate Hi-Def Preview and Blu-crew.com. I have many contacts/friends throughout the industry and I have been told that Paramount has executed the out clause of their contract with HD-DVD/Toshiba and we should expect an announcement from Paramount on 1/10/08.

Another source mentioned that Paramount would take 7 to 10 days to make an announcement of Blu-ray Exclusivity after the WB announcement of last Friday, so that would put the date range at 1/11/08 to 1/14/08.

As I hear more information, I will keep you guys updated


Just clicked over to The Bits and wasn't having too bad a read when I saw this:

The Digital Bits said:
Fortunately, this format war is now virtually over... and not a moment too soon. The real shame is that it was prolonged by the HD-DVD camp six months longer than it should have been, the result of which is that thousands of people picked up HD-DVD players over the holidays and many of them are now pretty unhappy with that decision, and feel like they've been duped. You can bet there are a lot of HD-DVD players being returned to stores right now, and eBay is suddenly flush with them. No surprise.

*shakes head* Yeah, pardon the HD DVD group for not just rolling over and dying last year.

As I believe has been said in this thread before, the studios are to blame for this whole mess if anyone.

Better yet, Bill, take the high road and look forward, not back. If HD DVD keeps trying to hang on now, after all that's happened, THEN you can blame them for prolonging the inevitable.


OokieSpookie said:
I am as blu as they come without shacking up in a mushroom house and singing la la lala la la ok, and even I do not give beatboy any credit.
I don't know how reliable this guy is, I just thought it would be nice to add oil over the fire...
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