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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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bune duggy said:
yeah, that guy's nick is bune. hmm. :lol

lol, so it did work for you? because im about to go try, and im comparing prices with amazon and basically if the 10% works its cheaper with the coupon over at bb otherwise its not

edit: actually its not a deal whatsoever for me. I can order these all for almost 10 dollars cheaper on amazon with free 2 day shipping (thank you amazon prime) kind of ridiculous at the price gap
It worked but then, like I said on CAG, it depends on the cashier and how much they care. Just need to scan each coupon at the right time (during the first screen, not the coupon screen) and they'll both apply.

as a side, wth are the BB coupons never input into the coupon screen? So retarded and it really messes with the cashiers when I give them coupons. They always go to the coupon screen and I have to tell them to back out of there, like I'm their training manager or something. shit, man.
bune duggy said:
It worked but then, like I said on CAG, it depends on the cashier and how much they care. Just need to scan each coupon at the right time (during the first screen, not the coupon screen) and they'll both apply.

as a side, wth are the BB coupons never input into the coupon screen? So retarded and it really messes with the cashiers when I give them coupons. They always go to the coupon screen and I have to tell them to back out of there, like I'm their training manager or something. shit, man.

yea im just gonna keep sitting here on my futon and order them through amazon lol

edit: unless I can get The rock, Corpse Bride, Beerfest (24.99,14.99,14.99) 33 bucks for all 3 if the $20 and the 10% works


Saw everyone was posting their current collection so I figured I'd be cool too! I've watched nearly all of them, so if anyone needs some impressions feel free to ask.

Great article from this week's issue of The Economist.

Everything's gone Blu
Jan 12th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Warner casts the swing vote in the high-definition format war

IT HAD a green ogre and gang of huge shape-shifting robots on its side—but that was not enough to ensure victory for HD DVD, one of two rival high-definition video-disc formats fighting to become the successor to the DVD. On January 4th Warner Bros, a big Hollywood studio that had backed both HD DVD and the rival standard, Blu-ray, said it would drop its support for HD DVD from June 1st. This tips the balance decisively in favour of the Blu-ray camp (see chart). “Game over,” said one analyst; HD DVD would now “die a quick death”, predicted another. Blu-ray's triumph seems almost inevitable.

For Sony, the leader of the Blu-ray camp, victory would be sweet indeed. Sony famously lost a similar format war in the 1980s, when its Betamax video-cassette standard was defeated by VHS, which won Hollywood's backing. This time around Sony had two advantages: it now owns one of Hollywood's biggest studios, and it built a Blu-ray drive into its PlayStation 3 games console, thus seeding the market with millions of players. Despite HD DVD exclusives such as “Transformers” and “Shrek 3”, sales of Blu-ray discs outpaced those of HD DVDs by two to one in 2007.


Warner's announcement came on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show, a huge technology fair that took place this week in Las Vegas. It threw the HD DVD camp, led by Toshiba and Microsoft, into disarray, prompting it to cancel promotional events and issue a statement saying it was “evaluating next steps”. Only two of the biggest studios, Universal and Paramount, remain committed to HD DVD. Paramount, which had supported both formats, abandoned Blu-ray last year after Toshiba offered it tens of millions of dollars in marketing incentives. But under the terms of its deal with Toshiba, it can resume support for Blu-ray in 2009—and may be able to do so sooner if the deal has an escape clause. On January 8th Paramount said its “current plan” was to stick with HD DVD.

Blu-ray's victory would be good news for the industry, allowing it to unite to promote a single next-generation format as sales of DVDs start to decline (they fell by nearly 5% in America last year, the first ever year-on-year decline, and by around 3% worldwide). For consumers, most of whom have chosen to steer clear of both formats until a winner emerges, it would also be good news—except, that is, for those who have already bought HD DVD players. It is possible that HD DVD will live on as a data-storage technology for computers, suggests Eiichi Katayama of Nomura, an investment bank. But as far as the living room is concerned, HD DVD now looks like the new Betamax.


RaidenZR said:
Saw everyone was posting their current collection so I figured I'd be cool too! I've watched nearly all of them, so if anyone needs some impressions feel free to ask.


What software program is this?
Man, I really have a love/hate thing going on with Amazon.com. They have all these fantastic deals, including the current one they have going on, that I would like to get in on but they fuck me up the ass as a canadian. The site charges 22$ shipping or so for an order, mindboggling. The more mindblowing thing though is that they actually ship them from within Canada from their distribution centre in Missasauga. 22$ for shipping within my own country, insane. It's not so bad in the BOGO sales as one of the free BR's covers the shipping charge but now all the cheap prices are negated by the shipping charge. Please Amazon, I want to give you money.
Is there a reasonably priced Blu-Ray stand alone player out there that has the proper/complete hardware spec. No PS3 as I want to be able to use my Harmony and the bluetooth remote portion of the PS3 drives me.


Warm Machine said:
Is there a reasonably priced Blu-Ray stand alone player out there that has the proper/complete hardware spec. No PS3 as I want to be able to use my Harmony and the bluetooth remote portion of the PS3 drives me.

Just get a PS3 and a USB dongle so you can use your harmony remote...


SRG01 said:
Does the Harmony remote actually work with an IR USB dongle for the PS3?

I was under the impression that it did from people on this forum, though you'll have to confirm with someone that owns one.


Just for the record I just finished up watching the 3:10 to Yuma Blu-ray and the video quality is very good. Some of the more up close character shots are not as crisp as I wanted but I think that might be the way the some of the shots originally looked when it was shot. Despite that it wasn't that grainy IMO, it was pretty crisp the rest of the way. I would give it 4/5 in video quality. However, that shouldn't matter as this is a really good movie that should be purchased anyway, whether or not the video quality is average or not.

Also, their was a post either on this page or the last page where someone talked about how Blu-ray should have finalized their specs at 1.1 instead of 2.0 and how all the HD-DVD features that people touted like PiP commentary and Web connectivity weren't "that big of a deal." First of, PiP is a big deal to me and is also a big deal to people that I know that also own HD-DVD's. It's cool to see directors and actors talk about the movies and it's even cooler to see a making of featurette run PiP like 300 and Batman Begins. So before you try to brush off the one thing HD-DVD had over Blu-ray, excellent PiP, you need to realize that a lot of people take special features into high consideration when they buy movies. You don't and that's your loss, but if I am paying a premium for HDM, then I expect my money's worth. Not crappy fox featureless blu-rays.
RaidenZR said:
Saw everyone was posting their current collection so I figured I'd be cool too! I've watched nearly all of them, so if anyone needs some impressions feel free to ask.
How's the PQ/AQ in Apocalypto? From what I remember of it, that movie should be spectacular in HD.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Danne-Danger said:
How's the PQ/AQ in Apocalypto? From what I remember of it, that movie should be spectacular in HD.

Both are excellent. Great surround mix too. Sound effects in that movie are amazing.
Apocalypto does look amazing but I got about 10 minutes into the movie before I said to myself, WTF is this shit? I'll have to give it a shot again soon.


Don't know if this fits in the thread (probably not), but this short movie over at stage6 is awesome. 1080p montage called Adrenaline, it's about a few guys doing a free fall. Looks spectacular - both image quality and the scene itself.


I dont see the huge problem. People used to do this before in the thread, one person updated with each movie he got which was quite annoying, as long as it does not go overboard I dont have a problem with it.
Plus it has given me a few ideas of what I want to buy next. :D


in preperation for changing my body clock to stay up for the australian open tennis I didnt go to bed last night and I watched some movies i've been meaning to watch, 300 Blu-Ray (excellent film, excellent picture quality), Into the Blue Blu-Ray (suprisingly decent film with excellent picture quality, I just wish the lead lady was someone more attractive to make the most of the gratuitous slow mo shots) and Die Hard 4 standard def (watched this last and regretted it as I was missing HD, also that mac kid almost ruined the film for me, what a cunt)

I got 3 months free DVD rental online promo over christmas and I cashed it in and have Blade Runner Blu-Ray coming in the post, which I can't wait for.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Just got back from Frys and got The Rock and Con air, both of them have "current dvd owners save $10 by mail when you purchase this blu-ray"
captive said:
Just got back from Frys and got The Rock and Con air, both of them have "current dvd owners save $10 by mail when you purchase this blu-ray"
Too much hassle, they should just let you bring in your old DVD copy and trade it in for the current retail value of that DVD against the BD price.
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but the retail price of all Toshiba HD-DVD players have dropped almost 50%. $150 for a really nice upconverting DVD player (that also plays HD-DVDs) isn't bad, espeically when you consider the 7 free movies, and the prices all other HD-DVDs will eb when the format actually dies...
SlaughterX said:
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but the retail price of all Toshiba HD-DVD players have dropped almost 50%. $150 for a really nice upconverting DVD player (that also plays HD-DVDs) isn't bad, espeically when you consider the 7 free movies, and the prices all other HD-DVDs will eb when the format actually dies...

You can get a good 1080p upscaler for 99 or less to be honest, but I think you will see the hd players drop even lower in a few weeks.


Picked up Pan's Labrinth on HD DVD yesterday. It's one FINE disc, and has much better special features than the BD version I hear. Too bad it's the last from New Line.

I heard that New Line isn't likely to print anymore copies of this disc so thought it wise to pick up ASAP, that and I had picked up two copies of the Bourne Ultimatim during BB's B1G1 sale in December, so I traded in an unopened copy for Pan's. Had to pay and additional $5, but it was well worth it.

I loved the movie and had already seen it four time on DVD, and it'll likely be a candidate for repeated viewings for years to come.
thaivo said:
Picked up Pan's Labrinth on HD DVD yesterday. It's one FINE disc, and has much better special features than the BD version I hear. Too bad it's the last from New Line.

I heard that New Line isn't likely to print anymore copies of this disc so thought it wise to pick up ASAP, that and I had picked up two copies of the Bourne Ultimatim during BB's B1G1 sale in December, so I traded in an unopened copy for Pan's. Had to pay and additional $5, but it was well worth it.

I loved the movie and had already seen it four time on DVD, and it'll likely be a candidate for repeated viewings for years to come.

Same here. I just love the disc. I wonder what will happen to web updates on Warner and New Line HD DVD discs.

Gary Whitta said:
I wonder how cheap HD-DVD discs will go before they disappear...

It doesn't seem to change much for now, but I keep looking at the sales thread on AVS and HDD. Got The Kingdom for $20. Can't go wrong with that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
polyh3dron said:
Been waiting on a bogo or something to get the aviator.. but I fucking love that movie.

There still may be a couple bogos, but I suspect that there won't be many, if any for awhile.
I do however, once all of this is over in may, expect MSRPs to drop a bit, if not then by fall.
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